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Program Basura ko,

Linis ko!
The BALIK Program Basura ko, Linis ko! policy at Davao
Central College reflects a driven approach towards environmental
sustainability and waste management. This policy aligns with Republic
Act No. 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000) and
supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG
2015- 2030) by emphasizing the reduction and proper management of
solid waste, particularly for single-use plastics. Davao Central College
launched the BALIK Program Basura ko, Linis ko! in response to the
urgent environmental problems associated with the increase of single-
use plastics.This policy aims to promote responsible waste
management practices among the students, employees, and visitors of
the school. Through guidelines and protocols for the single-use plastics
ban, Davao Central College demonstrates its commitment to
environmental control and compliance with national laws and
international sustainability goals.
There are various advantages that the BALIK program policy
offers to both the campus and the surroundings. Davao Central
College works to reduce plastic waste and cultivate a sustainable
culture by promoting the adoption of non-plastic alternatives and
constructing drinking fountain for water refills. Additionally, educational
campaigns and monitoring mechanisms raise awareness and
accountability among stakeholders, leading to improved waste
management practices and a cleaner campus environment. For those
who are used to the used of plastic, the introduction of the single-use
plastics ban may present some early difficulties.
However, the long-term positive effects outweigh the short-term
inconveniences. While some may face penalties for violations, these
measures are essential for enforce compliance and promote a sense of
responsibility towards environmental preservation. Moreover,
establishing systems of rewards and recognition along with adopting
non-plastic alternatives encourage sustainable behaviors and a feeling
of community involvement.
The importance of the BALIK Program policy is seen in its
support of sustainable practices and environmental preservation. Davao
Central College not only complies with national environmental
conservation but also provides an example for other educational
institutions to follow by6 promoting trash reduction and limiting the
usage of single-use plastics. The program emphasizes the connection
between local activities and global environmental goals, further aligning
with global sustainability initiatives. In line with with the promotion of
sustainable practices, Davao Central College has established a system
of penalties, fines, and sanctions for violations of the single-use plastics
ban. These penalties act as disincentives and emphasizes how
important it is to follow the policy.
For the first offense, individuals may receive a reprimand,
highlighting the importance of understanding and following the
guidelines. Further offenses results in community or school serviceas a
form of corrective action, emphasizing the accountability of the violator.
Additionally, the third offense has a penalty fee of P1,000.00, wich
emphasizes hoe serious non-compliance is and encourage adherence
to the regulations. These steps are intended to make sure that the
policy is effectively enforced and to encourage a culture of
accountability for environmental sustainability within the school
In conclusion, the BALIK Program Basura ko, Linis ko!
policy at Davao Central College represents a driven step towards
environmental sustainability and waste management. Through the
establishment of guidelines and protocols governing the prohibition
of single-use plastics, Davao Central College showcases its
dedication to cultivating a culture centered on sustainability and
environmental responsibility within the DCC community. Through
collaborative efforts and collective responsibility, DCC aims to
mitigate the environmental impact of plastic waste and promote a
cleaner, greener future for generations to come.

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