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Self concept ) (
- (Social Comparison Theory (Festinger, 1954 -
/ , " .
- (Schachter & Singer (1962 : :


) (.

self-perception- . Bem .
Self Perceptions of Motivation- intrinsic motivation--

extrinsic motivation
- overjustification effect ,

Influence of Other people -looking-glass self
- egocentric bias

- hindsight bias
- Self schemas .
: ) ( .
schematic , aschematic .

Self Esteem
- Efficacy )( - ,

- (Self Discrepancy Theory - (Higgins "
" ) (actual self " " ) .(self-guides ,
- Promotion , , , , ,
Prevention-- , , , )
( (
Self Serving Cognitions /
"/ ".
-Self Handicapping

-Reflected Glory Basking in Cut off -

-Reflected Failure Downward Social Comparisons

self-awareness theory ,
, .
- Self-Focusing Persons private -public
)public image
- Ironic Effects of Self-control .

Self Presentation

:The Two Faces of Self-Presentation self presentation
, self-verification

- strategic self presentation
. 2 : ingratiation
) (to get along self-promotion
).(to get ahead
)self monitoring (
high self-monitors .
self presentation - - )self verification ).
low self monitoring ,self verification-

Social Cognition
- (The Change of Meaning Hypothesis(Asch the object of judgment
(.the judgment of object . (.
) Primacy effect ( -
) Halo Effect ( - "" ,
) , /( , .
- self-fulfilling prophecy
)- (Kelly - ,
. -
- Priming - )( ,
- Heuristics Amos Tversky & Daniel Kahneman

) The availability heuristic ( -

- /
)The representativeness heuristic ( -
- ,
)The anchoring and adjustment heuristic (
, , ,-

)The simulation heuristic ( ,
, )
- Behavior Mimicry ,

Attribution Theories

:Fritz Heider1958
.1 .

.2 .
.3 ) (
) (
.4 ) - (covariation ,
) , (.
Correspondent Inference Theory E.E.Jones : ,
.' :
.1 - ,

.2 -
.3 - ,
- Kelly's Covariation Theory -
3 1 .: ) (?
. 2 ) (?
- . : 1 -
? 2 . ) - (distinctiveness
? .3 ) -(consistency
) ( ?

, : discounting -
- principle )( ,
. - augmentation principle -
) (inhibitory
:counterfactual thinking ...
. .

: ) Fundamental Attribution
(Error -Correspondence bias Jones,1979 - "
" ) ( , ) (
) (
. .
- - The Actor-Observer Effect
. ,
- false consensus effect
- Self Serving Attributions


.2 " -

" ." , - .3 .
- .
0Weiner,198 2
) (

- :,

information integration theory
trait negativity bias .
- confirmation biases

) belief perseverance (

confirmatory hypothesis
self-fulfilling prophecy ) .

) -(Macrae et al., 1994 ,

, ) .
- -
, "" " ."
)( .


- )(
- System Justification "" )- (benign
, .
- outgroup homogeneity effect

outgroup-covariation effect
) (
- contrast effect
.1 :
. .2 . .
.3 .

Attitudes and Persuasion
- - , . -
: - Affect .1 . ? - Behavior .2
: ? ? - Cognition .3 :
, , , , ".
- - ,
: , ,
(theory of planned behavior Ajzen (1991
, .
" , 2 -
.1 : .2. .3
.4 -elaboration .)(
. .

, , ,
, , .
-(need for cognition (NC ,
, . NC ,
NC , , ,
- inoculation hypothesis"
- psychological reactance ,
- The Sleeper Effect -
, ,
, .
) Festinger, 1957
. )( .
, . ,
. .
- Doing is Believing -
, .
, .
) - (Justifying Effor ,
) , (.

) ( Self Perception Theory (Bem,1965 (

) Impression Management Theory (-
) Self Affirmation Theory ( - .
, .

Social Influence -

- Compliance "":
- Reciprocity . 1 . .
- Rejection & Retreat . ,
) "The door in the face").2. Likeability
/ - Consistency .3 .
- . - The foot in the door .
, , .
, - Low bowling .
/ , / ' .
/ - Social proof .4

Authority .5 . .6 .
)Scarcity( .

. ,
( - )Sherif, 1936
- (
.) Asch -1955


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