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Bible: We finished our scripture pop-up book and studied the Christmas story. Bible Verse- Psalm100:1-3 Due: January 18 Math: *Introduced hundreds, tens and ones. *Introduced the symbols < and > *We started working on our number scrolls. This is a project that we will work on all year. Reading: High Frequency Words: after, done, find, new old, work Skill: Draw conclusions Phonics: long o, u, e Writing: We had fun writing about Christmas traditions.

December 21, 2012

Reminders *Thank you so much for sending in all of the donations for the toy drive and the food drive. *Thank you also for all of the yummy cookies and fruit for our cookie trays. *Please note that first grade does not participate in the achievement testing the week of January 7.

Dec. 24-Jan. 1 Jan 14 Jan 21 Jan 23-25

Upcoming Events: Christmas vacation No School/Class development No School Book fair

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