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Chingford Hall Information

Week Ending: February 28th 2014

It is great that so many children have enjoyed the readathon challenge. Dont forget to bring in your readathon cards ( Years 1-5) with any sponsor money that you have raised by Thursday 6th March.

World Book Day

Next week, on Thursday 6 March, we are celebrating world book day. Children and staff from preschool to year 6 are going to be dressing up as favourite book characters for the day. There are some great ideas on the website. We hope that everyone is going to join in! Please bring 1.00 which will go towards our fundraising for Haven House.


Free story party This week, children in years 1 and 2 have been working with tutors from the discover story centre in Stratford to create some lovely pieces of art work. Their work will be on display at The Paradox Centres Story Party, next to our school, this Saturday, between 11am-4pm. Entry is free and there will be activities to join in with.

PE Kits

and sold them during break time. They raised 60.46 for the charity. Well done Charlie, Hilal, Hasaan and Jasmin.

Please ensure that your child brings their PE kit to school on their class PE days. We are very fortunate to have a specialist PE coach on Thursdays and it is a pity that there are some children that do not bring in their kits. The PE kit is as follows: Tshirt, shorts/tracksuit and plimsolls/trainers. PE is a statutory part of the curriculum and all children are expected to take part wearing the correct clothing. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Haven House An enterprising group of children from year 4 and 5 decided that they wanted to raise money for Haven House. They drew their own cartoons

Shine Saturday school starts again this Saturday, 1st March. We are looking forward to our exciting trip to the Harry Potter Experience this term. The school runs from 10am until 3pm.

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