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Week Fifteen

November 20th, 2015


a weekly look into the lives of the students of B116

Important Dates
11-24 Turkey Trot
11-25/26/27 Thanksgiving
11-30 Candy Cane Cottage
Class Shopping Day
12-5 Rocky Hill Parade

Weekly Objectives
Vocabulary - Synonyms and
Reading - Text Relationships
Grammar - Commas in a
Writing - Analytical Summary

Important Message
Class Thanksgiving Lunch is on

Weekly Reminders
Reading Logs due on Thursday
Agenda Books signed Nightly
Friday Folders due Monday
Reading Homework - Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday Night

The fifteen week was a week of thanks. On Monday,

the students got to look at the article 20 Most
Dangerous Walks to School. The article showed
students who walk up to 125 miles, 5 hours, and over
mountains to get to school. Also in the week, the
students took part 1 of their analytical summary
test. The test required students to break down an
informational text and type a five paragraph
response to the article. On Thursday, we had an
incredible Mystery Skype with a school in Florida
where we had to find their state and city. To end the
week, we finished up our story bird books with our
reading buddies, and celebrated the success of our
5th grade Coats for the Cold drive!

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