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Classroom rules

Opportunities to each these rules ( both

observed and ideas of your own )

- Teacher asks students how

they should move from area to area.

walk in classroom.

- Teacher punish students who

run in the classroom.
- When the lesson start, the
teacher told the students if they did
not follow the rules she will punish
- Teacher told them to pay
attention and listen to others while
they are talking.

Listen to others.

- The teacher praise the student

who listen to others.
- In the end of the lesson, the
teacher told the students who were
listening to others and pay attention
that she will honor them in the next
day by calling their names in morning
assembly and give them gifts.
- The teacher let the student
who was quiet to be her assistant.

work quietly.

- The teacher put sticker to the

students who are not talking.
- In the end of the day, the
teacher put a picture on the screen of
the student who was quiet and has
good behaviour.

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