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What is technology?
Technology is a body of knowledge used to

create tools, develop skills and extract or collect materials. It is also the application of science to meet or solve a problem. Humans develop technology with a specific objective in mind. Technology is a way of solving problems through the application of knowledge from multiple disciplines.

What does technology do for us?

Help us solve problems, makes our lives

easier, and extends our abilities to do things. Technology is used to develop skills or tools, both in our daily lives and in our occupations.

What technologies can you see?

How do these help to solve problems or

make life easier?

Imagine you live in the stone age and you have

ripped your clothes and you need to mend them, how would you do it?

How would you mend the same garment

today? What technologies now exist to assist with this?



unidirectionally, nor does technology exist soley in search of a problem to solve. The two areas exist to support and drive one another. Solving problems does require the development of new technologies which can then be applied to other problems.

a problem does not drive technology

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