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Code: R7310204

III B.Tech I Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations, November 2011

(Common to Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Electronics & Control Engineering)

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks *****
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Max Marks: 80

Discuss the static characteristics of SCR, POWER MOSFET , POWER IGBT. (a) Explain static and dynamic equalizing circuit in case of series connected SCRS? (b) Why SCRS are connected in parallel and how equal amount of currents can be passed through pallel connected SCRS? Discuss the operation of 1- full converter when firing angle < 900 (motoring) and firing angle >900 (Regenerative braking) assuming constant load current in the load circuit? Discuss the operation of CLASS-D (voltage) communication along with necessary waveform? Load voltage, current and compute the input of? Sketch the wave form of 3- full converter output voltage and current in case of firing angle=600? (a) Discuss the operation of 1- A.C voltage controller with R-L Load? (b) When firing angle > in case of the above case? An RLE load is operating in a chopper circuit from a 500 volts de source. For the load L=0.06 H R=0. For a duty cycle of 0.2, find the chopping frequency to limit the amplitude of load current excursion to 10A? Explain different types of PWM techniques in brief? *****

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