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Dukinfield East Residents Association

Meeting held on 15th May 2012 Present: David Bottomley John Heywood Steve Fisher Angela Carr John Bevan Kathy Inglis (DB) (JH) (SF) (AC) (JB) (KI)

Preamble to Meeting: JH confirmed that there were sufficient members present to form a quorum, under the rules of the constitution. The meeting, therefore, proceeded to the agenda. Review of Meeting Held 16th April The bins and tidy up at the shops is still on-going. Meeting with residents of the shops has still to be arranged with New Charter. Passageway between Chester Avenue & Cheetham Hill Road (opposite Kingsway) still requires tidying, a bin has now been placed at the Cheetham Hill exit. Linda Whyatt (LW), Resident Involvement Officer, has agreed to be our contact at New Charter. The map of the area indicating who owns what is outstanding with LW. Web site is still in progress with Astley Sports College Action JH. SF has spoken To Beaser Persimon about the land & he has been asked to put his request in writing. Action SF Progress report on T3SC: SF Dawn Acton has agreed to come to our next committee meeting to discuss funding. Update report on Time Banking Julie Flowers is contact for Newton, AC showed their news letter & will advise further. General info : Review of meeting with New Charter & St Johns The minutes of the meeting on 4th May & copies of New Charters constitution & code of conduct, were discussed. To obtain funding from New Charter we would have to sign their constitution & code of conduct, this was put to the vote of the committee, vote was unanimously against at the present time. JH to contact LW and advise of our decision and confirm they would be prepared to produce leaflets in future. Action JH

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Dukinfield East Residents Association

It was decided that we should have a code of conduct. DB to modify the typical example from the web and circulate for committee comments. Action DB AC has suggested investigating Lottery funding Action AC

LW in the next few months New Charter will be arranging consultation around the areas . LW suggested that the area current area, around 2000 homes, is too big to handle and that we need to look at reducing the size, printing & distribution was too expensive. This was discussed and it was agreed to keep the area as it currently is. Leaflet local area (see attached map) with larger area to be strategically targeted. Apply for ward funding. Action: JSH

Funding requires written plan, receipts and audited accounts would be required. Proposals for AGM agenda & date of meeting Email JH with items for the AGM Irvine has been invited to speak at regarding his garden. Collaboration with Astley Sports Colleges Jubilee celebrations JH to meet with Caron Sweeney, Business Manager, Astley Sports College to discuss and send an email advising her proposals. KI suggested a leaflet promoting DERA to be given to all students to take home. Other Business Next poster to ask for volunteers/committee members. AC will revise poster for next meeting, DB to provide original document & images. Action DB AC KI suggested community minibus as a project. KI mentioned the Dukinfield Forum & collaboration/merger possibilities. Finances DB advised members that the account balance is 25.00 Next Meeting: Public Wednesday 27th June Committee Wednesday TBA

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