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... ..t.


Eightieth Year



NEWS DIRECT fROM SCHOOL fOUNDED fOR 1---+f-~,\,lll-ror+LJ,.hen-A.-Il.f,{as~--;tAH{l..lam,ndrDecisimrTo Make

- --The rollowing item . clip), .:'d fr om
CO LUMBU S, ()lifO
ongre 8~- th e Indiunllp oli H Stll.. i ~ o f \l fI \l s u :d
mUll Martin L. iJlI\'ey wi ll hu\,' no' intl' l'esl til peoplll o ( th i~ l'i " ioiIY li nd
opposition in the prima ri(>s , ace ol'd - lI a l'\,,, \,"I1I1I).[. Wlt l' I'(' ~ I i ~ .. :,\ il'h"l . un
illg to poli tieiuns who ought Lo kn ow SI'(' lI t 'hl' I' l'lI d:; lifl':
IIIHI'Y I~ . l'\il' h" I, ,, ,, . 1111' fir ,1 "''' '"l1n
whut th ey're ta lking IIU OUt. It iH
th eir "pinion th ut Li l'ult' nunt-(;o\, - tv s"r:'" II' II lll e lll"'1' (,f Ih, Indian" I' no,. End Bluo," will .",t ucluully IIpulis ~l' h ",, 1 \" 'lI n l. ).[111" Ih .: I\)u'd
fil e for the OIliCl' althOll glt he hll ~ d~ - Hc hu" l. S U. , II, :I t F" I' I.,-.,ixl lt ,1 1'I.,.t
('(nl'ed hi s illt en tio n " f doinJ.r so. Tl.i - und (;" n 1'11 1 1\1' , ' II II l', il ~ nil ""'. ~I I. s
ue lief i. lwseu upon knllwl\'dgc of Ni cho ls"l1 s' I\,,d ,.n Ih, h"al'd rl',,11I
IJn,'ey's stl'l'ngth . They fec' l thn l ULU to 1!1I .1. F .. , t""nly -fil'(' yl ' II I'~
Bloo m ultil1lUlcoly will tukc thi. fuc - she WU K I'l'ifl ci pul "f II", 11Id illna IH,li:
tor into ennsl.,crlll ion unci de cline: t o Norm/ll Scho"l.
i\1j';;~ :'o: lI' h,.b" n 1<
nter. Ca nd idales Iille t o hav e ap- ' Ihl! "nly un " of II", tl,,"": 1" ' 1"" 11 <
proximately un <, ve n chuncc of win- honored nu w li vinJ.r . r\ ,cI",,", 1',,"1'01
ning. lin t! arc us ua lly r .. luetant lo rul e thut a 1'(' I'Slln 11I1 ~ t he Ill 'ud f ,.
enter u rnce in which Ihe odd s urc nne r~"r ul'(l1 n ,' Ihe honn r can h,'
all aguinst them. With Dav y II 2 ~ confe rred \\' 11 ' b U ~ Pl lIll t1 III tar "/1 "'.
to I (,,\Ooril<' over Bloom tlmo ng the
A tal>iel bl'a rinl! t!tc' na il ,.' lOr Ill<'
DCl1locmtic edi t" I'''. [I S di sclosed by )l~I' S "" hunon' d i_ I" hi ' p lll ""d a
a recent poll, a nd occupy ing II high- each of the ~l I" ", I " . TIll' ,," .) ut illn s
Iy ~lratigic position in c " cry other namilll( th e sc hllol" "'l"'" illlr" t1uel' d
respect. why should Bl oom make II by Mrs. Lillia" ." ',h, i,k. n\('I11I> "r "r
slIc rifice of lime und money to bat- the buard und (' hail'mll n " r th e' intie (01' cC'rluin defent? This is th' gtru ctl on eo nllllittce: .
q u estio n that n o liticians art' a s king,
At t.hl' I:lull'lu!'oiH Il of I h(' Ult' l't ifl1.:'
and i he only answer they can find Theodor e F. \, jnIH).[ul . pr('si t!e nt o f
is thal he won't 1,10 it. On t he Re- the sclw ol hll ll l' ,!, lud ll a t rilJUI(' In
pUblican side th e ti ituation is not so Miss l'\ich"I , ,," wilh thi , , 1:tte ll1e l1t:
clear. Attorney G(!IIcrlll Turner unci
"In nllmilll! a ,t ho, " fOl' ~I:II' )' E.
Cu ngrcssl11lln Jum es BegJ{, both avow Nic h 1 ~" l l , th e Io"" rd I,"> do Ill' it'l'l f
cd candidates. arC Ilrm cd for /I bat- fur grPll t(' r !tiltH'" Ih"n i ""lll t! pUStI e to the L/.lath. and no mlln eun pre- sibly loe,low " n ~I i ~s ~ irh" I "" I1 .
diet the ou tco me . Begg has shown
"1IIi ~s Ni ch.. lsoll is on, uf hl' l' ul II li llIe more st re ngth in small town s standing figur es in "Ill' l"H11 III II II il " .
and rural dis tri ct~, but Turner is Ob -, A beltcl- citize n. II mure con " dclllin~ s
vious ly strollger III the IlIrger com- lind able
<lul'utnr wc hn \'(' n (' \'~r
munities. The election will be close. had. Withul . , he is one of tl\l' mMt
refine d und lova hl e su uls thllt we
Tegardl ess 01' the winner.
"1\1is" Nicholso n ca used chool!)
One of the most ofte n asked Clue~
t ions in political ci rcles ut the pres- to b nam ed for her fri end. (,I('m ens
ent tI me is where liD the two an- Von negut, wh o ( 0 1' many ye llr. \Va ~
nounced ca nd idates for the Rep ubli- on ucLive me mbc r jf Lhi ~ boa rd. A s
can nomination for governor stand his gl'/lntl so n. I Hill 1l1 0" t j:(rntl'f ul tu
on the pres identilll question. The chance ' nnld; fa te. th ai I am a mempresent ('on test for t he Ohio delega- ber o( this bO ll r I nnd hU"e ha d this
ti on to the nati ona l co n vention in unique opportlmity tit l' xp n'Ss my
Kansas City has brought abo ut some nppreciation of ~Ii ss Nicholson's
strange combinutions.
Everybody kindness. nnd or her greal sel'vices
knows that both Senator Frank B. to the ~ cho o l cily."
Willis lind hi. monager, Col. Carmi
A. Thompson are "drys" in every
sense of the word, while Eddi e Turner, Republicun candidate for
governor. openh' opposes the only
dry organiUltion in t he state, th e
anti-saloon lengue. It wou ld be ralh- .
er interesting to kn ow whe ther Turn er will support the candidacy of an
The follow in g invitation hils been
Ohio man (or the presidl'ncy or will
join the Bull Moose movem ent !Jllck iss ued to nH!mbpr. of the Miami Valof another candidntl'. If he does he ley oo pe rative Milk Pro ri~lccrs uswill be compelled to su pport the dry- sociation in t his Rt'cti on :
Yourself und fumily ure in\"it ed to
est carlqidate on any ticket, and ~ "i n
'issues with the anti -Saloon leaguc in altc nd t h sec ond annual mee ting of
aiding Senator Willis.
ongressman the Miul1li \ allcw Cooperative Milk
Begg is jUtit 0 8 mum on the issue and Producers Assn .. na~1.on . on Tuesday
so far has fou nd lhut silence on hi ~ Murc h 13, I !l28 - n ll-d~m ceting.
re noo n.
part is the proper attitude to tllk e \ isit the creamery in the
Ilntil af-ter the April primaries. It registe r and receive special pnTkin"
may be that these two R epublican prj viJege. F'r e lun ch ut 10 :30 to
candidates for governor will be per- I ~ :30 at creamery. 138 Mnplc stre et.
mitted to . declin e to state t heir ,stand Mu sic fl'om 12 to I ut Y. M. C. A.
on the presiden tia l nomin ecs, but it a ud itodu Ill . l\f eet inJr call ed to ""de r
is the right of all voten to know by pr('sidC'nt promptl y a l I p. m .. in
where they stand and dol(ging of is- ). M. . A. The im' cfltio n will be
sues a8 well as candidacies isn't u rh- give n by R (' \" . 1m Bl oc hl!r. Mu s;c
gestible iss ue with most Ohio Re- by MI'. lind MI'S, lJa tflel\l , Who pI ny
the violin and uccordi on. "h OH talks
by prominent sp<'lIke rs.
All milk lind ('1' ('11111 pl','d uc I" in the
Director of Highways. George F.
Schlesinger, calls attention eo t he Miami \" nlley are l'lll'm!~ tly urged to
fact that many of the companies elec- attend this me etin g.
ting billboards for tho purpose of IIdvel'&ising along the high ways' lire clear
Iy .imitating the stll ndard warning
sigas being used by the department.
Although these billboards arc not nerT he W. C. T. . an<l L. T. L. mothrnittdll within the right-ot-way line, ers enjoyed II cnvCI'ed dis h ' lunch at
t hey are often so located that they Ihe h me of J\lr~ . Gc o r~e Mills. la sl
become confusing and deceptive de- Wednc:Mn y. FOllowing the IUllch the
stroying the efficiency of the s~ nd - meeting wus opened by devot.ionals.
ard highway warning sign. In some conducted by Mrs. A. . Watkins.
states legislation has been proposed Dr . A. _ Watkin s gave' llIi I'xcellen t
which would prohibit the erect.ion of address. lind the L. T. L.'s ga \'I' a dc' billboards, refreshment sta nds, etc., mon stratio n. "The Men and Wome.n
In a zone along each s ide of t he high- of Tomorrow." Allogethe l' it WIIS a
way right of way. The purpose of delightfu l duy.
such a law would be to preserve the
--- - - - --natural bea uty and scenery tha t" is
often hfdden from motorist by unsightly commercial advertisements .
Officials of the State Automobile af!.oelation have expressed themselves
as antagonistic to the erection of advertising signs that are 80 similar to
the highway warning .!Iigns that they
Sunday Sch o01 9 :30 n. "m.; wordetract from the effectiveness of the
10 :3 0 it. m.; preachi ng, 7 :30,
latter, and consequ('ntJy, in,crease the ship
Wednesday even ing.
hazards of motoring.
Special- We ha\'e aguin bel' n IIble
to secure t he young men's Cjuartct
With the probnblll t.y that he will from Ci ncin nnt i. They will be with
have no opposition for the Democrat- LIS t his Sunduy
ic nomination for United States SenC. R. HA.RVEY, Postor.
ator, Cyrus Locher, director of commerce, Is findi'lg the demand for his
tIme beyond his capacity to fill. The
director Is one ef thl' most able ora- 9 : lli, Sundny School; 10 :31), preach
tors among .state officials, anO, his ing service. s ubject, "Spiritpal Famdiscussions are of his own department ine"; 7 :00, subj ect, "Learnin g to
business wh ich concerns every voter Work for God."
In Ohio. He has not. and will no t ,
Aaron S. Watkins, L.H.D., Paltor.
accept ' invitations that interfere with
his official work, bu t Is so situated
. . that he can make night t, lps to many
cities In the state returning early
Bible Sohool at 10 :30 a. m. Get
.. . next morning. Each week- end find s into the interesting contest 'with Leb": him In cities further away, and hill anon school. All are welcome. ,
present planll ore to accept speaking
engagementS wherever It does not In:
terfere with his social duties.
And .
no more .ble arguments and InterestST_ AUGUSTINE. CHURCH
hlg facta conoernlng both atate and
Sunday, J\{arch 11, gervloe~ at 10
national affairs are p08slble than a. m.
thOle made' by Mr. Lochf/r,.
Father U ion, Pastor.


Covered Lunch

Whole Number 579Q




The rep ort elll'ds wer e gh' cn out
lost we ek. The [oll owing pupils orE'
on th hon or 1'(,11. The y hll vo an A
in eve ry SUl.j<'CL f"I' llll: nl vnth :

----... ...---.Notice

We are i~xlous to know .who the

l..I.lo. wal who ""Itnessed ' the auto ac
""W , . near the Power f{ouse, Feb28, 1928,
, W. 'do nllt, In any way, hold her
napon.lble for the accidont, b)1t
woald be .'glad of an), 'Informat\qn
Mae mwht alVl UI.

' :!!i~t





FJ'c ~h lllt.'I1 -.

Ucatl'icc Hobit . er.

Charles Whitaker
SO lJhonl orc- Nolie .
Juni or(; e n va Denlin;:~ r
Se niorsE lizabeth Bransll'ator

- -.--. ~

- ---

The Sen io rs had a 1I1 CClIIlg J:., -L

week and sell' cte:d th eil' ll1 \'i l a li~ n " ,
card s 3ml fl ower, I he whi te rose. They
already ha'al th e ir colors II Itich arc
green and white.
The Wa shingt on and Lin 'oln 1,ro gl'lll11 given by the .Iun io r tla!.s lust
week wa s II great success. ~cvcrnl
vi sitors were pIcgent.
The Smith-Hught's b oy ~ IIIllI lltr lB c
Eco nomic g irl s will enterlain theit
parents, school bOIll'd, Ia 'uliy and
hack drivers with a bunqu et on the
eVllning of Murch 16, 1928. A yhort
progra m will follow .
Liste n for the reading of the mysterio us letter in the "Love Pil'llteg"
from Hawaii, at the Gym Friday eve ning.

Boyd Hcn'cterson will certainly

make fat meat if t he "Pirates" carry
out their bloody design, Friday night
at the Gym.
J\IlIny n' good wife has been forsook
For the want of a good cook book.
- Pirate Chief_

John Od eO F alkinburg
It has been' our pleas ure in recent months to offer to our readers,
through the columns of the Gazette,
a series oj' articles f rom the pen of
\\Ir. J . 0_ Falkinburg, and today
101 1'5 . W. H. A lien was in Cincin- it is our sad duty to chronicle his
Mrs. Seth Cook visited relatives io
nali Thulsday.
death, which occurred on Sunday at Wilmington last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Waller Cast were in t he home of a n iece in Carlil!lle, Ohio.
Mrs. Vern Hough spent Tuesday
Xenia -atul'dIlY
Mr_ Falkinburg was a Waynesv!1le with relatives at Maso n_
pro duet of whom we have occasion to
tw ice Gr eting
ards and Mot- be justly proud. His eQucati.on in
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Allen were
loes 'It ury's 'J ew elry hop.
the school room was o.f very hmited Dayton visitors Mondayextent but by diligent efforts on his
N_ P . .Jordan and T om Pierce made
part he 'became one of the best
Our Spring line of Wall Paper is
a bus iness lri-p to Duyton last Sat- equ ipped lind best known ed ucators herc--150 patterns to select from,
in t his part .of the state. After a all carried in tlto ck at Hyman's .
few years of teaching in Warren
Miss Mary Thomas, of Dayto n, was
coun't y, he took charge of t he school
Mr8. Ethan Crane and so n' spent
the week -e nd guest of Mr_ and Mrs. at 'Delhi, a Cincinn'ati suburb, where
Thurllqay with Mr. .and Mrs. D. L.
N P. J ordlln.
, t
he was sup ei'lrtt nde1l't: unm~ tbe yea Crane.
Our Spring line of Wall Paper is of his retirement.
At an early age Mr. Fslkinburg enF_ M. Cole and family spent Sunhel'e- 150 )lllt\erns to se lect f rom,
listed in the naval branch oC the ler- day with :frienda at Williamsburg,
ull carried in stock at Hymnn's.
vice during the Civil W ar, and served Brown county.
lIIr. and Mrs. E. W. Hughes, of Co- fo r some t ime after the close of
lumbu s. I\' Pl'e "isit"rs at t he home of the Rebell:ion, doing valiant service
Mr. lind MI' ~ . N. P. J ordan, Saturday [or his cou.ntry.
He wss t he father of five chiJd'ren,
Tuesday. Thursday nntl Saturday one of whom die d in infancy and two
Dr. Rud,\lph , l he eyesight specialist, met tragic deaths; two sons, Arthur
Mis8 Kathryn Kemple, of Wilm ingis at lII'y's J ewell'y hop, Lebnnon, and Frank,. both of Atlanta , Ga., together with the widow, survive.
ton, spent th e week-end with Miss
Mr. Falkinburg n ever 1000t interest Bernice Hyman.
A. L King re cc nlly p urchased a in Waynesville nor her people, and
Misses Doris and Ru t h Salisbury
Gru nt. . BusLer g<, lt, weighing 4 00 was always ready and willing to perpound s, fl' OIll the Wol( Bros. farm in form any servi ce in hi~ power for were week-end guests of Misses Mihis old home, his last appearance be- riam and Frances Ellis.
In diuna.
ing when he delivered t he Memorial
No finer watches than the Gruen
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. 1\[. Henderson, Day oI:~dre ss last year.
Mi ~~ EH h " . II ' nderso n and Mr. Boyd
The burial se rvices ar e being con- for the boy or girl graduate. Have
Hendl' l'"o n 81'1' II t . unday at Oxford ducted todllY at the cemetery Chapel. you seen them at Cary's. Jewelry
Shop, Lebunon, Ohio .
'vit h Miss DOI'is Hen rlerson.


Card of Thanl..

We wish to extend our heartfelt

thunky to our fri end ~, rclatives and
neighbors for their kindnes.s and sympathy s h own 11 9 in our reccee<DDltLbb4Q",z:.~allilv~e_---:":::-'-~
ment. Also for floral .tributes, the
Rev. Osborne lind sillger, Miss Emley. and McClure & Son f oI' t heir efficient manner in co nducting the eervices.
Mr. P erry Haltsock anU Children_

Gru en . Hamilton, Elgin, Waltham

and Illinois watches, all reliable timepieces, a t Cary's Jewelry Shop. LebFrom a r'eliable so urce we have the anon, Ohio_
informatio n that the canning plant
------------Little Harry Matthew Turner, of
Remcm L 1', we nrc hcndquarters in at Corwin, operated for a long time
Warren county {or Grll<'n Watches
a nd ")'0 II l'e x" s ilverware. Cary 's ny, and of Irecent years by the Wheel- shnring his visit with hi. paternal
J eweh'y . hop, Lebanon, Ohio.
ing Steel Co., has bee n sold to the and maternal l!'J'andparentl.
Under a Covington. Ind .. date line,
II recent issue of lhe In dianap ol/.i
Roxa nna Canning Co., a corporatiop
Mr s. Edi lh Harri ~ , :Mrs. Laura comp05ed largely of Lebanon rcai ~b. and J,!r8, Hllr1lld Orsborn had News has the following s ketch of u
lIIosher MI'. Ha l'l'is !\los her mid Mas- dents and officered by Dr. RobeJ1 os their dinner guuta on Sunday, Mr. former Waynes ville gi rl :
At 1:3 0 o'clock on Wednesday afte r Pau l Zimmernmn were ' dinner Blair, presl'r(ent a nd Mr. F . B. Post, an.d Mrs. Ed Gullllld&" of Five Point,
Teuching for sixtY-five YCll rs an d tcrnoo n, ill GI'a llge ha ll, Wayn Cllville,
gues ts of MI'. und Mrs. Ronu ld Hllwke secretar y-treasurer.
MI'. Fred Gullady, of Middletown, still active in \ocr pl'ofc _pioll. in her 'ounty Ag n t Cl nss an\J1 J. A. SHpher
on Sunday.
It is the expectatjon that the plant Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and daugh- eighty-first year, Mi ss Olive Coffeen . o( O. S. ., will di s~uss soil ferWity
will r es umo operation s this rummer ter, Barbara.
ofthi8 city, hofd,s nn unu sual record. and n op improvement as a basi.. Cor
ChoC'Ring ( for parties or small url"cr tho Bll per vision o f Mr. A. 0 . .
I h 'Id
mOI'c profitable farming.
gifts (01' an y o cca ~ i(l n need no t be Griffy. manager of the Roxanna plan t
Hou5ecleanln~ time I Ha\'e your ot~~~ fi~~t p~~~:
A two-reel motion picture film will
I ~~~n\~h:r.r~~
nn arduous blSk but a delightful elt;- We believe t ha t the community is to old pieces of Silverware, bra III, etc . was first engaged us instru"to r at illu strate the neeld, nse ' and sou I'ce
pel'iencc by visiting Cary's Jew elry b'e congratulated on t his lillie 85 it replated and refi~18hed 80 it loo~s Veedersbu l'g.
nnd l11anufacture of fertilizers " The
.' llOP, "Tho Home of Gi (ts." LetJanon puts the fuctory in the hands of a like new, a~ Cary I Jewelry Shop, In
Her fath er dead . ~he WtlS (orced 1nvio T rip" will show elcveri State
company which is in s ucc essful 011 6 Lehallo n, Ohio.
to become tl!.c br.iaclwinner fo r l he experiment farms and many other
fa mily aud for many years support- plae ' 5 and things of inter est.
Mrs. Elvin ;Fires e n tertul n e~ at
- .- _ .
Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Schaeffer, Mrs.
. '! "ssr s SII'pher
d CI
'11 d,. ~.
ass WI
ISAnna Cadwallader, Miss Clara Lil c e d her mot hel' and thrce yu un .,""r s isth
dinner, Satu rday, Miss Marie Shutts,
c l a ~s WIIS taught when cuss
profof Ci ncInn ati, Mrs. Albert Shutta,
and Miss Emma Heighway motored
't bl ... d ! f
to Cincinnati Sunday afternoon alld s he wns only s ixtee n. For many II' a et ,,10 0d Iertilizers, the use of
lIIl'~. Lowis Fires an d Miss Fl08sle
years she ,,>:a 5 professor of mathe- Im es one an
egumes and the imFires.
County Agent Class wishes to ex- called! on the Barnharts. They found matics at Indian ll university, nnd la- portance of good seed and proper
tend a general invitation to all poul- Mrs. Barnhart feeling better than she ter at Austin coll ege at Effingham, va ri eties for t he various soil types
Your eyes, the most beautiful and trymen, farmers and far m women In- has' for a time.
Illinoi s.
of W.arre n count y_
DIamonds. We supply customers
She attribu tes her good physical. ThiS is one of nin e similar meetthe mo st delicate structure of tbe bo- terested in poul try, to attend th4)
dy morc righ tfully deserve guarding Thir\4 Annual Poultry and B.lby from Cincinnati, . Dayton, . Middle- eondlti on to regular habits, a cold lO gS held by Cluss anU Sliphe r, so
than any other of our vital tre\lsures. Chick meeting, to be hel<l In Grunge town, etc., because our quality and bath every mor ning .. long walks, no ull farmers o f Warren county will
Have Dr. Rudolph, t h e eyesight speo hall , L ebllnon, Saturday, March 10. prices are right. Cary'. Jewelry breakfasts, very li tt le meut lind alb- have Iln opportunity to attend one or
lalist, give your eyes II free examlna- The meeting will begin promptly at Shop, Lebanon, OhIo.
pIe rest.
more of them. The n ext nearest
tio n Tuesday, Thursday, or Satur- 1 :30 p. m., by showing poultry mo
- - -_ - - - - meeting will be at Lebanon ' Gr unge
day at Cary's Jewelry Shop.
tlon pletur'l films from Washington,
A miscellaneous 8hoJVer W8S given
hall, Thursday evening, Marc h 15th.
D. C. Mr. Scott Whlttt cre, R. E., Louise Smith last Thursday ev
Mrs. Keziah Thomps on celebrated Gray and othere will address th;1 ening. About slxty-flve friends and
her 87th bi rthday, Sunday, with a meeting.
school matea, were preaent. The bride
Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S.,
family dinner, 'h er oQildren and .grand'
Plans foil' 4:H Poultry olubs will r~ceived mallY uaeful and beautiful will meet in reg ulur session Monday
children ' bejng llresent to wish her be fully ex:plam!!d, and all boys and glfta . . Tbey all .departed at an eilrly evening March 12 , at 7:30. Visiting
Miami ' Valley Council ' No. 108' Jr.
Oovers were laid 10, girls who Clxpeot to join this year, hour wIshing much happiness for Mr. members welco me.
0 _ U_ A. M. , had quite a good time
Mr. and Mn, Charles . Meycl'lI, Mr. are urced to be present. .
and Mn.. Harold Smith.
at their regular meeting last Friday
Charles He~der80n, Mr . . and M,rlI. . A .urprl~e .poul~rr teature, or
Let u. '~ftt )'Qu" with a Parker
SU SAN HAWKE, Sec'y: .
evening. The newly reorganized de~T. MARY'S CHl,1RCH
O~arles Morrlsotl,t all of 9 in clnnatl: stunt, 18 also bemg' planned.
. Duotold Pen'; . help you select the
gree etaft' finished exemplifying tbe
. .'
Mr. ,George Thompson, of - Loveland,
-' ~-
Parlier point tbat wits -; ,0\11' hand
ritualistic wOl:k' of the order for
. March 11,
. Thll'd Sundny In Lent. Mis.,: Ml\rjorlll Campbell, ' of ' Dayton: .
eueUy. Come In and trY tHem out VALUABLE PRIZES AWARDED' first class of candidate!l-8 nd a .claU.
Church ,Sd
\' at ~:Sl(ld 3:o:nl~g Mr. a"d Mrs. ?tI.llton. Thompson and
Je.. e~ ~bop, ~ano~ O.
nobert Vandnrvort- received .:
of splendid young men .it was, too:' , .'
pray~r an ser~lon a
: d' QPd 0, sO,n, ~~e ' and ~r. Joe Thompson, of
. "r
;iter the work reiu8fime,nti werJI '.
"~cl!e(." t S7er3vOIce ~very W e pes a Wa)~es'(,ille\.
: "A falr.sliled auWen~e wi~eu"d
Th, r~~~ mutine ot, t~e , Y/o- first prize on:ered a t the eU?~ Gar- 'Berved ,i.n ' the banquet hajj by Bro.. .
evemng .a . l .
"Eyea of. Love," ..... ple.. \n' co1l:tedy 'man'. Auxilliry of st. lIalTa
month. of February, .$20 W. P.
L_ 'Nletiqlaon add / . s.: .
~ev. -;Tohn J . Schaelrer. Rector.
A tift of s U"er ,111 auuMd-. a wel- in three acti~ which wa~ presellted at win be hef!ll with lin. ;&arrIiI an~ In eaab; IIcond pnze wen't to. B. V. Strouse 'Qulte a l'OocUt aumbft
come_ if It's "Yourex SUveneal" tJle GYIII lalit, Friday night un4er the lin. Kolber on Fri.y, Jlarc\l 9, Smltb, ten !fal1on!! of guollne, and membe" and IOj01lrnm. II~
-you ohoose fo r the Ifraauate or );rld, 'a aplen o~ the Sprina-boro Granee. at . 11:46 f o'c1~k. ~1IiII Ca~e the third Ptile was awarded to Hell- joyed the oceuillo. '
'. '
. you , have the be~. , ,Beautiful pat- The q.1'Icttn ..ppropr!'a~11I1orrlaoll, of CIIlelDMtt, DiOCllUl 'f7 Weaterman,6 pllo~ of lIIo'lne..
. ._ . ' . .'
Sunda)' School at 9 :80. . . EVery. terns to aelect from 'at ear,'. .J.wel~ CMt aiad . ~. ~e~tlolll . . . pruldellt, will he with U 1Ul~ ta~ 'Di1rennt articl~ will -. alven "each
bodr cordIaIIJ IDYlted.
fJ . Sbop~ Lebaaon; Ohio,
t.Q _ . . tIdI tbu.
.. a.Ua,
The Co-opel'n l h' e ocie-W- of St.
Mary 's chlll'eh will m eet nt the home
of 1\11'5. O. L. , TIm, on Thurs day afternoon. ~ I Ill'c h 8, at 2 o'clock.

Canning Plant Sold

.. -- ..

Teaches 65 Years


{ .I


"The Movie Trip"



Order Eastern Star

____ _ _

Initiated Candidates

'"Ey .




~o'r _th~







of the Leading Po1i ~tcal Parties.

h ou e You.' c.andida te


Meredith Nicholson

[ --


;", ,.,...........

1\\ \\Iuh :\\~ a1

ff el lli t~ (. party: h u t thnl

Iw {"'t l uld hall' I1w dl t al\d a pn' cialno


l'''\(,ll l':-i,ll\

thn)l1}:h th(" inn

Arch ie Mec h New Fri e nd .

,\\' h ll tl

l ll'

r C' lllrUfl'd


" \Id,


III t',

\'~ '1I1'

}'I' (al'l1l '

hnd n ot qllf~ l i.


\, 111 1

lIrp'lt't l l l','

h i ~I :\

I "

t , .. :




H ~ kill~ n il
1I1~ 1': l lil lld t ,

t' IHt' l'l' d Intu AITh it':-. ~ 1'1' l'u l!l ti oll" a .... fll r yt .l1 I I ' ,d 11\ II I , \ . 1 I a :-- Illn ll Iii I'
tH h\;:. fl'lt ' llil' ~ Hh~ l nCt' .
Tht" 'l ' " a ~ ' " II~ \\ h ."
\ "il iI t ' , II! , d :t ." ; lIl 11 u 1
. t ,.
IIH' 11' ).!'lI", tIl ;1 1 I,., d 111111111 I (. du I,,, lit',
P : lIu r pH rl
l -:(\\"' 1"110 1 lin
lilt ... :\t\.111~

'a".' ,Ir ssintr anti mnll il\.::tt.' tI f l U ": Ul' ... cnr :1WJUh,d hi ~ I' l l.a~ .
" rt's., thnt lh'

p .


Illltn' "

~ \\ir\ ly ,' town t h" I :\{lf~l.'r.


11 ' )1l}.! tl 11..' I 1 ttl t~ 1I: d

It'nll," a t t ilt' t h inl flllllr , 11(' P HlIH' d II
I tl'\t'n \HII1
" :-. 114.'( I .111 \0
nh . tI1Pl1l1'"t
n iH
\\, : 1:-:

1111\\' l" ' t "' P' Il )!;

UI'R( ' " hl' rt.'llI tu'ken
C~t 11 CO , ,

I l 11 win I ) " ,
Thl' (' cwu rrl l' had <.1.11111

I I,
S nntl 1.', "'You cnn a lwny::; tl'\ly on " l '

I h I
Abe . Ir s l ime ftH' .V"lI I{l dr." "~ . u l1l1 tal." ,, 11"1\1 "II. I'I tlYt al l'I'll ", " J U'
I ('HuIIht lin,' ('I I' lllll' l i wn, \ , ,
' n nlu ~t look Ollr J J n'lti(l~t.
rl ley II line"
I In
n" ~"liml sc of Mr. r~brO(lk'!; daughtrr
ag:lltn. nnr
.t) 11'
I' 1)1 nIh,,
th e. .111'
1\ bt
h " I UrU(" I I." f III ( I 1 I1[' ( ,O \'l','ou to ~Itlt,
.. ute' I, <or,J II trifle ."
nll lll )l' "
Wh en, Archi e renc
h .. d the parlor, , ' 1'11(, 1'. I'll Int IIlIt1 II"t II 1 no mur k. n f



'/1 1


l:lt I





Ih ""11 \"


hlllJ ~' t



1l 1.1I1


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:11 d plldl-:. t'd t t .'
J i
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I d'll' t! ~1J1.1 1l "
I ,'I~ 11. 11 1,,,1' pil l ie l

J, 11 d, t '.

114 ' 1' .. hl \l :


h.ll l

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, - ( t ')




ttlupl" II~ in
,\.\~ a~


IIuthl l l).!

1r~' o f C

!' .

I I.

It, \ "

ll llu \ I' r.

1.. ,,,.IIilg fl ';!l' II" t

11 t lw 1''' u),!d H l1


F l )l l l h! r

\ tf
Itntl is, F rank
I ~o wdnl , ~clI :.l t o r

(;. , \'(' 1 I lt' r

Til, (,n [O os,ihi t: :->un." l' !-o c;t lrS l \

("ll' ill Clllli idge

dll,d ift>!" I h,' \\!lu nd. l 'll Ill' \\;1 :-


Ch"rl,, Curt i, ,, (
l< c l 1ubl l\' .lll
ha le an hou r later he fo und tho Go\"'" '" "f
" .11" "' . I' rank 11 .
"alldid"I " fllo'
l'm or engaged in lil'cly ~ol1ver.ati ll n
Al llIi d nilrht crh r ollk and Wal
\\ ' 111.
f ', '1 ;0,
Jl rt' ''I iUCflL)"
t lli !'l
e riflll ',
'1111 ' (, (1,"\' I '. H II I.wa ... lI tli n'""~
.1l.) v U
with a gentlemun he introduced im- l lll' ~ came in fr on"! thl"ir c unl "ault",
" lid "fter u f ew 1} l efl~anl word s, lh ,', i ll~ """ 1". ""'1",," I,,\I ,I l'n' II, ',' I" II,
vi I
mrd iatl'ly ns Mr. Sec bro ok .
"An d Mr. Walters, Mr. Comly, I
' ,
. I n An'h i ,,'!" l 'U0111 t.he Guvl'rn nl'
":--:II ' I' P , :1 I. ~ \O( 'P,
J \ ita
)Hay l~ '
hUOlIII,q nnf' of his fu \'nr it,. balluc!, " " ',, tha, " " tllI ll j.!" will 10 11 1'111 \I , t,,"Mr. Saulsbury and Mr. Co mly. m~' '" hv "lipp('d ou t of his ('ou t nnt! Jlig-hl. "li d I 1'"I'l' f"'lh thnl nl<' l'l'
'., -~ .
daughter. Miss Seabrook."
pi"k('d n "peck fr Qm hi s s nowy WUi "I' , Ii l'r i,,/! "oI"' II lun" lire " he .. ,1 IIf us .
The fou r I presldc; nt in l 1'0 ~ ibili t n:s for [h~ Democratic nomina tion,
Seebrook and Walters wcr e lin- ~nnt. " It i ~ {'I'i d{' nl ," he remnrk N I. I f O I'g-il ,' Y"u Cnl' yOIII' '1 1111 1111." lind
Gov rr nn r A .fred b n.ll1u tl SmI th of N~w Yo rk Senato r James A.
douhtedly enj oying t he Govc rn or, \Wll d-hll 111 , r ed ly. " thlll you urc l1('r- qUlI I'l" " , thl ' "II ,til.,nolo le .1I1;.l"f,~t~l
itd p f M,,,,,,, .. , SC llat c. r T homas J- Walsh oi 'W=tana, Glvcraor
proof of which was immediately for t h tul'u,.c1. nnxi l)u~ Ilnd h,we s light syml' - tion s IIf y(,"tlo ""d IIlrxpCl',.'nte. \\ <'
Albert C. l {i ldllC of ~land.
coming when See brook ~uggcs l(lcl tom~ uf pnralysi, a it.anM. Pra y be ... alk in ' ''ppel'Y plllce, but w ~ ~hllll
- . : : - - - - -:-='"::..
that they s hould a ll dine logeth,' r .
s(>ate" Ullc! T will do my best to r e- ".01 slllIII hh .., at .I(,,"t n ',',t whd" the
"You do u s mu ch h onor ," suid Ih e
h h d
Ilt'II"" nf min ' \."
(; 0\" ' 1'11'.'" ,,('P I'S 's
the Governor. "Mr. Comly and I
Id t A ) ,
Weaver, 5 town lots in lJ~erli e. 1 'I'p. tiD; W ill R , Lewis, cou nt y's sha re colestnte of Charllllte Il l' Ni ~c.
,,,1\ h
,ng- "PP{, II ('
rc lie a"
Rut Ar~hi l' WIl " not to be thwar t Cl nf('IH" e W,'odso n til ed hi s sa le
Berthn Class, Clllren ce r . IVnt'rl lection Qf inheritance tax, 7c.
shall be plensed, I'm sure."
d in hi , Jl u r po~e to learn j us t wha t g I ill1[lOra ~(' c Ihan the r le lltl on
_ _ ____- - bill of Ihe estllie o f A . Eliz.1bcth lind Nanni e hesnu t, 1 tOWII lut in
Dinner over they continuted thoir lhe Go\'"r ,,,'" l1l endangering by h' " l'o n,p HI1'on IIf t1w head.t
A "nOl ~,
F rank lin.
talk over coffee served in the garden. th t' i,' RccllrilY ~II reck lessly. H e slam- n ow Iny c hn gtc ly up on n RI10WY ptllow
Charles E. Ell is filed invenlory and
Sn r ah J . Sch .mck 10 Dru~il11
But Who Are GulltYT .
When the music began , eebrook and I'd th .. trH ns om light and drcw down A h llnd !<" mel~' we ll -formed henel , a
app r ni ~ e Oll' ltt of Iltl' ~ ~ tutc of Aman- Sc henck, 1 t.own lot in Franklin.
AIII"rl {',m Vlsltllr ( In 1. " ' ''I'' n)-!!.~,
Waltertl recalled n hridge e l1gug - Ihc' " ' Il " I,'~.
head ~ugg'estJvl' o f flll1l1 ly nnW t he
ment aMi the Govet'no r Ilnn oun ccd
" ' .
pride o f race , tho ugh fi lled WI t h til l'
clu Gm y.
Firmnn R. Eva ns to W ill ia m F . " "Ullt' r . flOt'NU" nl1yh p d~' ~\ l r IlIuJ:h lD
that he must l ook u p an old fri end
\ ou nr l'r11 "sly ex p?sed yourse lf most comp licat ed menl n)' mnchi
Flo r B, RunYlln mill\: IIp~ lic alio n Sc he nck t o Ellen G. !\lorey, I tow n Ihls hOlel1" Wu!t r""",,"\\'(II. yes, aIr.
who lived 1.n Cornford.
10 nb, ervallOl1 by s.nenkmg down th e with whil'h a hUnlon bC'ing hud e \' er COMMON P LE AS PROCEEDINGS not t o take und e r the wi ll of Em il lot in Franklin .
we hllve had eOIll "l al nls.'-'u!llq
"1 IIhall be back shortly, " he sH id fin' ., scaro (I f thiS hotel- I know been l,ndowed.
M . Runy an.
Wnrren K . line! Margare t F erris to t'lhow.
\ ,IIIIl15 wa s urdlnd to
as they separated at the Qffice.
"Put out thl' lights nnd get oul to
Dt'llos W0r..ley wa. granted right F r onk Emery, 4 t own lots in DeerArchie and Miss el'b r ook j o ined
." My dear boy, I was merely gnth- your CQuc h!" Ih p Go vern or muttered tecover $ 11>(1 (" lI l11 .-\Ib el'l J . lI a rdv to ~c ll cerla in Ktock of the estnte of fl e1, Tp.
the ' considerable company that were Cl'lIll! n f (' w blosso ms of the crimso n drowsily,
Bri el' B. Worley.
Elln Ca llnh an t o K ll te 1'11. March"
already dancing. Aft er several dan- rnmble r fr om the ancient wall s o f
The mnn certainly wo r e his crimes and c ost~ U 1Ir1 )!i l'(' l1 a s uspclld~ d ~e n
Fred Gray Sr.. WUM appointed 2 town IQts in Le ba non .
ees Miss See brook th o ught it wou ld , Uw inn . You mny have floted t hat ligh tly. He wa s sound asleep b efor e
guardian of Virgil Lamb.
J. S. Riddell to George A. Moyer,
de stru cti ,HI of prup{'rty.
be fine to take a breath of air, und r W re II spray of buds in my lu pel Archie had got into his pajamns.
Cuu rt grnnted th e petiti on of Flor- 50 a cr es in Franklin Tp .
. ~...,.-................,..,..,............- -............."...,.-~
.Court "nlt're d I It II L ('l'r l (\ in pro pthey went int o the gurtlen for nn ice . wh en I jo ined ybu in t he ball r oo m.
l' nct' Conners to se ll ~() rtnin premo , P enrl Smith to W , G. Thompson,
(To be co ntin ued )
erty be , (,1(\ at puulic ullction in the
Mias Seebrook was speaki n g of mu - Now seat yourself on the bed and
93 9 l uwn IIcres in Turllec reek Tp.
Nilsic and reciting th e list of operas I'll tell you t he whole story. When
Ae t na Luym on fli ed his firs t ucL uisu Detweiler to Em mu D.
tional Bank. a s ~lll1rd i ll ll llf Robert co un t of the estllte lI f J , E. Ledford. Evnn ~ . 234 .72 acre ~ in Clearcr eek Tp.
sb~ loved best when Archie's gaze r lef t you 1 h nsten ed into the dru g0
was caught and held by a shadow store and boug ht a stiek of shav ing
Ralph L. Fruze r filed inv(' nt ory and
George D. Stant on 11.1 Samuel Mind
ourt Ii ~,'01 t h~ ('''lll l'l'l1 "n i n for app raisem ent of the estat . of Dora lin. I tow n lot in Franklin.
that flitted along an iron fire escape soap, Then 1 1I0ugilt a ' few cigars
the r ec(';' " r i.n t h,' ra RP 0 f he Pru- R. Frn1.l' r.
terms. Also Surveying and Abthat zigzagged down f rom the fo urth in a tobacconist's. In each place I
Stanley nnd Mary Wlnglew leh to
to the first story of t he long rambling co nversed with t he clerk. thus lay ing
On nccount of my hu sbaJ!~' s death dential Ins ur an ,'" C" , I ' H. ~ I "x BostOn the tl' rmin alion of hi~ guardinn- Hayes Dalt on, 2 town 10tR In Frank- stracting. Write and I will cull and
see you.
Sam D. Henkle, Wa ynesinn.
ample ground for an alibi. Hurry- I wi ll ~e ll all my house h old go ods at wick ct ul.
ship, Lawrence ha whan tu rn ed 1111 lin .
j 11
"You seem very dreamy," she r e- ing back to t he inn. I avoided obser- pu blic auction at my r esidence, 1 m ile
prope r ly into t he hand s of A,.lul ph
I wi s J. B urt on to Ethel Fnul, ville. Ohio.
marked, "I know how thnt is for I \'ntion by enterin g by t he side Id.<lor, north of Ly ti c a nd 'h mile sout hwest
!' nid E' 1" nnd fil('d h is finnl uccou nt.
8:1 .2 0 acres in Wlly ne Tp.
LOANR on Chattels,Stocks, Sueurlcan dream for hours a nd hours."
skipped up to our rooms-nnd t here of Ferry. by Big Elm Tree, turn on
J . Lee Thomp ~o n ti le d h is fil' ~ l Hnll
Unhu rt H ownrd nnd No ney John~,
Ruh y DlI~kN I ', . Wil liam L>ll ckc Lt ,
ties and Second Mortgllgel. Notea
"Yes; reverie; just floa ting on you ure! r exchanged our new bunk t he Lytle nne! Ferry road, on
I1MI nec ount -of till' (!~l al' of 1'1 l i ~~ a by ~ h eri fT 10 Willlir" Mnrch. 13 1.85 bought. John HarbIn" Jr., Xen ia ,
divorc e.
clouds, on and on," Archie rep li lM. nol~s fo r ~ixty we ll-wQrn on e-thous
DAY MARCH 10 1928
ucres in Franklin T~.
li arI') H,WH I' H, n l lll lic )-( o., s , di- ~ l cE " w(' n.
though the aha dow m oving on nnd on nnd- dollnr gold ce r tificates n egotiaSA TUR . .

vorce ,
O. S. Hi ggins li lt'lI fir st nnd fin al WIII'r.. n Cou nty FaIr and Park
'along the side of the inn wns t r oub- ble in a ll pal'ls of the r epublic. That . Co mm encing at 12:30 p. m. , a lot
Gr !l~(' JI;", l' i'1 n I', . . llull<'" liard- nccou nt of the c.'tatc of F I:t ncc8 Co .. t tl 130111'" of Co unty Co mmi ssioning him not a little,
men ns n net gai n of ten thou ~and of h o u ~cho ld go?ds, tobacco sh ed , so n, t1 i1 "rl"'.
e r~ , :1:1 acrC5 in Turllccreek Tp.
"I have chosen n star for yo u," do llnrs to Red Leary."
tOQ I ~, r hanging outfit, and HeV,"a .111,,'> :1 ,ek ],11"', Bnnk
Th e t'stale of Mn ey V, Wilso n wns
Frun ce. F.. nangh erty, by xec u- Farmers of W .. rren Ind adjolnln.
Miss Seebrook was murmuring,
"My God '" monn ed. Archi e. " You eraLAntiQ.u.e
'-~v-s-,:"':':'!'" . ~., l'. "rvl ~ l'" ,,' 1 :I I. >:[, 1!;2 .8~'. foun d eXf'ntpt of inill' l'i lll nc,' tn x .
lor . Ka te M. - Tilrch, 2 town lots-'m ounties may obtain money on Iqn.
Archie in hi s pr eoccupntion wit h tJon't th ink you cnn get away wi t h
lI1inll i" 1'.> 10' I' 1>. Ed W.,h op. di .
Mllry A. r. rfln~ ti l II in l'cl1lo r y and Lebnn on.
time loan s, at 6 per cent Intereat.
the Governor's strange per form ance, thi s !"
. '
Slanley & Martin, Auc ts.
vo rce.
"p(lrai ~ "m e nt of lIll' ('st Ull' llf LewIs
Cost of sec uring tbe same I. very reawas so slow to r espond thut Miss
" I think." 1- llITned t he Gove rn o r,
Kil pu ,,, 1. 1'1, ,10 :\1 .. t,) .. ril l'
H. Grnn t.
COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES !onable ,through The Federal Lan'
Seebrook, thinking t hat h was 1Jc- imperturbably, "thll t" W P IllU ~ lind will
t will ~ell at publie auction at the VM, Wnl , .. I' 1,,,1: ' ;11, 0\ 1:'''. ,\,,1 (1ok.
T he will nf Al'thul' Rean was adBank. F or further information ealI
. liberating as to which star he should ge nway with it." lI is clllphn~ i s on Phillips Barn. on MRin strc(\t, Wny- $400.
mitted 10 pr obate.
W nlT n u\lnty Fai r fl lit! Pa rk Co. ,
on or nddreu M. C. DRAKE, Trl. .
bestow upon h er in r eturn ge nero us- the p lu ra l pronoun caused Arc hie to n esvil1c, Ohio, on
A. F: . 1I 0pp wo. granted t he right fnit grounds. S!l.!l!l!l: W. C. Gilmour,
ly broadened the scope of her offer. cringe.
to sell c(, ltui n prop erty' of tl,e es- inqu est., Si .70: F. .. ncs t F er ri ~. treat- urer, phone S 16-X. Lehanon, Ohl\l.
,;; \ TE l' r. O C EED I 'GS
Bnt som ething very unlike n slar ' "You're jl'elli nlr 111 1' in prelly (Ie"" ,"
111 ~ of L p \\'i ~ C. Mnh:lI1.
ment. $50; Noah Si mp kill~, hydrophoP I'\J(I ~'
,II (I f I I I " n 1i ('ll
Be{,rinning nt t:OO p.m., t he fol- more like the glimmer of a malch mumbl(Od Arc hi e, deje cl~d l y.
COUl'l n, k',:' \'NI thn t ~l "u ri c(' 1I 0\,- biu treutll1('nt, $,,0 : Lebunoll Patriot.
A 1111. ' il llan- m~1I ~ c ll (' P1" lIi n 111"prrly vf t he es- proQf of publication. $!)fiO; same, 12;
in a room on the third fl oo r held hi s
"How Ilbout those blood st nins on lowin g: 3 hor!! S , 1 cow. Fordso n of ttl\' dll qilll l1 W '
;L.t o f
" ,"
fascinated gaze th e s ide wnlk nt Bailey Hnrb or ?" a sk TI'llcl ol' and n Int or fnrm impleme nts. k i n, nn :~
latc ()( William lI 1>rm l'll.
~nme, suh scrip tio n. $ 1. 50 ; Bell press,
WANTED- Ambitious man to es.John 11 P,1 l!1'" I " I / 1 1 II l'l "i" 'l' Y~
!II. W .. ILVER .
"We must go bock, I supp ose," I'd the Gove rn nr in his bl und est tones.
clork or 'Qurt s uppli eR. S:J: V. W .
lllblish his own business. Must be
aid Miss Seebr ook with a s igh.
" Whe n you ~peH k of J.':~tt in g in dccp
able t o fur nish automobile. A perma
cy l:l . \. J , Hk~ l; ,' . 1, ,tI' NI 11 ".1 I'" '"
He bas surmi sed that t he Govern- you forget t hat ~ome o ne bcs idl's
Co lli ns. RII 111 C, $16.50: Erle n T err y, ne nt bllsin ess wh er e the profilA are
or's declared purpose to ca ll on an H oky Wfi S shot back yo nde r.
cxecu l, ,', f I hl' ,
"f It" ,) . '.\0 1),, l'a ,, 1 1.. II al'l',"" , . :Ii" SllItHI. Leblt- ~UI1lP, $2 12.05 ; SlImc, $ 16.2 0 ; A. T.
limited only by the effort put. forth.
rig; .) ~ I
1 Ill'
tld!'1 '1 ., a t" r 1111 11 , nuti " il'gill iu F , H ill. Lf' t.a no n ,
old frienAiJ was merely to cover his ca me t o me rcd-hnnded from a de ed
Rp tlig. sam c. $ 1:14 ./);;; C. E. Brad- Plcasll1lt outdoor work calliDe Oil
of 110 ,
' ." 1': ofl
r "r[ F. r.~y, " n. " ap (' r !lInker , bury. Rlllne, $'11 .85; Or r>:o n ia Bridge ftH' mers in your ho me county, with
Fran].. '(
". '.
'),,'r Fl'a"k lin. a nd Bea t "iell B. Per kin s, r:o.. rcpai'R. $()(I.4 0 : P. B. Monee.
comp lete line of household n!Cessilin n ~ ..
II, \
I " II
FI'unkl i n.
bl'idgp r ('rll lr~. $15 ,00: Frnnk Sims. lies lhut huve been on, the market for
Dan i,'1
.J. BU'l!'<'mil'I. fll rm er, ~ anll' . $!l.(W: n ay ton Blue Print Co .. 25
years. For . full in(orm8tlon
I:: ' C" , : " of l.e"II)I' " , and Do rothy A. Zw ico<, ~ ur\'c.l' o r ' R ~ uppll c8 , $7,50: C. C. Bellm wit h calnlog. write.
A ,"


.~ ,You Sbould KnOW'
d~,'col ,
~ruder blades. $10().25; L. M. Prince
Dept. 1890
Bloomingtoll, Ill.
" '"
Y. 11' -,., ''' 'tn I
Go., Rurveyor's RUppli es, $2.65; Knr1
n mit
I ~
II t nil.
D. Dakin . premiu m o n insurunce,
stoc k.
I SHill "nl B. nnd L"lin r.II'Mllhnn, to $6.3 0; Willis ' H itesmnn, lumber. WANTED- Experienced larm woriGl II'
\ l"~ op' lOin r- 0I, L. P. B"rellw, I lown lot In Mas on.
$401U 2; P . O. Monf orl . expe nses,
er wants a posi tion for 'r eneral
gu",.d i.
C'\I Inll'l.
rharlC's A. Mi tclJe ll to Eva 1\1. $2. 3 1 ; same, $6.80: Enrl Bllmlhouse, farm work. Inquire of Sam Burnell.
Cha l "
.. ' J'" ''1d (;. J~ . Il ro FS- Ha m h. 5 t<llvn lots I" Deerfi eld 'rp.
g rn ve l. $().20; J. H en r y KipI'. bridge Merrittstown. R. D. 2. Lebanon.
itutn m, ", ,. " ,/101; ~(''''J '' I ,, 0' tIll'
Chll "I t!~ A. Mitchell to
!J h , M. r eplll r, $16.50 ; Sli me, lumber, $160,m7
his t's ca puti e up o n hirll.

a ide. '

tkh 1 1I:llll' 1 ' 1'''' q lll' l t tf l

11"" l1 dl ''';'''! III " \ 1'1 l:lIdl'

," e

t . _


-=--=-== = = = = == =



---_0 _ ..0----


5 % Farm Loans

Public Sales

Farmers. Attention!


A. :~,t, 0zJ.t





W.H.l\ladden & CO.

Waynesville, .O hio


Dtufng winter days, when mont

and heavie r Iood is usually eaten...nd with m ore to divert our minca
iota o~b er channels, we are liable
to neglect o ur teeth and gums.
Pyorrhoea is one of the mOlt com
mon, as well as one o f the more
serious affectionsl fumi.hinQ' Ie It
does, a supply ot Infecti~ senns
to many ora-ans beaeath. It ,hould
be prevented, if possible, by due
Qnilary precautloos within the
area involved, your dentist being
alway s your advlaory lieutenant.
Pyo rrho ea mranillteraiiy, a " Row
of pus." Doesn't sound "ood abou~
a fellow's mouth,lioee It? Pre~ty
lure to infect the food be eali.
and Bend It on down to the ac:tlv~
ab.o rbenu of the Intutlne, for dietribution into the IYltem. A (Dod
many bodi Iy dilorder. Ire creclltad
t o pr.orrhoel~ rheumatilm beln,
o ne. If we Joogo co~rect1f'
Th~ site of pyorrhoea II at tbe
Ju.\c:ti on of the guml with the
teelh. If you look eritica.lly, you
will lee ~he Ingry, inflamed bor~
der. of the llama, darker red; and
Iwollen Ippreciably. It" lIot
pllnful condition, lKtt a little 9'.e '"
luro on the iWD wlU 111-'17 brine
out the ' tell-tale dbc:ha11l'8. aad the
diagnoais is eu)'.
Perfect dean line.. I. the beat
p reve ntive. There are numerous
good mouth-walhea to be had, and
toolh bruahes ploR. Don't ule
your own judgme'!t burilll ' either
medicine' or bnllla; ukrour dentilt-then keep t h e . - aad teeth
Once wltli p,.orrfioa. ,t Gllnot
give ,}'ou
'teeti'll CiT remldJ'-Dqt
practically . speakiol, I "haTe a
fr ie nd who told me he cund his
very severe case with common
saltl He said he had it In It. worst
-form; he was saltin.J his cattle, and
~') o k a mouth~ul of salt him.eli to
"cli e:v-e a bad taste-held it in hi"
Inout l! a half-hour; said he cure4
ill CIlIa IDDDtb. 1IIiq.".

All Kind Building Materials


!~ LE

-.-- -=====--== = = == = = = = =




E, e0tJRTNEY P1)N!(.EL -- - -_
_ _ _ _ __
FARfd FOR RENT -186 aerea,
stoek-lt.Iare pll'n. F. A.. Hartao"phone ~6F~ 1, Wllftlelvil1e.


FOR SALE-Sapling Clover lIeed,

$19 per bushel. Vergo Mitchener,
phone 148, New Burlington.
BOOK your orden early for baby
L. C. St John, phone
44F31. Also, fresh cows lor IIBle.
need of a new apray pump, no matter how large or small, spray hose,
nozzl es, complete pumps, leathen.
rubber paekings, etc., call on THE
BOCKLET-KING' CO . 416 W. Mai~
St., Xenia, Ohio.
FOR SALE - Electric double-tub
washing machine, in good condition. Mrs. W. N, Sears, phone 79.
FOR SALE-2-year-old Jeney bu11,
well-bred and gentle. Inquire cif
J. B. Hess, R. D. I, Spring Valley.
FOR SALE-Trees, Shrubs" Vine.
and Evergreens THAT WILL
GRO~, delivered to you at " prIces. Equipped
plans anil do all the work, if desired, CAll 66F41,
L. Duke.
~aynesV'i1le, Ohio.



FOR SALE-M~mmoth Clover seed

. recleaned. J. B. Pence, WaYne ..
ville, Ohio. '.
. Write. A. Ii.. , Dan.bue, 808 E.
Pearl Street, Mlamlab\l~, 0., .phone '
e. ...
105, Buye~ of Ltve Pf:juUI'1.




BHIIl"" ......
t~bl~.dB~~ . .
lor aU purp,..

611. YI............ a-. ....~


. -

. :: -

-. -





' .;







,.,i .


_ :




.lSf'I JF.r I!:VE ltV


1111' \\'o nll'n

It'll "


dll'ck ror

I~ d<lu hl" th{' IlIllilunt th y

.'iV~DNE:~ DAY


1l1'- '


'x pc~ t ed


(" f\'11I i:t,. a"tI lul, 1 th~rn to w rllp up l

... I hi' II1ttcl l'~ n " khilJ th(\m to hi hom lJ
tll ,.tI at the! I'I). ; ,. '/(re ."
w".,.. "..,.')/c ill Ilul uth l l\l llt n.
l\Jt:-t. } ",I'Hn :\, 1I1\ )")" i%'; , C') f Duytt)J), \Vna
'l h io . o .s . und LI. .. Mail ,'1......
MI'. l\1~rri l dl' 'it!I'd Rllln(' ha r,1 ha rl h I ... a I I'\\" oJ,,~. ti llS Wl.' l'k.
I lit j u ~ j:!'1'I1I' 11 (il Kt '<'I1(l lU;h tl nd tvld
('hllrl(, ~I"d"l'" ~JI"IJI ; h InllH
P u bli sh er / II<' n '",i''''n ,; 111' in l," d. d t,! huost t hl!
Office Pho ne .
No.1 11 2 ," 11' 11 .il" l .' . 1II '''~ 1 II~ he l'c tu!'n ," part I' II ,, \Il' .. k In ( IIIU ";"U H.
HOln e Phon e . . ' . . . . . . . No . 1 18 f,, " 1lI II hU ~1 Il ...., 1.1'Ip.
HIII' II 'I'll ill,'. tHII I. II'~
(' I"' i~
Li llt I hr M'<I'Y h",n ' t " h"I' PY elld- ('111, ,'1(' . ,.11 1 h t ll " ""~-. ~J:rl'~ h I, u
Sublcrlption Pr i~e . $ 1.5 0 p c r Year in g:. 0" the lrip . ,\lr.. ~11'I-rilt \\',, ~
ukl't) \ 'il !! Pll t ' lIlllflllia ..und dit' ll in a
' - - -f('w j I n,~'~ .
.\ !"i d! :-' H.\'..; IH- i ll Ll.' Jldre til
h ')l Ir. 111:<] .11 1.. , \\,, 11)111' II nw k,- OIl U"
I ', ' U
\\'1 "
\ \ " .\l1t ':--\I1 I. ' \i ~lIo; t O I'-.' ,
FEBR Arty :!!) , 1!l 2X
Ca tTY II ut nlll.,l (II' t he "ruII, isl" II IU <lV 1'. I
" "
hI' hi ~ r ath~ t .
.- - - - - . And 1111'. ~l ' I'1' itl. III u ny I'll t ~ . " I II'
,\ '"llltll"r ,r!' (' h il li n'n urI' ou t of
"'I' hi' longuc tIIuy fail 11111.1 fult e l' i I ,)il l: of hi . dt'utl1ll 'l co"' ,u e.
~('h flIlJ !'Ou n' p r ing witll mUIll IJS and
hn s udd c n "xt" llljlura l ex preHS ill ns .!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
l'Ill lk ' n P' )X ,
but thc Pl'II. hll ving Il "rmlt,1' udl'an
.\1 ,,.; .11 ,.r~ar.-l l'III'k . " f O. S . U.,
tuge of pl't'meditHtiul1 . i ~ lIot su :iub .. - - - - - - - -----

'I .---- -

jecl tu ' ereo l'. " - II (lwell .

.- --- - - -




ln ld

hi l l/ll'


~ "illll ll ll .

.11 1". I" ' i, ('i ll" II "I'V , ' ) ' \\'('nt to Cot i l \ oj-; i l
liPI' S() Il.

\' \~ ' ''Y

! utl d'lI ," !--\1I J1da .\ ,

S tuti s tics ()I'd illal'ily arc dry I'ead A wo~ nH II ' s iutllil iOIl i ... I11 H J'\' \.' ll ltJ~. h", 1111 :0 I.
Illg . IJU l II tll alway s. All t' lc IH l' nta,'y
lfllIlIJ.:'h. hu t jWH t i l(' :- anh: ,:-;. hl '
I:'cllgraphy p lI "l is hd t h is ycu l' CUll '
"1' 1" . 11' . ( '. '1'. l '. 111,'1 Thurs day of(It.IlH some \a1)1('s II lId churts thut lire burns th e lll n :H II O\\' Hlld lh t.' Il ,
It'llIlIOI l l lit t bt, hflltll ' flf ~ Ir!-i. Ir'n ':-:;y ..
allY l hill~ Inn dr y reading.
T hl' in r~ , t tl . Tit" j"tUIJ.!I ' p rayt'r Illl,t ting \\'a s
An o lh(' r poillt in wh ich 'l1: lrr i Hg'l' j ... 11~ld III l' 1t 1l,iHlIl"tl" " wilh it.
' UI'II l1lliu n. i/l t ~ rll cd p rill ia ri ly f.<, r
J lI ulhfu l ~I udcll l " . fUl'lri ~ h <t.1 by Ih e se IIH(' \\' (If i:i that th l..' l i r ~l fllurll..' j 'l\
~ I I' . ) "'1' ), ",n" , l, "" ug,' d en l .
l.dJ. c:i un .... c harls ha s morl' l tu lll U
on' " '\ IIll le ll!. f , Jt l t' " rt' !' idl'nt of t hi li
' ,,~ rk o ~nt ~ 1' '~l flll' u"u l t ~.
l" 'u buhly th ., f ll~t ~n';lt 1}llon fo r \ II Ia)f\" ,1,,1i 1"" "lIlly a t th, hUI1l ot
., ' rht:' ~ u !-" tll l is tic s , fur in :H Hllcc, ~ h t)w
h,,. rl .lughtl , ill !'lI rilll!fielll' und waf
th ul alth o ugh t he Unitld Slull'" ha ~ t h L' commo n j)l'o pl t, wi ll b( I tht, i!l Vl 'lI I". r i,,j f'OIlI ) I''' 'IIi "h :1 II1 ' I: We dnc.s.
b" l ulle Bixtee n t h (If the world' ~ pop - lio n o f a ll l )" l ' l ,.il' t'itl1 UP(: Il\'I',


dH Y.

!'; O\\' tha t l. illd", I' ~ " h u s IJI 't>l l)fhl . ~ ll's. B" I' III :I (; 1' l'Ihill . lIl 1'H. Eva l ~' 11
g oo d . wi ll int o l)u r f nr(:i~n 1'l' )Ullo' b, .' hull ta l,, I'. ~I r,. ~l l1 l' l!ll rl'L Tuck ~r
:-iO IllL' u n . s hu u l l~ j)l' I'r.;:"lHdl him t o \' n.; il .\11' , . . 1'",,.- ;, . (' "II,tl ..\l IS. ,l e nni e GI'U:
Co ngl'tls,.;,
hl1 lll . M I'H. Lid" H alt on . ~ I I'H. ~I un (' r
l. "I''' in :lu tl ~I rs . Eva 1I1cJl onaid at-

Ma yb e Hu s ~ iil wuu ld tind il I'/lsier 10

get r ecognition for hl' r g,,1' I'Il1n~ l\l
if .5 0 nwn y o f he r " 'ud"r> didll' l W\'ar

On e of Ihcs e duy " peopll' will sl ll l'

F o rty s ix y~ar s Ilj:!'n 0 11 March 1,
ta lking ub ou t the whitt! I' o llar' jo u an"
A Ill u~ " "ul-!h a nd fum il y 111 0 \' d t o thi1
r ufo r t1) it morc III' "rop r iule ly li S th e ,II IIIIl\Ullity. Th ,'y begun uuying th e ir
two-pants NU lt POllition.
I-':I'l' c l'ri eH of G. B. Dnvis at t hnt t im e
und h"I' '' cllntillu () d t o do ~o nil tiles;
. om(' a li I! Hh u u ld se e t o it thal th(. ~1 (a r H . A f '-' \\' years ago t he ])nvi~
I)emocratic unnk ('y l.'el B liN" s hot.s
I-': rtte e ry Ill/lna"'cmcnt p:l s~ (\1 into t he
befon' hc 'K turn e d
l oo~c with n il
hnn<l ~ "f Mr. Ila vig' stln -in-In\\'. J . H
.ho sl' T ex a s lo nKhurJl s.
Rr,ga n, as MI'. 11 1I \'is wa ~ too infirm t~
I()nl.'(r allt' llI l it. Wi th in the pl1 ~ t twc
The Englishllllln' s I'ccu l'd of 20 ; week s th is 1.',f\C I' r y has be" n closi ng
miles an hour in lin nutOlno bil . .v ill o ut their "lock. p r t'pal'>ltory t o goi ng
probub ly s tand , but we'lI SWea r some
I drivers hll"(, passe d Us on :I <.I ir t roa d o ut o f hu s int' !i~ ,
I gong fo.s t e r I hun thlll.


._------ ------_.


T he p oo r murd e rer is c(' rtainly t il

One o f t h e l o n g-s tu rll~ ng be li e fs is be pitied t hese days. Rin ee Ih" jury
t hat the hog is a d il'l y cr eature b y ~vi ll ~ ec id e 'he's cra zy if he pl eads
II1su nlt y li nd the , public will dec id!!
in stinct a s we ll os by tra in ing. -In
's crazy if he d oes n't plelld ins anit y
f act, the expr ession , " d irty as Il pig"
h us come to be acce pted as th e only
prop er wa y to des cri be t h e un cleanly.
Nobody s ~Il1 S to un dc r~ t a n d Ju st
Bu t it a ppears f r om result~ gai ned I~' h nt a psyc hi lltr ist does anti it is a
b y fa rm e r s wh o huve give n lh ei r p igs , hU ll' hu r d to te.11 t'x c~pt that in ge na chance t o be clea n t hat t he oni mul is erll l he find ." eith er for the defe n se
m or e t o be pitied th ll n blum ed. Th ese or Jlr~sec utl.o n II cco l'(hng t o w hi ch
farm e r s re p ort lh at t h ey hav e f ou nd ~l(le hlill . acco rdin g t o the r eo
th e pig to bc as clea nly as any oth e r ce nt e \' ld"Il~ _ _ _ _ _ _
f arm an im a l. Th l' t r ou ble is he is
seld om givl'n a cha n ce to provc it.
Given c1eo n past ure lan d to fee d
on, a chance to get r eg ul ar bat hs, a n d
"" lul11my, I I'un ' t g o to sc hoo l t oc lea n bedding. th l' p ig will be c lean . day."
th ey say. Furt hermore, he will be
"Why'! "
he althier orid l w ill g row fo s t~r .
.. Ido n ' t (,' el we ll."
"Wherc don 't yo u fe('1 w e ll ?"
" I" "c hoo l. "




. _------


A d rel1m t hat evcr y o ne who h as

eve r le ft hi R ho mc to wn hn s hlld ut
s om e t im e o r nther , if he wou Id bu t
admi t it , clim e t r ue t h e oth er day fo r
( Th omas ' Me l'ritt o ut at Blancha rd , 111.
Mr. Me rritt return e d. a ft er nn ab8l' nCe of f or ty-five yeors, to h is old
ho me t own r ich an d ope nh a n de d. He
hunted u p hi s boy hood pl oymntc~ nnd
to ld th em to get r en dy for u rea l reu n io n with Mr . Me rritt fooli n g t nc
bills . A n d it WM a I'col r e uni o n.
They kil led t h e fatte d ca lf a nd a co up le of cows.
Here are s om e o f th e t h ings t hat
ha ppen cp, acco r d in g to t h e n e ws r eo
p orts: H e in vi t ed a ll membe r s Gf th e
Kiwa n is club to be his g u ests at h is
s umm er r eso r t, Nnibo u yo u, on La ke
S upe ri or, an d promise d to pny nll ex pe n ses inclu(: ing ro ih'oad far e ; h e im porte d good rad io ta lent for II sp cci ll l
radio progra m a t II1KA . S he nand oa h.
and se nt each o f t he 800 pe rson s wh o
t o ld him ho w mu ch t h ey cn j oye d t he
program pound boxes of choco illtcs:
he b ought o u t all the a r tic les be ing
sold at a ladi es ba zllor in a l own n ear -


Il' lIrit-' I Ih, (' lIl lIlly !n l'('ting o f W. ('

T . I '. al L'!.:1I1') II. F r id"y . A qun l'l l'l 1'1' th ' ~ l' I"d i,". nal1\ ~ l y Mrs. Tu ck
..... "Irs. 1."l'ldn. ~II' .' . ~ h"muk t' r and
~II" . Graha m' SUIII-': a t th e meeting.

A ellrpenl e r we llt f, 'rt h tllie dnv
To gt'l hi s sa w mad,. k('en: .
He h unt e d hiKh n nd I" w, I.ut lIut
A b luck s nrith co ul, ' be . ee n.



II1I'R. lII y rtle Stall l,' y wa s on t h e

s ick Ii!;t t h e III"t we ek .
Pro r. '/ 0'. II . Kind" II lIrJ wife. of
Cin l'innllti. \' i, il"d \\ il h h is 'futh er
Ilnd b" ol her SUlld " y.
(l rn ,II and \\ ife. assisted
C. R.
' f r o no)' ('"l'nl'lI in 11\t)\' inl-! from
Kings Al ills 10 ~I a"' n 0 11 \\, (.t.! ne sdIlY .

Tlw' best \'c ge la b le SO IlP is u suall y

mad e with v('gelabl eH.
It is still pOHs ihl c t o se cure whisk ... y in t he lJ nitI'd Slat es.
M icha e lllng('lu wa s n ot t he invenlor of go lf knic ke rs .
If .1I piece o f burn ing wuod t h ree
inches lo ng be dl'opped in to Il fifty
pounkll box f t!ynollli te. there will be
un ex pl osiu n.
It i, Iwo hundred an d twcnty mi les
f rom PCI'll, Ind., t o a point two hunired a n d twen)' mi les away fr um PcI' U, I nt.!.
Saillt P etcl' nc\' '1' ma st er ed the art
f "laving h ' mself with a sa fety raIt hu s been es ti mat e d that 9,7 2 1
,o thp ich a rc lo s l cvc ry yeur.
A mun d h:ing fr OI1l th e Roc k of
:i bqdtal' will d mw lI if h e is unab le
o !otwirn.
To be Il g oo d hous e it is n e e's"ury t o be a wom a n .
Th e S pall is h lunguage is s poke n in
.' pllin ..
Ha ld . h ew l ed men sh ould n ot pa r t
h eir hui r in t hc middlc.
Geo rge W.tshfllgton did not enlist
in the la st war.

---- -'0 _- - - -

A cl e rgyman gav e out th e hYm n ,

" 1 Lov" t o St ea l ,\whi le Away, " Iln d

t he de aco n. wh o Ica d the Hinging. b egan : " I love t o s t eu l- " bu t fo un d
he had p it ch ed the note too high.
Again h e began: " I love to steal,"
a n d thi s tim e it was to o low. Once
m or e he t ri ed: " I lov e to s tcal- "
Ilnd again got th e pi tch wro ng.
Afte r t h e t h i~ fai lu re t he min ister sa id: "Obse rving ou r b rother's
p r ope ns itie s. let us pr ay."


A c ura t or of a ce rtain zo ological
gard e n s wall o n ho liday. H c r ece!vc d a n ote fr om h is assis tant : "The
chimp a nzee is, sick . H e appears to
p in e f or a compa nio n. We don' t
kno w w h at to do pc nl\' ng yo ur ret u r n.'





1'1: ha JlP~'

n ot t ll' n s of t h e dHY,

h:.r:'I( etl'~ 11 fan s

So ul hw ('~ t M' /) Ohi o II .

u /' I.. (',d

l h~


1I'1r-. W. J. Carso n fi n d so n , John ,

of U r bllnll . Ohi o. cll ll ed li t thl! K'indl e
fa rm Ill s t Fr iday . it be ing th e home
of MI'. Curso n 's m othE'!'. Ma rth a Bra'c\
ford Ca r son. Mr . Can:\I11' ~ grand fath er s etl l ~rl (}fl t hi s fa rm in 18 16.
li e b u rne d the bl'ick an d built t h e
h ouse . w hi ch n ow s ta n d, . in 1839 This
pi llee re ma in ed in t h e Bradford
nll lll C for ulm ust o ne hu n d r ed year s.
!III'. Cllr ~on h nd no vi s ite d th e 0"1
p lace fill' I OI' I y r ell l's.





DR. E. M.

B u y Direct Frcm Us
At Wholesale Prices
$8 5.00


~R:509Y.5aOl c;o!~u
~ 1 4 S::!
2 C o n - ~7.05
m ~lIgs

\itiUon J x 12
A rug t hat you wi ll 1"1<,,
g r eat
p ride
ow n ing.
Bea ut if u l new s pring pntte rn s a n d C0 10 1'8 .

Frank Loclchart, whom Barney

OIJ field calb "the gr~te.t alltomo~.c driver In history," drove IU, car
225 miles an hour on a Florida beacla
ye ' tuda7, lost control and abot out
Int u the ocean.

X:rlic,'I'II\' falll ous rugs of

fir st '1 u;lli ty- ,ix beouti ful
n'w l':1 tl "I'IiS 'illd co lorings.

$2.00 A r m s trong Inlaid

Linol e um,

$40 9x12 Seamless



75c Arm s tron g

Printe d L i nol e um
WI.! cuny th e larges t stock
of Lin ull'u tll ill Dayto n.

$45.00 Seaml-zaa Axminater Ruga

Extra Heavy ,Quality... ., ...., .... .. ..


~Jtuntl" that flien do, empbasi,;in8'

die Jancer of Dying, in"~ad of emphuizing- itt nEety,
they .bould.



It I. to be b~d that Colonel Lindbergh, the mOlt im.portant yountr man

to his coantry, will realize the dAnger
and foUy of unncccsaary risle.
A serious accident to Lindbe,..h
would let flylllJ ten yean In
America. . l'bat I. nol wkat be wantL
Great Britain .Ujlprelltl a mavin,
Jlirture Ihowing bow N urIC Edith
Cavell was .bot a. a spy by the
German.. Britain 1I'ircly deci des luch
a picture woul d only revive and in-


200 East Fifth Street

Opp. St. Clair
(Just Two Blocks East of Fifth and Main> _ _
~~r.,.~. - ~ . -~';IH h,(1

Dr. John W. Miller Dr. W. E. Frost


Way . . .wlll. Ba.k Ble .

Office-Amen Bid,.
o .. neE HoU"1

9 to 11

Iy, a dal'tlng itself r eadily to new

method .
i\au;o employs JOO'(XX) Ileople, aad
brood.:ulillg reaches 90,000,000.



a to' 5 p . m
7 to 9 p m.




!Last year. this coun try !lPtnt $600.(KX).OOO fo r radio products. machinu
R"t! parts . Nin eteen twenty-eighl
will ~e. the fi rst rarlio Prr~i (le nt i a l
campaign. The wvrld change s .wift-



Nothtnl' but S.rum a.d

Waynelvllle, Ohio

Phone 81




Sp.oIallada. I. .... Fltt'iDI of

CI.... for a.U.r VI.lon.

National Ba.k

.write tor


Will. DrawD .. .. ...... E.t.t S.ul..

W.yno.ville. Ohio

Free Booklet


PO..... iOD."


m- Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio Two Shows Daily

Tuesday, 9 a.m. 4 p.m

Saturday 9 a.m. 8 p.m


Carya Jewelry Shop

Shutting out I ncb immigrat ic n, we

hulld up other nat i on ~.

"110. Hom. of Gift "


"'--------_... .

The former Kai se r. who must have

dOlle lome bud thinking In the lut
ft w years, telb Sy h'ester Viueclc,
"totiay Ihe ct ntu of g ra\-ity which
drtel mine. worl d I'0 w ~ r h H shifted
to the U""ted S t:ll es. America Is
maSler of the wo r!d."
America probably COULD be ma.!tff 0 f th e world, .But to desire that
mastery would 'be fooli.h . To be
ma,ten o f 'ourselvc<, mind our bllline~. develop this country and , Ine..eaae the well-beIng of the ave race
mu, i. a big enough talk.

6 :30 .nd 8 :30 p_ m.

Or. BeWs Pine-l .. ,'-: :;;ne'

For Couj(h. nnd C e lds.





The PrInce of Wales tbakes

by miatake, witll a walter, be.t
dre s,sed .man, probably, at a bueinu.
men s dinner.
"But. Sir, I'm only a waiter."
"l don't lee that that makes any
diflcmlee," ' A,S the Prince tbaldna
hand. ova: ,.apin.
'I'1\e . ~ wa. an~oyed wIt.CD
Solon M!--~ there cQuld ~" aOOd
INve~.~y when killp oecome
' or. philoaophers bcicDl!lc
kiri~ .
. YO.nlll' Priace Iea~es philo<Opb.Y \j; profel.or.. u.... knows
tliat ...o,.Itle. all1lie.~ ,pen
. ~ by
becomiai dtllloc:rallc. .



Mar i:ar~t Br:lwn~ middle .ged'

con sciou sness anei flben . 1114

'deatb b1


a,ad. , ,


( ...\

$29 50.

All thai is due to OUt immllTlltiOll

laws which keep out of Ihe United
Stales . tlle white European populations that we need. the men ant! women that made thi s country wbat it


Go ver n e~5 (If ~ark Avenue. ,New

Yo rk, who Wal battered Into ~n


square yard

A heavy ve lvet ru g t hnt wi ll
~i v e man y y ea l's I) f servicc. .
All the newes t Ilattel'lls and
co lo rs.

Such .peed in autoruobilea lJ valIttlees, beoule it cannot be uxcL

Tryi ng fOT it i. a. unwHre a s . ome

o f South American
vell lllent s inform you that the population of Rio de Jankro bam inc reaaed nearly a milhon In eight
yurs, Buenos Ai res mo re than a million in fo urteen years. Agricultural
pO(lub tioll has inc realed eno rmously
in South A rntrica.

Burned to Death . 1


. : l'e Arc So me E . Ira Spc ~i;'l l Values


Prom ot,, ~



you ur(' I n HnY( '"1 a llli ~" II " ill 11:1111 11111\' lI"t 11/\ u nti t' I'
iln y u!J! ign l iu li 11.1 Luy.
\" t.. ',l hl, 1 :"111 I, \i~ l t ll:-i,


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

! .a'g.: _t
3 t o .r e

.\ .'
.. 't ' I "J' v' II
tI ~ , I' l tinn til Til lIl ;: \\11 , I ll ' 1'1.1'1. .. : .. r 1'.\ '1' .
'l'E B.l\:S in . "l:IU '1! 1I 1 1 11l1 'r ,'q\ 1111
' 1111
' U I1! PII LlS
s ::lI(' ~ m (! n, WIll cl ad l) ~ h .. \\ )'1111 11\, .,',eh ullr ~11I 1 ' l' \\t lt ' ll

An athl. t~ . brea.l<eT oE rec:onil, with

big lung ~ .. nd chelt e.xjN.L.Sion, wa.
amlued wh en th e lIie io.\>.rancedoctll r told him "you are a Lad ri.1e. We
an'! take yuu,"
Nellt to. no nem.e, tbe thin g is o. t: r-exerciee. You can
d<vdop mu s ~e s almost without limIt. Bu t
have only one heart, and
it will . !lllld only 50 mUch.


--- ---

~ '-. '

V!.4 !..O S

.11,:"', ".

The Argentine Republic wa nted to

r",rite the U nit ed S Uites ta rill' to
compete with Am eritan fann e rs. But
the Argen d ne did n't have Balfour as
rep relen lative. 50 tbi s country l2id
no. We can handle little republics.
Br i ~in i. t oo much for us.

Fully Equipped for Good

Large Display Room.
AmbUllance Service

~:vt o

CAIl !'I': '! !' .\ \;, II , 11I1 ' t .1,.

Edifh Cavell lias If\lilty under. military law. Alllld na lion. execut ed
women for crimea no more . erious.
But the "moral" circumstances :w ere
Military ,tupldi ty, that
govcrntd Germany and killed Ed ith
('.3vcll, governs Germ.. ny no long'er.

.Inhll !'illdlt lonk <l inn,!, wit h Mr.

.\lnhl \l " li,' phllrl Ill"1 Mo n day, th ~ oc- :
cMio n lH' lng: ~ II' . G"pha/, t ', ,e \'c n t,y- -:=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~
, ixth IlIrlhd,~v. ~ Ir. (;(pharts o ld
f ri" IIl" '"1l1 n l'il-':hl ,o/', wis h him m:m y
II It.


m oney,"

tcnlify international bittemelL


'' ----

. -~-.

"Ten year s ago I II rr ived in t h e

town wit h on ly o ne q ua r ter , b ut that
qUll rter bega n m y for t une at o nc e."
"You mu st h av e in vested it very
profitab ly. "
H [ did.
T t"' eg~aphc d h om e f or


ct h FUl'lla s II tlli Char i,,, K ind le

atlcndcd the Minnli \ '"II <, y 'I ilk Prod uce l's nH'c t in l-': lit Dan ', n on S nt urdny.
Mn sl pr [(u ~s(' 11 and :II is ~ Vi rgi n ia
Browne. II f r.:u t t Hund . I'is ite d t h e
SlItnley ch iltlren la RI Fr' iduy afte rn ou n.


,~O l'.

-- - -----

r '''I''''''''


lIIrs. Mary Th omas Rhopp,H in Da y

ton lust Thursday .

atten d ed
S. B. B .
He gave up in d espa it with th ought.. tl Ul'llll lllC n l III \)lIyt o n l ust Friday
""tllldny . l.c ~ tCI' Sta nl ey ac t e d
Of los ing lII any dollnl's,
"" sC(II'pkt'cpe r for the Ce nte r v ill e
Un til he fo und 1\ Illundry. wher e ,
. ItlIlIl . Thi ~ bti nl! the firs t t ime n
T h ey p u t snw t eeth ill 1;011:1 1'5.
C(' I\"'I"i1 I, 11. S. t ea lll hus eve r p layl'" in Ih is IC) Urtlllll1 c nt.
1': al' l Th (l IllIl H alld so n . Warr e n ,
W nll e l'!' and son, " ' nlte l', Jr. ,
F lub b- " lI c's a lwllY s bOlls ti ng' Lhll t Ch '" 'I,," ('''1'1)('11 antI' ~O I1 . Orva l, a nd
he keeps il i" wOl'd !"
.Ioh n K in ,lIe IIl\d so n. Chn rl es, a tD u bb- " Wcll , n o o Ill' e ls( (' I'CI' tl'ntle d t h(' (alh,' r5 lind ~ un s ba nqu et
ta k es it !"
Ilt Ce nt e l'vi ll e n1. E. c hurch T hu r s dny
c wn in!l'. 'I'h e rc were auollt 200 fat h Try tbe Miami Gazette for a year e rs nn, l son s pns( nt. W ll lt('r W Qods
: ~ - *,-'i ~ ac t r'" _li S t na s l.lIlas t, 1' and J Utlge MeCI'llY . of Duytun. de livc r e t! t he princ i pn l ,((/drc" s of th e cve n in g.

~1\1r. rr r I p!; .



MI'. lind i\lrs. Set h Furn as were

S un d a y " I'I c l'no on gu cs l s of lIl r. a nd
~ I r ". C harlts ) Jic he ne l', o f Il ea l' W ayf lllpa. sitHll!d yo uth (t hro wing him - n es\' ille.
e lf tu h is knees ) - -"Ligh t o f my. li fe!
Fri e nds. if yo u have n ot picked u p
Li ght of illY exis t e ncc ! Light o f- "
Th e lad y- " A w. dou sc i h(l glim . our ~ t"ti u n o n yo u r rad io . tun e in
mel' kid , a nd \\'hi le you're d ow n there wil h u ~ in s pirit. Loo ki ng bac kWttl". th ini< inj:!' f'))'\\'a rd !
will you buckl! my glllos h ('s ."

T. Martin Jesse Stanley


See UI Early (or Your

---- ..----

T ourist--" Is the Lontl o n fog reall y s o IIwfu lly t errib le?"

ond on e r- " Terribfe."
T o urist--"How do th e vehi cles g et
a long?"
Lo n l!.t>ner-"We ll, t he firs t one
qJa kes a tu nn el w hi ch a ll the following on es pass th ro u g h ."


rll l .ll d , Wit H i;-: " "a tl" lI t at S t. Frunci t-;

uJUtiun, u nc-fo u rth o f the ",,,rld',;

sligar is USIt! in t h i ~ co untry. I<' urth "rmol'\'. t h e U n iled S tull'S hus fivC' tight hs uof t h wu rld's ~el e p
t hree-eigh ts of it, rai lroud s nnd fo urIIflhll of its nu t om ohi lc s.
I t uses
th ree-fourths of a ll th ... I'ullber uriJ
fou r -fifth s uf a ll t h e pctrol oum use d
each year.'
Eac h farm wo r ke r in t he Unite d
Stat es p r od u l!cs tw e lve to ns of ce r ea ls al thou g h the ave r age cereal p r odu ction f o r eac h f llrm wo r ke r in the
r est o f t he world is onl y one a nd t wofif t h t on s. Eac h Am ll Tica n farm
wurke r, on th e averagc , is fcedi n g
n in e peopl e bes id es him self in t h i.
co untry a nd o n e mo r e person in so me
fo reIgn IlInd . So m e co un t ri es produ ce mor e crops pe r ac r e t ha n wc do ,
but n on e produces so m uch for eneh
ta rm wo r ker.

he r futher ,

1.111/1 11' ,.', 1,1""'11 :0 1\01 daugh ,\Il t',\, '; (I~'111 I h ,' \\' ('I ' I\- l ' n d Lll thl'ir



\I r .

t J H'~" I'l'

IllJI t



( ' Iwl'i" x ( ' , ,uh,


Th e IIdd" st t hlll ~ al' ''1 1I "' ,' 1"'1 , II !'

!'HI (' l'~ \~S

_____ _ _

t ltt v,!'t'}' , 'llC l \vi th

p \ 'lll


" W h ith er away , strl\nger? What

wouldsL?" ch cl'rioeil St. P ~ ter , a s he
lea ned over t h e peuriy glltes.
" G osh , let me in," muttered lhe
wand e r ing sou l of con vict No. 99f1 ,
j ust r eleased. " I just hutl the shock
of m y life."

~c. cunference at Ha_ Is 0Ye1'.

And, as )it, R08'efS ~. U~e ~
-I. to be congntulated 011 IOlq iIdo

conference without ..... ~:

no battlethiE\s
obltJe ....
. tlmll llIat COUldn't
no liII):.,~ltIe not to '~GIWD,
or do '~nr without die _




'The Miami



"Lov~ Pirates f.rom Hawaii"

FrRIlk. nlll'nl't, lio n of the Jato

811'1'liell Tlurnot, di ed at his home In
: "II'f"ill :!I 1\ \ lullny uftornool\. The
(Ulw,'nl ~l' ''vic('s w.:on ' h Id II~ i
'holl\(' T\I" . dll~ :1ftel'tI(lo n. Burial in

By High School Music Class

At Gym, Friday Night, March 9th, 8

;\lhuui n .Ull't(..' t'Y

p. m.

,\\Ij:';II,ta 1I ,,1't. ,wK.


0 -



\\'i. i.,. vi.


l\li ~l:\ ChHI'h Ltc Jonl s ~Jl (' n t Frl- ,

dllY in I nyl lln nUe nding II bas ketball

ht ll~'lUlu.

JlI\'I'" n ,,' I :II', I r. c llt .. ntr~I' n

of "'n: in. ( I'"dllllalt !"Iby.

Adm ission , 2Sc and ISc


hU :> itll ' ~ ~~





l.(';.a n lllt,

.M on .

Mr, and l\1rs . Ih,y JlIlI'I i ~ . ro f 'Flin t,

i\licn" \'i ~iir Li Mr. 1111(1 ~ Its . ::5. II.
III 11 1'- UU I'II"lt Ill st "'I'I'k .
C l';lll ',I 11
Mr. an d 1\ lr ~. I'r un k Kur fll s r nl!'rl:ti lH'U thl' fomwr's f alher o f Middl elown, .lh" pasl \\,,, ,k.
"II'. IIlId ~I IS. ~I II l 1111 SI"'l'll!tll . of
{' tt l l'n illC' , ''' l ', I' ~lI ltl l ay ).!'tI \'; l~ uf
I\h H. Ada C h " I111'" ' th "'a~ a weck- , .
~Ir , J-11l1 ~ "Ir ., I ~I, f"" I\ U).! t l \, "
<'I' d g'ut.'sl III' ~ ( ... Hlld ~I\'". JOt'llllk

FUIlI'ral :i<:n' i(,l'~ fut' A eh

(l IT- dny.
t IIIlln. wh o dwd \\'I'dm"IIIY . Pl'b ruary
:!\I. lit Ihc' h" IlI<' nf "i ~ lIeph(' w, Autl
I I n.y (";e \\', \\ en' "l'~~ ' ill t he. Frie nds KPl at
t ch ....
lit Spri!l~ \ al1,y , Frid ay IIf l'lh .
I('rll non. I(l \'. !,,' ''l'lr (I llic in tinA'. Du r-

r.==========:-=-:===-""=---~7:"-=~===,-,:=== 1


The WHOLE Story

In THREE Words


- - --_.- .

in :-:l'rinJ;!' " nlh'y ccnlch'ry.

\\' US


~I r '

.r. I'

f. ,\\, .1"; " 1

tt'J!ulnt" \ 11 1I1l 1l Unil'ld io n o f \Vny- dflu).:'hl c, ..11 ..
II,'" illl' L ,," ~., :\11. 11;:1 F. & A, ~1 ..
. TUl'"da), l" ,'lIin". :11,""1''' 1 ~1. Vis il .
0 ,, 1'

!ing amI

, ,, jo urlling br Ihrcn urc w(" l- h .... rt'

I come.
CllA :-i. DRAD13URY, W. M.

Highest Quality

R \1 J.!' C l' ~ Hilt! ~ ll' :-O. L l)tti \l

Masonic Lodge Notice



I ;-, u


.' 1


I" IIdi llK:t

;\1r. IIl1d ~I .. ~. CIII\'ill I. lI nK Iure. Mr. i
",111- \I i' h Ill' \' nlld ~l"s, Uri" SU.. rllCl' IIl1d ('h il drclI .

hll i-

111t!, 1'1 "OS,

' I ' f \ 1' I! I I



1' .

were X Cil ia visit .. r"


l'l \ 'ft

SUllday ,


Spl"i ll..:-bu r u , ~PC llt thl.'

\\' l'ek ~ l' JHI

. I ~;',: , : i~: . :' ":'.~ ;1'. ~Ir~ ,~:',~ : :~I: ,I : '~~'~c ~I:;~ I ~~;:~'~~~~:I ~~; 1 ~~I ' ~~~I: :>~~l! ~tl;l :

A glorious array of the newest in style-quality- good

taste- all surprisi ngl y low priced. Before buyin g
y ur wall pa per. it will be decidedly to ye ur interest
to look over our stoc k. R emember. ) ' OU .can return
all unused rolls, you don't have (0 wait. it's .carried in
s tock, YO Il don 't have to add :J few more cents per roll
to cover pa rcel post charges.

Dr aperies---- Rugs---- Shades

O ur :-.Je w 1!):!8 Line of R UGS, consisting of Brussels.
'J \J l'e~ tries, Axmill sters allCI Velve ts. Also , new Linolelllll s and Co ngoleuln Ru g~.

Mr. alld ill I's. MIlI'l'l, lIu >' T hackel'a , ,


Our pring 192 Iine comprises ovet 150 pa tterns; ALL

CARRIED IN STOCK . prices from 6c to 30c per roll.

II Hout
Perr~' ll !\rt~" l!k. di (I al t.he hOllle on
.:o ,I. Friday mOI'ni n!:: .I"uncfn!

\ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _~--~"

'l'HE Dominating influence in' Home Decoration.

Mr. nn <1 j\( .. ~. Lc51ic , QTnY spent

Su ndu.\' wit h !III'. ulld .lI1t'1<. Alb ert
FI1!' h :II' I1" "~I, r,.II'!I'. hri<ll ,,~, l illl'~ ' tRey.
~e rl"ic(,H Wl'fl' h,'lel !It !.\1 llr(llle Run
I m:!
Evt!iyn .l llhn~ ~ p('nl hI! I!/I ~t wc('k
phu rch l\I\111l.\, tlftl' rrt,IIln nllcl inl n \, . rad~. I'l.-.. (>1' .1. c'. llllWk.
. . .
with It r );mnrll):\r"I\I~, t r. :llId l\Ir ~.
UHlnt wa ~ in ) 1 nllli (lpUHH' I"Y.
1\1. \\ . ",h"1
\Y . , . Sl""< "crt'.1 n. Jo hn s.
) 1'".


Rudd ,uylur. o( t.~hrlllon, spent

un lay wit It r(llll li ell her".
11' < nIHIl

- _._ - - _11- . .__

We are showi'n g a llig tlew se lect ion


Draperies and

\\' illdnlV S hades . Come and st"e tiJelll before buying
;\It,:.;, E I I ~t ~I It h. III r ;d I It" ('d a Jllu ~ ic in Da yton, S Ulluny, ~l u l'c h -Ith .
elsewh ere , Prices are very reaso nab le.
!'I'cilal !I ( "' I:",h 1I1' T l" lay "i~h t.
II. M. Cla \' k I"uk :-iull day di llller l
wil h hi,; dlll!~hll'l', ?III'S, Ar lhul' Wat c!,lW II II:; :1 1'01 .... 1/1.: .llI" I IJlI~d )' li1 ~t ki ns and fU lllily. Ilenr C,'llle l\ille.
As Clul'('nce impso ll lind 1! 0wUI'd w ('pk a t t l\(' 1' (1\\ I I IhI U'::" , ,- illl Jlrnv
MI'. ,t llli 1I 1 ,. ~ . lI "r"ld G,."h ll lll II1U\'Missi ldinc W('re drh'inlr to X('ni n. illi.!'. und \\ ill ,,.", 111 a id,' IJ) h e HI ".o ct ft' o m tH.'!l 1' U l'l'g'o nin t o GC O I'~l\
his w ill'h aL:';Ll rl.
undny I'('nin!)" in 1'a ~s inlr a bu ss on
liruhnlll '8 farm Illlrl h uf to wn . Frid ay
l~e Htlll' h ill ab?ut II lII i l ~. out of
TIl<' " ' " ,i, I IIpil, .. f W ":: II1' TI)lI' n
1\1r. und M\' ~, " eslcr Crnh a m lind
X(' nlll, . the lII~c l\lnc In w li,en t hoy ~h iJl II ll': h ~di ' !I' 1 \I ill pre. I'1I1 I he op duughter w e r e S und ay J.:U C~lS u f Mr .
w(' ro rtdong sk,c1~I " d and UPMt'l t. Clar- (' rcttn. "Lo\',' I' imt p< of 11,, \\ ,Iii." '1 1 nnd Mrs. ' hnrl cs Guila,, \', ut lIIill lll ~I--"~_.-"---'----I -._ .~
u . . ..'<jII.
nee cscn p!!d WIth ~ fc w scratches. tlH' Gym I",xt 1', il b .1 lIi<!;lll. Mar 'II O. isburg.
but Hownt'd wus pinned und er t)le nt II o('lo .. k. .\ ,jllli "'i' Oll ~;; lind I f>
machin e Il nd his back was soverl.y cen ts.
I\lr. nnd Mrs. Fra nk nruw lI. o f TipwTonchec!' He is s t ill confined to hIS
peCfl n oc City. "~~ r e wl'c k-c nu gUt.'sls
b d, but it is th ought thut he will
If y llu ,'xl'l'ci I II huy II w"lch, make of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huulzll hn lind
soo n be out again.
IL will CM I no 1II0 1' e. chi ldren .
it a (;"u ('n ,
-------.--~.~---nnd y ou r:11l 1\ "a r iI IInti 'h,, 1I' Il L.,
1\11'. lind Mrs. Irvi n We idle, of Miyo ur fricnd ~ lI'il h add .. c! pritle and Rmisbu rg. were G o'dock dinner
satisfactio1l . YUUI' 1Il'II l"<!:1 Gru r ll guests, Fridny. uf Mr. and I\1rs. Meljewelcr is Cnry' Jcw('lry Shup, Leh- "in Swank,
anon. Ohio. II'h I'C' yll l\ will filld 1\
Mr und MI'll. Charles Smith Sile nt
. Owing to t he dent h of my wife, T g rCllt vnl"i Iy III ~(: kct frum .
Sund;,y wilh th ei r dllughtef, Mrs.
will Bell at public auction at my resTl'J' lhe Miami Gazette for. yeu. Go'o1e Bernard a nd fnmily, near
idence on the Township Road, 3 mlletl
WayneSVill e.
S. W. of Waynesville, 6 miles N. E.
Delmonte- 3 cans, 57c;
of Lebanon , on
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bi negar, of
dozen, $2.25; can , .. . .
Jam est own . wer e Sundny dinner
CAountr, Club, 3 can . ................ 53c p." 'C o .. n ......... ........... .. ...... .. . 2 .10
Beginning at 10 a. m., the f ollowg uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
~ond.le. 3 ean . .. ............ .. .... SOc p ... dozeD ......... .... ..... .. ..... ~ .. .. . 1.59
Walter Kenrick.
Ing: 3 hOTses. 6 cattle, 100 chickCII flon , 3 c.n . ...... . " ' "
... ......... ... .....
. .. .......... .... 43c
e ns, 6 ducks, 6 geese, a full line of
r.Irs Charles 1\1 ullenix, Mr. and
farm implements, corn In shock, full
Mrs. 'Walte r Kenrick Jlt1.ended lhe
line of hou sehold goods. See large
French Brand,
funeral of Charles Wills, at Springbills.
per pound ..
: . ..
boro, Wednesday.
Scars & Simpson. Auct.e,
J ewc l S.nto., Ib ....................... 32c
Countr, Club, .t".1 cut. Ib .... 47c
on Tow n. hip Ronel, 3 miles S. W.
Dr. J. C. Roberts, dist rict s up erof Way nesvill e, Ohio. P. W. Hart . intendent of Blanchest er, will preach
a t Lytle church n ext Sun!Jay afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Countr,. Club, 10aL .......... Sc R,. .. , lOC I Vi.1\na ...................... 7c
Several il'iend. from here attended the funera l c:tf Mr. Frnnk Burnet
M1'tI. Carl Albright haa been quite
at his la te res~ nc e at Cente rville.
ill with neuri~B.
S. No.1, Roun r' , '
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Hanse BanBen and eon, Dale.
15 lbs. for . . . . . .
--o n Mrs. Frank Rogers had a fall last.
motored to Dayton last Saturday.
wcek when her crutches slipped o n
Several fro m this community atSPAGHETTI
the ftoor. She was badly bruised,
terla.d the show at Lytle last week.
but no bones broke n.
Countr, Club. p .. , .. ... .... .... ...
Miss Charline Shellhammer spent Th~
Robert. Mildred and Cla ra Haines,
last Tu esday with MillB Alys Hanof Belmont. spent t he week-end with
their grnndpa lcnts. Mr. lind Mrs, S.
W et, 5 ~' -0,.. can ..:
Master Robert Kruer, the 8011 of W arren Coun ty A ge nt . Leb a non, H. Haines and fami ly.
lb. ..... ....
of W. W. Kruer, is sick with plellrn
A large cro wd was in a ttcndnnce
In ollice of Att orne y F . M . Cunpneumonia.
at SunLlty School S unday, and en1\in gha.m, neor POlt Office.
- O K.
joyed t he Missionnl'Y program l rectMiss Helen Kruer spent Thursday
ed by Miss Eva Whllrton.
Ib ... ..........
night with Miss Kathleen Chamber lin, of Springboro.
Mrs. George Graham, Mrs, Charl es
____ ________ _
The Cooking SchOOl was held a ~ I
Lar,e Fi.h...... .. .............. ..
Mullenix. MI'. !lnll Mrs. WnlLer Kenthe hom e of Mrs. John Kruer, Thursrick attended the funera l of Miss
dD . .. .... ...
day afternoon. There were quite n
Addu Haines, at Springboro, FridllY .
few Of the neighbors present and enEatmore. Ib .... .............. ...
Mr. antil Mrs. J . B , J ones lind Mrs.
joyed salad uemonstmtion.
n en HR\rkc a ttended the fu neral of
Severa l from this community
3IU ..
Mr. Arch Hamilton, of New Burlingt e nded t he Night Owls eucher club
tO il hel d lit ' pring Va ll ey FridllY
2 Ib . ... ,..
at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
urlcrn u(l n.
Sheets last Friday. It was reported
that the re wns n good time.
lIlr. alld Mrs. Emery Chul'lclon,
Clean ..... F .... h. 3 lb... ..
MI'. nnd MN!, Chlll'les Chal'leton a nd
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Rose and Mr,
children we re 'undny gu ests of 1\lr.
Doze n ... .................. ... ... ..... .... $2.10.
arM MrR. Perry Wade' and family,
nnd MI'S. Frnnk Chll rleton IIn\/l son.
Can ..... ...... ............ ... .. .. .. .... .. .... 18c Smo"ed Surn cu ...... lb.
Jam es Wi ele and fa mily and Helen
al Middletown.
KI'uc r IItlc nd ed the eight o'clock banDon't
qu et nL Sprin g boro Saturday night.
i'l lr, H .. M. lark re tu rn ed frolll
Winch ester, In d., lust week, nllt er
ge t low.
the death Rnd burial or h i~ cou sin .
Thomns ITe nry
l:'I rk,
Mr. Clark
nursed him in his IUBt illness. '
Let us figure with
I'. 13.


Auto Accident

Low Price---

Real Service--


Buv Goodvears Now!

Here are a few examples ~f the bargains
we are offering in genuine Goodyear Tires

30x3 12 AWT Clincher

32x4 Straight Side Cord A WT
29x4.40 AllWeather Balloon



Phone 82


Waynesville, Ohio




__ _

Public Salea



Late' Classified Ads,

Waynesville Moto.. CO.

Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 105

I Coffee



B.r ead COO:bfeCL~~f. .. .. .. ... .. . .. 8e


Po.tatoes u.

Money To Loan

A New Service ' for

Home Owners

Through our direct

selling system, ."From
Factory to Your Wall,"
you can buy wall pap~r
in your own home at
factory prices. A telephone call-or a postal
card will bring the local representative to
your door with a complete line of new wall paper samples, priced from six
cents a roll up to the highest grade made.

The American Wall Paper Stores Co.

Local Representative

Waynesville, Ohio

T ornad~es----Cyclones'

INSURE against


by de.8tructi~e


We can protect you for very little



. Ceneral huurance

_~Wayne8Ville, ~hio


~~~~!~~~b~nca~:~~~.o .12ic

Clinton Realty
and Loan Co.,







A li ttle bright-eyed boy has come

to make his home with Chris Charles
and family at Harveysburg. Man),
thanks to t he stork.
Charles Howe and wife have moved from the Frank WiJaon farm to a
farm near Wilmington. . A Mr. Mont
joy has rented the Wilson farm,
cated by t he Howe family and will
move there soon. t
Among t hose out of town wbo ' attcnrled Mrs. Bud Frazier'lI blrthda,
anniversary in Wilmington last Sunday. were K. E. Thomp.on, wife and
daughler. Msry Katherine, Mrll, Alice Terry. W. H. Terry, 1\1, H. Terry,
of this place. Lon Brannon and wife.
of Xenia, and Guy Brannon,' of Leb.

Mr. nn d Mrs. \Y . 1\1

oleman ha'd
for their undllY Ilucst~, Mrs. Gladys
Donley n"'cIt' so n, Edw in, 1\Irs. J . H.
Donley. Mr. E. f 'l l'o nnd Mrs. J .
Proud. (If Clncln nllti, Mr. Il nd Mrs.
S. E. South and children, Hazel and
Virgi nia, of Mild l'ill.

yo-u before it is too

Harold McKay and wife spent Monday in Wilmfngion.

H . ' F. McKay and wife were Wilmin gton visitors Friday.
Ric hard Nelson and wIfe, of Lobanon. called on friend s here Sun\l ay.
F. C. Cleaver and family have
moved from Kentucky to t heir farm
Clint Jnckso n nnd fnmily have moved to their new farm In Clinton
Sherman Ferris a nd wife, Almon
Ferris a nd wife were shopping in
Lebanon on Frida y.
H enry Moore Bnd family have
movd<,\ on the Tony Davis fa rm. The
Davis' hnve gone bnek to Fennsylvania.

17c !~~~~~~



lat:e. We can save

you money with



can~ 9c g~~~~
17C ~~1~6~~~
27 C Spinach
~p.t~!~~~n~. . . .,. . . 53c






y .... .




-- -

Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jones and Mr.

li nd Mrs Hill enlertuincd to nn alum
in um- d c ~ o n sl rnti(ln a "ix o'clock din ner Mon'd.. y evening. Mr. a nd Mrs.
C. L. Duke, MI'. And Mrs. Paul Duke,
Mr. and Mrs. ' 5. H. Burn ett , Mr. lind
Mrs. Morris Corn ell , Mr. a nd Mrs. Ed
Longacre and Mr. and Mrs. James

Genuine Raven
, Red Ash,

, The 'Phillipso n Comedy Co. put on

clean comical .shows at Lytle Hall all
last week, a nd were enjoyed by large
crowds each eve ning. Mrs. Margaret Johns received the electric tablela mp on t he bean gue8s; -MI311 Emma
Ha rris won the case of silverware as
the popular young lady lind Dorothy
Graham the <linm ond ring on the
baby vote ; Woodrow Lewis received tbe Indian blanket with the can-I
dy. The company left for Highland
county Monday morning.



. T R A DE;




Coal for


Brooder Stove can be

had in any quantity.

... .

Thomas Henry Clark, age 81 years

8 months, tlJed at bis home, 6,1 9 E.
Washington street, Winchester, In'd~,
F ebruory 22. after twelve weeks' illness. He leaves two Bons, Elmer and
James, two daught~rs, Mrs. Dan Fettei'll and MTB. Ava . Collins; also three
sisters. Mr. Clark had been married
siX times. He leaves a widow. Mrs.
Id~ E. Clark.
Mr: Clark wae a Civil
WIT veteran. a member of the 124th
Indian Infantl'f\ and was e ngaged in
the f ollowing battles in 1864-65:
Dalton, Reseca. Altoona Mountain.
Kenesaw Mountall). C.hataboochie
River, Atlanta, Peach Tree Creek. all
in Georgia; .a leb at .. Columbia. Frank..
lin, ' Nashville and 'Wise's Forke. In
T.;mne~see. .MI'. Chu'!<' Vio. burled .In
F~u~tair,t. ParJi ce!'llete~j WincbeBter.
.ana. . . .' _ _ . ' ~ , , .
-., One of theBe days people will atop
talking about tbe whj~ collar job and
refer .to It more appropriately u the
two-pants suit position.

Wayne. Cb"Iek,
Waynesv 'eFarmers,
". '

More t han fifty neighbors an,d

frie nds gathered at the beall~1ful
faTm home of RWlSell and Ruth MUTray, j Ust cast of Oregonia, last Sun~J
day, March . 4, to celebrate their
twenty-fifth wd<ldlnr anniversary,
The group gathered at the noon hour
to partake of the'. delicious dinner,
pr epared .by the .I adles; whUe the .a
ternoon was in coneratulations
. '
' -Phone 25
and the exchange of ~etiJlp. FOT
the afternoon the Hurrays wore . tbe
suits in wblcb they were mamed a
quarter of a century qo.

. Company. ,
W'a ynesvilJe Ohio


A D V E R 'T I 5 'E


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