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Holiday PostCard


Juan David Snchez Quijano
ID: 000514485

Presentado A:
Jonathan Gonzlez Guerrero
NRC: 504

Bogot, DC, Colombia 21 de Febrero del 2017

My holiday

Hi, Jenny.

I am having a wonderful time on holiday!

Its really sunny and hot so I keep going into the sea to cool off, its very salty though! Its also

very clear. I can see all the way to the bottom of the sea! There are lots of very pretty fish, my

friend says there is something called the Coral reef which is very precious, and we get to go

diving tomorrow to have a look at it!

Yesterday we went for a walk and we saw a funny looking animal that had 2 legs which it

bounced on instead of walking, really small arms and its very own pocket on its belly that it

carried its baby in, how funny! Anyway I get to see you to tell you all about it next week, but Im

not looking forward to the whole day on plane, boring!

With love, Juan David

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