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Posh Porridge

½ c steel cut oats

Pinch salt
500mls water
Gently simmer on stove top for 15-20mins (serves 2)
1c Rolled Oats
Pinch salt
400 mls water
Bring to the boil and simmer 2-3mins (serves 2)
Or (microwave)
½ c Rolled oats
1c water
Microwave on HIGH 2 minutes
Remove and stir
Cook on HIGH further 30 seconds (serves 1)
1T coconut oil
1c millet
2 cups water
Lightly toast millet in coconut oil in a saucepan 2-3 mins. Add 2cups
water with a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil, cook 15minutes. Leave
to sit for 5 minutes the fluff with a fork. Can store in fridge & reheat
in the microwave, just add almond or coconut milk, heat until
warm. (serves 2)

Rhubarb & Raspberry Compote
500g rhubarb cut
100g sugar or ¼c honey
2T custard powder mixed with ¼c water
1c frozen raspberries
Juice ½ lemon
Heat until cooked.
Will keep in a jar in the fridge up to 5 days
Oat Crumble
125g butter
125g brown sugar
1c flour
1½c rolled oats
Soften butter and cream with sugar.
Mix in flour and rolled oats.
Spread on oven tray, bake at 180C 15 minutes.
Crumble over porridge. Keep in the fridge.

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