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Analyzing a real life problem

Problem - How to impose people to contribute growing trees.

Objectives to be accomplished - To give substantial contribution to recover day to day

loosing environment such as rapid climate change and global warming.

Alternative ways to achieve it (Possible Solutions) -

1. Telecasting or broadcasting awareness program where importance of growing forest
and consequences in loosing tree population through media.
2. Government is to plan and arrange a program to provide any kind of plants free of
charge to people in the country.
3. Promote more economically valued trees to people
4. Imposing a mandatory requirement of school student to grow at least a tree prior to
end of their school life and evaluate it like what has done in advanced level where
every student needs to complete a project in any field.

Constraint – Considering above four solutions, possible constrains can be given as follows.
1. People with no accessibility of media can not be sent this message, Senior
uneducated citizens are neglect it and Land availability.
2. Government has to bear a cost, referring only the people who interested and land
3. Diversity of growing will be constrained to limited types of trees and land availability
4. Evaluation what student actually has done and land availability.

Selecting Best solution – Considering effectively feasibility under these constraints last
fourth one will be best solution.

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