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Unit 1.



- (work on a) night shift: ca đêê m

- biology /bai'ɔləʤi/( n ): sinh vaêậ t/ sinh hoậ c

- biologist[bai'ɔlədʒist] (n ): nhaà sinh vaêậ t hoậ c

- biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ (adj ): thuoêậ c vêề sinh hoậ c

- lab/læb/ (n):labotory phoà ng thíí nghiêêậ m

- join hands = work togêthêr cuà ng laà m viêêậ c, chung sứíc, cuà ng nhau

- (be) willing to + V1: saẵ n loà ng laà m viêêậ c gíà

- housêhold chorês: coê ng viêêậ c nhaà

- do/ sharê/ run the household: laà m, chia sêẻ , troê ng nom gia đíành

- makê surê that>< unsurê chaắ c chaắ n

- rush /rʌʃ/ (v)=hurry voêậ i vaà ng

- rêsponsibility /ris,pɔnsə'biliti/ (n ): sứậ traí ch nhiêêậ m =duty

- bê rêsponsiblê for/ris'pɔnsəbl/ (adj): coí traí ch nhiêêậ m

- take the responsibility for+ V-ing: nhaêậ n traí ch nhiêêậ m

- prêssurê/'prêʃə/ (n): sứíc êí p, aí p lứậc

- (bê) undêr prêssurê: dứớíi sứíc êí p, aí p lứậc

- take out = rêmovê: dớài đi, boẻ , đoổ

Ex: My responsibility is to wash the dishes and take out the garbage.
- mischiêvous ['mist∫ivəs](adj )
=naughty nghiậch ngớậm, tinh ranh

- mischiêf /ˈmɪstʃɪf/ (n): sứậ nghiậch ngớậm

- give someone a hand = hêlp somêonê: giuí p ai đoí

- obêdiênt (adj/ə'bi:djənt/) >< disobêdiênt (adj): vaê ng lớài

- obêdiêncê[ə'bi:djəns] (n): sứậ vaê ng lớài

- obêy /ə'bêi/( v): vaê ng lớài, nghê lớài

- closê – knit: (adj) quan hêêậ khaắ ng khíít, đoaà n kêế t chaặậ t chêẽ

- supportive of/sə'pɔ:tiv/ (adj) hoỗ trớậ, giuí p đớẽ

- support/sə'pɔ:t/ (v) hoỗ trớậ, giuí p đớẽ

- frankly /fræŋkli/ (adv): cớẻi mớẻ, boêậ c trứậc, thaẳ ng thaắ n

- frank /fræŋk/ (a): thaằ ng thaắ n

- make a decision:= makê up onê’s mind quyêế t điậnh

- solvê /sɔlv/ (v): giaẻ i quyêế t

- solution /sə'lu:ʃn/ ( n ): sứậ giaẻ i quyêế t

- sêcurê /si'kjuə/ (adj)=safê an toaà n

-sêcurity /si'kjuəriti/ (n): sứậ an toaà n

- (be) crowded with đoê ng đuí c

- wêll – bêhavêd (a): cứ xứẻ đuí ng mứậc, biêế t điêề u

- confidêncê /'kɔnfidəns/ (n): sứậ tứậ tin, sứậ tin tứớẻng,

- confident ins.o (a): /'kɔnfidənt/ tứậ tin, tin tứớẻng vaà o ai

- basê/bêis/ (n) nêề n taẻ ng
- basic /bêisik/ (a) cớ baẻ n
- play trick on somêonê (v) chới xoẻ ai, lứàa ai
- rêsêrvê = book (v) đaặậ t vêí
- pêrmit = allow (v) cho phêí p
-> pêrmission (n) sứậ cho phêí p
-> pêrmissivê (adj) cho phêí p
-> pêrmissiblê (adj) = allowablê chaế p nhaêậ n đứớậc
1. * allow/ permit/ advise/ recommend + O + to Vo
* be allowed + to Vo
* allow/ permit/ advise/ recommend + Ving
2. * make (made) + O + Adj/ Vo
* be made + to Vo
3. let + O + Vo: hãy
4. have to/ has to + Vo: phải
- come up = happen=occur xaẻ y ra

- hard-working (a): chaặ m chíẻ

Pay attention to these phrases, phrasal Verb and Structuress.

Phrases, phrasal Verb.
- A family of five people: gia đình có 5 người
- Work as a nurse: là 1 y tá
-“men build the house and women make it home”: đàn ông xây nhà, đàn bà xây tổ ấm
- Be responsible for = Take the responsibility for N/ Ving: Có trách nhiệm làm gì
I’m responsible for taking out the garbage
I take the responsibility for taking out the garbage.
- Go/ Rush/ Leave home: về, vội vã về, rời nhà
- By the time S+V: trước lúc ai đó làm gì…
- Be willing to V: sẵn lòng làm gì
- Unlike most men: không giống hầu hết những người đàn ông khác
-In my attempt (effort) to win a place at a university: trong nỗ lực để vào được đại học
- Under (high) pressure: dưới áp lực
- Help with Sth = give a hand with: Giúp làm việc gì
- Take out= Remove: rời, mang bỏ
- Look after = take care of: chăm sóc, trông nom
- Supportive of one anther: hỗ trợ lẫn nhau
- Come up= appear/ happen=occur: xuất hiện/ xảy ra
- Come up with (an idea): nảy ra ( một ý tưởng)
1. S + aux not+ V until N/ S+V: không làm gì cho tới tận khi
He doesn’t come home until very late at night.
She can not finish it until her father helps her.
2. It+ be+ Adv+ P2 (said/ believed) that S+V : nó được nói / tin rằng It
is generally believed that….
3. Be the first/ second/ third N to V: là.. thứ mấy làm gì
4. S+ be + superlative (the…est/ most…) S have +P2 : … nhất mà ai đó từng….
His eel soup is the best soup I have ever eaten.
She is the most intelligent girl I have ever met.
Chuyên đề 1: CÁC THÌ (TENSES)
I.The Simple Present tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh: S + V(s/es)/Vo S + am/is/are
- Caâu phuû ñònh: S + do/does + not + V; S + am/is/are +
- Caâu hoûi: Do/Does + S + V … ? Am/Is/Are + S
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì hieän taïi ñôn ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
2.1 Moät thoùi quen, moät haønh ñoäng ñöôïc laëp ñi laëp laïi thöôøng
xuyeân. Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø: always, often, usually,
sometimes, seldom, rarely, every day/week/month, once/ twice a week …
E.g: Mary often …………………(get) up early in the morning.
2.2 Moät söï thaät luùc naøo cuõng ñuùng, moät chaân lyù.
E.g: The sun ……………..(rise) in the east and ……………………..(set) in
the west.
2.3 Moät haønh ñoäng trong töông lai ñaõ ñöôïc ñöa vaøo chöông trình,keá
E.g: The last train …………………………(leave) at 4.45.
II.The Present Continuous tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + am/is/are + V-ing
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + am/is/are + not + V-ing - Caâu hoûi: Am/Is/Are + S
+ V-ing … ?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
2.1 Moät haønh ñoäng ñang dieãn ra ôû hieän taïi (trong luùc noùi); sau caâu
meänh leänh, ñeà nghò. Trong caâu thöôøng coù ø: now, right now, at the
moment, at present, at that time, Look!, Be careful! …
E.g: - What are you doing at the moment? - I ……………………
(write) a letter.
- Be quiet! My mother is sleeping. - Look! The bus
2.2 Moät haønh ñoäng ñaõ ñöôïc leân keá hoaïch thöïc hieän trong töông lai
E.g: - What ………………….... (you/ do) tonight?
- I ……………………………… (go) to the cinema with my father.
2.3 Moät haønh ñoäng nhaát thôøi khoâng keùo daøi laâu, thöôøng duøng
vôùi today, this week, this month, these days, …
E.g: - What is your daughter doing these days?
- She ………………………….. (study) English at the foreign language
3) Nhöõng ñoäng töø khoâng ñöôïc duøng ôû thì HTTD:
3.1 Ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan: hear, see, smell, taste
3.2 Ñoäng töø chæ tình caûm, caûm xuùc: love, hate, like,
3.3 Ñoäng töø chæ traïng thaùi, söï lieân heä, sôû höõu: look, seem, appear,
have, own, belong to, need, …
3.4 Ñoäng töø chæ sinh hoaït trí tueä: agree, understand, remember, know, …
III. The Present Perfect tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + have/has+ V3/ed
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + have/has + not + V3/ed - Caâu hoûi: Have/Has
+ S + V3/ed … ?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì HTHT duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
2.1 Moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù khoâng xaùc ñònh roõ thôøi ñieåm.
E.g: ……………………………… (you/ have) breakfast? – No, I haven’t.
2.2 Moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù, coøn keùo daøi ñeán hieän taïi. (Ñi
với since hoặc for)
E.g: My friend Nam ……………………………. (live) in HCMC since 1998.
2.3 Moät haønh ñoäng vöøa môùi xaûy ra hoặc xảy ra gần so với hiện tại. (Thường có:
just, recently, lately…)
E.g: I …………………………….. (just/ finish) my homework.
2.4 Trong caáu truùc:
Be + the first/second… time + S + have/has + V3/ed
Be + the ss nhaát + N + S + have/has + V3/ed
E.g: This is the first time I …………………………. (be) to Paris.
She is the most honest person I ………………………… (ever/
3) Caùc traïng töø thöôøng duøng vôùi thì HTHT: just (vöøa môùi),
recently/lately (gaàn ñaây), ever (ñaõ töøng), never (chöa bao giôø), yet
(chöa), already (roài), since (töø khi – moác thôøi gian), for (khoaûng), so
far/until now/up to now/up to the present (cho ñeán baây giôø), several
times, for the last ten years
IV.The Present Perfect Continuous:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + have/has+ been + V-ing
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + have/has + not + been + V-ing
- Caâu hoûi Have/Has + S + been + V-ing … ?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì HTHTTD duøng ñeå dieãn taû: Haønh ñoäng baét ñaàu
trong quaù khöù, keùo daøi lieân tuïc ñeán hieän taïi vaø coøn tieáp dieãn ñeán
töông lai, thöôøng ñi vôùi How long, since vaø for.
E.g: - How long …………………………………… (you/ wait) for her?
- I ……………………………………………… (wait) for her for an hour.
* HTHT: haønh ñoäng hoaøn taát > < HTHTTD: haønh ñoäng coøn
tieáp tuïc
V. The Simple Past tense.
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + V2/ed; S + was/were
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + did + not + V; S + was/were + not
- Caâu hoûi Did + S + V … ?; Was/Were + S … ?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì QKÑ duøng ñeå dieãn taû haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra
vaø hoaøn taát trong quaù khöù vôùi thôøi gian ñöôïc xaùc ñònh roõ. Caùc traïng
töø thöôøng ñi keøm: yesterday, ago, last week/month/year, in the past, in
1990, …
E.g: Uncle Ho passed away in 1969.
VI- Quaù khöù tieáp dieãn (Past Continuous):
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + was/were + V-ing
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + was/were + not + V-ing - Caâu hoûi:
Was/Were + S + V-ing … ?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì QKTD duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
2.1 Moät haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra vaøo moät thôøi ñieåm xaùc ñònh trong
quaù khöù.
E.g: - She …………………………….. (study) her lesson at 7 last night.
- What ………………………………… (you/ do) from 3pm to 6pm
- I …………………………………… (practice) English at that time.
2.2 Moät haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra ôû quaù khöù (Were/Was + V-ing) thì coù
moät haønh ñoäng khaùc xen vaøo (V2/ed). E.g: - He ……………………………….
(sleep) when I came.
- While my mother ………………………….. (cook) dinner, the
phone rang.
2.3 Hai haønh ñoäng dieãn ra song song cuøng luùc trong quaù khöù.
E.g: - While I ………………………….. (do) my homework, my brother
…………………… (play) video games.
VII. The Past Perfect tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + had + V3/ed
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + had+ not + V3/ed - Caâu hoûi Had +
S + V3/ed … ?
2) Caùch duøng chính:
Thì QKHT duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
2.1 Moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra vaø hoaøn taát tröôùc moät thôøi ñieåm hoaëc
moät haønh ñoäng khaùc trong quaù khöù (haønh ñoäng tröôùc duøng HAD +
V3/ed, haønh ñoäng sau duøng V2/ed).
E.g: - We …………………………………………(have) dinner before eight o’clock
last night.
- Lan …………………………………….(learn) English before she came to
2.2. Moät haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra nhöng chöa hoaøn thaønh, tính ñeán moät
thôøi ñieåm naøo ñoù trong quaù khöù.
E.g: - By the time I left that school, I ………………………………….. (teach) there for
ten years.
3) Thì naøy thöôøng ñöôïc duøng vôùi caùc töø, ngöõ sau ñaây:
* After, before, when, as, once, by the time, since= because
E.g: - When I got to the station, the train had already left.
* No sooner … than (vöøa môùi … thì) hoaëc Hardly/Scarely … when (vöøa
môùi … thì)
E.g: - He had no sooner returned from abroad than he fell ill.
---> No sooner had he returned from abroad than he fell ill.
* It was not until … that … (maõi cho tôùi … môùi …) hoaëc Not until …
that … (maõi cho tôùi … môùi …)
Ex: It was not until I had met her that I understood the problem.
---> Not until I had met her did I understand the problem.
VIII.The Past Perfect Continuous tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + had + been + V-ing
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + had + not + been + V-ing - Caâu hoûi: Had + S +
been + V-ing … ?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì QKHTTD duøng ñeå nhaán maïnh tính LIEÂN TUÏC cuûa
haønh ñoäng cho ñeán khi moät haønh ñoäng khaùc xaûy ra trong quaù khöù.
Ex: When she arrived, I ……………………………………… (wait) for three hours.
IX.The Simple Future tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + will/shall + V
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + will/shall + not + V - Caâu hoûi:
Will/Shall + S + V … ?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì TLÑ duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
2.1 Moät haønh ñoäng seõ xaûy ra trong töông lai: E.g: I will call you
2.2 Moät quyeát ñònh ñöa ra vaøo luùc noùi: E.g: It’s cold. I’ll shut
the window.
2.3 Moät quyeát taâm, lôøi höùa, ñeà nghò, yeâu caàu:
E.g: I will lend you the money. - Will you marry me … ?
2.4 Moät tieân ñoaùn, döï baùo trong töông lai:
E.g: People will travel to Mars one day.
3) Daáu hieäu thöôøng gaëp: tomorrow, tonight, next week/month/year,
some day, in the future, …
* LÖU YÙ: Caùch duøng cuûa be going to + V:
+ Dieãn taû yù ñònh (Ñöôïc quyeát ñònh hoaëc coù trong keá hoaïch töø
E.g: I have saved some money. I am going to buy a new computer.
+ Dieãn taû moät döï ñoaùn coù caên cöù
E.g: Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain.
X- The Future Continuous tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + will/shall + be + V-ing
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing
- Caâu hoûi Will/Shall + S + be + V-ing?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì TLTD duøng ñeå dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng seõ ñang
dieãn ra ôû moät thôøi ñieåm hay moät khoaûng thôøi gian trong töông lai.
E.g: - This time next week I …………………………………………… tennis.
- We ………………………………………….. hard all day tomorrow.
*XI.The Future Perfect tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + will/shall + have + V3/ed
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + will/shall + not + have + V3/ed
- Caâu hoûi Will/Shall + S + have + V3/ed?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì TLHT duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
2.1 Moät haønh ñoäng seõ hoaøn taát tröôùc moät thôøi ñieåm trong töông
E.g: It’s now 7pm. I ……………………………………. (finish) teaching this
class by 8.30.
2.2 Moät haønh ñoäng seõ hoaøn taát tröôùc moät haønh ñoäng khaùc trong
töông lai.
E.g: By the time you come back, I …………………………….. (write) this
* Thì naøy thöôøng ñöôïc baét ñaàu baèng By + time (By then, By the time, By
the end of this week/month/year)
XII.The Future Perfect Continuous tense:
1) Caùch thaønh laäp:
- Caâu khaúng ñònh S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing
- Caâu phuû ñònh S + will/shall + not + have + been + V-ing
- Caâu hoûi Will/Shall + S + have + been + V-ing?
2) Caùch duøng chính: Thì TLHTTD duøng ñeå nhaán maïnh tính LIEÂN TUÏC cuûa
haønh ñoäng so vôùi moät thôøi ñieåm naøo ñoù hoaëc haønh ñoäng khaùc trong
töông lai.
E.g: - By next month, he …………………………………………… in the office for ten
- When George gets his degree, he …………………………………………….. at
Oxford for four years.
* KHÔNG chia thì tương lai sau Mđề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian : when, while, as, by the time, as
soon as, just as, till, until, whenver, as long as... (thay bằng HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN hoặc HIỆN TẠI
Note: Một số cách hòa hợp thì giữa mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian:
1. TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN + until / when / as soon as + HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN
I will phone you when I arrive the airport.
He will go home after he has finished his work.
3. QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN + while / when / as + QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN (hành động ngắn – dài)
It started to rain while the boys were playing football.
4. QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN + while + QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN (hai hành động song song)
Last night, I was doing my homework while my sister was playing games.
I have worked here since I graduated.
6. TƯƠNG LAI HOÀN THÀNH + by / by the time + HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN
He will have left by the time you arrive.
7. QUÁ KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH + by the time / before + QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN (hành động trước –
sau trong QK) He had left by the time I came.
8. QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN+ after + QUÁ KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH(hành động trước – sautrong QK)
I. Choose the best answer.
1. Nurses ………………. after patients in hospitals.
A. look B. are looking C. were looking D. looked
2. The earth ………………. round the sun.
A. went B. goes C. is going D. go
3. How often ………………. to the dentist?
A. were you going B. are you going C. do you go D. did you go
4. In summer John ………………. tennis once or twice a week.
A. usually plays B. usually played C. plays usually D. played
5. Please don’t make so much noise. I ………………..
A. have worked B. was working C. am working D. worked
6. ‘Where’s Margaret?’ ‘She ………………. a bath.’
A. was having B. has C. has had D. is having
7. Right now he ………………. at Janet.
A. looks B. is looking C. has looked D. looked
8. I ………… an interesting book at the moment. I’ll lend it to you when I’ve finished it.
A. read B. was reading C. am reading D. has read
9. He told me his name but I ………………. it.
A. had forgotten B. forget C. have forgotten D. forgot
10. ‘Is Sally here?’ ‘No, she ………………. out.
A. is going B. will go C. had gone D. has gone
11. They ………………. tennis 3 times this week.
A. are playing B. have played C. played D. play
12. This is a lovely meal. It is the first good meal I ………………. for ages.
A. have been having B. am having C. have D. have had
13. You’re out of breath. ……………….?
A. Have you been running B. Did you run
C. Are you running D. Do you run
14. Paul is very tired. He ………………. very hard.
A. worked B. has been working C. is working D. works
15. Tim is watching TV. He ………………. television all day.
A. watched B. had watched C. has been watching D. watches
16. Where have you been? I ………………. for you for 15 minutes.
A. am looking B. had looked C. have been looking D. looked
17. Sam ………………. last night.
A. was phoning B. had phoned C. has phoned D. phoned
18. I ………………. Fred in town yesterday.
A. was seeing B. had seen C. have seen D. saw
19. I was walking along the road when I saw Dave. So I …………… and we had a chat.
A. was stopping B. had stopped C. have stopped D. stopped
20. I ………………. forty cigarettes a day till I gave up.
A. was smoking B. smoke C. have smoked D. smoked
21. What ………………. at 10 o’clock last night?
A. were you doing B. have you been doing C. have you done D. did you do
22. This time last year I ………………. in Brazil.
A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. had lived
23. Ann ………………. TV when the phone rang.
A. watches B. is watching C. was watching D. watched
24. When I was working in the garden, my wife ………………. dinner.
A. is cooking B. has cooked C. was cooking D. cooked
25. When we got home last night, we found that somebody ………………. into the flat.
A. breaks B. broke C. had been breaking D. had broken
26. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everyone ………………. to bed.
A. had been going B. was going C. went D. had gone
27. The house was dirty. They ………………. it for weeks.
A. had not cleaned B. have not cleaned
C. was not cleaning D. don’t clean
28. Bill was phoning his girlfriend again. That was the third time he ……………… her that evening.
A. was phoning B. had phoned C. had been phoning D. phoned
29. When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy and one of them had
a black eye. They ………………..
A. had fought B. was fighting C. had been fighting D. fought
30. I was very tired when I arrived home. I ………………. hard all day.
A. had been working B. have been working C. was working D. worked
31. Ken gave up smoking 2 years ago. He ………………. for 30 years.
A. had been smoking B. has smoked C. was smoking D. smokes
32. Our game of tennis was interrupted. We ………………. for about half an hour when it started to rain
very heavily.
A. had been playing B. have played C. were playing D. play
33. ‘Did you phone Ruth?’ ‘Oh no, I forgot. I ………………. her now.’
A. will be phoning B. am going to phone C. am phoning D. will phone
34. ‘What would you like to drink?’ ‘I ………………. an orange juice, please.’
A. am going to have B. am having C. have D. will have
35. Oh, I’ve left the door open. I ………………. and shut it.
A. went B. am going C. go D. will go
36. According to the weather report, it …………………… cloudy tomorrow.
A. will be B. is going to be C. A and B are correct D. is
37. Look at those black clouds. It ………………… (the clouds are there now.)
A. will rain B. is going to rain C. A and B are correct D. rains
38. Jane: Why did you buy this paint?
Tom: I ………………… my bedroom tomorrow.
A. have paint B. paint C. am going to paint D. will paint
39. Tom: Would you like to go for a drink with me?
Jane: Yes, I ………………… with you.
A. will be going B. go C. am going D. will go
40. Jane: The phone is ringing
Tom: I …………………… it.
A. will be getting B. get C. am getting D. will get
41. At 8.30 tomorrow Kevin ………………. the match.
A. will be watching B. watched C. has watched D. watches
42. I’m going on holiday on Saturday. This time next week I ………………. on a beach or swimming in
the sea.
A. will be lying B. lay C. have lain D. lie
43. Jane: If you see Sally, can you ask her to phone me?
Tom: Sure. I ………………. her this evening, so I’ll tell her then.
A. will be seeing B. am seeing C. A and B are correct D. see
44. What time ………………. tomorrow?
A. will your friends be arriving B. are your friends arriving
C. A and B are correct D. do your friends arrive
45. Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning, so she won’t be at home at 9 o’clock. She
………………. to work.
A. is going B. will go C. will have gone D. goes
46. We’re late. The film ………………. by the time we get to the cinema.
A. will already have started B. will have already started
C. A and B are correct D. has already started
47. Go ahead and leave on your vacation. Don’t worry about this work. By the time you get back, we
………………. care of everything
A. is taking B. will have taken C. will be taking D. will take
48. What? He got married again? At this rate, he …… a dozen wives by the time he dies.
A. will have had B. ‘ll have been having C. will be having D. will have
49. I will go to bed at 10 pm. He will get home at midnight. At midnight I will be sleeping. I
………………. for 2 hours by the time he gets home.
A. sleep B. will sleep
C. am sleeping D. will have been sleeping
50. When professor John retires next month, he ………………. for 45 years.
A. will have been teaching B. will have taught
C. A and B are correct D. is teaching
51. I assumed you ……….. paying for the repairs until the end of last year.
A. have been B. was been C. are being D. had been
52. …………. get tired of answering the same questions every day?
A. Have you ever B. Had you ever C. Do you ever D. Are you ever
53. She …………. working on that manuscript for 2 years now.
A. will be B. has been C. had been D. is
54. She …………. trying to pass her driving test but fails every time.
A. kept B. is keeping C. had kept D. keeps
55. I ………….. complete silence now while I try this experiment.
A. am wanting B. want C. did want D. have wanted
56. In the last hundred years, traveling ……….. much easier and more comfortable.
A. becomes B. has become C. became D. will become
57. The little girl is crying because she _______________ her doll.
A. has lost B. had lost C. was losing D. was lost
58. We ____________ out yesterday because it _____________ at that time.
A. hadn’t gone – was raining B. didn’t go – rained
C. didn’t go – was raining D. didn’t go – had been
59. Nam has studied English since he _______________ 5 years old.
A. is B. was C. has been D. were
60. Mr. Gibbon usually drinks mineral water, but last night he ____________ champagne.
A. drinks B. has drunk C. is drinking D. drank
61. Since the end of the 20 century, English _______________ the most widely used language around
the world.
A. has become B. became C. becomes D. had become
62. _______________ my key anywhere? I can’t find it.
A. Did you see B. Have you seen C. Will you see D. Do you see
63. When Mr. Lam came, we _______________ the room.
A. cleaned B. was cleaning C. were cleaning D. clean
64. I’m sorry I _______________ to you for a long time.
A. didn’t write B. haven’t written C. hadn’t written D. don’t write
65. What ______________ when I called you?
A. did you do B. are you doing C. were you doing D. do you do
66. Did you give Linda message when you _______________ her?
A. saw B. see C. have seen D. will see
II. Transformation of tenses:
 Notes: a. It + be + time + since + simple past
b. It is the first/ second/ third …… time + present perfect
c. The last time + simple past
d. Present perfect + since + simple past
 Exercise 1: Rewrite these sentences:
1. The last time she had a swim was ten years ago.
 She hasn’t …………………………………………
2. I have never met such a famous person before.
 It is …………………………………………………
3. I last saw him when I was a student.
 I haven’t …………………………………………………………...
4. I haven’t come there for two years.
 I last …………………………………………………………...
5. I have studied English for seven years.
 I started …………………………………………………………...
Exercises 2: Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence
1. It hasn’t snowed for 5 years.
A. It didn’t snow 5 years ago. B. It wasn’t snowing 5 years ago
C. The last time it snowed was 5 years ago. D. It has snowed for 5 years.
2.This is the first time (that) he has driven a car.
A. He has never driven a car before. B. He has always driven a car.
C. He used to drive a car. D. It was a car that he drove.
3. How long is it since you (last) had a holiday?
A. Did you have a holiday? B. When did you (last) have a holiday
C. How long was your (last) holiday? D. Was your (last) holiday long?
4. I haven’t had a holiday for 2 years.
A. I had a two-year holiday. B. My (last) holiday was 2 years.
C. I’ll have a holiday in 2 years. D. It’s 2 years since I (last) had a holiday.
5. When did he (last) swim?
A. Was his (last) swim long? B. How long was his (last) swim?
C. Did he swim? D. How long is it since he (last) swam?
6. It’s 2 years since she (last) swam.
A. Her (last) swim was 2 years. B. She hasn’t swum for 2 years.
C. She’ll swim in 2 years. D. She had a two-year swim.
7. I have never played before.
A. It was football that I played. B. I used to play football.
C. This is the first time I have played football. D. I have always played football.
8. I started working for the company 5 years ago.
A. I worked for the company for 5 years. B. I was working for the company 5 years ago.
C. I’ll work for the company in 5 years. D. I have been working for the company for 5 years.
9. He started reading the book 20 minutes ago.
A. He read the book for 20 minutes. B. He was reading the book 20 minutes ago.
C. He’ll read the book in 20 minutes. D. He has been reading the book for 20 minutes.
10. She hasn’t seen her family for years.
A. She didn’t see her family for a long time. B.It’s the last time she saw her family years ago.
C.It’s years ago she has seen her family.D.It’s years since she last saw her family.
11. She started work three months ago.
A. It is three months since she started work. B. She had been working for three months.
C. She is working here for three months now. D.It’s three months that she worked for.
12. My career as a teacher began 14 years ago.
A. I have been a teacher for 14 years now. B. I was a teacher for 14 years.
C. For 14 years have I been a teacher. D. I have started teaching for 14 years now.
13. The children had never seen a more attractive toy.
A. It was a more attractive toy that the children had ever seen.
B. It was the most attractive toy the children had ever seen.
C. The children had never had any attractive toy.
D. All the toys the children had were not attractive.
14. I last heard this song ten years ago.
A. It’s ten years since I last heard this song. B. It was ten years since I have heard this song.
C. It’s ten years when I have heard this song.D. It has been ten years when I have heard this song.
15. He hasn’t smoked a cigarette for a week.
A. It’s for a week that he hasn’t smoked a cigarette. B. It’s a week ago that he smoked a cigarette.
C. It’s a week since he last smoked a cigarette. D. It’s a cigarette that he smoked a week ago.
16. He started playing the guitar five years ago.
A. He has been starting to play the guitar for five years. B. He has started playing the guitar for five years.
C. He has been playing the guitar since five years. D. He has been playing the guitar for five years.
17. It’s ages since I last saw a Hollywood film.
A. I haven’t seen any Hollywood film before. B. I haven’t seen a Hollywood film for a long time.
C. I saw a last Hollywood film since ages ago. D. It’s ages because I last saw a Hollywood film.
18. It has been a long time since they met.
A. They didn’t meet for a long time. B. They didn’t meet a long time.
C. They haven’t met since a long time. D. They haven’t met for a long time.
19. They last visited me five years ago.
A. They haven’t visited me for a long time. B. They have known me for five years.
C. I haven’t been visited for long time. D. They haven’t visited me for 5 years.
20. The last time I saw him was in 2000.
A. I have not seen him for 2000. B. I have not seen him since 2000.
C. I saw him since 2000. D. I have usually seen him since 2000.
21. I haven’t stayed in a hotel for years.
A. It’s years when I stayed in a hotel. B. It’s years since I stay in a hotel.
C. It’s years since I stayed in a hotel. D. I haven’t stayed in a hotel years ago.
22. He left school three years ago.
A. It’s 3 years since he had left school. B. It’s 3 years since he has left school.
C. It’s been 3 years ago since he left school D. It’s 3 years since he left school.

VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.
1. Her father died when she was being 6 years old.
2. He stopped working because he is very tired.
3. Hoa has studied music since she has been 5 years old.
4. When I come, Mary was doing exercises in the living room.
5. Mr. Nam has taught Math in this school for 1960.
I-PHONETICS: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
1- A.come B.home
2- A.weeks B.sometimes C.attempts D.books
3- A.halves B.days D.dates
4- A.halves B.arrives C.leaves D.rushes
5- A.mischievous B.chemistry C.chores D.children
6- A.reserved B.crowded C.waited D.visited
7- A.caring B.confidence D.nice
8- A.secret C.sure
9- B.rarely D.late
10- A.chores B.dishes C.washes D.rushes
11- B.angry C.frank
12- A.rush B.hurry C.discuss D.nurse
13- A.home B.project C.close-knit D.household
14- A.enjoy C.secret D.reserve
15- A.dates B.chores C.talks D.helps
16- A.coughs B.laughs C.photographs D.wives
17- A.coughed B.laughed C.raised D.stopped
18- A.rushes B.oranges C.chores
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others
1- A.household B.garbage C.secret D.attempt
2- A.solution B.leftover C.relation D.supportive
3- A.discuss B.enjoy C.project D.believe
4- A.sometimes B.until C.allow D.permit
5- A.excited B.motorbike C.together D.important
6- B.although C.behaved D.pressure
7- A.decision B.expensive C.separate D.expression
8- A.prepare B.closely C.interest D.daughter
9- A.passage B.reserved C.crowded D.partner
10- A.mischievous B.personal C.responsible D.confidence
11- B.garbage C.pressure D.household
12- B.solution C.confidence D.mischievous
13- A.obedient B.biologist C.responsible D.secondary
14- A.secret B.reserve C.discuss D.attempt
15- A.decision B.annoying C.personal D.supportive
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. toys B. bats C. doors D. bags
2. A. sentences B. houses C. dates D. oranges
3. A. beliefs B. keeps C. enjoys D. pets
4. A. systems B. ideas C. prepares D. breaks
5. A. airports B. examples C. brothers D. friends
1. Tam is willing to help his mother with the household _______________.
A. works B. jobs C. choir D. chores
2. “Men make house and women make _______________.” is a popular saying.
A. family B. garden C. home D. room
3. The nurse is always kind to us. He is a very _______________ person.
A. caring B. careful C. careless D. care
4. My mother takes the _______________ for running the household.
A. responsible B. responsibility C. irresponsible D. responsibly
5. In my family, both my parents join _______________ to give us a nice house and a happy home.
A. legs B. ideas C. hands D. money
6-Could you ______ me a hand with the table, please ?
A.give B.lent C.offer D.take
7-He doesn’t come home until very late at night” means ____________.
A.He never comes home late at night. B. He comes home late at night
C. He sometimes comes home late at night D.He doesn’t come home late at night
8-“Men build the house and women make it home” means __________________.
A.Both men and women are good at building houses
B.Men and women have to live separately.
C Men’s responsibility is to build houses and women’s job is to build home.
D.Men’s responsibility is to work and support the family and women’s job is to look after the family.
9-The boys are mischievous sometimes.
A.The boys are well-behaved sometimes B.The boys miss their parents sometimes
C.The boys enjoy playing tricks and annoying people sometimes.
D.The boys are obedient and hardworking.
10-We are a very close-knit family.  Members of our family ____________________.
A have very close relationships with each other. B. need each other.
C.are never close to each other. D. often sit closely together.
11-I always talk to my parents ______ making an important decision.
A.after B.before C.until soon as
12-His family’s members are very close and ______ is also a close-knit family.
A.hers B.her C.she D.he
13-We are not allowed _____ out at night.
A.going B.go be going go
14-Family is ________ than things because it can’t be replaced. important as B.important C.more important D.the most important
15-In my family, everyone ______ to do their share of the household chores.
A.must B.have C.need D.has
16-I’m sorry I __________ to you for so long.
A.haven’t written B.hasn’t written C.didn’t write D.don’t write
17-When you _______ to England this summer, please visit me.
A.will come B.came C.come D.are going to come
18-This is the photo of my great grandfather. He _____ married six times.
A.has been B.was C.was getting D.gets
19-We always feel _________ in our family.
A.safely and good B.clear and sound and secure and well
20-Family is a base from which we can go into the world with _________.
A.confident B.being confidence C.self-confident D.confidence
21-Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
 Our parents ________ to give us a nice house and a happy home. together B.take each other’s hands C.shake hands D.take hand in hand
22-Mrs Brown is bored with doing the _______ chores.
A.household B.domestic C.housework D.A and B
23-In my family, the interest we _______ is watching T.V
A.give B.share C.are
24-The kids ______ with their toy kits now. playing C.are playing D.have played
25-Sorry, could you say that again ? I __________ to you.
A.didn’t listen B.haven’t listened C.don’t listen not listening
26-During the school year, I _________ to watch TV until I have finished my homework.
A.don’t allow B.wasn’t allowed not allowed D.will not allow
27- I sit near the window whenever I _____ a bus.
A.take B.have taken C. took taking
25-The train had left the station when we ________ there.
A. would arrive B. arrived C.had arrived D. were arriving
26-We will go as soon as you _________ your work.
A. finish B. had finished C. has finished D. A ,B ,C
27-My father usually read a newspaper while his children ___________ their lessons.
A. learn B. were learning C. have learned D.are learning
28-We ___________ the work before he got back.
A. will have finished B. are going to finish C. had finished D. were finished
29-When we came, he ___________ in the garden.
A.worked B. was working C. had worked working
30-They ___________ here before they moved to London last year.
A.have been living B.had lived C. have lived D.were living
31-He said that he _________ to most of the countries in South East Asia.
A. has been B. was C. had been D.was being
32-Where __________________ , John ?
A. have you live B. would you live C. had you lived D. do you live
33-My teacher says that only when I ______ five courses, I shall be able to speak English fluently.
A. will take B. have taken C. took D.has taken
34-What __________ when your father came home ?
A.was you doing B.were you doing C.have you done D.are you doing
35-My sister __________ for you since yesterday. looking B.was looking C.has been looking D.looked
36-In order to have a good family husbands and wives should join hands to __ money and ___
A.get / does B.earn / do C.make / did / earn
III. Read and choose the best word to fill in the blank.
The family is important to people all over the world although the structure of the family is quite
_______ (1) from one country to another. In the United States, as in many _______ (2) in the world, the
family is changing. A generation or two _______ (3), the traditional family, in which the father was boss,
was customary.
Nowadays, the modern family, in which _______ (4) the father and the mother are equal partners,
is very common. ________ (5) there are several similarities between the ________ (6) and the modern
family, there are also some very important differences. the traditional husband _______ (7) head of the
household because he was the only one who worked _______ (8) the home. If the wife worked for pay,
then the husband was not _______ (9) to be a good provider. In many families today, both husband and
wife work for pay. Therefore, they ______ (10) the role of head of household together.
1- B.same C.various D.different
2- A.houses B.nation C.area D.countries
3- A.until B.ago C.since D.following
4- A.both B.none C.either D.all
5- A.Because B.Despite C.However D.Although
6- A.old B.ancient C.original D.traditional
7- B.has C.was D.did
8- A.inside B.outside C.beside D.behind
9- A.looked B.seemed C.remained D.considered
10- A.need B.have C.share D.manage
IV. Read the passage carefully then choose the correct answers.
Most young couples have meals regularly in their parents’ home with little or no pay, and give
their children to the care of old couple free of charge. Investigations have shown that parents of many
couples don’t mind providing meals and caring for their children. However, this practice shouldn’t
become an accepted social custom.
The old couples’ expense on food has already increased while young couples spend more on
clothing and furnishing and less on food. If this trend continues, many young couples might take these
privileges for granted and become more dependent.
It is not the right for the young to make the use of the old couples’ love, not only because our
nation is well – known for its special respect paid to the elderly , but also because the young must
become independent. What young people should do is to become more considerate towards their old
parents. After years of hard work, they are worthy of such consideration.
1. Most married young couples _______
A. live with their parents
B. have meals regularly in their parents’ home for they have little or no fee
C. have not become independent completely D. pay no respect to the elderly
2. The writer thinks it is ____ for old couples to provide meals or care for their married children.
A. wrong B. an accepted social custom C. right D. understandable
3. According to the passage, young couple should _______
A. spend less on clothing and furnishing and more on food
B. look after their children themselves
C. be less demanding and more caring towards their old parents
D. pay for the meals they have in their parents home
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. What troubles young people most is that no one will look after their children except their own parents.
B. The reason why young couples depend on their parents to different degree is that their home is smaller.
C. Old couple should give money to their children instead of providing meals or caring for them.
D. It would be natural that if young couples went on depending on their old parents, they would have to
provide meals and caring for their children when they get married.
5. This article is particularly written for _______
A. old couples B. both young and old couples C. young couples D. young couples’ children

Trong Tiếng Anh động từ phải phù hợp với chủ ngữ của nó. Cụ thể:
• Chñ ng÷ sè Ýt (He, She, It ,The boy, The camel ,…) ®éng tõ chia sè Ýt .
Ex: The car ………… new. (be)
• Chñ ng÷ sè nhiÒu: ®éng tõ chia sè nhiÒu .
Ex: The books ……………… on the top shelf. (be)
Ex: These women ……………………. their clothes everyday. (be)
Nhưng chủ ngữ trong Tiếng Anh không phải lúc nào cũng dễ xác định theo số ít hoặc số nhiều vì vậy khi xác
định chủ ngữ ta cần Lưu ý các trường hợp sau:
1. Chủ ngữ là một danh động từ, động từ nguyên thể hay một mệnh đề: động từ chia theo ngôi thứ
3 số ít.
Ex: Walking in the rain …………… not a good idea. (be)
Ex: To learn a foreign language …………….. necessary. (be)
Ex: That you get high grades in the school ………………. very important. (be)
2. Chủ ngữ là một nhóm từ thì phải tìm từ chính ĐỨNG TRƯỚC GIỚI TỪ và chia động từ phù
hợp với từ đó
Ex: A list of new books ……………….. been posted in the library. (have)
Ex: The shops along the mall …………….. rather small. (be)
3 . S1 + of/ as well as/ with/ together with/ in addition to/ along with/
accompanied by/ no less than +S2 =>§éng tõ hoµ hîp víi S1.
Ex: The professor together with his three students has been called to court.
Ex: The mayor as well as his councilmen refuses to endorse the bill.
Ex: The students along with their form teacher were at the beach yesterday.
4 .Chñ ng÷ lµ ®¹i tõ bÊt ®Þnh: one, everyone, no one, nobody, anyone,
anybody, someone, somebody, everybody, anything, something, nothing,
everything =>§éng tõ chia sè Ýt
Ex: Nobody ………….. at home now. (be)
Ex: ………………. there anybody here? (be)
Ex: Everything ………………… all right so far. (be)
5. Chñ ng÷ kÐp:
a• S1+AND +S2 +…=> §éng tõ chia theo chủ ngữ ở sè nhiÒu.
Ex: England, Scotland and Wales ……………..(form) Great Britain.
Ex: EJohn and I ………….. cousins. (be)
Ex: The headmaster and the teacher …………… talking. (be)
*But: The secretary and accountant hasn't come yet. (Một người làm hai nhiệm vụ)
The great doctor and 'discoverer is no more.
Whisky and soda has always been his favourite drink.
( trong trường hợp 2 danh từ nối với nhau bằng AND nhưng chúng cùng chỉ 1 người, 1 bộ hoặc 1 món ăn. Đối với
trường hợp cùng chỉ 1 người thì dấu hiệu nhận biết là danh từ thứ 2 không có THE, còn với bộ hoặc món ăn thì
tùy vào ý của người nói).
Ex : - Fish and chips is a popular meal in Britain.
Ex - Fish and chips make a good meal (If we think of the items as "separate", we use plural verb)
NOTE: "Each" or "every" preceding singular subjects joined by "and" takes a singular verb,
Ex : Each boy and each girl is to work independently.
b• S1+ OR +S2 =>§éng tõ hoµ hîp víi S2:
Ex: Has your mother or father given you permission to use the car?
c •Either+S1+ or + S2  V hoµ hîp víi S2 :
Neither+ S1+Nor +S2
Ex: Neither the students nor their teacher regrets the approach of summer
•. EACH/EVERY/EITHER/NEITHER + singular noun + singular verb
of + plural noun / pronoun

•. ALL / BOTH / FEW /A FEW/ MANY / SEVERAL / SOME + plural noun 

of + plural noun /
•. ALL/ SOME /LITTLE/A LITTLE +Non count noun  singular verb
of+ Non count noun
6. Chủ ngữ là danh từ tập hợp =>V chia theo S số ít ( GROUP / JURY/ ARMY / FAMILY / CLASS
Ex: The football team practises every day.
Ex: The herd of elk is in the meadow
Ex: The family arrives together at 8.00.
*Danh tõ tËp hîp chØ tõng thµnh viªn =>V chia theo S số nhiều.
Ex: The football team buy their own uniforms .
Ex: John has just arrived and now the family are all here.
*C¸c danh tõ nh: the police, the military, the people, cattle, poultry,
=> V chia theo S số nhiều.
Ex: The police are questioning him.
***. Danh từ tập hợp được hình thành bởi by "the + adjective" => V chia theo S số nhiều.
Ex: The sick ………………….. (need) medical care and tenderness.
Ex: The American people …………………….. (not/ trust) the news
TRAFFIC / EQUIPMENT / SCENERY / MACHINERY... (không bao giờ có _S với những danh từ
này) => V chia theo S số ít.
Ex: The furniture was more expensive than I thought.
Ex: Traffic is heavy .
Ex: The traffic has increased rapidly in the downtown areas.
7. Chñ ng÷ lµ nhãm tõ chØ sè lîng (kho¶ng thêi gian, ®o lêng, träng lîng,
thÓ tÝch sè tiÒn...)=>V chia theo S số ít.
Ex: Twenty-two inches is a tiny waist measurement.
Ex: Fifty dollars seems a reasonable price
*Ph©n sè / phần trăm+N(sè Ýt )=> V chia theo S sè Ýt. Ex: A quarter of the
cake is gone.
+ N( sè nhiÒu) => Vchia theo S sè nhiÒu. Ex: Half of the tables
are occupied.
*The majority of+N(sè Ýt) => V chia theo S sè Ýt.
+N(sè nhiÒu) => Vchia theo S sè nhiÒu.
Ex: The majority of the customers are happy.
8. Tiªu ®Ò s¸ch b¸o, tªn c¬ quan, tæ chøc ®oµn thÓ, quèc gia, dï viÕt ë sè
nhiÒu=> ®éng tõ chia theo S sè Ýt.
Ex: Chaucer's Canterbury Tales includes many humorous characterizations.
Ex: The Malay States is now part of the Federation of Malaysia.
9. C¸c danh tõ chØ bÖnh tËt, m«n häc, m«n thÓ thao, tªn níc, thñ ®«: news,
means, series, billiards, mathematics, species, measles, mumps, rickets, mathematics,
economics, , linguistics, physics, phonetics, athletics, politics, statistics, Algiers, Athens,
Brussels, Marseilles, Naples, the Philippines, the United Nations, the United States,
Wales.........) => ®éng tõ chia theo S sè Ýt.
Ex: The morning news is on at 6 o'clock.
Ex: Measles is sometimes serious.
10. Nh÷ng danh tõ sau ®©y lu«n ®i sè nhiÒu (glasses, scissors (keo), pants, shorts,
jeans, tongs (cai kep), pliers (kim), tweezers (nhip), eye-glasses, ear-rings......)  §éng tõ
chia theo S sè nhiÒu.
Ex: My trousers are torn .
Ex: These scissors are dull.
But:- A pair of glasses costs quite a lot these days.
- This pair of scissors is sharp.
11. THE NUMBER OF +N(sè nhiÒu)=> ®éng tõ chia theo S sè Ýt.
Ex: The number of road accidents ………………… (be) increasing.
12. A NUMBER OF +N (sè nhiÒu) => ®éng tõ chia theo S sè nhiều.
Ex: A number of spectators ………………….. (be) injured.
13. No + singular noun + singular verb : Ex: No example is right in this case.
plural noun + plural verb : Ex: No examples are right in this case.

14. None of the + non-count noun + -singular verb

plural noun + plural verb Ex: - None of the counterfeit money has been found.
Ex: - None of the students have finished the exam yet.

15. It + be + noun / pronoun (in the subject form) (Cleft sentences: IT IS/ WAS…. THAT/WHO/WHICH….)
Ex - It is they who provide the modem medical aids.
Ex- Go and tell them it is I who did it.

16. There/ Here + be + noun: ( động từ phụ thuộc vào danh từ).
Ex: There …………………. (not/ be) many large-scale epidemics lately.


A. Choose the best answers to the following questions.
1. The Vietnamese people ----------- a heroic people.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
2. Miss White------------ her parents is going to pay a visit to the Great Wall.
A. and B both C. as well as D. or
3. The Vietnamese ----------hard-working and brave.
A. is B. are C. be D. being
4. A good deal of money ------------- spent on the books.
A. have B. has C. have been D. has been
5. The manager or his secretary ------------ to give you an interview.
A. is B. are C. were D. have
6. Mary is one of the girls who-------------often late for school.
A. is B. are C. comes D. get
7. Two hours -------------- not long enough for this rest.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
8. Ninety percent of the work -------------- been done.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
9. Those who ----------------- to go with me, please raise your hand.
A. want B. wants C. wanting D. are wanting
10. Salt and water ------------ to wash the wound
A. is used B. are used C. was used D. were used
11. The news ------------- bad last night.
A. were B. was C. has D. has been
12. Three-fifths of the police-------------in the school near the town.
A. has trained B. have trained C. has been trained D. have been trained
13. ------------ not only you but also he going to Japan?
A. Are B. Is C. Were D. Was
14. All the books on the shelf ----------------to me.
A. belong B. belongs C. belonging D. is belonging
15. The trousers you bought for me ------------ me.
A. don’t fitB. doesn’t fit C. fits D. fit not
16. Mumps _________ usually caught by children.
A. are B. was C. is D. were
17. The United States _________ between Canada and Mexico.
A. lying B. lies C. lain D. lie
18. Physics_________ us understand the natural laws.
A. helps B. help C. have helpedD. helped
19. The police _________ the robber.
A. were arrested B. has arrestedC. have arrested D. was arresting
20. The cattle __________ in the field.
A. is grazingB. grazes C. has grazed D. are grazing
21. Either you or he ____________ wrong.
A. are B. were C. have been D. is
22. John as well as Mary __________ very kind.
A. were B. are C. is D. have been
23. The doctor with the nurses ___________ exhausted after the operation.
A. were B. was C. have been D. are being
24. Five miles ___________ not very far.
A. is B. are C. were D. have been
25. ____________ ten years too long?
A. Are B. Is C. Are being D. Were
26. Neither his parents nor his teacher ____________ satisfied with his result.
A. are beingB. were C. is D. are
27. Each boy and each girl ___________ a book.
A. are havingB. have had C. have D. has
28. Writing a lot of letters ___________ her tired.
A. makes B. make C. have made D. are making
29. ___________ everybody ready to start now?
A. Are being B. Is being C. Is D. Are
30. None of the butter in the fridge ____________ good.
A. is being B. is C. have been D. are
31. None of the students ___________ the test yet.
A. have finished B. has finishedC. finished D. is finishing
32. A pair of shoes ____________ under the bed.
A. have been B. are C. are being D. is
33. 200 tons of water ___________ last month.
A. was used B. had been used C. were used D. is used
34. In the hotel, the bread and butter _____________ for breakfast.
A. is served B. are served C. serves D. serve
35. ___________ were nice to me when I was in England.
A. The Brown’s B. Brown’s C. The Browns D. Browns

B. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence
36. Neither his parents nor his teacher are satisfied with his result when he was at high school.
37. Daisy was the only one of those girls that get the scholarship.
38. Working provide people with personal satisfaction as well as money.
39. Either the doctor or the nurses takes care of changing the patients’
40. Every student who majors in English are ready to participate in the
oratorical contest.
41. One hundreds eight thousand miles is the speed of light.
42. The guest of honour, along with his wife and children, were sitting at the first table when we had a
party yesterday.
43. The audience was enjoying every minute of the performance.
44. All the books on the top shelf belongs to me.
45. Five thousand pounds were stolen from the bank.
46. Happiness and success depends on yourself.
47. The loss of her husband and two of her sons were too much for her.
48. David and his brother was indicted yesterday on charges of grand theft.
49. Current research on AIDS, in spite of the best efforts of hundreds of scientists, leave serious questions
50. Everyone have to plan a program that fits into the day’s schedule and that allows for good exercise
and appropriate rest.


- diversity/dai'və:siti/ (n ) = variety (n) sự đa dạng hóa

- diversify /dai'və:sifai/ (v): đa dạng hóa

- approval/ə'pru:vəl/ (n) ≠ disapproval (n): đồng tình, không đồng tình

- approve /ə'pru:/ (v) = agree (v) chấp thuận

- marry (v)=> get married to s.o (v) cưới

- marriage (n): - married (adj): đám cưới, kết hôn

- groom (n):/ grum/ chú rể

- bride (n):/ braid/ cô dâu

- precede /pri:'si:d/ (v) = happen or exist before: đứng trước, đến trước

- determine /di'tə:min/ (v) = find out: tìm ra, quyết tâm

- attract ( v ) /ə'trækt/: hấp dẫn

- attractive (adj ) /ə'træktiv/ : lôi cuốn, hấp dẫn

- attraction ( n ) /ə'trækʃn/ : sự lôi cuốn

- physical attractiveness (n): lôi cuốn về ngoại hình

- concern (v) /kən'sə:n/ = relate to: liên quan tới

- maintain /mein'tein/ (v): duy trì

- appearance (n): /ə’piərəns/ sự xuất hiện

- confide /kən’faid/ (v): tell someone about something very secret: chia sẻ, tâm sự

- confide in someone: tin cậy

- wise (a) ≠ unwise (a):/ waiz/ khôn ngoan

- reject (v)/ri’jekt/: từ chối

-sacrifice (v): willing stop having something you want: hy sinh

- trust (n, v) /trʌst/: tin tưởng

- trustful (a) /trʌstful/: đáng tin, hay tin người

- oblige /ə'blaiʤ/ to (v): having a duty to do something: bắt buộc

- obligation ( n ) /,ɔbli'geiʃn/ sự bắt buộc

- counterpart (n) /'kauntəpɑ:t/: đối tác, bên tương tác

- (be) based on: dựa vào

- believe in tin tưởng vaò

- fall in love with s.o yêu ai

- decide + to-inf quyết định

- attitude toward thái độ đối với

Other words
Alter : /ˈɔːltər/ bàn thờ
Tray : /treɪ/ khay
Schedule : /ˈskedʒuːl/ kế hoạch
Banqu et /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ :bữa tiệc
Ancestor : /ˈænsestər/ tổ tiên
Blessing : /ˈblesɪŋ/ ban phước
Leaf : /liːf / chiếc lá
Equivalent : từ /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/ đồng nghĩa
Strap : /stræp/ quai (nón )
Spirit : /ˈspɪrɪt/ tình thần
Materials : /məˈ tɪəriəl/ chất liệu
Shape : /ʃeɪp/ hình dạng
Size : /saɪz/ kích cở
Diameter : /daɪˈæmɪtər/ đường kính
Rib : /rɪb/ gọng, sườn
Pay attention to these phrases and Structures.
1. Phrases:
Trust in : tin tưởng
Believe in : tin tưởng
Sacrifice sth for sb/sth : hy sinh… cho
On the other hand : mặt khác
Fall in love : đem lòng yêu
Attitudes toward : thái độ đối với
Decide on : quyết định về
Agree with : đồng ý với (ai)
In fact : thật ra
Confide in : tâm sự với
Concerned with : liên quan đến
Base on : dựa vào
In public : nơi công cộng
Live under one roof : sống chung nhà
Protect sb from : bảo vệ ai khỏi
Give up : từ bỏ, thôi
2. Structures:
a. Passive : S+be+P2
Eg. A boy and a girl are attracted to each other.
Love (…) is supposed to follow marriage (được cho là, có trách nhiệm)
b. S+V+ when Ving (chung S)
The Americans are much more concerned with the physical attractiveness when choosing a wife or
a husband.
I go to bed early when feeling tired.
* Cách phát âm –ed: Có 3 cách phát âm –ed tận cùng.
* đọc thành âm /id/ với những từ có âm cuối là / t, d / * /id/: wanted, needed, prevented, confided ….
* đọc thành âm /t/ với những từ có âm cuối là /p, f, k, s, ∫, t∫, θ / * /t/: looked, stopped, laughed, sacrificed…..
* đọc thành âm /d/ với những trường hợp còn lại * /d/: played, seemed, planned…….
* Cách phát âm của –s / -es: Có 3 cách phát âm –s hoặc –es tận cùng.
* đọc thành âm /s/ với những từ có âm cuối là / p, f, k, t, θ / * /s/: maps, books, hats, coughs, photographs
* đọc thành âm /iz/ với những từ có âm cuối là ges ches xes ses ces zes shes: watches, fixes, washes…
* đọc thành âm /z/ với những trường hợp còn lại * /z/: bells, eyes, plays ….
Exercise 1: Circle the word which has the underlined part pronounced as:
0./s/ chores brothers shifts
1./z/ halves dates kits
2./s/ speaks bags days
3./s/ activities parents feelings
4./z/ hours projects takes
5./z/ pets loves laughs
6./s/ photographs stays questions
7./z/ weekends basts months
8./iz/ problems shares washes
9./iz/ physics watches nights
10./iz/ jobs joins misses
Exercise 2: Choose the underlined words has pronouced differntly from the others.
1. A. neighbors B. friends C. relatives D. photographs
2. A. snacks B. follows C. titles D. writers
3. A. streets B. phones C. books D. makes
4. A. cities B. satellites C. series D. workers
5. A. develops B. takes C. laughs D. volumes
6. A. explains B. wakes C. phones D. names
7. A. phones B. streets C. books D. makes
8. A. proofs B. regions C. lifts D. rocks
9. A. involves B. believes C. suggests D. steals
10. A. serves B. blocks C. banks D. tourists
11. A. remembers B. cooks C. walls D. pyramids
12. A. miles B. words C. accidents D. names
13. A. sports B. plays C. households D. minds
14. A. makes B. views C. reads D. decides
15. A. albums B. tanks C. shops D. plants
16. A. gets B. loves C. sings D. buys
17. A. collects B.cooks C. swims D. claps
18. A. stamps B. friends C. relatives D. guitars
19. A. envelops B. tunes C. books D. guitarists
20. A. athletics B. participants C. efforts D. skills
21. A. things B. engineers C. scientists D. individuals
22. A. parks B. animals C. planets D. environments
23. A. helps B. provides C. documents D. texts
Exercise 3: Choose the underlined words has pronouced differntly from the others.
24. A. invited B. attended C. celebrated D. displayed
25. A. removed B. washed C. hoped D. missed
26. A. knocked B. naked C. stopped D. called
27. A. looked B. laughed C. moved D. stepped
28. A. wanted B. parked C. stopped D. watched
29. A. laughed B. passed C. suggested D. placed
30. A. believed B. prepared C. involved D. liked
31. A. lifted B. lasted C. happened D. decided
32. A. practiced B. ranged C. washed D. touched
33. A. collected B. changed C. formed D. viewed
34. A. walked B. entertained C. reached D. looked
35. A. watched B. stopped C. pushed D. improved
36. A. approached B. stocked C. developed D. painted
37. A. admired B. looked C. missed D. hoped
38. A. played B. admired C. liked D. called
39. A. collected B. discarded C. watched D. wanted
40. A. placed B. practiced C. stopped D. named
41. A. hoped B. attracted C. added D. participated
42. A. equipped B. delivered C. transferred D. received
43. A. worked B. pumped C. watched D. contented
44. A. sponsored B. answered C. enjoyed D. locked
45. A. played B. traveled C. stayed D. looked
46. A. dived B. stopped C. cooked D. replaced
47. A. protected B. destroyed C. included D. needed
48. A. stationed B. belonged C. established D. studied
49. A. parked B. watched C. endangered D. stopped
50. A. studied B. raised C. played D. worked


- sociêty (n): /səˈsaɪəti/

- social (a): /ˈsoʊʃl/

- socializê (v): /ˈsoʊʃəlaɪz/

- socialization (n): /ˌsoʊʃələˈzêɪʃn/

- vêrbal (a) ≠ non-vêrbal (a):

- get / attract someone’s attention:

-communicatê (v): kəˈmjuːnɪkêɪt/

- communication (n):/kəˌmjuːnɪˈkêɪʃn /

- communicativê (a): /kəˈmjuːnɪkêɪtɪv/

- wavê (v): /wêɪv/

- signal (n, v): /ˈsɪɡnəl/

- catch one’s eyes: attract somêonê’s attêntion: laà m ai chuí yí

- get off ≠ get on: lên, xuống phương tiện (trừ ô tô)

- appropriatê (a): /əˈproʊpriət/ thíích hớập, đuí ng

- nod (v): /nɑːd/ gaêậ t đaề u

- clap (hands): /klæp/ voỗ tay

- impolitê (rudê) ≠ politê (a): /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ baế t liậch sứậ

- formal (a) ≠ informal (a): /ˈfɔːrml/ trang troậ ng >< khoê ng trang troậ ng

- informality (n) ≠ formality (n): /ˌɪnfɔːrˈmæləti/ sứậ trang troậ ng

- approach (v): comê nêar: /əˈproʊtʃ/ tiêế n gaề n tớíi

- objêct to: /ˈɑːbdʒêkt/ phaẻ n đoế i

- rêasonablê (a): /ˈriːznəbl/ phuà hớập

- (be) sorry for: tiêế c, xin loỗ i

- break down: hoẻ ng

- point at chíẻ vaà o

Other words:

Slightly :/ˈslaɪtli/ nhêậ

Assistancê : /əˈsɪstəns/ sứậ trớậ giuí p
Whistlê : /ˈwɪsl/ huyí t saí o
Considêr : /kənˈsɪdər/ xêm nhứ
Impolitê : /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ khoê ng liậch sứậ
Tunê : /tuːn/điêêậ u nhaậ c
Evên : /ˈiːvn/ thaêậ m chíí
Rudê : /ruːd/ thoê loổ
Situation : /ˌsɪtʃuˈêɪʃn/ hoaà n caẻ nh
Briêf: /briːf/ngaắ n goậ n
Point at : /pɔɪnt/ chíẻ tay vaà o
Accêptablê : /əkˈsêptəbl/coí thêổ chaế p nhaêậ n
Approach :/əˈproʊtʃ/ đêế n gaề n
Têrrific : /təˈrɪfɪk/ tuyêêậ t
Dêcênt : /ˈdiːsnt/đứíng đaắ n, têề chíẻnh
Handlê : /ˈhændl/ chaặ m soí c (toí c)
Têrriblê : /ˈtêrəbl/ kinh khuẻ ng
Suit : /suːt/hớập
Modêrn- looking : troê ng hiêêậ n đaậ i
Causê : /kɔːz/gaê y ra
Argumênt : /ˈɑːrɡjumənt/ sứậ tranh caẽ i
Rêasonablê /ˈriːznəbl/:hớập lyí

Lêngth : /lêŋθ/chiêề u daà i

Sêparatê têlêphonê : điêêậ n thoaậ i riêê ng
Point : /pɔɪnt/vaế n đêề
Gêt through : liêê n laậ c
Othêrwisê : /ˈʌðərwaɪz/nêế u khoê ng thíà
Forgivê :/fərˈɡɪv tha thứí
Sarcastic : /sɑːrˈkæstɪk/ míẽa mai , chaê m biêế m
Owê : /oʊ/ nớậ
That’s all right : khoê ng coí chi ( duà ng đaí p laậ i lớài caí m ớn)
Cêntury : /ˈsêntʃəri/ thêế kyẻ
Marriagê : /ˈmærɪdʒ/ hoê n nhaê n
Communicatê : /kəˈmjuːnɪkêɪt/ giao tiêế p
Includê : /ɪnˈkluːd/ bao goề m
Posturê : /ˈpɑːstʃər/ daí ng điêêậ u
Facial : /ˈfêɪʃl/ thuoêậ c vêề vêẽ maặậ t
Gêsturê : /ˈdʒêstʃər/cứẻ chíẻ
Intêrprêt : /ɪnˈtɜːrprɪt/giaẻ i thíích
Mêaning : /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ yí nghíẽa
Slump : /slʌmp/ naặậ ng nêề , aẻ o naẻ o
Lack : /læk/thiêế u
Confidêncê : /ˈkɑːnfɪdəns/sứậ tứậ tin
Straight :/strêɪt/ thaẳ ng
Sign : /saɪn/ daế u hiêêậ u
Cluê :/kluː/ manh moế i
Noticê : /ˈnoʊtɪs/ chuí yí
Exprêss : /ɪkˈsprês/ biêổ u loêậ
Look away : nhíàn ra choổ khaí c
Challêngê : /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ thứẻ thaí ch
Intêrêst : /ˈɪntrêst/ sứậ quan taê m
Shy : /ʃaɪ/ maắ c cớẽ
Convêrsation : /ˌkɑːnvərˈsêɪʃn/ cuoêậ c troà chuyêêậ n
Rêpêat : /rɪˈpiːt/ laặậ p laậ i
Movêmênt : /ˈmuːvmənt/ sứậ di chuyêổ n
Impatiênt : /ɪmˈpêɪʃnt/ khoê ng kiêê n nhaỗ n
Supêrior: /suːˈpɪriər/ caế p trêê n
Mêntion : /ˈmênʃn/ kêổ đêế n
Sêttlê :/ˈsêtl/ ớẻ, điậnh cứ
Carpêt :/ˈkɑːrpɪt/ taế m thaẻ m
Housê-warm party : tiêêậ c taê n gia
Givê our rêgards to : cho chuí ng toê i gớẻi lớài thaặ m …
1. Phrasal Verbs
Attract someone’s attention: thu hút sự chú ý của ai đó=pay attention to + Vo
Raise our hand: giơ tay lên
For instance: ví dụ như= for example
Get through : liên lạc (qua điện thoại )
Contact with : liện lạc với
Jump up and down : phấn khích
Shank of the evening : chạng vạng tối
Talk over : thảo luận
Turn up : xuất hiện
Work out : tìm ra
Get off : bước ra khỏi (xe, máy bay… )>< get on: bước lên xe
point at : chỉ vào
At once : ngay lập tức
Object to : phản đối
At hand : trước mắt
Depend on : tùy thuộc vào =rely on
Look away : nhìn ra chỗ khác
Accuse sb of sth: tố cáo ai việc gì
Sell sth to sb: bán gì cho ai
Come across: tình cờ gặp
Make sth up: bịa chuyện
Get out of sth: trốn, không làm
Solution to a problem: giải pháp cho vấn đề
Get in touch with sb: liên lạc với ai
To be at sea: lênh đênh trên biển
With reference to: tham khảo
In condition: trong điều kiện
Build up: tích lũy
- Either…or: hoặc… hoặc ( một trong hai)
Eg: Either A or B is right (A hoặc B là phương án đúng)
- Let Sb do Sth: để ai đó làm gì
…let him know we would like…
- See Sb do sth: Nhìn ai đó làm toàn bộ một hành động (nhìn từ đầu đến cuối)
- See Sb doing sth: Nhìn thấy ai đó đang làm gì (nhìn thấy một phần của hành
- By Ving: bằng cách nào đó
You can improve your English by practicing speaking E every day.

- consist of bao goề m

- compulsory (a) /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ : obligatory (a) baắ t buoêậ c

- compulsion (n) /kəmˈpʌlʃn/ sứậ baắ t buoêậ c.

- from thê agê of 5 to 16 tứà 5 đêế n 16 tuoổ i

- at the end of (month / wêêk) cuoế i (thaí ng / tuaề n ….)

- at the age of vaà o naặ m …… tuoổ i

- divide into: chia ra

- curriculum (n) /kəˈrɪkjələm/ chứớng tríành hoậ c

- corê subjêct moê n chíính

- gênêral êducation giaí o duậ c phoổ thoê ng

- nursêry (n) /ˈnɜːrsəri/ maỗ u giaí o

- kindêrgartên (n) /ˈkɪndərɡɑːrtn/ maỗ u giaí o

- optional (a): /ˈɑːpʃənl/ tuà y, khoê ng baắ t buoêậ c

- ‘tuition fêê: chi phíí hoậ c taêậ p

- take part in: participate in tham gia

- têrm (n): sêmêstêr /tɜːrm/ kyà hoậ c

Other words:
Put into force : bắt buộc
Tearaway : người hư đốn, nghịch ngợm
Methodical : có phương pháp
Well-behaved : cư xử tốt
Disruptive : /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/ gián đoạn ,mất tập trung
Struggle : /ˈstrʌɡl/tranh đấu
Progress : /ˈprɑːɡrəs/ tiến bộ
Powerful : /ˈpaʊərfl/ mạnh
Field :/fiːld/lĩnh vực
Forecast : /ˈfɔːrkæst/ dự báo
-For short : viết tắt -Get on : tiến bộ, hòa thuận
- Go through : xem xét - Good for : tốt cho
-Make up : tạo thành , (nghĩa khác: trang điểm, bịa chuyện)
- At the age of: ở độ tuổi
- At the beginning of (August) : bắt đầu (tháng 8)
- On the whole : nhìn chung
- Compulsory for : bắt buộc đối với
- At the end : cuối (khác in the end: cuối cùng)
- Stand for : viết tắt của
- (be) Divided into : chia ra thành
- Consist of : bao gồm
- On computers : trên máy tính


- apply for a job (v): noêậ p đớn (xin viêêậ c)

- apply to s.o noêậ p đớn đêế n ai

- application (n): /ˌæplɪˈkêɪʃn / sứậ aí p duậ ng, đớn xin

- application form: maỗ u đớn, đớn

- applicant (n) /’æplikənt/: ngứớài noêậ p đớn (xin viêêậ c)

- imprêss (v): /ɪmˈprês/ aế n tứớậng

- imprêssion (n): /ɪmˈprêʃn/ aế n tứớậng

- campus (n): /’kæmpəs/ khu trong trứớàng đaậ i hoậ c

- êxist (v): /ɪɡˈzɪst/ toề n taậ i

- êxistêncê (n): /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/ sứậ toề n taậ i

- lonêly (a): /ˈloʊnli/ coê đớn

- lonêlinêss ( n ): /ˈloʊnlinəs/ sứậ coê đớn

- blamê (n, v): /blêɪm/ lớài traí ch maắ ng, traí ch maắ ng

- blame something on someone: đoổ loỗ i caí i gíà cho ai

- all the time = always: mọi lúc

- daunt (v) = disappoint (v): /dɔːnt/ thaế t voậ ng

- daunting (adj) /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ naẻ n

- graduate from: toế t nghiêêậ p

Ex: I graduated from National Economics University.

- amazê (v): /əˈmêɪz/ baế t ngớà, ngaậ c nhiêê n

- amazing/ amazêd (adj)/əˈmêɪzɪŋ/

- scarê (n, v) = fright (n) / frightên (v): /skêr/ sớậ

- scary (a) = frightêning /ˈskêri/ đaí ng sớậ

- thoroughly (adv) = complêtêly (adv): /ˈθɜːrəli/ hoaà n toaà n

- crêatê (v): /kriˈêɪt/ saí ng taậ o

- crêativê (a): /kriˈêɪtɪv/ saí ng taậ o

- crêativity (n): /kriêi’tivəti/ sứậ saí ng taậ o

- matê (n) = friênd /mêɪt / baậ n

- (to) get on well with s.o: haà i hoà a vớíi ai

- birth cêrtificatê giaế y khai sinh

Other Words:
Calêndar : /ˈkælɪndər/ liậch
Idêntity card : thêẻ chứíng minh nhaê n daê n
Rêfêrêncê lêttêr : thứ giớíi thiêêậ u
Originals : /əˈrɪdʒənl/ baẻ n goế c
School cêrtificatê : vaặ n baằ ng, chứíng chíẻ
Scorê :/skɔːr/ điêổ m
Rêsult : /rɪˈzʌlt/kêế t quaẻ
Lêttêr of accêptancê : giaế y baí o nhaêậ p hoậ c
Proportion : /prəˈpɔːrʃn/ tíẻ lêêậ
Majority : /məˈdʒɑːrəti/ đa soế
Tutorial : /tuːˈtɔːriəl/ thuoêậ c vêề viêêậ c daậ y kêà m
Availablê :/əˈveɪləbl/ saẵ n coí
Appointmênt :/əˈpɔɪntmənt/ cuoêậ c hêậ n
Agricultural : /ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl/ thuoêậ c vêề noê ng nghiêêậ p
Rural : /ˈrʊrəl/ noê ng thoê n
Tutor : /ˈtuːtər/ gia sứ
Lêcturêr : /ˈlektʃərər/giaẽ ng viêê n
Local : /ˈloʊkl/ điậa phứớng
Admission : /ədˈmɪʃn/sứậ chaế p nhaêậ n
Outlinê : /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ daà n baà i
Bêlow : /bɪˈloʊ/ bêê n dứớíi
Introduction : /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn/ sứậ giớíi thiêêậ u
Intêrêst : /ˈɪntrəst/ sứậ quan taê m
Têrtiary êducation : giaí o duậ c đaậ i hoậ c
Mêntion : /ˈmenʃn/nhaắ c đêế n
Accomodation : nới aặ n ớẻ
Furthêr information : thoê ng tin thêê m
Proficiêncy : /prəˈfɪʃnsi/ sứậ thaà nh thaậ o
Conclusion : /kənˈkluːʒn/ kêế t luaêậ n
Politê :/pəˈlaɪt/ liậch sứậ
Philosophy : /fəˈlɑːsəfi/triêế t hoậ c
Sociology :/ˌsoʊsiˈɑːlədʒi/ xaẽ hoêậ i hoậ c
Psychology : /saɪˈkɑːlədʒi/taê m líí hoậ c
Archêology : khaẻ o coổ hoậ c
Socio-linguistics : ngoê n ngứẽ xaẽ hoêậ i hoậ c
Take place : xảy ra
Fight back : nén , nhịn
Graduate from : tốt nghiệp
Take part in : tham gia vào
On campus : trong sân trường đại học
Increase in : tăng lên về
Excited about : hào hứng về
Fill in : điền vào
Make use of : tận dụng

On time : đúng giờ

Afraid of : sợ

- (be) busy + V-ing: baêậ n roêậ n (viêêậ c gíà) Ex: Hê is busy washing his car.

- seem + to-inf : híành nhứ, coí vêẻ nhứ Ex: It sêêms to be a good job.

- blame something on someone: đoổ loỗ i caí i gíà lêê n đaề u ai đoí

-blame somebody for something: đoổ loỗ i cho ai vêề caí i gíà
- Don’t blamê mê for your fault.
- lêavê sth adj: lêavê thê door opên: đêổ cứẻa mớẻ

-over and over: again

-it seems like: noí gioế ng nhứ laà



- nêrvous (a) ≠ calm (a): /ˈnɜːrvəs/ lo laắ ng

- nêrvousnêss (n): /ˈnɜːrvəsnəs/ sứậ lo laắ ng

- particular (adj): /pərˈtɪkjələr/ cuậ thêổ , đaặậ c biêêậ t

- particularly (adv) /pərˈtɪkjələrli /

- honêst (a): /ˈɑːnɪst/ trung thứậc

- sêlf-confidênt (a): tứậ tin vaà o baẻ n thaê n

- sêlf-confidêncê (n): sứậ tứậ tin vaà o baẻ n thaê n

- call for: goậ i, kêê u goậ i

-imprêss (v): /ɪmˈprês/ gaê y aế n tứớậng

- imprêssion(n): /ɪmˈprêʃn/ aế n tứớậng

- vacancy (n) = a job that is availablê: /ˈvêɪkənsi/ viậ tríí troế ng

- rêí sumêí /‘rêzjumêi/ = curriculum vitaê: baẻ n toí m taắ t, lyí liậch (CV)

- candidatê (n): /ˈkændɪdət/ ứíng viêê n

- lêttêr of rêcommêndation: thứ tiêế n cứẻ

- qualification (n): /ˌkwɑːlɪ fɪˈkêɪʃn/ phaổ m chaế t

- qualify ( v ): /ˈkwɑːlɪfaɪ/ coí tứ caí ch, phaổ m chaế t

- (to) relate to: coí liêê n quan

- (to) concentrate on: taêậ p trung vaà o

Ex: You should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying.

- on time: đuí ng giớà

Ex: You should be on time or a few minutes early.

-intêrviêw.(v, n): /ˈɪntərvjuː/ phoẻ ng vaế n, buoổ i phoí ng vaế n

- intêrviêwêr (n): /ˈɪntərvjuːər/ ngứớài phoẻ ng vaế n

- intêrviêwêê (n): /ˌɪntərvjuːˈiː/ ngứớài đứớậc phoẻ ng vaế n

- shortcoming (n) = wêaknêss (n) điêổ m yêế u, khiêế m khuyêế t

- ênthusiasm (n): /ˈʃɔːrtkʌmɪŋ/ sứậ nhiêêậ t tíành

- ênthusiast(n): /ɪnˈθuːziæst/ ngứớài nhiêêậ t tíành

- ênthusiastic (adj): /ɪnˌθuːziˈæstɪk/ haặ ng haí i, nhiêêậ t tíành

Preparing for: chuẩn bị cho
As much as possible: nhiều nhất có thể (as soon as possible)
Make sure (that) S+V: chắc chắn là
Blame sb for sth : đỗ lỗi ai việc gì
In term of : về mặt
Jot down : ghi nhanh
Move in : dọn (nhà ) đến
Move out : dọn (nhà ) đi
Relate to : liên quan đến
Prepare for : chuẩn bị cho
Impression on : ấn tượng về
Concentrate on : tập trung vào
Work as + nghề : làm nghề
Take care of : chăm sóc
Apply for : nộp đơn xin
Available for : sẵn sàng cho
Be out : đi vắng
Reason for : lý do của

Lesson 1: Vocabulary and Reading.

I. Vocabulary.
commitmênt (n) [kə'mitmənt]: sứậ cam kêế t

dissolvê (v) [di'zɔlv]: giaẻ i taí n,giaẻ i thêổ

domêstic (a) [də'mêstik]: noêậ i điậa,trong nứớíc

drug (n)[drʌg]: ma tuyí,thuoế c nguẻ

drug-takêr (n): ngứớài sứẻ duậ ng ma tuyí

êliminatê (v) [i'liminêit]: loaậ i boẻ ,loaậ i trứà

êntêrprisês law : luaêậ t doanh nghiêêậ p

êthnic minority: ngứớài daê n toêậ c thiêổ u soế

êvêntually[i'vênt∫uəli] (adv): cuoế i cuà ng laà

êxpand (v): mớẻ roêậ ng

guidêlinê (n) ['gaidlain]: nguyêê n taắ c chíẻ đaậ o

illêgal (a) [i'li:gəl]: baế t hớập phaí p

in ruins : trong tíành traậ ng hứ haậ i

inflation (n) [in'flêi∫n]: laậ m phaí t

inhabitant (n) [in'híẻbitənt]: daê n cứ

intêrvêntion (n) [,intə'vên∫n]: sứậ can thiêêậ p

invêstmênt (n) [in'vêstmənt]: sứậ đaề u tứ;voế n đaề u tứ

land law : luaêậ t đaế t đai

lêgal ground : cớ sớẻ phaí p líí

rêaffirm (v) ['ri:ə'fɔ:m]:
taí i xaí c nhaêậ n
rêform (v) [ri'fɔ:m],(n):
caẻ i caí ch,caẻ i toổ
rênovation[,rênə'vêi∫n] (n):
sứậ đoổ i mớíi
subsidy (n) ['sʌbsidi]:
sứậ bao caế p
substantial (a) [səb'stíẻn∫əl]:
lớín,đaí ng kêổ
promotê (v) [prə'mout]:
xuí c tiêế n,thaặ ng caế p
constantly (adv) ['kɔnstəntli]:
luoê n luoê n;liêê n tuậ c
awarê of (a) [ə'wêə]:
nhaêậ n thứíc vêề …
communist (n) ['kɔmjunist]:
ngứớài coêậ ng saẻ n
rêstructurê (v) [,ri:'strʌkt∫ə]:
saắ p xêế p laậ i
dominatê (v) ['dɔminêit]:
troêậ i hớn, chêế ngứậ
production[prə'dʌk∫n] (n):
saẻ n xuaế t
namêly (adv) ['nêimli]: cuậ thêổ laà ; aế y laà

privatê (a) ['praivit]: riêê ng, tứ, caí nhaê n

subsêquênt (a) ['sʌbsikwənt]: xaẻ y ra sau

Other words
Lead a poor life : sống một cuộc sống nghèo khổ
In your opinion : theo ý kiến của bạn
Improve : /ɪmˈpruːv/ cải thiện
Situation : /ˌsɪtʃuˈêɪʃn/ tình hình
Carry out : tiến hành
Aware of : hiểu rõ
Six National Congress : đại hội Đảng lần thứ 6
Communist party : Đảng cộng sản
Overall : /ˌoʊvərˈɔːl/ toàn diện
Known as : còn gọi là
Restructure : /ˌriːˈstrʌktʃər/ xây dựng lại
Economy : /ɪˈkɑːnəmi/ nền kinh tế
Raise : /rêɪz/ nâng cao
Living standard : đời sống
Experience: /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ trải qua
Under-developed : kém phát triển
Agriculture : /ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər/nền nông ngiệp
Shortage : /ˈʃɔːrtɪdʒ/sự thiếu hụt
Solve : /sɔːlv/giải quyết
Measure : /ˈmêʒər/ biện pháp
Shift : /ʃɪft/thay đổi
Priority : /praɪˈɔːrəti/sự ưu tiên
Major :/ˈmêɪdʒər/ trọng điểm
Consumer goods : hàng tiêu dùng
Export : /ɪkˈspɔːrt/xuất khẩu
Reduce : /rɪˈduːs/giảm xuống
Intervention : /ˌɪntərˈvênʃn/ sự can thiệp
Trade : /trêɪd/ mua bán

Relation : /rɪˈlêɪʃn/mối quan hệ
Foreign and domestic : trong và ngoài nước
Private : /ˈpraɪvət/cá thể
Call for : kêu gọi
Adopt : /əˈdɑːpt/thông qua
Undergone : /ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ/trãi qua
Land use rights : quyền sử dụng đất
Gain : /ɡêɪn/ đạt được
People : /ˈpiːpl/ nhân dân
Branch : /bræntʃ/ chi nhánh
Implement : /ˈɪmplɪmênt/thực hiện
Achieve : /əˈtʃiːv/đạt được
Responsibilities : /rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪləti/trách nhiệm
Health insurance : bảo hiểm y tế
Dyke : /daɪk/ đê
Dam : /dæm/đập nước
Appropriate : /əˈproʊpriət/ thích hợp
Encourage :/ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ/ khuyến khích
Efficient : /ɪˈfɪʃnt/ hiệu quả
Advanced : /ədˈvænst/tiên tiến
Technique : /têkˈniːk/kỹ thuật
Fertilize : /ˈfɜːrtəlaɪz/phân bón
Pesticide : /ˈpêstɪsaɪd/thuốc trừ sâu
Irrigation and drainage system : hệ thống thủy lợi
Insecticide : /ɪnˈsêktɪsaɪd/thuốc trừ sâu
Negative effect : hiệu quả xấu
Rational /ˈræʃnəl/: hợp lí
Pay attention to some structures and Phrases:
- Take measures/ steps: thực hiện các biện pháp/ các bước.
- Carry out: thực hiện

- Be aware of sth: nhận thức, biết việc gì đó
- Experience a lot of difficulties : trải qua nhiều khó khăn
- S + be short of sth: Ai đó thiếu cái gì
- There be a shortage of sth: thiếu cái gì đó
Eg: In summer there is often a shortage of electricity.
- Call for: kêu gọi
- Lay legal ground: tạo cơ sở pháp lý
- Undergo substantial changes: trải qua nhiều thay đổi lớn
- Gain achievements and Build better life: gặt hái được nhiều thành
công và xây dựng cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn.



- pêssimistic (a) /ˌpêsɪˈmɪstɪk/ bi quan, tiêê u cứậc

- pêssimism (n) /ˈpêsɪmɪzəm/ tíính bi quan, chuẻ nghíẽa bi quan

- pêssimist (n) /ˈpêsɪmɪst/ ngứớài bi quan

- optimistic (a) /ˌɑːptɪˈmɪstɪk/ laậ c quan

- optimism (n) /ˈɑːptɪmɪzəm/ tíính laậ c quan, chuẻ nghíẽa laậ c quan

- optimist (n) /ˈɑːptɪmɪst/ ngứớài laậ c quan

- dêprêssion (n) /dɪˈprêʃn / tíành traậ ng tríà trêêậ , sứậ suy thoaí i, chaí n naẻ n

- dêprêss (v) /dɪˈprês/ suy thoaí i, chaí n naẻ n

- corpo‘ration (n): largê businêss or company taêậ p đoaà n

- on the contrary ngứớậc laậ i

- thrêatên (v) /ˈθrêtn/ đê doậ a

- têrrorism (n) /ˈtêrərɪzəm/ chuẻ nghíẽa khuẻ ng boế

- ‘têrrorist (n) /ˈtêrərɪst/ têê n khuẻ ng boế

- ‘têrror (n) /ˈtêrər/ sứậ khuẻ ng boế

- powêrful ( ) maậ nh mêẽ

- domêstic chorê viêêậ c vaặậ t trong nhaà

- burdên (n) = load /ˈbɜːrdn / gaí nh naặậ ng

- thanks to nhớà coí , caẻ m ớn đêế n

- invênt ( v ) /ɪnˈvênt/ phaí t minh

- invêntion /ɪnˈvênʃn/ sứậ phaí t minh

- labour-saving dêvicê thiêế t biậ tiêế t kiêêậ m sứíc lao đoêậ ng

- ‘micro têch‘nology coê ng nghêêậ vi moê

-têlêcom‘munication (n) viêỗ n thoê ng

-‘influence on (v,n) aẻ nh hứớẻng đêế n, lêê n

- (be) full of đaề y aắ p, nhiêề u

- con‘tribute to coế ng hiêế n, đoí ng goí p

- incrêdiblê (a) /in‘krêdəbl/ = impossiblê to bêliêvê /ɪnˈkrêdəbl/ khoê ng thêổ tin

On the contrary : ngược lại với
Development in : phát triển về
Influence on : ảnh hưởng đến
On computer : trên máytính
Run on : chạy bằng ( + nhiên liệu)
Run out : cạn kiệt
In lines : thành hàng
Full of : đầy
According to : theo
Land on : đáp xuống
Cure for : phương thuốc chữa
At last : cuối cùng
Reason for : lý do của
Far from : cách xa
In harmony : hài hòa
Concern about :quan tâm đến
Similar to : tương tự với
In time : kịp lúc
On time : đúng giờ
Die of : chết vì
Warn sb about: cảnh báo ai về điều gì
Famous for : nổi tiếng về
Get married to : thành hôn với
Translate ……into : dịch …sang
Focus on : tập trung vào
Believe in: tin vào
In the end : kết thúc
At the end (of) : vào lúc kết thúc (của)
Thanks to: nhờ có
1. What will life be
like? What is thê
wêathêr likê today?
What doês hê look
2. It’ s (un)likely that S+ will+ Vo: Coí khaẻ naặ ng, íít khaẻ naặ ng chuyêêậ n gíà sêẽ
xaẻ y ra
Eg: It’s (un)likêly that hê will comê hêrê tonight.
3. S+ no longer+ V = S +aux not+ V any longer: Ai đoí khoê ng laà m gíà nứẽa
Eg: Hê no longêr works for this company
Hê doêsn’t work for this company any longêr.


I. Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:
1. Mary, accompanied by her brother on the radio, _________ (be) very well received at the
talent show yesterday.
2. Sometimes several pets, two cats and a dog ___________ (need) to be taken care of while
we go away.
3. Meeting you___________ (be) a good chance.
4. Look! The cattle _______________ (graze) in the meadow.
5. The news from the destroyed villages_____________ (be) so bad.

6. Anyone who wants to pursue higher education__________ (have) to pass entrance exams.
7. Each boy and each girl___________ (be) ready for the school activities.
8. The Philippines________________ (comprise) 7,107 islands in the western Pacific Ocean.
9. The number of students attending the lecture yesterday___________ (be) one hundred and
10. Measles _____________ (be) a dangerous disease for pregnant women.
11. The police____________ (search) to find the thieves now.
12. Peter, as well as my two brothers, ___________ (play) football in the school yard every
13. Every country ___________ (have) a national flag.
14. What time __________ (be) the news on television tonight?
15. Either you or he ___________ (have) to apologize to her.
16. The number of English learners ___________ (become) greater and greater.
17. The actress, along with her manager and some friends __________ (be) going to party
18. The English _____________ (like) to drink tea.
19. A lot of furniture in that shop _________ (be) very expensive two years ago.
20. These cattle ____________ (be) on the way to the market at the moment.

II. Choose the best answer:

1. Twenty dollars __________ the price.
A. are B. is C. being D. were
2. Neither Canada nor Mexico _______ that citizens of the United States have passports.
A. require B. requires C. requiring D. to require
3. Both Mary and Ellen as well as Jean ________ on the tour.
A. are going B. is going C. has been going D. was going
4. There ___________ ten people in line already when we arrived.
A. are B. is C. were D. was
5. Neither Tom nor his friend ____________ at the party last night.
A. were B. are C. had been D. was
6. Mathematics ___________ very interesting to me.
A. are B. have been C. is D. was
7. The police ________ for the criminal now.
A. is looking B. was looking C. are looking D. were looking
8. A number of workers __________ for a rise since last month.
A. ask B. asked C. have asked D. has asked
9. The number of students in this class _______ 40.
A. be B. is C. are D. have been
10. Everybody ___________ to do their best at present.
A. tries B. try C. is trying D. are trying
11. One of my friends_____________ an actress.
A. is B. were C. are D. B and C are correct
12. The heavy boxes in the corner of the room _____________ .
A. is mine B. was mine C. are mine D. are of mine
13. Playing video games _________ popular among children nowadays.
A. was B. is C. have been D. will be
14. A lot of housework ___________me very tired.
A. makes B. make C. are making D. have made
15. Each of the students____________ ready for the oral test.
A. is being B. are C. is D. have been
16. Neither the director nor his assistant ___________ yet.
A. has come B. have come C. hasn’t come D. haven’t come
17. What ________ the purpose of doing this?
A. were B. is C. will D. has
18. There _______ only a few people at the meeting last night.
A. was B. are C. had been D. were
19. You can use my phone if yours _________.
A. don’t work B. not to work C. doesn’t work D. not working
20. Exercise _________ your body and your mind.
A. are improved B. is improved C. improve D. improves
21. Collecting old coins and paper notes ____ my grandfather’s hobbies when he retired.
A. was B. are C. were D. has been
22. Five thousand dollars _________ a big sum.
A. were B. are C. is D. have been
23. Economics ____________ the science of choice.
A. is B. are C. is being D. were
24. Fifty minutes ____________ enough to finish this test.
A. are not B. is not C. have not D. were not
25. The actress, along with her manager, __________ going to the party tonight.

A. is B. are C. was D. were
26. Your glasses ___________ on the desk last night.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
27. Much progress _______ in recent weeks.
A. has made B. had made C. have been made D. has been made

I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets :
1. Do stop (talk) ……………… I am trying (finish) ………………… the report.
2. Do you feel like (go) …………….. to a film or would you rather (stay)
………………. at home.
3. Don’t forget (lock) ……………… the door before going to bed.
4. Would you mind (show) ………………. me how to work the lift?
5. My shoes need (mend) ………………
6. Will you stop (talk) ………………. while I’m talking?
7. He admitted (throw) …………….. the rock through the window.
8. My father’s advice made me (choose) ……………… teaching as my career.
9. We were kept at the police station for an hour and then allowed (go) ………..
10. Ask him (come) ………… Don’t keep him (stand) ………….. at the door.
11. “Does Sarah know about the meeting?” – “No, I forgot (tell) …………. her.”
12. I believe what I said was fair. I don’t regret (say) ……………….it.
13. I remember (meet) ……………. you somewhere, but I’ve forgot your name.
14. I knew they were in trouble but I regret (say) ……………. I did nothing to
help them.
15. He needs (work) ……………… harder if he wants to makes progress.
16. Please leave me alone. I’m trying (concentrate) …………………
17. They don’t allow people (park) …………….in front of the building.
18. I don’t recommend (eat) ………… in that restaurant. The food is terrible.
19. Her parents won’t let her (go) …………. out alone.
20. We weren’t allowed (make) …………….. personal calls at work.
21. I’ve given up (try) ……………… to lose weight. It’s impossible.
22. I considered (apply) …………. for the job, but in the end I decided against it.
23. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford (go) ……… out very often.
24. You don’t need (iron) …………... this shirt. It doesn’t need (iron) …………
25. He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can’t help (smile) …………..
26. Can you help me (get) …………….. dinner ready?
27. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember (lock) ............................ it.
28. I don’t mind your (use) ............ the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.
II. Complete the sentences, use the passive form.
1. No one enjoys (make) ……………………… fun of in public.
2. They can never escape (punish) ……………………..
3. The doctor wanted the patient (examine) ………………………...
4. I want his article (publish) ……………………… in November.
5. I dislike (deceive) ………………………. by my friends.
6. Their garden has to (look) …………………………. after.
7. The computer (repair) …………………………. It’s working again now.
8. “How old is this bridge?” “It (believe)……………… to be over 200 years old.”
9. This is a serious problem. I don’t know how it (can solve) ……………………
10. We hope to have the law (pass) ……………………. by December.
III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence:
1. Would you mind ……………………… the window?
A. to close B. close C. closing D. to be closing
2. Try ……………………… there as fast as you can.
A. getting B. to get C. got D. get
3. I regret ……………………… you that you are not selected for the interview.
A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. having told
4. My grandfather is used to ……………………..early.
A. get up B. getting up C. have got up D. got up.
5. Don’t risk ………………………. alone in the river.
A. to swim B. swimming C. to swimming D. swim
6. Do not delay ……………………..him.
A. to answer B. to answering C. answering D. to be answering
7. She preferred ……………………. rather than give up.
A. die B. dying C. to die D. to be die
8. Mr. Smith encouraged his children ……………………Chinese.
A. studying B. study C. to study D. to studying
9. It is a busy season. The farmers have the tractors ……………… all day long.
A. to run B. to running C. ran D. running
10. His speech is easy ……………………
A. to follow it B. to follow C. following D. to be followed
11. She was made ……………………… smoking.
A. give up B. given up C. to give up D. gave up
12. It’s very difficult ……………………. with him because he got used to …….....
everything in his own way.
A. to deal/doing B. to deal/do C. dealing/doing D. dealing/do
13. Last summer we ……………………. to travel overland through Australia.
A. enjoyed B. decided C. didn’t mind D. suggested
14. The company ……………………. holding that workshop until the next month.
A. planned B. arranged C. postponed D. was able
15. Did she apologize …………………. late?
A. being B. to be C. to have been D. for being
16. “What shall we do this evening?” “How ……………. to that pop concert?”
A. to go B. we going C. about going D. about we go
17. There’s a good film on TV tonight. I’m really looking forward ……………it.
A. to seeing B. to see C. for seeing D. for to see
18. ………………… breakfast, I did the washing up.
A. After have B. After had C. After I have D. After having
19. Why don’t you let your son …………………… camping with his classmates?
A. go B. going C. to go D. to going
20. Please do not hesitate ……………………… me if you have any queries.
A. contact B. contacting C. to contact D. to contacting
21. Some critics didn’t think the book …………………… to win the prize.
A. deserved B. was worth C. needed D. should
22. She ………………the children wash their hands before every meal.
A. forced B. permitted C. got D. made
23. Ken spends most of his spare time ……………………. the Net.
A. surf B. to surf C. surfing D. to surfing
24. I can’t stand people …………………… questions all the time.
A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked
25. Tracy promised …………………….Owen with his packing.
A. help B. to help C. helping D. to helping
26. Her brother is very keen ………………………..
A. swim B. to swim C. to swimming D. on swimming
27. Don’t forget …………………..him for coffee when you see him.
A. invite B. to invite C. to be invited D. inviting
28. He stopped ………………………. because he was sleepy.
A. drive B. to drive C. driving D. to driving
29. They stopped the car ………………….. a chat with their friends.
A. have B. to have C. having D. to having
30. I’ve just finished ………………….. the report.
A. write B. to write C. to be written D. writing
31. She had a cold, so she couldn’t help …………………. all the time.
A. sneeze B. to sneeze C. to sneezing D. sneezing
32. My mother doesn’t allow me …………………… out with my friends.
A. go B. to go C. going D. to going
33. I wonder why she tried to avoid ………………… my question.
A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. to answering
34. My parents used ……………………. in London, but now they live in Bristol.
A. live B. to live C. living D. to living
35. Do you want to go on ……………………English?
A. learn B. to learn C. you learn D. learning
36. He needs ………………… harder if he wants to make progress.
A. to work B. working C. work D. works
37. Mike found Africa strange at first. He …………… living in such a hot climate.
A. not used to B. didn’t use to C. wasn’t used to D. used not to
38. It’s a difficult problem. It needs ………………….. about very carefully.
A. to think B. thought C. to be thinking D. thinking
39. You are expected …………………. the safety regulations of the school.
A. know B. to know C. knowing D. being known
40. He really dislikes ……………………. while he’s working.
A. interrupting B. to interrupt C. interrupt D. being interrupted
41. The director …………………. to answer the reporter’s phone call.
A. avoided B. refused C. finished D. disliked
42. They accused him …………………… a blatant lie.
A. to telling B. to tell C. in telling D. of telling
43. The children ………………. to stay up late.
A. don’t allow B. aren’t let C. aren’t allowed D. would rather
44. Do you ………………… tell the police about the missing money?
A. admit B. confess C. intend D. deny
45. There’s nothing I like more than ………. for a brisk walk along the seashore.
A. go B. out C. walking D. going
46. You’d better ………… her the news now. It may make her very disappointed.
A. not tell B. not to tell C. don’t tell D. not telling
47. The bill had already been paid, so I ……………………… to do it.
A. hadn’t B. didn’t need C. needn’t D. haven’t
48. It’s not worth ……………… so much money for such a poor quality product.
A. paying B. pay C. to pay D. paid
49. She warned the child ……………………. the busy road.
A. to cross B. to not cross C. not crossing D. not to cross
50. They are …………………. to arrive at any time.
A. expected B. meant C. intended D. excepted
51. My grandmother remembers …………………..after me when I was a baby.
A. looking B. to look C. looked D. had looked
52. I rashly posted the parcel without ……………… it.
A. weighing B. weigh C. weighed D. to weigh
53. I ……………… not to buy a motorcycle. Motorcycles can be dangerous.
A. urge B. persuade C. consider D. inform
54. The children could hardly ………………… leave their pets behind.
A. forget B. bear C. seem D. regret
55. Our buyer has gone to New York ……………………. new fall clothes.
A. to choose B. for to choose C. for choosing D. for having chosen
56. I’m sorry you can’t speak to the manager now. She’s busy ……………….. a
speech at the meeting.
A. make B. to make C. making D. she makes
57. Did you have any difficulty ………………….. my house?
A. find B. to find C. finding D. found
58. Why …………………… Jimmy a new pair of shoes for his birthday?
A. not give B. don’t give C. not you give D. not giving
59. The weather was so awful that I don’t ………………….going out this evening.
A. fancy B. like C. try D. want
60. It’s no use ………………with him. You might as well argue with a stone wall.
A. argue B. arguing C. to argue D. you argue
61. We are not allowed ………… jeans at school.
A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. worn
62. She prefers reading books to watching TV.
A. She had better read books than watch TV.
B. She would rather read books than watch TV.
C. She would rather to read books than to watch TV.
D. She would rather read books than to watching TV.


I. Turn into the Reported Speech:
1. Ann said “I want to go to New York next year.”
2. The doctor told him “You will have to rest for at least a week.”
3. Tom said “Ann has bought a new car.”
4. He said “I’m feeling ill.”
5. She said “My parents are very well.”
6. He said “I don’t have many friends.”
7. John said “I’ve passed my examination.”
8. Jane said “I work 14 hours a day.”
9. He said “My father is in hospital.”
10. She said “I’m thinking of going to live in Canada.”
11. She asked him, “ Are you hungry?”
12. He asked her, “ Do you go to work today?”
13. I asked the boy, “ Are you in this class?”
14. They asked him, “Have you been invited to the party?’
15. He asked her mother, “Are you at home now?”
16. The police said to us, “Where are you going?”
17. Tom said, “What time do the banks close?”
18. He asked me, “When will Ann arrive?”
19. He asked me, “How old are you?”
20. They asked me, “Why did you apply for the job?”
21. “Listen carefully”, he said to us
22. “Eat more fruit and vegetables”, the doctor said to him.
23. “Can you speak more slowly?” he said to me.
24. “Stay in bed for a few days”, the doctor said to me.
25. “Can you open the door for me, Tom?” Ann asked.
26. “Don’t shout”, I said to Jim.
27. “Please don’t tell anyone what happened.”, Ann said to me.
28. “Don’t come before 6 o’clock” I said to him.
29. “ Don’t wait for me if I’m late”, Ann said to him.
30. “Don’t smoke in my room.”, she said to them.


Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence, or that has the closest
meaning to the original one.
1. I . . . . . .you everything I am doing, and you have to do the same.
A. will tell B. would tell C. told D. was telling
2. John said that his brother . . . . . at home then.
A. is B. was C. were D. has been
3. She told him . . . . . . .
A. patient B. to be patient
C. was patient D. that being patient
4. She told the boys . . . . . . on the grass.
A. do not play B. not playing C. did not play D. not to play
5. The teacher told Jim . . . . . . .
A. to stop talking B. stop talking
C. stops talking D. stopped talking
6. I have ever told you he . . . . . . . unreliable.
A. is B. were C. had been D. would be
7. He asked . . . . . . . . . him the books he needed.
A. her to lend B. she to lend C. she has lent D. she lends
8. She said she . . . . . . . . . . .
A. was very tired last night B. was very tired the night before
C. had been very tired last night D. had been very tired the night before
9. The mother told her son . . . . . . . . so impolitely.
A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave
10. John asked me . . . . . . interested in football.
A. if I were B. if were I C. if was I D. if I was
11. She said that she . . . . . . take me home after school.
A. would B. did C. must D. had
12. John asked me . . . . . . . me the book the day before.
A. if who gave B. if who has given C. who had given D. that who had given
13. John wanted to know if I was leaving the . . . . . . . . . . Saturday.
A. following B. ago C. previous D. before
14. Robert said that his father . . . . . . . . to Dallas the year before.
A. goes B. went C. has gone D. had gone
15. Jane said that her teacher . . . . . . . . to London . . . . . . . . .
A. will go/ tomorrow B. went/ tomorrow
C. would go/ the next day D. had gone/ the next day
16. He wanted to know . . . . . . . . shopping during the previous morning.
A. if we had gone shopping B. that if we had been going
C. we were going D. that we were going
17. He advised . . . . . . . . . . .
A. her did not go B. her do not go C. her not to go D. she did not go
18. Martin asked me . . . . . . . .
A. how is my father B. how my father is
C. how was my father D. how my father was
19. The host asked Peter . . . . . . . . . tea or coffee.
A. whether he preferred B. that he preferred
C. did he preferred D. if he prefers
20. John often says he . . . . . . boxing because it . . . . . .
A. does not like/is B. did not like/ were
C. not liked/ had been D. had not liked/ was
21. “Hello, Mary!” Peter said.
A. Peter said hello Mary. B. Peter said Mary hello.
C. Peter told Mary hello. D. Peter greeted Mary
22. He said, “ I have to do the washing up myself.”
A. He said that I have to do the washing up myself.
B. He said he has to do the washing up himself.
C. He said that he had to do the washing up myself.
D. He said he had to do the washing up himself.

23. “I’m sorry. I can’t help you,” Peter said to me.

A. Peter promised to help me. B. Peter approved of helping me.
C. Peter regretted not to help me. D. Peter regretted not helping me.
24. “It is a surprising gift. Thank you very much, Mary.” Said Mr. Pike.
A. Mr. Pike promised to give Mary a surprising gift.
B. Mr. Pike thanked Mary although he did not really like the gift.
C. Mr. Pike thanked Mary for the surprising gift.
D. Mr. Pike congratulated Mary on the surprising gift.
25. Peter promised to pick Mary up at 10o’clock.
A. Peter said, “Mary, I will pick you up at 10 o’clock.”
B. Peter said, “Mary, I am sorry for not picking you up at 10 o’clock.”
C. Peter said, “Mary, I am too busy to pick you up at 10 o’clock.”
D. Peter said, “Let’s pick Mary up at 10 o’clock.”
26. “Why don’t you ask the teacher for help?” Peter asked me.
A. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.
B. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help.
C. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help.
D. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help.
27. “If I were you, I would take a break,” Tom said to Daisy.
A. Tom wanted to take a break with Daisy.
B. Tom advised Daisy to take a break.
C. Tom suggested not talking a break.
D. Tom wanted to take a break, and so did Daisy.
28. “How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!” Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
29. Jane said, “I am allowed to use the family bike.”
A. Jane said she allowed to use the family bike.
B. Jane said she were allowed to use the family bike.
C. Jane said she was allowed to use the family bike.
D. Jane said she was not allowed to use the family bike.
30. John said to me, “ Listen to me carefully.”
A. John told me to listen to him carefully.
B. John told me listen to him carefully.
C. John said me to listen to him carefully.
D. John told me not to listen to him carefully.
31. “Do you know ……………?” asked the man.
A. where is the ticket office B. where the ticket office is
C. the ticket office is D. where was the ticket office
32. My father asked me ……………. of the film.
A. what do you think B. what I think
C what did you think D. what I thought
33. The woman wonders …………. doing well at school.
A. whether her children are B. if were her children
C. whether her children were D. her children are if


I. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN: Use the correct tenses forms of the verbs in brackets in the
1. Tourists who travel to Vietnam…………………………. (introduce) with the
country’s long history.
2. Your flight…………………...(book) by the end of the day. So, don’t worry.
3. Perhaps the door ………………………(leave) unlocked when the thief broke into
the house.
4. Dinosaur fossils can………………….(find) in every continent on Earth.
5. ………..the students………………..(tell) about the changes of their timetable yet?
6. English……………………...(can speak) at the club.
7. I …………………..(not invite) to parties very often.
8. He is standing in front of a large audience. He ……………………...(photograph)
by many journalists now.
9. The new building……………………….(build) two years ago.
10. Many new roads……………………....(build) in this city now.
11. This letter…………………………….(has to send) by special delivery.
12. That fence (ought to paint)……………………
13.Those shelves (carry) ………………… to our library since last Thursday.
14. The doors……………………………(paint) at 9 o’clock yesterday morning.
15. English (teach)……………………….in this school now.
16. The museum (will restore)………………… the end of the month.
17. The bank………………………(rob) last week.
18. Your journey (must plan) …………………….carefully.
19. Everybody……………………….(shock) by terrible news yesterday.
20. These doors and windows (clean)………………………..carefully last night.
21. A new textbook (publish)…………………………… year.
22. Movies (develop)……………………………..since the early 1950’s.
23. His bike………………..(steal) while he was having a drink in the café.
24. My newspapers……………………….. (usually/ deliver) before 6.00, so I can
read them at breakfast.
25. All the information………………………….(keep) in the computer.
26. The grass (usually/ cut)…………………………..once a week.
27. Thousands of cars………………………….(produce) in our country last year.
28. A report……………………………….(write) while she was sleeping.
29. The first apple trees (plant) ………………… in North American in 1629.
30. A movie theater is a place where movies (show)…………………
31. Potatoes (take)………………… to Ireland from South America in 1588.
32. Today, many accidents (cause)………………………….by careless driving.
33. When she got off the bus, she discovered that her purse (steal)
……………………. from her handbag.
34. I don’t know who took these photos and where they (take)……………….
35. Nobody (injure)……………… in the accident, so the ambulance wasn’t needed.
36. This book (translate)…………………..into English a few years ago.
37. A mystery is something that (can not explain) …………………….
38. You must wait. The computer (use) …………………… at the moment.
39. She (offer) ………………..the job, but she decided not to take it.
40. Three men (arrest) …………………… by the police last night.
41. A prize (give) ………………………. to the winner last week.
42. In this class, stories (read) ………………………. to the children every day.
43. The floor (clean) …………………… Jane yet.
44. Computers (sell) ……………………..commercially for the first time in the 1950s.
45. Much progress on computers (make) ………………………. since 1950.
46. Computers (can use) ………………………… to forecast the weather.
47. A lot of difficult calculations (can do) ……………… very quickly on computers.
48. English (speak) ……………………… at the conference tomorrow.
49. The kitchen (paint) ………………………. now.
50. “Romeo and Juliet” (write) ……………………… Shakespeare.
EXERCISE II: Change into passive voice
1.The children are going to organize a surprise party.
2. Someone ought to repair this broken window.
3. You can buy toothpaste at the drug store.
4. They have invited all the members to the party.
5. No one noticed my mistake.
6. Where are they playing windsurfing?
7. People don’t use this road very often.
8. They cancelled all the flights because of the fog.
9. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.
10. Nobody has invited her to the party.
11. People say that he has 22 children.
→ He …………………………………………………………………………………
12. It is said that three men were arrested after the explosion.
→ Three men…………………………………………………………………………
13. People say that he writes poetry.
→ He…………………………………………………………………………………..
14. It is said that she won a special prize.
→ She …………………………………………………………………………………
15. Are you going to send this letter?
16. They hadn’t built the bridge when we first came here.
17. Every body believed that he had died of lung cancer.
18. It is believed that he drove through the town at 90 km an hour.
19. The secretary told me to wait outside.
20. How can they open this box?
21. They paid me a lot of money to do the job.
22. He sent his friends the postcards.
23. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.
24. The children are carrying the chairs into the house.

III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:
1. This kind of cloth…………… warm water only.
A. must wash B. must be washing
C. must be washed D. must washed
2. The Norman is said………………England in 1066.
A. to have invaded B. to have been invaded
C. to invade D. to be invaded
3. Vietnamese goods………….to many European countries.
A. have exported B. have been exported
C. have been exporting D. have being exported
4. When we talk about the accident, no names……………………. .
A. were mentioning B. to be mentioning
C. were mentioned D. to be mention
5. Endangered species……………… by the World Wildlife Fund.
A. are protected B. would protect C. be protected D. will protect
6. Unless we can find new sources of energy, our life will certainly……………..
A. be affecting B. affected C. be affected D. affect
7. The World Health Organization……………in 1948 in order to carry out medical
research and improve international health care.
A. was established B. had been established
C. established D. had established
8. This tree………………by our grandfather over 40 years ago.
A. grew B. has grown C. is grown D. was grown
9. Most of the earth’s surface…………………by water.
A. have covered B. is covering C. is covered D. are covered
10. Children should be…………………to realize their full potential.
A. encouraging B. discouraging C. encouraged D. discouraged
11. ……………..broken several world records in swimming.
A. She is said that she has B. People say she had
C. It is said to have D. She is said to have
12. It…………that to be a good musician, you have to learn to play when you are very
A. is said B. says C. is saying D. has said
13. The prisoner is thought………………….by climbing over the wall.
A. to escape B. has been escaped C. to have escaped D. has escaped
14. We …………….by a loud noise every night.
A. woke up B. are woken up C. were woken up D. were waking up
15. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think……………………………
A. we are following B. we are being followed
C. we are followed D. we are being following
16. “Where………………….?” “ In Los Angeles.”
A. were you born B. are you born C. have you been born D. did you born
17. The train………………….. arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late.
A. supposed to B. is supposed to C. being supposed to D. be supposed to
18. Is everybody ready? Dinner…………………………in the dining room.
A. is serving B. serves C. is being served D. being served
19. The current educational problems are…………by the authorities in the country.
A. studying B. being studying C. being studied D. been studied
20. The longest fish in the contest………………… Mr. Robinson.
A. was catching B. was caught C. caught D. was been catching
21. The parcel will……………to your friend’s house by post.
A. send B. sending C. be sending D. be sent
22. Many American automobiles…………… Detroit, Michigan.
A. manufacture B. are manufacturing
C. have manufactured D. are manufactured
23. In spite of………………a teaching place at the University of Paris, Dr. Albert
volunteered to work in Africa.
A. giving B. being given C. to be given D. he has given
24. A lot of money………………….on advertising every month.
A. have been spent B. are spent C. has been spent D. is spent
25. Helen’s house………………..50 years ago.
A. has been built B. was built C. builds D. built
26. The air in the city……………………….by dust and smoke.
A. is polluting B. pollute C. is polluted D. polluting
27. The highway……………………in 1990.
A. be finished B. is finished C. was finished D. was finishing
28. Grass……………… cows and buffaloes.
A. eat B. ate C. is eaten D. eaten
29. The box…………………..away from the window.
A. will move B. moved C. will be moved D. is moving
30. The house…………………….before they moved in.
A. have been painted B. is painted C. had been painted D. painted
IV. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:
1. Someone stole my money this morning.
A. My money stole this morning. B. My money were stolen this morning.
C. My money was stolen this morning. D. My money be stolen this morning.
2. The children have to obey their parents.
A. Their parents have to obey by the children.
B. Their parents have to be obeyed by the children.
C. Their parents have to obeyed by the children.
D. Their parents has to be obeyed by the children.
3. Have you fed the chickens yet?
A. Have the chickens fed yet? B. Has the chickens been fed yet?
C. Have the chickens been fed yet? D. Has the chicken fed yet?
4. You must finish your task right now.
A. Your task must be finished right now.
B. Your task must finish right now
C. Your task must have finished right now.
D. Your task must have been finished right now.
5. No one has used that door for 20 years
A. That door has been used for 20 years.
B. That door has used for 20 years.
C. That door hasn’t been used for 20 years.
D. That door haven’t been used for 20 years.
6. I will take care of the garden.
A. The garden will take care of. B. The garden will have been taken care of
C. The garden will have taken care of. D. The garden will be taken care of.
7. She had done that work before she left her office.
A. That work had done before she left her office.
B. That work had been done before she left her office.
C. That work had been doing before she left her office.
D. That work have been done before she left her office.
8. The police are questioning him.
A. He is questioned by the police. B. He questions by the police.
C. He is having questioned by the police. D. He is being questioned by the police.
9. It is said that prevention is better than cure.
A. Prevention is said to have been better than cure.
B. Prevention said to be better than cure.
C. It says that prevention is being better than cure.
D. Prevention is said to be better than cure.
10. It is said that Henry eats 10 eggs a day.
A. Henry is said to have eaten ten eggs a day.
B. It says that Henry ate ten eggs a day.
C. Henry is said to eat ten eggs a day.
D. Henry is said to have been eaten ten eggs a day.
11. It is believed that the wanted man is living in New York.
A. The wanted man is believed to be living in New York.
B. The wanted man is believed to have been living in New York.
C. It is believed to live in New York.
D. The wanted man was believed to be living in New York.
12. It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow
A. It expected that the strike begin tomorrow.
B. The strike is expected to begin tomorrow.
C. The strike is expected to have begun tomorrow.
D. The strike was expected to begin tomorrow.
13. It is alleged that he stole £ 60.
A. He is alleged to have been stolen £ 60. B. It is alleged that he had been stolen £ 60.
C. He is alleged to have stolen £ 60. D. It is alleged that he steals £ 60.
14. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.
A. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.
B. The prisoner is thought to have been escaped by climbing over the wall.
C. The prisoner is thought to escape by climbing over the wall.
D. It thought that the prisoner has been escaped by climbing over the wall.
15. It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.
A. The company is said to be losing a lot of money.
B. The company is said to have lost a lot of money.
C. The company is said to lose a lot of money.
D. It says that the company is having lost a lot of money.
16. It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year.
A. The company is believed to have been lost a lot of money last year.
B. It believed that the company has lost a lot of money last year.
C. The company is believed to have lost a lot of money last year.
D. The company is believed to have been losing a lot of money last year.
17. People say that he is 108 years old.
A. People say that he has been 108 years old. B. He is said to have been 108 years old
C. He is said to have 108 years old. D. He is said to be 108 years old.
18. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.
A. It expects that the weather is good tomorrow.
B. The weather is expected to be good tomorrow.
C. The weather is expected to have been good tomorrow.
D. The weather expected to be good tomorrow.
19. People believe that red is the symbol of luck.
A. Red believes people to be the symbol of luck.
B. Red believed to be the symbol of luck.
C. Red is believed to be the symbol of luck.
D. It believes that red is the symbol of luck.
20. My father was reading the book.
A. The book was read by my father B. The book has been read by my father
C. The book was being read by my father D. The book had been read by my father
21. His father bought the tickets for the family.
A. The tickets were bought by his father B. The tickets is bought by his father
C. The tickets will be bought by his father D. The tickets have been bought by his father
22. We have given the police the information
A. The police have been given the information
B. The police has been given the information
C. The police are given the information
D. The police were given the information

23. They will change the date of meeting

A. The day of meeting will be changed B. The day of meeting will changed
C. The day of meeting has been changed D. The day of meeting was changed
24. People say that prevention is better than cure
A. Prevention was said to be better than cure
B. It is said that prevention is better than cure
C. It was said that prevention is better than cure
D. It was said that prevention was better than cure
25. The police stopped us on our way to school.
A. We were stopped by the police on our way to school.
B. We stopped by the police on our way to school.
C. We stopped the police on our way to school.
D. We are stopped by the police on our way to school.
26. You should give us this information.
A. We should give you this information. C. We should be give this information.
B. We should be given this information. D. This information should give us.
27. Did the teacher give some exercises?
A. Were some exercises given by the teacher?
B. Were some exercises given to the teacher?
C. Were the teacher given some exercises?
D. Did some exercises give to the teacher?
28. They may use this room for the classroom.
A. This room may use for the classroom. B. The classroom may be used for this room.
C. They may be used for the classroom. D. This room may be used for the classroom.
29. They are repairing our car at the garage.
A. Our car is repairing at the garage. B. Our car is being repairing at the garage.
C. Our car is being repaired at the garage D. They are being repaired our car at the garage.
30. No one has cleaned the floor for weeks.
A. The floor hasn’t been cleaned for weeks.
B. The floor has been cleaned by someone for weeks.
C. The floor hasn’t cleaned for weeks.
D. The floor has been cleaned for weeks.
31. They have given me a chance to explain my view.
A. I have given them a chance to explain my view.
B. I have be given them a chance to explain my view.
C. I have been given a chance to explain my view.
D. I am given a chance to explain my view.
32. We will finish the report in time.
A. The report will finish in time. B. The report will be finished in time.
C. The report will be finish in time. D. The report is finished in time.
33. They thought that the man was still living.
A. The man thought he was still living. C. The man is thought to be still living.
B. The man was thought to be still living. D. It thought the man to be still living.
34. They considered his speech one of the best.
A. His speech was considered one of the best.
B. His speech was one of the best.
C. His speech one of the best was considered.
D. His speech considered them one of the best.
I. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. If I (know)……………… that you were ill, I (go) ………………… to see you.
2. If she'd had enough money, she (buy) ……………………… a car.
3. I (buy) ……………………………………….. a car if you lend me some money.
4. I (see) ……………………… him if I (go) ……………. to the party last night.
5. We could have gone out if the weather (not/ be) ……………………… so bad.
6. If the book (not be )…………………………… expensive, I'll buy it.
7. You would be very surprised if he (return) ………………………
8. I'll go out if it (not rain)……………………………….
9. They wouldn't come to the party if you (not invite) …………………. them
10. What …………… you (do) …………. if you (be) …………… him?
11. If that hat costs much, I (buy) ………………………. a small one.
12. If I spoke English, my job (be) …………………….. a lot easier.
13. If he (go) …………… to London yesterday, he ( meet) …………… his old
14. I will lend them some money if they (ask) ………………… me.
15. If we had known who he was, we (invite) …………… him to speak at our
16. If I (have) ……………….. enough money, I would buy a house.
17. They (not/let) …………………………… you in if you come late.
18. If you (not go) …………………… away, I’ll send for a policeman.
19. If I (be) ………………… in your place, I’d accept Mr. Anderson’s invitation.
20. If I (win) …………………big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
21. I was busy. If I’d had free time. I (go) …………………. to the cinema with you.
22. A: Why didn’t you attend the meeting?
B: Oh, I did not know. If I (know)…………… I (come)……………….. there.
23. What ………….we (do)……… if they do not come tomorrow?
24. If I had enough time now, I (write) …………………. to my parents.
25. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she (be) ……….. here, she’d know what to do.
26. I (let) ………………… you know if I find out what’s happening.
27. If we (live) …………………………. in a town, life would be better.
28. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive) …………………. early.
29. If I (be) …………………… you, I (help) …………………… him.
30. He spoke very quickly. I (understand)……………………….. him if he (speak)
………………….. more slowly.
31. He didn’t listen to the teacher. If he (listen) …………………….. carefully, he
(perform) ……………………… well in the examination.
32. The kitchen will look better if we (have) …………….. red curtains.
33. If I knew his address, I (go) …………………….. round and see him.
34. If you (not be) ……………. so busy now, I (show) …………… you how to play.
35. If we (have)…………………. some eggs, I’d make you a cake.
36. Bring him another if he (not/like) ……………………….. this one.
37. Unless you are more careful, you (have) …………….. an accident.
38. If grandmother (be) ………. 5 years younger, she (play) ………… some games.
39. If the sun (stop) ………… shinning, there (be) …………….. no light on earth.
40. If I (be) ………… a millionaire, I (live) …………………. on Mars.

II. Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence, or that has the closest
meaning to the original one.
41. If I ……….a lot of money now, I …………..a new car.
A. have /will buy B. have / would buy C. had/ will buy D. had/ would buy
42. If I ……………you, I …………….do that.
A. am/ will B. were /would C. were/ will D. had been/ would
43. If I were offered the job, I think I ………. it.
A. take B. will take C. would take D. would have taken
44. I would be very surprised if he……………..
A. refuses B. refused C. had refused D. would refuse
45. Many people would be out of work if that factory………..down.
A. closes B. had closed C. closed D. would close
46. If she sold her car, she ………… much money.
A. gets B. would get C. will get D. would have got
47. They would be disappointed if we…………….
A. hadn’t come B. wouldn’t come C. don’t come D. didn’t come
48. Would John be angry if I ……. ……his bicycle without asking?
A. take B. took C. had taken D. would take
49. She ……….terrible upset if I lost this ring.
A. will be B. would be C. were D. had been
50. If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened.
A. would walk B. walks C. had walked D. walked
51. What would happen if you …………… work tomorrow?
A. don’t go B. didn’t go C. won’t go D. wouldn’t go
52. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out.
A. go B. did go C. went D. had gone
53. If I go shopping, I ………some food.
A. buy B. will buy C. would buy D. would have bought
54. If I find it, I ………you.
A. will tell B. would tell C. had told D. told
55. What would you do if you……………a million dollars?
A. would win B. win C. had won D. won
56. I am flying to the States tonight. I …….. you a ring if I can find a phone.
A. will give B. would give C. could give D. have given
57. If I were 10 years younger, I ………… the job.
A. will take B. have taken C. will have taken D. would take
58. If she ……….. the train last night, she would have been here.
A. took B. were taking C. has taken D. had taken
59. I don't have money, so I can't help you.
A. If I can help you, I will have money.
B. If I have money, I can help you.
C. If I had money, I could help you.
D. If I had had money, I could have helped you.
60. If you ……………… away, I’ll send for a policeman.
A. not go B. don’t go C. hadn’t gone D. didn’t go
61. If we had known who he was, we …………… him to speak at our meeting.
A. would have invited B. have invited C. would invite D. will invite

62. They would buy a new house if ………………

A. they have got enough money B. they had a lot of money
C. they has earned much money D. they had been rich
63. If you …………. John, tell him I’ll phone him later.
A. saw B. see C. had seen D. were seeing
64. If I had learned harder, ……………..
A. I wouldn’t fail the exam B. I wouldn’t have failed the exam
C. I wouldn’t have passed the exam D. I won’t have failed the exam
65. Nam was ill, so he didn’t go to school.
A. If he had been ill, he would have gone to school.
B. If he hadn’t been ill, he wouldn’t have gone to school.
C. If he hadn’t been ill, he would have gone to school.
D. If he weren’t ill, he would go to school.
66. We will be late for the meeting …………….
A. when we are in a hurry B. unless we hurry up
C. if we are in a hurry D. unless we will hurry up
67. If the weather ………. worse, we won’t go to the beach.
A. gets B. got C. would get D. will get
68. If she went to my party. ………………
A. I am very excited B. I was very sad
C. I will be happy D. I would be delighted
69. If I meet her tomorrow, …………………
A. I will invite her a drink B. I would take her for dinner
C. I would have had a drink with her D. I would have expressed my love to her.
70. If you have job, what ………………?
A. you would choose B. you will choose
C. would you choose D. will you choose
71. It rained yesterday, so we didn’t go out.
A. If it rained yesterday, we didn’t go out
B. If it rained yesterday, we went out
C. If it didn’t rain yesterday, we went out
D. If it hadn’t rained yesterday, we would have gone out
72. You won’t know what to do unless you listen carefully.
A. If you listen carefully, you won’t know what to do.
B. You won’t know what to do if you don’t listen carefully.
C. If you listened carefully, you would know what to do.
D. You wouldn’t know what to do if you didn’t listen carefully.
73. I don’t have money, so I can’t buy this house.
A. I would buy this house if I had money.
B. If I have enough money, I will buy this house
C. If I had enough money, I would have bought this house
D. I would have bought this house if I had money.
74. We got lost because we didn’t bring a city map.
A. If we brought a city map, we wouldn’t get lost.
B. If we didn’t bring a city map, we would get lost.
C. If we had brought a city map, we wouldn’t have got lost.
D. We would have got lost if we didn’t bring a city map.


75. I wish someone ………….to help me with that work tomorrow.

A. offer B. offered C. would offer D. had offered
76. The weather was terrible. I wish it …………. warmer.
A. has been B. was C. were D. had been
77. My mother is not free today. I wish …………
A. my mother is free today B. my mother won’t be busy today
C. my mother would be free today D. my mother were free today
78. I wish you ………… to my party last week, but you didn’t.
A. came B. will come C. would come D. had come
79. I wish I ……… a car. I’m tired of catching the bus to work every day.
A. had B. had had C. have D. will have
80. I’m afraid our team will lose the game today. I wish ________.
A. our team won the game today B. our team would win the game today
C. our team didn’t lose the game today D. our team had won the game today
81. I wish I ______ more time now to help you with your lesson.
A. have B. had C. would have D. had had
82. If only he ________ me a chance, I could have told him the truth.
A. gave B. has given C. could give D. had given
83. I regret giving David my number.
A. I wish I would give David my number.
B. I wish I wouldn’t give David my number.
C. I wish I didn’t give David my number.
D. I wish I hadn’t given David my number.
84. Whata pity your mother misunderstood you.
A. I wish your mother had understaning you.
B. I wish your mother didn’t misunderstand you.
C. I wish your mother hadn’t misunderstood you.
D. I wish your mother wouldn’t misunderstand you.
85. I’m very sorry that I shouted at you so loudly with no reasons.
A. I wish I shouted at you so loudly with no reasons.
B. I wish I didn’t shout at you so loudly with no reasons.
C. I wish I had shouted at you so loudly with no reasons.
D. I wish I hadn’t shouted at you so loudly with no reasons.
86. The doctor wants her to keep silent in the hospital.
A. The doctor wishes that she would make a noise in the hospital.
B. The doctor wishes that she wouldn’t keep silent in the hospital.
C. The doctor wishes that she didn’t make a noise in the hospital.
D. The doctor wishes that she had kept silent in the hospital.
87. Unfortunately I’ve got to work late tonight.
A. I wish I won’t work late tonight. B. I wish I wouldn’t work late tonight.
C. I wish I hadn’t worked late tonight. D. I wish you would work late tonight.
88. I wish I didn’t tell him the truth.
A. I regret not to tell him the truth. B. I regret to tell him the truth.
C. I regret telling him the truth D. I regret not telling him the truth


I. Complete the sentences using relative pronouns.
1. The woman ………….lives next door is a doctor.
2. The boy……….eyes are brown is my son.
3. The book ……… bought yesterday is interesting.
4. Sunday is the day ……….. I go to water park with my kids.
5. That was the reason …………he didn’t marry her.
6. An architect is someone …………..designs buildings.
7. My brother Jim ,…………lives in Houston, is a teacher.
8. Nam told me about his new job, ………..he’s enjoying very much.
9. My English teacher, ……….comes from Australia, loves computers.
10. Mrs. Bond is going to spend a few weeks in Sweden, ……..her daughter lives.
11. I haven’t got a passport, ……….. means I can’t leave my country.
12. That’s the supermarket ……….I used to buy things.
13. The man …………I’m talking about works in her office.
14. The dog ……… saw outside my house belongs to my neighbour.
15. Her new boyfriend is the man ……….you saw in her living room yesterday.
16. She’s going to marry the man with ……….she went on holiday last month.
17. The man …………she’s going to marry comes from a wealthy family.
18. They were playing a game ………….rules I couldn’t understand.
19. I still remember the day on …………we first met.
20. He suddenly shouted at me ……….made me very upset.
II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Lewis, the man……… Johnson beat in the last World Championship, has
broken the world record.
A. which B. who C. when D. what
2. Lightning bonfires at this time of the year is a tradition……….. goes back to
the seventeenth century.
A. who B. whom C. it D. that
3. Dorothy said something…………I couldn’t hear clearly.
A. who B. what C. where D. –
4. I have a friend…………in the New York Marathon last year.
A. ran B. who running C. who ran D. being run
5. He’s probably the best golfer……………..
A. I’ve ever played against him B. whom I’ve ever played against him
C. that I’ve ever played against him D. I’ve ever played against
6. The house ………… is for sale.
A. next to ours B. is next to ours
C. that next to ours D. which it is next to ours
7. Have you found the money …………. you lost?
A. whom B. what C. with which D. –
8. In the novel by Peters, …. the film is based, the main character is a teenager.
A. which B. on that C. on which D. –
9. Most of the forests …………… Britain have now been destroyed.
A. that once covered B. once covered
C. which they once covered D. once they covered
10. My cousin who is in the army……….. to see us.
A. he came B. came C. who he came D. who came
11. The path was made by walkers ……………. the mountains each summer.
A. crossed B. crossing
C. they crossed D. which they crossed
12. She’s one of the kindest people ………………
A. that I know B. that I know them
C. which I know D. who I know
13. The newspaper is owned by the Pearson Group, …… is Mr. Oliver Carlson.
A. which chairman B. whose chairman
C. their chairman D. whom chairman
14. My teacher is one of the people …………..
A. I look up to B. I look up to them
C. whom look up to D. to who I look up to
15. I don’t like people………….. can’t laugh at themselves.
A. whom B. who C. – D. which
16. I’ll never forget the film …………….. I saw.
A. whom B. about which C. – D. who
17. I poured him a glass of wine, …………… .
A. that he drank at once B. he drank at once
C. which he drank at once D. and which he drank at once
18. Arnold tried to gauge the speed …………. they were traveling.
A. that B. at that C. which D. at which
19. This room, …………… any more, belonged to our eldest daughter.
A. that isn’t used B. isn’t used
C. which isn’t used D. it isn’t used
20. Sydney, ……………., is Australia’s largest city.
A. has a population of more than three million
B. a population of more than three million
C. which has a population of more than three million
D. that has a population of more than three million
21. Jack Peterson is a person ………… was broken into last night.
A. whom house B. whose house
C. his house D. who’s house
22. It is difficult to predict ………….. she will do next.
A. what B. that C. whom D. which
23. Help yourself to the fruit from the trees in the garden. Take ……… you want.
A. whomever B. whatever C. wherever D. however
24. I received a letter,..… poor spelling made me think it was written by a child.
A. whose B. which C. that’s D. what’s
25. “Do you want to drive or go by train?” “I’d prefer to travel ….way is faster.”
A. that B. whichever C. however D. wherever
26. The building ………….. I used to work had 24 floors.
A. that B. which C. in where D. in which
27. He has been unwell, and this may be …………… he lost the match.
A. the thing that B. the place where
C. the time where D. the reason why
28. I’m sure I’ll enjoy eating …………. .
A. you cook B. whatever you cook
C. that you cook D. whoever you cook
29. The film was made in Botswana, …………….are larger than those in Kenya.
A. whose wildlife parks B. which wildlife parks
C. their wildlife parks D. the wildlife parks of it

III. Choose the best option.

1. A person ……….. is a lecturer.
A. who teaches at a university B. who at the university teaches
C. teaches at the university who D. whom teaches at the university
2. They are living in a house…………..
A. that was built in 1930 B. that built in 1930
C. that was building in 1930 D. in 1930 that was built
3. Have you ever met the man………..?
A. who was married the cousin of Mary B. whom married Mary’s cousin
C. who married Mary’s cousin D. who is married Mary’s cousin
4. Alexander Fleming ,…………, received the Nobel Prize in 1945.
A. that discovered penicillin B. who discovered penicillin
C. which discovered penicillin D. he discovered penicillin
5. He is the person…………….
A. which I bought this old car from B. from that I bought this old car
C. from who I bought this old car D. from whom I bought this old car
6. Last week I met Mr.Minh, ……………
A. who’s oldest son is studying abroad
B. the oldest son of who is studying abroad
C. whose oldest son is studying abroad
D. of whom the oldest son is studying abroad
7. I met some people at the conference ……………….
A. who knows you well B. that well known you
C. who know you well D. that they know you well
8. The woman………… was very angry.
A. whom Julie was arguing B. Julie was arguing with her
C. with whom Julie was arguing D. who Julie was arguing for
9. The medicine ……….. was very expensive.
A. the doctor prescribed it for her B. the doctor prescribed for her
C. that prescribed for her D. which the doctor prescribed it for her
10. My brother Minh is someone ……… about sports.
A. I always enjoy talking to B. I always enjoy talking to him
C. with who I always enjoy talking D. whom I always enjoy talking to him
11. One of the places ……….next summer is Halong in Vietnam.
A. I want to visit B. where I want to visit
C. to which I want to visit D. where I want to visit to
12. A tree branch ………… was a hazard to motorists.
A. that lying in this street B. that it was lying in the street
C. lying in the street D. it was lying in the street
13. The person ………… my sister.
A. from whom I got this parcel B. which I got this parcel from
C. I got this parcel from her D. from that I got this parcel
14. Mr. Allison,…………, is one of my benefactors.
A. I was telling you about B. about who I was telling you
C. that I was telling you about D. about whom I was telling you
15. Catherine was pleased with the novel…………
A. she’s just finished B. she’s just finished it
C. that she’s just finished it D. which has just finished by her
16. They rowed across the Atlantic,………..
A. it had never been done before B. they had never done it before
C. which had never been done before D. that they had never done before
17. The movie……………...last night was terrific.
A. we went B. we went to it C. we went to D. which we went
18. The problem……………….never occurred.
A. I had expected it B. whom I had expected
C. that I had expected it D. I had expected
19. There is something about……………….immediately.
A. which I must speak to you
B. which I must speak to you about it
C. that I must speak to you about
D. that I must speak to you
20. Annie has three brothers, ……………...are pilots.
A. who they all B. who all of them
C. that all of them D. all of whom
21. …………. instructed me how to make a good preparation for a job interview.
A. John Robbins to that I spoke by telephone,
B. John Robbins, that I spoke to by telephone,
C. John Robbins I spoke to by telephone,
D. John Robbins, whom I spoke to by telephone,
22. Etna is an active volcano. The volcano is on the island of Sicily.
A. Etna, which is on the island of Sicily, is an active volcano.
B. Etna which on the island of Sicily, is an active volcano.
C. Etna, on the island of Sicily, which is an active volcano.
D. Etna, an active volcano, which is on the island of Sicily
Put a/an/the or no article(Ø) in each space to complete the sentences.

1. I must go to………………post office to buy some stamps.

2. Would you like……………
3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith invited us to……………..dinner.
4. Did Jane get………………job she applied for?
5. We took………………. taxi to the airport.
6. There are millions of stars in……………space.
7. We went by……………….train to the west of England.
8. …………people who live in…………..Scotland are called…………Scots.
9. ………….Columbus was one of……………first people to cross ……… Atlantic.
10. David learned to play………………….violin when he was at…………university.
11. Did you read………… I lent you…………….last week?
12. Is that………..present Bill gave you for……………….Christmas?
13. …………… has already changed…………….. our lives dramatically.
14. There was…………accident yesterday at………………corner of ……….street.
15. I need…………..time to think about………….offer you gave me.
16. …………………..little knowledge is………………….dangerous thing.
17. This morning I bought………newspaper and…….magazine. ……….newspaper is
in my bag, but I don’t know where I put……….magazine.
18. I saw…………accident this morning. …………….car crashed into……..tree.
………….driver of………….car wasn’t hurt, but……………car was badly damaged.
19. There are two cars parked outside: ……… one and……..grey one. …….
blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don’t know who……….owner of the grey car is.
20. My friends live in……old house in……small village. There is ………. beautiful
garden behind…………house. I would like to have…………garden like that.
21. I would like to stay at……….home and sit in ………………
22. We can have……………lunch in the garden.
23. I go to………………school every morning.
24. This is………………….last day of my holiday.
25. There’s………..good film on at …………………..cinema.
26. I often listen to……………
27. We looked up at all the stars in……………
28. Can you play………………guitar.
29. It’s time to go to………………bed now.
30. How often do you go to………………dentist?
31. After he had graduated from university, he joined………….. army.
32. She is always …………….first one to get up in ………morning.
33. He comes home late at…………night.
34. Would you like………………glass of water?
35. How far is it from here to…………………..airport?
36. Is there…………… office near here?
37. He goes to school by……………….bus every day.
38. ………………….Chinese invented printing.
39. There isn’t………………airport near where I live.
40. There’s …………small supermarket at …………end of…………..street I live in.
I. Choose the best option for each sentence:
1) Young people ______ obey their parents.
A. must B. Will C. may D. ought to
2) I ______ be delighted to show you round the factory.
A. ought to B. might C. would D. can
3) Leave early so that you ______ miss the bus.
A. didn’t B. shouldn’t C. won’t D. mustn’t
4) Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ______ have cost a fortune.
A. must B. will C. might D. should
5) You ______ to write them today.
A. should B. will C. must D. ought
6) Unless he runs, he______ catch the train.
A.will B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. won’t
7) I’m sure I ______ have time to help you tomorrow.
A. may B. will C. must D. could
8) “______ you hand me that pair of scissors, please?”
A. May B. Shall C. Will D. Should
9) Twenty years ago, David ______ speak Arabic fluently. Now he’s forgotten a lot.
A. could B. might C. needed D. must
10) Jessica hasn’t made up her mind about where to go to school. She __________
attend Duke University. She just doesn’t know yet.
A. mustn’t B. may not C. needn’t D. can’t
11) This box isn’t as heavy as it looks. You ________ help me with it. Thanks anyway
for offering to help.
A. must B. mustn’t C. might D. needn’t
12) Yesterday everyone in the office _________ leave the building for a fire drill. I am
glad it wasn’t a real fire.
A. may B. might C. must D. mustn’t
13) You ________ play loud music at night. The neighbours will call the police.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. might not D. couldn’t
14) You __________ stand up. There are a lot of seats available on the bus.
A. couldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. might not
15) People who use public parks __________ clean up after themselves.
A. must B. may C. ought D. might
16) This library book is overdue. I _________ better return it today.
A. need B. must C. might D. had
17) Our company provides free advice on the use of our products. You ______ pay us.

A. must B. have to C. needn’t D. mustn’t

18) Whatever ___________ come, I will always be by your side.
A. must B. may C. could D. need
19) We ______open the lion’s cage. It is contrary to Zoo regulations.
A. must B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. should
20) I ________arrive on time, so please start dinner without me.
A. could B. may C. may not D. should
21) " _____you hand that book, please?" "Sure. Here it is."
A. Could B. Should C. Must D. May
22) "Are these gloves necessary?" "Yes. You _____use this chemical without gloves.
It will burn your skin."
A. must not B. don’t have to C. could not D. need not
23) You _____clean the windows. The window-cleaner is coming tomorrow.
A. don’t have B. must C. mustn’t D. needn’t
24) "Would you like to go with me to the Williams’ wedding next month?" - "I’m not
sure. I ______be too busy with school work."
A. will B. might C. maybe D. should
25) We ______to take a taxi. Otherwise we’ll be late.
A. would rather B. had better C. must have D. will have
26) She _______ be ill. I have just seen her playing basket ball in the school yard.
A. needn't B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. can't
27) Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He _______ it here last night.
A. must have left B. should have left C. must be leaving D. needn't leave
28) Jeanette did very badly on the exam. She _____ harder.
A.must have studied C. could have studied
B. should have studied D. must studied
29) Marcela didn’t come to class yesterday. She _____ an accident.
A. should have had C. must have
B. might have D. may have had
30) John still hasn’t come out. He ______ everything for the trip now.
A. must have been preparing C. must be preparing
B. will be preparing D. will have prepared
31) Thomas received a warning for speeding. He _____ so fast.
A. shouldn’t have driven C. should have
B. would have driven D. might have driven
32) The photos are black. The X-ray at the airport _____ them.
A. should have damaged C. would have damaged
B. would damage D. must have damaged
33) Tom didn’t do his homework, so the teacher became very angry. He _____ his
A. must have done B. should have done C. might have D. will have done
34) My car stopped on the high way. It _____ out of gas.
A. may run C. must be
B. may have run D. should have run
35) Robert arrived without his book. He _____ it.
A. could have lost C. would have lost
B. should have lost D. will have lost
36) “Where do you think Rooney is today?”. “I have no idea. He _____ late.”
A. should have left C. would sleep
B. would have sleep D. may have slept
37) If we had known your new address, we _____ to see you.
A. came C. will come
B. would have come D. would come
38) These two boys look identical. They _____ twins.
A.must have been C. should be
B.must be D. should have been
I. Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the adjectives/
adverbs in the parentheses:
1. The examination was (easy) . . . . . . . . . . . we expected.
2. Could you speak (slowly) . . . . . . . , please?
3. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere (quiet)?
4. It’s (cheap) . . . . . . . . . . to go by car than to go by train.
5. Health and happiness are (important) . . . . . . . . money.
6. This jacket is too small. I need a (large) . . . . . . . . . size.
7. My salary is high but yours is (high)…………….
8. It’s a very nice room. It’s (nice) room in the hotel.
9. What’s (good) . . . . . . ………. film you’ve ever seen?
10. What is (long) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . river in the world?
11. I can’t run as (fast) . . . . . . . . . . as he can.
12. John isn’t (old) . . . . . . . . . . . as he looks.
13. Petrol is twice as (expensive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it was a few years ago.
14. It was a very bad experience. It was one of (bad) . . . . . . . . . . . . . experiences of
my life.
15. The (warm) . . . . . . . . the weather, the (well) . . . . . . . . . . . . I feel.
16. The (much) . . . . . . . . .. electricity you use, the (high) . . . . . . . . . your bill will be.
17. Let me ask him. I know him (well) . . . . . . . . . . . . you.
18. Ann works a lot (hard) . . . . . . . . . . most of her friends.
19. I’m very tired. I can’t walk much (far) . . . . . . . . . . . .
20. We’ve got (little) . . . . . . . . . . . time than I thought.

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence:
1. New York is . . . . . . . . Seattle.
A. larger than B. more large than C. as larger than D. more larger than
2. Our house is . . . . . . . yours.
A. as big than B. as bigger as C. bigger than D. more big than
3. City life is . . . . . . . . country life.
A. as busier B. busier than C. bigger than D. more big than
4. Of the two, the round table is . . . . . . . . . .
A. the nicest B. a nice one C. nicer D. the nicer
5. I feel . . . . . . . . . better than I did yesterday.
A. a little B. more C. a few D. many
6. There is nothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . traveling abroad.
A. more interesting than B. more interesting as
C. as interesting than D. the most interesting than
7. He finds physics . . . . . . . . . . . . other science subjects.
A. far more difficult than B. much difficulter than
C. too more difficult than D. more much difficult than
8. His car is . . . . . . . . . . . . mine.
A. more expensive and faster than B. faster and more expensive than
C. more faster and expensive than D. more expensive than and faster than
9. The cuisine of France is . . . . . . .
A. more famous than that of England B. famous than the cuisine of England
C. more famous than which of England D. as famous than that of England
10. Russian is a . . . . . . . . . . language to learn than English is.
A. difficult B. more difficult
C. most difficult D. more and more difficult
11. We should walk fast. It gets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. dark and dark B. darker and darker
C. the darker and darker D. darkest and darkest
12. It was . . . . . . . I thought.
A. more later than B. much more later than
C. much later than D. a little more late
13. This film was . . . . . . . . . . . the one we saw last night.
A. as funnier as B. as the funniest than
C. funnier than D. more funny than
14. Eloise has . . . . . . . . Chantal.
A. more money than B. much money than
C. as many as D. as much money than
15. Your car is . . . . . . . . . . mine.
A. same with B. the same to C. the same as D. as same as
16. After he has got his Bachelor Degree, he can earn . . . . . . . . . . . he used to.
A. twice as much as B. twice as many as
C. as much twice as D. as much as twice as
17. His new digital camera is . . . . . . . . . . that one.
A. far expensive than B. many more expensive than
C. far more expensive than D. much expensive more than
18. Among the students that I have ever taught, Peter is . . . . . . . .
A. better B. the better C. best D. the best
19. I m not so good at Math . . . . . . . Mary.
A. than B. as C. so as D. more than
20. San Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . Los Angeles.
A. is so big as B. is not so big as C. is not so more big as D. is less big as
21. He has . . . . . . his sister does.
A. as friends as B. more friends as
C. many friends than D. more friends than
22. Silver is not . . . . . . . . . . gold.
A. as much heavy B. so heavy than
C. more heavier than D. so heavy as
23. I think cow is . . . . . . of all animals.
A. most useful B. less useful C. the most useful D. the more useful
24. Try to do this test. It is . . . . . . . . . than the others.
A. less difficult B. less and less difficult
C. least difficult D. more and more difficult
25.Summer is . . . . . . . . . season of the year.
A. hottest B. the hottest C. the hotter D. the more hottest
26. It is one of . . . . . . . . . books I have ever had.
A. most useful B. the most useful
C. the most useful than D. the most useful as
27. Of all athletes, Alex is . . . . . . . . .
A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified
C. the more qualified D. the least qualified
28. . . . . you get to the cinema, . . . . . seat you have.
A. The sooner/ the better B. The soon/ the good
C. The soonest/ the best D. Sooner/ better
29. . . . . . . . he insisted he was innocent, . . . . . . . they seemed to believed him.
A. The more/ the less B. More/ less
C. The most/ the least D. Most/ least
30. She is . . . . . . . . . . . in the staff.
A. the most good B. the far better C. most the best D. by far the best
31. I have never heard such an exciting story like this before.
A. This is the most exciting story that I have ever heard.
B. I have ever heard a lot of exciting stories like this.
C. It is the story that is more exciting than I have ever heard.
D. The story is as exciting as the ones I have ever heard.
32. They manufacture many products, so the products become cheap.
A. The more products are manufactured, the cheaper they are.
B. The more and more products are manufactured, the cheap they are.
C. The less products are manufactured, the cheaper they are.
D. The more products are manufactured, the more cheap they are.
33. You spend little. You save much.
A. The more you spend, the more you save.
B . As many as you spend, as most as you save.
C. The less you spend, the more you save.
D. The least you spend, the most you save.
34. It is the most terrible experience that I have ever spent.
A. I have never spent such a terrible experience before.
B. I have ever spent such a terrible experience like this many times.
C. The experience is not as terrible as I have spent.
D. I have spent a lot of terrible experiences.
35. More people live in New York than in Washington.
A. Not so many people live in Washington as in New York.
B. Not as much people live in Washington as in New Work.
C. Not so many people live in Washington than in New York.
D. Not so many people live in Washington more than in New York.
36. I am quite tall but you are taller.
A. I am not tall as you are. B. I am not as tall as you are.
C. I am not taller as you are. D. I am not the tall as you are.
37. I can’t run as fast as he can.
A. He can’t run as fast as I can B. I can run faster than him.
C. He can run faster than me. D. I can’t run fast.
38. She works hard. She earns much money.
A. The hard she works, the more money she gets.
B. The harder she works, the more money she earns.
C. The hard she works, the more she earns.
D. Harder she works, more money she earns.

39. You have much. You want more.

A. The much you have, the more you want. B. The more you have, more you want.
C. The more you have, the more you want. D. You have much, you want more.
40. Ann works reasonably hard but she used to work much harder.
A. Ann doesn’t work as hard as she used to do.
B. Ann works as hard as she used to do.
C. Ann works harder than she used to do.
D. She doesn’t work hard.
41. She is thin, but I am thinner.
A. I am thinner than she is. B. I am thinner than she was.
C. I am thinner than she does. D. I am as thin as she is.
42. He trains hard. He feels strong.
A. He trains harder. He feels stronger.
B. The harder he trains, the stronger he feels.
C. The harder he trains, the more strong he feels.
D. The more hard he trains, the stronger he feels.
43. John works hard, but Jane works harder.
A. John works harder than Jane does. B. John works as hard as Jane.
C. Jane works harder than Jane does. D. Jane works as hard as Jane.
44. Peter doesn’t work hard. He used to work hard last year.
A. Peter doesn’t work harder as he used to.
B. Peter works harder than he used to.
C. Peter works as hard as he used to.
D. Peter doesn’t work as hard as he used to last year.
45. New Year comes near. People are busy.
A. The nearer New Year comes, the busier people are.
B. The near New Year comes, the busier people are.
C. The more near New Year comes, the busier people are.
D. The more nearer New Year comes, the busier people are.
46. He is fat. His brother is not fat.
A. He is as fat as his brother. B. He is fatter than his brother.
C. His brother is not as fat as he is. D. B& C are correct.
47. Jane is a better cook than Daisy.
A. Daisy can’t cook as good as Jane. B. Daisy can’t cook as good as Jane.
C. Daisy can cook as badly as Jane. D. Daisy can’t cook as well as Jane.
48. Jill drives more carefully than Rose.
A. Jill is a more careful driver than Rose B. Jill is a more carefully driver than Rose.
C. Rose drives less careful than Rose. D. Rose drives carelessly than Rose.
49. Hanoi city isn’t as big as Hochiminh city.
A. Hochiminh city is smaller than Hanoi.
B. Hanoi city is bigger than Hochiminh city.
C. Hochiminh city is as big as Hanoi city.
D. Hochiminh city is bigger than Hanoi city.
50. The house is large. It is expensive.
A. The larger the house is, the expensive it is.
B. The larger the house is, the expensiver it is.
C. The larger the house is, the more expensive it is.
D. The house is larger, it is more expensive.
I. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Wherever we go to Hanoi, we ____________ (invite) to my friend’s house.
2. English __________ (speak) all over the world wherever there is a conference.
3. New students____________ (welcome) by the teacher, when they first go to school.
4. You ______________ (pick up) by your mother tomorrow, after you have finished
your work.
5. When I found my purse, the money ___________ (take) out of it.
6. By the time I arrived at the party, everything ______________ (eat).
7. As soon as I finish reading the book, It __________ (give) you.
8. Before you leave make sure that all lights must _____________ (turn off).
9. When we got there, all books ____________ (sell).
10. While the report ____________ (write) by Jane, Henry was looking for more
11. She’ll phone you as soon as she __________ (arrive) in HCM City.
12. We met a lot of people when we ____________ (invite) to my friend’s party.
13. He broke his leg when he ___________ (play) football yesterday.
14. By the time her letter ___________ (receive), she had arrived in Paris.
15. I was working on the computer when the fire ___________ (break) out last night.
16. By the time you come tonight, the work___________________ (finish)
17. Who ________________ (you / talk) to when I come?
18. Please send us a postcard as soon as you ____________ (arrive) in London.
19. Jane _______________ (clean) her house all the morning before the guest arrived.
20. We_____________ (prepare) for going home when it began to rain.
21. Miss Hoa always takes her umbrella when she ____________ (go) to work.
22. She won’t get married until she ____________ (be) 25 years old.
23. When we got there, people _________________ (wait) calmly.
24. While I _________________ (walk) in the street, I saw my old friend.
25. The house was quiet when I _______ (get) home. Everyone _______ (go) to bed.
26. I _________________ (know) her since I was a student.
27. While I was going to school yesterday, I _________ (meet) my old friend.
28. Alice ___________ (leave) for Washington as soon as she has finished her exam.
29. He died after he ____________ (be) ill for a long time.
30. When we see Mr. Minh tomorrow, I _______________ (remind) him of that.
II. Choose the best answer:
1. When they got to the station yesterday, the train ___________ .
A. leaves B. will leave C. had left D. has left
2. By the time I got in to town, the shop _____________ .
A. close B. is closing C. have closed D. had closed
3. Can you look after the children while I ____________ out?
A. am B. Was C. am being D. will be
4. Let’s go out before It _____________ raining.
A. starts B. started C. will start D. was starting
5. Why didn’t you listen while I __________ to you?
A. speak B. am speaking C. was speaking D. will speak
6. I ____________ you my address when I find somewhere to live.
A. give B. will give C. have give D. gave
7. After he _____________ his homework, he went to bed.
A. does B. have done C. had done D. will to
8. I haven’t met him since I ____________ school.
A. leave B. left C. will leaving D. was leaving
9. Robert suddenly began to feel ill while he __________ the examination.
A. do B. does C. is doing D. was doing
10. Kylie __________ her first film when she was 21.
A. makes B. made C. is making D. will make
11. Kate ___________ back home after she has finished her semester.
A. will come B. shall come C. came D. comes
12. Jane sent a letter to her university after she _________ her scholarship check.
A. receives B. has received C. had received D. will receive
13. I’ll close all the doors before I _________ to bed.
A. go B. went C. gone D. will go
14. He won’t let you go out till you __________ your homework.
A. finish B. finished C. will finish D. had finished
15. As soon as I hear from him, I __________ you know.
A. let B. will let C. have let D. had let
16. Your father ________ angry when he sees what you have done.
A. is B. are C. will be D. has been
17. The gates will remain shut until the train ________.
A. pass B. has passed C. will pass D. passed
18. By the time she retires, she ___________ $ 50, 000.
A. save B. saved C. shall save D. will have saved
19. I’ll take the paper with me. I’ll read it while I _______ for the bus.
A. waited B. am waiting C. was waiting D. have waited
20. He’ll have to behave better when he ________ to school.
A. goes B. went C. was going D. have gone
21. I _________ you my cassette recorder whenever you want it.
A. lend B. will lend C. lent D. was lending
22. We can’t make any decision till he ___________ here.
A. arrives B. will arrive C. was arriving D. arrived
23. As soon as the children ____________ the river, they will want to bathe.
A. see B. saw C. are seeing D. will see
24. When my father ______ here for 20 years, he will be retired.
A. works B. is working C. has worked D. worked
25. She ________ delighted when she hears this.
A. is B. was C. will be D. has been
26. Stay here until the lights ______ green.
A. turned B. turn C. will turn D. were turned
27. As soon as she ________ to type, I’ll get her a job.
A. learns B. learned C. was learning D. will learn
28. When I ________ back to the shop, they ________ the book I wanted.
A. go/sold B. went/had sold C. go/had sold D. went/will sell
29. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. It ___________ for two hours.
A. have rained B. had rained C. is raining D. has been raining
30. At this time tomorrow, my father ___________ in a lab in London.
A. is working B. has worked C. will be working D. would work
31. In a few hours, we ___________ the test, and we’ll go home and rest.
A. has finished B. are finishing C. will be finishing D. will have finished
32. People __________ English and French in Canada.
A. speak B. have spoken C. had spoken D. are speaking
33. The car isn’t here today because Dick ____________ it.
A. uses B. used C. is using D. has used
34. The train _____________ when we got to the station.
A. just left B. just leaves C. had just left D. will leave
35. Tom told me he _____________ call me at the airport when I _____________.
A. would/arrived B. will/arrive C. will have/ arriving D. would be/ arriving
36. After she ____ at the hospital for 2 years, she _____ to give up the job yesterday.
A. had been working/decides B. had been working/decided
C. working/ had decided D. is working/ will decide
37. Tom __________ before we arrived there.
A. has left B. had left C. will leave D. leaves
38. After we ___________ our work, we _________ for lunch.
A. having finish/went B. have finished/went
C. had finish/went D. having finish/going
39. They __________ a lot of preparations before the match started.
A. has made B. had made C. will be made D. are making
40. As soon as she arrived in London, she found that the English people spoke English
differently from what she ________.
A. will learn B. is learning C. has been learning D. had learnt
41. I ____________ the book by the time you come tonight.
A. will be finishing B. finished C. have finishing D. will have finished
42. Please send us a postcard as soon as you ____________ in London.
A. will arrive B. is going to arrive C. arrive D. arrived
43. Lan has learnt English since she ____________ a small girl.
A. has been B. had been C. was D. would be
44. While I ________ in the street, I saw my old friend.
A. was walking B. am walking C. walk D. walked
45. I’ll read the book when I ______ time.
A. have B. had C. will have D. am going to have
46. A few days ago, I learned that Jane _______ for New York.
A. had left B. has left C. will leave D. was left
47. They _______ serving meals by the time we get to the restaurant.
A. will stop B. would stop C. will have stopped D. are stopping
48. After she _______ the house, she wrote a letter.
A. cleans B. was cleanind C. has cleaned D. had cleaned
49. Mark was listening to music while his sister _____ a book.
A. read B. reads C. is reading D. was reading
50. When their first child was born, they ________ married for three years.
A. have been married B. had been married
C. will been married D. will have been married

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the

following sentences.
1. The house is …………small for us to live in.
A. very B. too C. such D. so
2. The car was ……………expensive that I didn’t buy it.
A. too B. such C. enough D. so
3. It was ………….horrible weather that we spent the whole day indoors.
A. so B. too C. such a D. Such
4. They’ve got …………… that they don’t know what to do with it.
A. so much B. so many C. so D. such
5. It was …………….boring film that I fell asleep while I was watching it.
A. such B. so C. such a D. very
6. I haven’t got …………….money to buy the car.
A. enough B. so many C. so D. such
7. The situation is ………….complicated for me to explain.
A. so B. too C. such D. enough
8. Try this jacket on and see if it’s big …………….for you.
A. too B. enough C. such D. so much
9. They spoke ………….quickly for us to understand.
A. very B. too C. enough D. so
10. There weren’t ……………..for everybody to have coffee at the same time.
A. too many cups B. such cups C. enough cups D. cups enough
11. Ann has taken ……………beautiful photograghs.
A. so B. such C. so much D. such a
12. It was a shameful thing to say in front of ……………..a lot of people.
A. so B. such C. too D. very
13. He had ………….money that he had to travel everywhere on foot.
A. too little B. such little C. so few D. so little
14. She ate ……………cream cakes that she felt sick the next morning.
A. so many B. so much C. such many D. too many
15. Mr Gibson is ……………..that his students get very bored.
A. so slowly B. speaking too slowly
C. such a slow speaker D. speaking so slow
16. …………………………that she burst into tears.
A. She was so anger B. Such her anger was
C. So angry she was D. Her anger was such
17. His salary was too small ……………………………..
A. for such a large family couldn’t live on B. for such a large family to live on
C. such a large family could hardly live on D. so that a large family could live on
18. We set off early ……………..we wouldn’t get stuck in the traffic.
A. because B. in case C. although D. so that
19. I had a cup of coffee …………..feel sleepy while doing my homework.
A. in order not B. in order to C. in order not to D. to
20. He wore glasses and a false beard ……………..nobody would recognise him.
A. in order that B. in order to C. so as D. for
21. I saw Helen at the party but we didn’t have a chance ………….to each other.
A. so as not to talk B. talk C. in order to talk D. not to talk
22. If we have enough money, we’ll go to Scotland …………
A. for B. for a C. since D. as
23. I took off my shoes before entering the room…………
A. in order to not dirty the floor B. so that I was not dirty the floor
C. in order that not to dirty the floor D. so as not to dirty the floor
24. They’re planting trees along the roads ……………………….
A. so that reducing traffic noise B. so as for reducing traffic noise
C. so as to reduce traffic noise D. in order to traffic noise is reduced
25. Wendy got a part-time job ……she would be able to pay for school expenses.
A. unless B. although C. so that D. but
26. Mrs Smith is going on a diet in order …………..weight.
A. for gaining B. not to gain C. to not gain D. not gaining
27. He only read for short periods each day …………………
A. in order not to strain his eyes B. so as to make his eyes more tired
C. so as he wouldn’t strain his eyes D. in order not strain his eyes
28. The miser hid all his money in a metal box …………………….
A. even though someone won’t find it B. so that no one could find it
C. as soon as someone could find it D. because someone would find it
29. I still like Betty ………………..she is sometimes annoying.
A. because B. despite C. since D. even though
30. I’ll take my credit card with me …………………………
A. if I wanted to buy something on my way
B. in case I decide to buy something when I’m out
C. although I need to buy something when I’m out
D. in order for me buying something on my way
31. He isn’t a good doctor …………………………….
A. despite his pleasant manner B. even though his manner being good
C. because of his pleasant manner D. because his manner is very pleasant
32. Simon continued to be denied a promotion ……...his efforts through the years.
A. thanks to B. because of C. in spite of D. in addition to
33. Although I was very tired, …………………………..
A. but I helped to clear up the mess after the party
B. I helped to clear up the mess after the party
C. and I tried to clear up the mess after the party
D. I didn’t help to clear up the mess after the party
34. I can’t ride my bike………………………………..
A. although there isn’t any air in one of the tyres
B. despite there’s no air in both tyres
C. because there isn’t any air in both tyres
D. since there’s some air in both tyres
35. ………the really nice weather, very few people felt like going out for a walk.
A. Despite B. In spite C. Although D. Even if
36. Debbie made a decision to quit the job ………………………
A. even though she got bored with it B. in spite of the good salary
C. because she got a good salary D. as her boss was very kind
37. I just had to take the dog out ………………….of the awful weather.
A. despite B. though C. however D. in spite
38. This man gets unemployment benefit ……………..he has no job now.
A. so B. although C. because D. because of
39. …………….Mai doesn’t speak English well, she can’t get the job.
A. Because B. Although C. However D. Because of
40. My brother is very interested in chess ………………he is not very good at it.
A. because B. so that C. although D. so

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in

meaning to each of the following sentences.
1. The suitcase is so heavy that I can’t carry it.
A. The suitcase is heavy enough for me to carry.
B. It is such a heavy suitcase that I can’t carry it.
C. The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry it.
D. It is such heavy suitcase that I can’t carry it.
2. The coat is too small for him to wear.
A. The coat isn’t big enough for him to wear.
B. The coat is so small that he can’t wear.
C. It is such a small coat that he can’t wear.
D. He can wear the coat because it is small.
3. They were such difficult questions that we couldn’t answer all of them.
A. The questions were too difficult for us to answer all of them.
B. The questions were too difficult that we couldn’t answer all of them.
C. The questions weren’t enough easy for us to answer.
D. The questions were so difficult that we couldn’t answer all of them.
4. The water is too polluted for you to drink.
A. The water is not clean enough for you to drink it.
B. The water is so polluted that you can’t drink.
C. The water is so polluted that you can’t drink it.
D. It is such a polluted water that you can’t drink it.
5. The boy is too young to understand the problem.
A. The boy is so young that he can understand the problem.
B. The boy isn’t old enough to understand the problem.
C. The boy is such young that he can’t understand the problem.
D. The boy is old enough to understand the problem.
6. She is very old, so she can’t dance beautifully.
A. She cannot dance beautifully because of old.
B. She is too old to dance beautifully.
C. She isn’t young enough to dance beautiful.
D. She is very old that she can’t dance beautifully.
7. You drink too much coffee, that’s why you can’t sleep.
A. You can’t sleep although you drink too much coffee.
B. You drink too much coffee to sleep.
C. You drink so much coffee that you can sleep.
D. You shouldn’t drink too much coffee.
8. The man couldn’t speak because he was so surprised.
A. The man was so surprised to speak.
B. The man was surprised enough to speak.
C. The man was too surprised to speak.
D. The man was very surprised to speak.
9. Your writing is so interesting that I’ve read it twice.
A. Your writing is too interesting for me to read twice.
B. Your writing is interesting enough for me to read it twice.
C. Your writing is interesting enough for me to read twice.
D. Your writing is enough interesting for me to read twice.
10. He played football very well so many clubs wanted to have his service.
A. He was such a well footballer that many clubs wanted to have his service.
B. He was a football player so well that many clubs wanted to have his service.
C. He played football well enough that many clubs wanted to have his service.
D. He was such a good footballer that many clubs wanted to have his service.
11. Because he speaks so quickly, I can’t understand him.
A. He speaks too quick for me to understand.
B. He speaks too quickly for me to understand him.
C. He speaks so quickly that I can’t understand him.
D. He speaks so quick that I can’t understand him.
12. Although he took a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
A. In spite taking a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
B. Though taking a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
C. Despite he took a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
D. In spite of the fact that he took a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
13. John didn’t go to work because he he was seriously sick.
A. Because of his serious sickness, John didn’t go to work.
B. Because of being seriously sickness, John didn’t go to work.
C. Although John was seriously sick, he didn’t go to work.
D. If John wasn’t seriously sick, he would go to work.
14. Cars cause pollution but people still want them.
A. Although cars cause pollution but people still want them.
B. Although cars cause pollution, people still want them.
C. In spite of the fact that cars cause pollution but people still want them.
D. Despite cars cause pollution, people still want them.
15. She enjoyed life very much although she was seriously ill.
A. Despite being seriously ill, she enjoyed life very much.
B. In spite of her seriously illness, she enjoyed life very much.
C. Even though she was seriously ill but she enjoyed life very much.
D. She enjoyed life very much but she was seriously ill.
16. Because of the absence of several important players, our team failed the match.
A. Our team failed the match because the absence of several important players.
B. Our team failed the match though several important players were absent.
C. Our team failed the match because several important players were absent.
D. Our team failed the match because several important players were absence.

17. He couldn’t complete his secondary education because he was very poor.
A. He is too poor to complete his secondary education.
B. He was poor enough to complete his secondary education.
C. He was such poor that he couldn’t complete his secondary education.
D. He couldn’t complete his secondary education because of his poverty.
18. Although we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
A. Despite we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
B. In spite of all our carefully plans, a lot of things went wrong.
C. Despite the fact that we had planned everything carefully but a lot of things
went wrong.
D. In spite of all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
19. I managed to walk to the nearest village despite my injured foot.
A. Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk to the nearest village.
B. My injured foot but I managed to walk to the nearest village.
C. My foot was injured because I walked to the nearest village.
D. In spite of the fact that my injured foot, I managed to walk to the nearest
20. She accepted the job because the salary, which was very high.
A. She accepted the job because of the high salary.
B. She accepted the job in spite of the high salary.
C. She accepted the job because of the salary was very high.
D. If the salary had been high, she would have accepted the job.
21. I’ll give Nick a map. I want him to find the way all right.
A. I’ll give Nick a map so that he can find the way all right.
B. I’ll give Nick a map unless he can find the way all right.
C. I’ll give Nick a map in case he can find the way all right.
D. I’ll give Nick a map because he can find the way all right.
22. The clown took off his mask. He didn’t want to frighten the children.
A. The clown took off his mask in order not frightening the children.
B. The clown took off his mask to frighten the children.
C. The clown took off his mask so as not to frighten the children.
D. The clown took off his mask so that not to frighten the children.
23. This man changed his address constantly so that he could elude the police.
A. This man changed his address constantly in order to eluding the police.
B. In order to elude the police, this man changed his address constantly.
C. This man changed his address constantly in order not to elude the police.
D. This man changed his address constantly in order that to elude the police.
24. We turned out the lights because we didn’t want to waste electricity.
A. We turned out the lights because of not wasting electricity.
B. We turned out the lights in order not to waste electricity.
C. To waste electricity, we turned out the lights.
D. To not waste electricity, we turned out the lights.
25. I hurried so that I wouldn’t be late for the meeting.
A. I hurried so as not be late for the meeting.
B. I hurried because I wouldn’t be late for the meeting.
C. In order to be late for the meeting, I hurried.
D. I hurried because I didn’t want to be late for the meeting.
26. I whispered. I didn’t want anybody else to hear our conversation.
A. I whispered in order that nobody else could hear our conversation.
B. I whispered in order that nobody else wanted to hear our conversation.
C. I spoke quietly so that others could hear our conversation.
D. I spoke quiet in order that others couldn’t hear our conversation.
27. I wish we had a garden so that the children could play there.
A. I wish we had a garden for the children could play there.
B. I wish we had a garden so as that the children could play there.
C. I wish we had a garden in order that the children could play in.
D. I wish we had a garden for the children to play in.
28. I slowed down because I wanted the car behind to be able to overtake.
A. I slowed down in order that the car behind to be able to overtake.
B. I slowed down so the car behind could overtake.
C. I slowed down in order that the car behind could overtake.
D. I slowed down so as to overtake the car behind.
29. She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed.
A. She locked the door so as to be disturbed.
B. She locked the door so as not to be disturbed.
C. She locked the door in order to be disturbed.
D. She locked the door in order to not be disturbed.
30. Our flight was cancelled because the fog was quite thick.
A. Despite the fog, the plane still took off.
B. The fog was thick enough for the plane to take off.
C. The fog was such thick that our flight was cancelled.
D. The fog was so thick that our flight was cancelled.
31. Those shoes are too tight for her to wear.
A. Those are shoes so tight that she cannot wear them.
B. Those are so tight shoes that she cannot wear them.
C. Those shoes are so tight she cannot wear them.
D. Those tight shoes are so that she cannot wear them.
32. He couldn’t afford to buy the car.
A. The car was too expensive that he couldn’t buy it.
B. The car was too expensive for him to buy it.
C. The car was so expensive that he couldn’t buy it.
D. The car was too expensive for him not to buy.
33. That machine is too expensive for the company to buy.
A. If that machine were too expensive, they could buy it.
B. If that machine were not too expensive, they could buy it.
C. If that machine had been too expensive, they could have bought it.
D. If that machine had not been too expensive, they could have bought it.
34. The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving any fingerprints.
A. The thief wore gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints.
B. The thief wore gloves so as that not leave any fingerprints.
C. The thief wore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints.
D. The thief wore gloves in order that he could leave his fingerprints.
35. The thick fog made it impossible for the plane to land.
A. We couldn’t control the plane because the fog was thick.
B. We couldn’t control the plane because of the thick fog.
C. The thick fog prevented the plane from landing. D. The plane couldn’t land

I. Complete the following questions by adding the tag questions.

1. Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago, ………………………..…?
2. Mary’s very pretty. She’s got beautiful eyes, …………………………..?
3. You haven’t seen Mary today, …………………………..?
4. Take these flowers to her office, ……………………..?
5. Each of the boys has a book now, ……………………….?
6. Let’s go for a walk, …………………………..?
7. I shouldn’t have lost my temper, ………………………..?
8. Nam won’t mind if I use his phone, …………………………..?
9. The poor living here need help, …………………….?
10. He’d never met her before, ………………………….?
11. Ann’s applied for the job, ……………………………?
12. I think you’ve seen this one before, ………………………?
13. That’s a lovely picture of Sally. She looks just like Mary, …………………?
14. We’ll be going there again next year, …………………..?
15. There aren’t many people here yet, …………………..?
16. You don’t know where Karen is, ………………………….?
17. In Britain many children have to wear uniform when they go to school,
18. Don’t forget to keep in touch with us, ………………….?
19. I’m expected to do well in my schooling, …………………………?
20. Neither of them offered to help you, ……………………….?

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following sentences.

21. There was a lot of traffic here, ………………..?

A. wasn’t there B. was there C. was it D. wasn’t it
22. You can’t get me some stamps, …………………..?
A. can’t you B. cannot you C. can you D. you can
23. Noone likes snakes, ……………………?
A. doesn’t he B. do they C. don’t they D. doesn’t she
24. This photogragh was taken in Scotland, ……………………….?
A. wasn’t this B. was this C. was it D. wasn’t it
25. The English like tea, ………………………?
A. do they B. doesn’t it C. doesn’t he D. don’t they
26. You’ve had your hair cut, ………………………?
A. haven’t you B. have you C. hadn’t you D. don’t you
27. Don’t be late for school, …………………………?
A. do you B. don’t you C. won’t you D. will you
28. I’m too impatient, …………………………?
A. am not I B. aren’t I C. am I D. aren’t you
29. She’s funny. She’s got a great sense of humour, …………………….?
A. isn’t she B. hasn’t she
C. doesn’t she D. is she
30. Visitors should help to preserve and protect national parks, ………………..?
A. should they B. didn’t they
C. shouldn’t they D. shouldn’t visitors
31. Let’s go out for dinner tonight, ……………………….?
A. shall we B. shan’t we
C. we shall D. will you
32. There used to be a lot of trees here, ……………………?
A. didn’t there B. wasn’t there
C. weren’t there D. didn’t they
33. The number of rare animals is decreasing so rapidly, ……………………….?
A. aren’t they B. isn’t it
C. is it D. are they
34. These are mine, ……………………..?
A. aren’t these B. are these
C. they aren’t D. aren’t they
35. That must be Jenny’s father, ……………………….?
A. must it B. mustn’t that
C. mustn’t it D. mustn’t he
36. The house is empty. There’s nobody living there, ………………………….?
A. isn’t it B. isn’t there
C. is there D. there is
37. I’ll have to go shopping. We’ve got hardly any food, ……………………..?
A. won’t I B. haven’t we
C. have we D. did we
38. Ann has to get up early every morning, ……………………..?
A. hasn’t she B. doesn’t she
C. didn’t she D. doesn’t Ann
39. We took this one on holiday, ………………………?
A. didn’t we B. did we
C. don’t we D. do we
40. Hardly anybody passed the examination, …………………….?
A. didn’t they B. did they
C. didn’t he D. didn’t she
41. No one is better cook than his mother, ______?
A. is she B. isn't she C. are they D. aren’t they
42. Do it right now, ______?
A. will you B. shall you C. do you D. don't you
43. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ______?
A. are they B. are there C. aren't they D. aren't there
44. He seldom goes to the library, ______?
A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he
45. Let's go for a long walk, ______?
A. will we B. shall we C. don't you D. do you
46. I think he will join us, ______?
A. doesn't he B. won't he C. will he D. don't I
47. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ______ ?
A. have they B. haven't they C. has he D. hasn't he


Choose the most suitable form of the word
1. A ___________ is the scientist who studies biology.
A. biology B. biologist C. biological D. biologically
1. "Is she coming alone?" "We ____________ so”
A. belief B. believing C. believe D. believable
2. My ________ in the family is to wash the dishes and take out the garbage.
A. responsible B. responsibly C. irresponsible D. responsibility
3. Paul is directly _________ for the running of the office.
A. responsible B. responsibly C. responsive D. responsibility
4. He always _________ his parents without question.
A. obeying B. obedient C. obedience D. obeys
5. She is an ____________ and hard-working student.
A. obediently B. obedient C. obedience D. obeying
6. Be ___________ in yourself!
A. confide B. confident C. confidence D. confidently
7. Men’s responsibility is to work and __________ the family.
A. support B. supporter C. supportive D. supporting
9. John cannot make a _______ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can
afford a house and a car.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
10. My mother used to be a woman of great ___, but now she gets old and looks pale.
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify
11. The more _______ and positive you look, the better you will feel.
A. confide B. confident C. confidently D. confidence
12. My parents will have celebrated 30 years of _______ by next week.
A. marry B. married C. marriageable D. marriage
13. Most of us would maintain that physical ______ does not play a major part in how
we react to the people we meet.
A. attract B. attractive C. attractiveness D. attractively
14. I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
A. correct B. right C. exact D. suitable
15. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ________.
A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator
16. The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response
to questions.
A. attention B. attentive C. attentively D. attentiveness
17. He is not really friendly and makes no attempt to be _______.
A. society B. social C. socialize D. sociable
18. She sent me a _______ letter thanking me for my invitation.
A. polite B. politely C. politeness D. impoliteness
19. As an _______, Mr. Pike is very worried about the increasing of juvenile
A. educate B. education C. educator D. educative
20. In England, primary education is provided by state schools run by the government
and by _______ fee-paying schools.
A. independent B. independently C. depended D. independence
21. To Vietnamese students, the _______ examination to university is very difficult.
A. require B. requirement C. requiring D. required
22. There is a wide range of _______ in the education system of the USA.
A. select B. selective C. selected D. selection
23. He was the only _______ that was offered the job.
A. apply B. application C. applicant D. applying
24. Parents can express a _______ for the school their child attends.
A. prefer B. preference C. preferential D. preferable
25. Many people have objected to the use of animals in _____ experiments.
A. science B. scientist C. scientific D. scientifically
26. Higher education ____ have risen this year for the first time in more than a decade.
A. applies B. applications C. applicable D. applicants
27. I am so _______ that I cannot say anything, but keep silent.
A. nerve B. nervous C. nervously D. nervousness
28. _______ speaking, I do not really like my present job.
A. Honest B. Honesty C. Honestly D. Dishonest
29. A letter of _______ is sometimes really necessary for you in a job interview.
A. recommend B. recommended C. recommender D. recommendation
30. The interviewer gave his consent to John's _______ for work and promised to give
him a job.
A. keen B. keenly C. keener D. keenness
31. _______! I have heard of your success in the new project.
A. Congratulate B. Congratulating C. Congratulation D. Congratulations
32. It is _______ to fail a job interview, but try again.
A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointedly D. disappointment
33. Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and _______ when being asked about their
A. depress B. depression C. depressing D. depressed
34. Constant _______ of attack makes everyday life dangerous here.
A. threat B. threaten C. threatening D. threateningly
35. No one can predict the future exactly. Things may happen _______.
A. expected B. unexpected C. expectedly D. unexpectedly
36. Someone who is _______ is hopeful about the future or the success of something
in particular.
A. powerful B. optimistic C. stagnant D. pessimistic
37. There is a wide _______ of computers in that shop for you to choose.
A. vary B. various C. variety D. variously
38. A / an _______ species is a population of an organism which is at risk of
becoming extinct.
A. dangerous B. endanger C. endangered D. endangerment
39. Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the lists
and obtain legal _______.
A. protect B. protection C. protective D. protector
40. Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with ____.
A. extinct B. extinction C. extinctive D. extinctly
41. Current extinction rates are at least 100 to 1,000 times higher than _______ rates
found in the fossil record.
A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. naturalness
42. It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species' declines and
habitat _______ and degradation are the leading threats.
A. destroy B. destructive C. destructor D. destruction
43. Chemical wastes from factories are _______ that cause serious damage to species
A. pollutes B. pollutants C. pollutions D. Polluters
44. Facial ______ show one's feelings when he is communicating.
A. expressions B. expresses C. expressive D. expressively
45. Sometimes it is ________ to find suitable books for our children.
A. difficult B. difficulty C. difficultly D. difficulties
46. Not many people find reading more ________ than watching TV.
A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly
47. His attitude made me really _______.
A. anger B. angers C. angry D. angrily
48. The main task of a defender in a sport game is to ___ the opponents from scoring.
A. prevent B. preventing C. prevention D. preventable
49. I _______ think that scuba diving is more of danger than adventure.
A. person B. personal C. personally D. personalize
50. Johnny used to be one of the most _______ athletes in my country.
A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully
51. The 22 SEA Games consisted of athletes from eleven _____ countries.
A. participate B. participant C. participation D. participating
52. _______, the athlete broke the world's record with two attempts.
A. Surprise B. Surprised C. Surprising D. Surprisingly
53. How many _______ took part in the 22 SEA Games?
A. compete B. competitors C. competition D. competitor
54. The second part of the program in the 22nd SEA Games opening ceremony was
named "_______ for Peace".
A. Cooperate B. Cooperation C. Cooperative D. Cooperatively
55. Before the 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam had made a good _______ in every aspect.
A. prepare B. preparation C. preparative D. preparer
56. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many _______
A. support B. supporter C. supportive D. supportively
57. The International Red Cross helps people in need without any discrimination
based on _______, race, religion, class or political opinions.
A. national B. nationally C. nationality D. native
58. The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _______ institution
founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland.
A. human B. humanity C. humanization D. humanitarian
59. She sustained severe head _______ after being thrown from her horse.
A. injure B. injured C. injuries D. Injurious
60. I am really _______ in the way he talks, but the way he behaves.
A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly
61. A child receives his early ________ from their parents.
A. educate B. education C. educator D. educative
62. Birth control methods have ________ women from the endless cycle of
childbearing and rearing.
A. free B. freely C. freedom D. freed
63. Thanks to the women's liberation women can take part in ____ activities.
A. social B. society C. socially D. socialize
64. In former days, women were considered not to be suitable for becoming a ______
A. politics B. political C. politically D. politician
65. It is of great ______ to show your interest and politeness when you are having a
job interview.
A. importance B. important C. importantly D. unimportant
66. Western women are more ________ than Asian women.
A. depend B. dependent C. independent D. independently
67. In some communities a husband's ________ over his wife is absolute.
A. power B. powerful C. powerfully D. powered
68. I think that up to now there has not been a real _______ between men and women.
A. equal B. equally C. equality D. equalize
69. Most people consider it women's ____ to take care of children and do housework.
A. limit B. relationship C. responsibility D. respect
70. Throughout the 1970s, ASEAN embarked on a program of economic _______.
A. cooperate B. cooperation C. cooperative D. cooperatively
71. 2007 was the 40th anniversary of the _______ of ASEAN.
A. found B. founder C. foundation D. founding
72. More and more women have become _______ and do research on many fields as
men do.
A. science B. scientific C. scientifically D. scientists
73. It is __ that changes women's lives and the perception of women's roles.
A. educate B. education C. educational D. educated
74. They are designing a new program to help businesswomen with an attempt to
promote _______ growth.
A. employ B. employer C. employee D. employment
75. American women live more _______ than women in Asian countries.
A. dependent B. independence C. independent D. independently
76. The main uses of books are to provide entertainment and ________.
A. inform B. information C. informative D. informer
77. The player gave a hard shot ________ straight into the opposing goal.
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully
78. Swimming produces both ________ and physical benefits.
A. psychology B. psychological C. psychologist D. psychologically
79. Many Asian people _______ like hunting elephants for their ivory and tigers for
their bones.
A. particular B. particularity C. particularly D. particularize
80. Our environment is ___ because of serious pollution and endangerment.
A. threat B. threatened C. threatening D. threaten
81. A _______ punishment is necessary to prevent poaching and cutting trees illegally.
A. severe B. severely C. severity D. severities
82. Those books are necessary for your thesis. They are really _______.
A. inform B. information C. informer D. informative
Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct.
1. Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice because those clothes that
a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.
2. Because they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the students
lost the opportunity to lease the apartment.
3. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time, but perhaps we
will return later.
4. After she had bought himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.
5. The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to submit the
6. George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither .
7. John decided to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his
mind. A B C D

8. Some of the plants in this store require very little care, but this one needs much
more sunlight than the others ones.
9. After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book.
10. Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but no one has
been as widely accepted as this one.
11. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious.
12. After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.
13. The manager has finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin
to write the other proposal.
14. Because Sam and Michelle had done all of the work theirselves, they were
unwilling to give the results to Joan.
15. Daniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not be able
to attend the concert.
16. After to take the medication, the patient became drowsy and more manageable.
17. We insist on you leaving the meeting before any further outbursts take place.
18. It has been a long time since we have talked to John, isn’t it?
19. Henry objects to our buying this house without the approval of our attorney, and
John does so.
20. Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of Congress during her vacation.
21. After being indicted for his part in a bank robbery, the reputed mobster decided
find another attorney.
22. The only teachers who were required to attend the meeting were George, Betty,
Jill, and me. (D)
23. The work performed by these officers are not worth our paying them any longer.
24. The president went fishing after he has finished with the conferences.
25. Peter and Tom plays tennis every afternoon with Mary and me.
26. There were a time that I used to swim five laps every day, but now I do not have
enough time. A B C D
27. He was drink a cup of coffee when the telephone rang.
28. We called yesterday our friends in Boston to tell them about the reunion that we
were planning.
29. We hoped that he will be able to attend the ceremony.
30. He couldn’t give a satisfy explanation for his actions.
31. They are going to have to leave soon, and so do we.
32. Some of us have to study their lessons more carefully if we expect to pass this
exam. A B C D
33. I wish I have a car. It would make life so much easier.
34. I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I have not been tired.
35. Jane had to get used to drive on the left.
36. The child were told to apologize for being rude to his brother.
37. When he arrived at the furniture shop, people had been sold the table he wanted.
38. The first May Day celebrated in England in 1890.
39. Most of them were build in the nineteenth century and some are very grand.
40. In many universities, English taught to students although it is not the native
language. A B C D
41. The meeting was be rearranged shortly before it had been due to take place.
42. Every possible effort were made by the orphanage to find the boy’s parents.
43. This building will have finished by the end of 2020.
44. A new road is building across this field next six months.
45. All his attempts are surporting heartily by his relatives and neighbours
46. When I was at college, I didn’t have to explain to my parents where I am going.
47. My roommate always blame my typing whenever she gets sick.
48. The first year at college was probably the most challenged year of my life.
49. If we don’t stop to destroy forests, soon there will be no forest left on the earth.
50. If we will reduce the speed of population growth, there will be less pressure on the
earth. A B C D
51. If we do nothing for preserve their habitat, some species will become extinct.
52. Unless we leave a bowl of water under the sun, it will evaporate.
53. Men will continue to live on foods unless other types of protein are not found.
54. If the weather weren’t too bad, we would go to swim.
55. If I had known that the road were flooded, I would never have taken that way.
56. If I had studied Russian at school, I would have understood him easy.
57. If Albert had come sooner, he could has eaten dinner with the whole family.
58. Nowadays, many job opportunities are finding in big cities.
59. Every student who majors in English are ready to participate in the orchard contest
PHONETICS: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced
differently from the rest.
1. A. share B. rare C. are D. declare
2. A. cooks B. loves C. joins D. spends
3. A. advises B. raises C. devises D. goes
4. A. teacher B. children C. chore D. school
5. A. hurry B. under C. pressure D. rush
6. A. hands B. parents C. chores D. boys
7. A. brothers B. weekends C. problems D. secrets
8. A. clothes B. cloths C. roofs D. books
9. A. enjoys B. feels C. takes D. gives
10. A. attempts B. shares C. looks D. beliefs
11. A. naked B. looked C. booked D. hooked
12. A. concerned B. raised C. developed D. maintained
13. A. appeared B. agreed C. coughed D. loved
14. A. sacrificed B. trusted C. recorded D. acted
15. A. laughed B. weighed C. helped D. missed
16. A. advised B. devised C. raised D. practised
17. A. shared B. viewed C. confided D. measured
18. A. determined B. expressed C. approved D. married
19. A. smoked B. called C. photographed D. based
20. A. demanded B. lived C. questioned D. supposed
21. A. through B. other C. everything D. thanks
22. A. facial B. communicate C. contact D. carpet
23. A. sometimes B. gestures C. interests D. examples
24. A. included B. wanted C. decided D. noticed
25. A. allow B. tomorrow C. slowly D. below
26. A. worker B. whom C. interview D. answer
27. A. honest B. holiday C. home D. happiness
28. A. character B. teacher C. chemist D. technical
29. A. interview B. minute C. question D. suitable
30. A. explained B. disappointed C. prepared D. interviewed
31. A. requirements B. subject C. secondary D. levels
32. A. specialize B. variety C. particular D. wide
33. A. equivalent B. technique C. question D. quite
34. A. compound B. course C. around D. hour
35. A. apply B. carefully C. entry D. discovery
36. A. future B. mature C. pasture D. nature
37. A. chore B. technology C. much D. exchange
38. A. threaten B. earth C. healthy D. breathe
39. A. wipe B. allow C. powerful D. answer
40. A. service B. practice C. office D. device
41. A. prohibit B. exhibit C. habit D. hunting
42. A. hide B. ivory C. decline D. continent
43. A. weapon B. increase C. threat D. spread
44. A. elephants B. decades C. poachers D. actions
45. A. endangered B. threatened C. recovered D. advanced
46. A. picture B. action C. question D. future
47. A. swallow B. below C. slowly D. allow
48. A. reading B. easy C. pleasure D. please
49. A. sprint B. line C. divide D. ride
50. A. swimming B. post C. decision D. score
51. A. style B. penalty C. pretty D. typical
52. A. pool B. good C. look D. book
53. A. foul B. house C. amount D. famous
54. A. events B. spirit C. Asian D. silver
55. A. gold B. region C. organize D. game.
56. A. trained B. proved C. impressed D. performed
57. A. competitor B. medal C. level D. development
58. A. honor B. high C. host D. hold
59. A. games B. teams C. medals D. events
60. A. success B. enthusiast C. support D. surprise
61. A. compose B. propose C. purpose D. suppose
62. A. organize B. spirit C. title D. surprising
63. A. catastrophe B. propose C. become D. survive
64. A. treatment B. struggle C. initiate D. total
65. A. symbol B. emergency C. poverty D. qualify
66. A. appalled B. dedicated C. designed D. injured
67. A. society B. delegate C. president D. protection
68. A. maneuver B. integral C. against D. aquatic
69. A. synchronized B. psychology C. carry D. activity
70. A. exercise B. diving C. physics D. variety
71. A. swimming B. throwing C. water D. switch
72. A. improve B. lose C. oppose D. movement
73. A. women B. men C. led D. intellectual
74. A. throughout B. although C. right D. enough
75. A. history B. significant C. philosophy D. pioneer
76. A. power B. wife C. allow D. known
77. A. believed B. considered C. advocated D. controlled
78. A. diver B. admit C. science D. enterprise
79. A. growth B. although C. within D. southern
80. A. stable B. average C. population D. rate
81. A. combined B. planned C. recorded D. aimed
82. A. justice B. service C. practice D. advice
STRESS: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
83. A. hospital B. mischievous C. supportive D. special
84. A. family B. whenever C. obedient D.solution
85. A. biologist B. generally C. responsible
86. A. confident B. important C. together D.exciting
87. A. possible B. university C. secondary D.suitable
88. A. partnership B. romantic C. actually D. attitude
89. A. believe B. marriage C. response D. maintain
90. A. summary B. different C. physical D. decision
91. A. attractiveness B. traditional C. generation D. American
92. A. certain B. couple C. decide D. equal
93. A. attract B. person C. signal D. instance
94. A. verbal B. suppose C. even D. either
95. A. example B. consider C. several D. attention
96. A. situation B. appropriate C. informality D. entertainment
97. A. across B. simply C. common D. brother
98. A. social B. meter C. notice D. begin
99. A. whistle B. table C. someone D. receive
100. A. discuss B. waving C. airport D. often
101. A. sentence B. pointing C. verbal D. attract
102. A. problem B. minute C. suppose D. dinner
103. A. noisy B. party C. social D. polite
104. A. restaurant B. assistance C. usually D. compliment
105. A. impolite B. exciting C. attention D. attracting
106. A. obvious B. probably C. finally D. approaching
107. A. recently B. facial C. tomorrow D. confidence
108. A. communicate B. impatient C. interesting D. apologize
109. A. carpet B. visit C. summer D. include
110. A. expression B. example C. friendliness D. superior
111. A. nervous B. body C. verbal D. polite
112. A. general B. applicant C. usually D. October
113. A. parallel B. dependent C. educate D. primary
114. A. physical B. achievement C. government D. national
115. A. establish B. history C. nursery D. different
116. A. consider B. similar C. actually D. carefully
117. A. expression B. easily C. depression D. computer
118. A. algebra B. musical C. politics D. apartment
119. A. mechanic B. chemistry C. cinema D. finally
120. A. typical B. favorite C. division D. organize
121. A. university B. application C. technology D. entertainment
122. A. mathematics B. engineering C. scientific D. laboratory
123. A. certificate B. necessary C. economy D. geography
124. A. interviewer B. preparation C. economics D. education
125. A. considerable B. information C. librarian D. technician
126. A. different B. terrorist C. contrary D. domestic
127. A. future B. burden C. device D. certain
128. A. development B. security C. pessimistic D. particular
129. A. threaten B. appear C. modern D. instance
130. A. experience B. technology C. environment D. optimistic
131. A. powerful B. medical C. dangerous D. computer
132. A. influence B. confident C. disappear D. terrorism
133. A. corporation B. electronic C. responsibility D. electricity
134. A. ahead B. system C. paper D. shuttle
135. A. history B. depression C. invention D. completely
136. A. weapon B. become C. country D. wildlife
137. A. habitat B. century C. tropical D. prohibit
138. A. ivory B. punishment C. government D. destruction
139. A. population B. particular C. recovery D. illegally
140. A. entertainment B. information C. difficulty D. understanding
141. A. imagine B. important C. example D. wonderful
142. A. different B. carefully C. holiday D. reviewer
143. A. knowledge B. severe C. journey D. action
144. A. eject B. football C. begin D. create
145. A. personal B. penalty C. defensive D. vertical
146. A. award B. prevent C. visit D. except
147. A. goalie B. advanced C. above D. depend
148. A. overtime B. decision C. period D. penalize
149. A. enthusiast B. successfully C. competitor D. participation
150. A. spirit B. impress C. event D. perform
151. A. development B. cooperation C. surprisingly D. facility
152. A. festival B. badminton C. participant D. organize
153. A. solidarity B. energetic C. excellently D. combination
154. A. civilian B. official C. temporary D. tsunami
155. A. suggest B. appall C. devote D. victim
156. A. initiate B. medical C. rapidly D. possible
157. A. volunteer B. wherever C. example D. disaster
158. A. injured B. famine C. earthquake D. Result
159. A. disaster B. prisoner C. agency D. family
160. A. international B. federation C. society D. dedication
161. A. catastrophe B. emergency C. conventional D. vulnerable
162. A. suffering B. president C. protection D. conference
163. A. involve B. propose C. improve D. soldier
164. A. maneuver B. synchronized C. distribute D. aquatic
165. A. various B. integral C. opponent D. popular
166. A. acknowledge B. physical C. successful D. continue
167. A. activity B. psychology C. information D. development
168. A. perform B. invent C. attempt D. motion
169. A. involvement B. employment C. social D. important
170. A. position B. family C. century D. politics
171. A. philosopher B. discriminate C. individual D. significant
172. A. ability B. equality C. enlightenment D. naturally
173. A. status B. argue C. basis D. against
174. A. deny B. legal C. women D. limit
175. A. human B. mother C. struggle D. belief
176. A. opportunity B. economic C. society D. intellectual
177. A. history B. natural C. pioneer D. business
178. A. advocate B. consider C. cultural D. period
179. A. enterprise B. original C. stability D. accelerate
180. A. domestic B. estimate C. statistics D. relation
181. A. language B. diverse C. promote D. combine
182. A. economic B. integration C. development D. transportation
183. A. service B. rural C. region D. include
184. A. technology B. situation C. development D. establishment
185. A. agriculture B. electronic C. population D. scientific
186. A. justice B. admit C. adopt D. improve
187. A. energy B. industry C. forestry D. investment
188. A. series B. respect C. interest D. action
189. A. organize B. embarrass C. discourage D. surrounding

I. Read the passage and answer the questions

The extended family, which consists of three or four generations-great grandparents,
grandparents, parents and children-is still very popular in Viet Nam. In most Vietnamese
families, when both parents work,young children stay home and are looked after by their
grandparents or great grandparents. On the other hand, it is the duty of the young people
to take care of their elderly parents. A person will be considered ungrateful if he/she does
not take good care of his/her parents or grandparents. Vietnamese parents often spend
their free time helping their children with their homework or giving them advice on
1-What type of family is popular in Viet Nam ?
2-Who takes care of young children when their parents are at work ?
3-Who looks after elderly parents ?
4-How do the parents contribute to educating their children ?
In Singapore today, people tend to live in nuclear families which consist of parents
and children. Families in Singapore are getting smaller. Many children even grow up in
single-parent homes. In most Singaporean families, both parents work. Very young children
go to nursery schools or stay home with a child-minder when their parents are at work. Old
people usually live in their homes or a nursing home if they cannot look after themselves.
Singaporean parents try to spend their free time collaborating with the school in educating
their children through the activities of the Parent Support Group or Parent Teacher
1-What type of family is popular in Singapore ?
2-Who takes care of young children when their parents are at work ?
3-Who looks after elderly parents ?
4-How do the parents contribute to educating their children ?
I live in a family of four: my parents, my younger sister and I. We are all very busy people :
both my parents work, my sister and I spend most of out time at school, so we spilt the
household chores equallly.
My dad is responsible for mending things around the house. He also cleans the bathroom
twice a week. My mum does most of the cooking and grocery shopping.
Being the elder child in the family, I take up a large share of housework. I do the laundry,
take out the rubbish, and clean the fridge once a week. My younger sister An’ s
responsibilities include helping Mum to prepare meals and washing the dishes. My sister and
I take turns laying the table for meals, sweeping the house, and feeding the cat.
We do our share of housework willingly as we know that if everyone contributes, the burden
is less and everyone can have some time to relax.
1- How many people are there in Lam’s family ?
2- Why are they very busy ?
3- How do they spilt the housework in the family?
4- What household chores does each member of the family do ?
5- Do the family members enjoy the housework?
6- What are the benefits of everyone in the family sharing the housework ?
II. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option A,B,C, or D to fill in
each blank

A- Being polite, neat, and family-oriented are __________ (1) of the well-socialized
American. Socialization is the process of learning how to behave in the society we live in.
For societies to exist, there must be some organized ways of teaching the members what is
expected of them and how they are to behave. Through __________ (2) , the infant
develops into a person like one of those described above.
Every society tries to socialize its members. The task is __________ (3) by several
groups and institutions. The family, the school, and the peer group (that is, people of the
same age) are the most important socializing agents. of these, the family is the most
important, especially __________ (4) the first few years of life. A review of various studies
of families has concluded that warm, supportive, moderately strict family environments
usually produce happy and well-behaved children; and that cold, rigid, and overly strict
families _________ (5) to cause youngsters to become rebellious, resentful and insecure.
1- A.characters B.characteristics C.symptoms D.situations
2- B.socialize C.socialization D.society
3- A.performed B.made C.carried D.worked
4- A.before B.when C.while D.during
5- B.want C.tend D.need

B- The family is one of the most important groups of human beings. It __1___ in all known
human societies. Although there are many different kinds of families in the world, they have
much in common and all societies have some rules about who can marry whom and how
children should be __2__ up.
Not all societies have marriages with just one wife and one husband. In many countries
members of an extended family all live together. The responsibilities of parents and children
also ___3____ widely. For example, in China, children are very respectful to their parents
___4___ look after them when they get old. In many Western countries, children
___5_____ away from home and live independent lives once they are adults. However, in
spite of numerous changes and problems, the family still remains the best environment for
the vast majority of people. Most of us may ____6_____ about our families sometimes, but
we still love them dearly and wish we could spend more time together.
1. A. remains B. is C. has D. exists
2. A. grown B. come C. brought D. gone
3. A. distinguish B. vary C. differ D. differentiate
4. A. however B. but C. so D. and
5. A. go B. take C. maintain D. move
6. A. anger B. talk C. complain D. care

C-The United States has many different types of families. While most American families are
traditional, (1)_______ a father, a mother and one or more children, 22 percent of all
American families in 1998 were headed by one parent, usually a woman. In a few families in
the United States, there are no children. These (2) _______ couples may believe that they
would not make good parents; they may want freedom from responsibilities of childbearing;
or, perhaps they (3)_______ physically able to have children. Other families in the United
States have one adult (4)_______ a stepparent. A stepmother or stepfather is a person who
joins a family by marrying a father or a mother.
Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families. In the United States
people have right to privacy and Americans do not believe in telling other Americans what
type of family group they must belong to. They respect each other’s choices regarding
family groups. Families are very important (5)_______ Americans.
1. A. consist of B. consisting of C. consisting D. including of
2. A. childish B. childlike C. childless D. childhood
3. A. are not B. can’t C. couldn’t D. weren’t
4. A. who is B. is C. which is D. which has
D- The family is important to people all over the world although the structure of the family
is quite _______ (1) from one country to another. In the United States, as in many _______
(2) in the world, the family is changing. A generation or two _______ (3), the traditional
family, in which the father was boss, was customary.
Nowadays, the modern family, in which _______ (4) the father and the mother are
equal partners, is very common. ________ (5) there are several similarities between the
________ (6) and the modern family, there are also some very important differences. the
traditional husband _______ (7) head of the household because he was the only one who
worked _______ (8) the home. If the wife worked for pay, then the husband was not
_______ (9) to be a good provider. In many families today, both husband and wife work
for pay. Therefore, they ______ (10) the role of head of household together.
1- B.same C.various D.different
2- A.houses B.nation C.area D.countries
3- A.until B.ago C.since D.following
4- A.both B.none C.either D.all
5- A.Because B.Despite C.However D.Although
6- A.old B.ancient C.original D.traditional
7- B.has C.was D.did
8- A.inside B.outside C.beside D.behind
9- A.looked B.seemed C.remained D.considered
10- A.need B.have C.share D.manage
E- Although most families in the United States enjoy a high living standard, many American
women have to work ________ (1) at home and in their offices. Despite their husbands’
_________(2) of the housework, women have to do _________ (3) of the housekeeping
tasks. In single-parent families, the mothers may not have _________ (4) children to take
care of, but they have to _________ (5) their families alone and have to provide for all the
_________ (6) money. Therefore, the ________ (7) mothers have to work hard to earn
their living. Moreover, in spite of the fact that the single mothers have all the ________ (8)
conveniences at their homes, they find that bringing up their teenage children alone is not
1- A.hardly B.hard D.equally
2- A.share B.need C.refusal D.responsibility
3- B.most C.fewest D.least
4- A.few B.much C.many D.some
5- A.raise B.earn for C.keep D.nurse
6- A.homecoming B.housewarming C.household D.housekeeping
7- A.dependent B.lonely C.alone D.single
8- A.expensive B.saving C.comfortable D.modern
F- The secret of a good interview is preparing for it. (1) ____________ is always important
as it is creates the first impression. So dress neatly but comfortably. Make sure that you can
deal with anything you are asked. (2) ____________ that are certain to come up, for
example : Why do you want to become a nurse ? What is the most important quality that a
good nurse should have ? Apart from nursing, what other careers have you considered ?
What are your interests and hobbies ?
Answer the questions fully and precisely. For instance, if one of your interests is
reading, be prepared to say about (3) ___________ . However, do not learn all your
answers off by heart. The interviewer wants to meet a human being, not a robot.
Remember that the interviewer is genuinely interested in you, so the more you relax and are
yourself, the more likely you are to (4) _________.
1- A. What you wear B. Your clothes
C. Anything you speak D. How you behave
2- A. Be ready to answer B. What to ask
C. Tell the interviewer questions D. Prepare for questions
3- A. the people working with you B. the sort of books you like
C. what you really do D. how to prepare for an interview
4- A. answer B. work C. succeed D. interest

G- Many American customs will surprise you, the same thing happens to us when we
(1) _______ another country. People from various cultures handle many small daily things
differently. What a dull world it (2) _______ be if this were not true!
Some differences are minor, and people soon (3) _______ accustomed to them. At
(4) _______, for example, some foreign women may be startled at the idea of (5)
_______their hair cut or styled by men. Visitors (6)_______ amazed to see men wearing
wigs. People may (7) _______ the transitory quality of much American life odd, for example,
one (8) _______ rent art by the week or the entire furnishings of an apartment, (9)
_______ sofa and bed to the last spoon, on less than eight hours’ notice. “Package”(10)
_______ is part of today’s American scene.
1. A. come B. visit C. arrive D. travel
2. A. would B. will C. can D. may
3. A. turn B. fall C. go D. become
4. A. least B. all C. first D. last
5. A. giving B. having C. showing D. taking
6. A. may be B. maybe C. perhaps D. may
7. A. get B. find C. regard D. put
8. A. should B. must C. can D. shall
9. A. for B. from C. with D. on
10. A. live B. alive C. lives D. living

III. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question

Exercise 1
Mrs. Sand was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to her doctor about it.
However the doctor could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to the local
hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests direct to Mrs.
Sand’s doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that
he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.
Mrs. Sand carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left
beside the telephone while she went out to a ladies' meeting.
When she got back home a couple of hours later, she found her husband waiting for
her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw her, he said, "Hello,
sweetheart. I have done all your shopping for you. "
"Done all my shopping?" she asked in surprise. "But how did you know what I
"Well, when I got home I found your shopping list beside the telephone," answered her
husband, "so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down. "
Of course, Mrs. Sand had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor did
not allow her to eat!
1. The story is mainly about ____________.
A. Mrs. Sand's skin trouble B. Mrs. Sand's husband’s care for her
C. her husband's carelessness D. her husband's misunderstanding
2. Her doctor sent her to the local hospital because ____________.
A. she was not his patient B. the medical tests there would tell him exactly what
her problem was
C. the hospital would take good care of her thanks to the tests. D. hers was a very
serious case
3. The ladies' meeting lasted ____________.
A. the whole morning B. exactly two hours
C. less than two hours D. more than two hours
4. Perhaps when Mrs. Sand left for the meeting, her husband ____________.
A. was working in the garden B. was in the bathroom
C. was somewhere in the house D. was out at work
5. Mrs. Sand's husband bought all the things on the list because ____________.
A. he wanted to help his wife with the shopping
B. he wanted to buy what she was not allowed to eat
C. he had nothing to do when he got home
D. he himself liked them very much

Exercise 2
Parents often have dreams for their children’s future. They hope their children will have a
better life than they had. They dream that their children will do things that they couldn’t do.
Parents who come to the U. S from foreign countries hope their children will have better
education here. They think their children will have more career choices and more successful
lives. They make many sacrifices so that their children will have more opportunities. They
think their children will remain close to them because of this. Some children understand
and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their parents. However, other children
feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans.
1. Parents often dream of _______.
A. their children’s making a lot of money in the future. day seeing their children become famous people.
C. one day living on their children’s money.
D. a bright future for their children.
2. Parents who come home from U. S from foreign countries hope that _______.
A. their children will have a lot of careers.
B. their children become successful directors.
C. their children will have more opportunities for good education.
D. their children will make a lot of sacrifices.
3. Parents think their children will remain close to them because _______.
A. they give their children a lot of money. B. of the sacrifices
C. they know their children will be successful in the future. D. they are living in
a foreign country.
4. The word career in line 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. education B. travel C. subject D. profession
5. The word close in line 5 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. dear B. friendly C. helpful D. kind

Exercise 3
Most young couples have meals regularly in their parents’ home with little or no pay,
and give their children to the care of old couple free of charge. Investigations have shown
that parents of many couples don’t mind providing meals and caring for their children.
However, this practice shouldn’t become an accepted social custom.
The old couples’ expense on food has already increased while young couples spend
more on clothing and furnishing and less on food. If this trend continues, many young
couples might take these privileges for granted and become more dependent.
It is not the right for the young to make the use of the old couples’ love, not only
because our nation is well – known for its special respect paid to the elderly , but also
because the young must become independent. What young people should do is to become
more considerate towards their old parents. After years of hard work, they are worthy of
such consideration.
1. Most married young couples _______
A. live with their parents
B. have meals regularly in their parents’ home for they have little or no fee
C. have not become independent completely
D. pay no respect to the elderly
2. The writer thinks it is ____ for old couples to provide meals or care for their married
A. wrong B. an accepted social custom C. right D. understandable
3. According to the passage, young couple should _______
A. spend less on clothing and furnishing and more on food
B. look after their children themselves
C. be less demanding and more caring towards their old parents
D. pay for the meals they have in their parents home
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. What troubles young people most is that no one will look after their children
except their own parents.
B. The reason why young couples depend on their parents to different degree is that
their home is smaller.
C. Old couple should give money to their children instead of providing meals or
caring for them.
D. It would be natural that if young couples went on depending on their old parents,
they would have to provide meals and caring for their children when they get married.
5. This article is particularly written for _______
A. old couples B. both young and old couples
C. young couples D. young couples’ children

Exercise 4
Andrea - There are six of us in our family, my parents, me, the twins and my older
brother, Ted. Ted is a good ten years older than me and the twins - they are girls - are two
years younger than me. We had a good childhood out in the countryside. My parents were
always busy with the farm and so we didn't get the help with school work and things like
that that children get today. But my parents were very loving, especially my father. I regret
not helping more around the farm because now I realize that it must have been very hard
for my parents, especially as my grandparents lived so far away.
Bob - Both my parents were in the theatre and they had made quite a name for
themselves on the stage. As a child I remember our house being constantly full of famous
people, laughing and talking. My sisters and me would be brought down by our nanny to
kiss parents goodnight and then we would be packed off to the nursery. That's as much as
we ever really saw of them at that time. It's better now, but it has left a mark on all of us -
we ring each other now and again, but that's about all. I think my father understands this,
but I am not sure my mother does.
Camillia - I left home when I was sixteen to live with my grandparents in Sydney. My
parents had a farm in the outback and I needed to go to college. It was quite difficult for
me to leave my younger brothers and sisters behind as we were quite a tight-knit group,
even though the age gap was fairly wide - as you can imagine there was no one else to play
with out in the middle of nowhere!
When I got fed up I'd give them a ring, and my dad would always put me right - a tower of
strength he was. My grandparents were great too - helped me with my homework, took me
on trips, things like that I'll never forget that.
David - I am always telling my kids - your family is always there for you, whatever
happens. You might think we don't understand you and all that rubbish, but no one else will
look after you the way the family will. Family is important to me. When I was young, I didn't
have much of family life. Our kids were quite close in ages so that helped enormously, but
we didn't see much of our parents. In fact, we saw more of granny and grandpa, but they
were a bit strict. We all got on and we knew that our parents cared for us. But there wasn't
much in the way of trips, treats, things that nowadays people take for granted.

1. Andra has ___________.

A. two brothers and one sister B. one brother and two sisters
C. two brothers and two sisters D. one brother and one sister
2. The person who didn’t live with her/ his grandparents is ___.
A. Andra B. Bob C. Camillia D. David
3. Bob’s parents were ___________.
A. famous actor and actress B. famous farmers C. teachers
D. nurses
4. The person whose grandparents were very strict to their grandchildren is ___.
A. Andra B. Bob C. Camillia D. David
5. Andra’s parents were ____________.
A. farmers B. workers C. singers D. directors
6. The person whose father gave him/her a lot of encouragement when he/she was sad is
A. Andra B. Bob C. Camillia D. David

Exercise 5
If your application indicates you are qualified, the employer may request an
interview. The interview enables you to learn more about the job. It also helps the employer
find out if you are the best person for the job. Many people prepare for an interview by
learning about the employer’s business. You can find such information in an organization’s
annual report or on its Web-site. This kind of knowledge can help you ask intelligent
questions during your interview. It also shows the interviewer that you are interested in the
employer’s business.
Most interviewers pay close attention to the way an applicant acts, dresses and
answers questions. You can make a good impression by arriving on time and by being
confident, prepared and well-organized. Your clothing should be clean, comfortable and
professional. Wear the kinds of clothes appropriate to the company, unless the workers
wear uniforms. The interviewer will probably ask about your interests, your work experience
and your goals. Answer all the questions briefly. You should also prepare questions to ask
the interviewer about the company and the position you are seeking. Send a follow-up letter
to everyone who interviewed you no later than two days after the interview.In the letter,
thank the interviewer for the time spent discussing the position with you. Let the interviewer
know if you are still interested in the job.
1-The interview is necessary to __________________.
A.the interviewer B.both the interviewer and the interviewee
C.the company D.the candidate
2-Visiting the employer’s Web-site _______________.
A.helps you read the organization’s annual report. not necessary before
an interview
C.may help candidates prepare questions to ask the interviewer.
D.only wastes some of your time
3-You can make a good impresssion on the interviewer ___________.
A.with your punctuality wearing casual clothes wearing the company’s uniform D.with your acting skills
4-Interviewees should also prepare questions to ask _____________.
A.about the employer’s interests B.about the company and the vacancy
C.about the interview’s work experience D.the interviewer before they are asked
5-The follow-up letter should ______________. written after two days of the interview
B.include the good time you experienced at the interview.
C.interest everyone interviewed for the job
D.include your gratitude to the interviewer and your interests in the job.

Exercise 6
If you want to go to a university, you usually apply during your last year at school,
when you are 17-18. You can apply to study at any university in Britain and most people
choose a university that is not in their own town. So, university students usually live away
from home. Students get a grant from the government to study. At the beginning of your
last year at school, you receive an appication form. On this form you chose up to five
universities that you would like to go to. The form is sent to those universities with
information from your school about you and your academic record. If the universities are
interested in your application, they will ask you to attend an interview. If they are still
interested after the interview, they will offer you a place.
Any offer, however, is only conditional at this stage. Applications and interviews take
place several months before students do their A-level examinations. These are the exams
that you do at the end of your time at school. So, when a university makes an offer, it will
tell you the minimum grades that you will have to get when you do you’re a-level exams. If
you don’t get those grades, then, you will not be able to accept the place. It will be offered
to someone else and you must apply again to another university. You don’t have to accept
your place immediately. Some students don’t want to go straight from school to university.
So, after they have taken their A-level, they take a year out to work or travel.

1-What is the main idea of the passage ?

A.How to be accepted to a university B.How to take an A-level examination
C.Studying at a university D.What to do after leaving school
2-How many universities can a student choose at most?
A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five
3-If the university is interested in the application,
A.the student will be offered a place
B.the student will have to attend an interview
C.the university will go straight to the university.
D.the student will take an A-level examination
4-When do students do their A-level examination ?
A.At the beginning of their last year at school
B.Beofre they send the application forms to the universities
C.At the end of their time at school
D.Right after they receive an application form
5- If the student’s score is below the minimum grades announced by the university , ______
A.the place will be offered to someone else
B.he must take a year out
C.he mustn’t apply to any other university
D.he will be able to accept the place.
Exercise 7
Choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our
jobs. For that reason, we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use
them. We can do this through skill tests, interviews with specialists and study of books in
our field of interest. There are many careers open to each of us. Perhaps we like science,
then we might prepare ourselves to be chemists, physicists or biologists. Maybe our
interests take us into the business world and such work as accounting, personnel
management or public relations. Many people find their place in government service,
teaching, newspaper work, medicine, and engineering. These and many other fields offer
fascinating careers to persons with talent and training.

1- It is important to find the right career because _________________

A. it’s difficult to find a job
B. we need money to find out what our talents
C. most of us spend a great part of our lives at our job
D. it’s very easy to lose the job
2- We can find the right career by ___________
A. travelling wherever we can
B. finding out what our talents are and how we can use them.
C. learning some foreign languages
D. asking for some useful advice and studying books.
3-We can find out what our talents are and how we use them through _________.
A. skill tests B. interviews with specialists
C. study of books in our field of interest D. All are correct
4- Careers found in the scientific world are __________.
A. chemists, mathematicians, technicians B. physicists, biologists, accountants
C. businessmen, teachers, doctors D. biologists, chemists, physicists
5- The passage mentions about ___________
A. jobs in the past society B. what to do to have a job
C. how to find a right job nowadays D. why to find a job nowadays
Exercise 8
Students at the age of 18 always have to face difficult decision to make : some want to go
on with their study at college or university; others prefer to start work immediately. Many
school leavers are eager to go to work in order to make money to live independently and
help their parents. They always do their best to overcome any obstacles they may
encounter. Unfortunately, owing to the guidance poor and bold from their parents and
teachers, most boys and girls are ill-prepared for unemployment. Therefore, they often feel
worried and build up all sorts of fearsome prospects in their minds as the time to start works
gets nearer. It is the duty of the school and family to prepare these young people for their
future jobs.

1-The main idea of the passage is __________.

A.Learning at university. B.Making important decision at 18
C.Starting to work after leaving school D.Getting to know about new jobs
2-Why do some young people want to find a job after they leave school ?
A.They are badly in need of money B.They want to get rid of schooling
C.Their parents do not help them D.They want to lead an independent life.
3-What attitude do young people have when they face with difficulty ?
A.They just let things go B.They make great efforts
C.They complain about their parents and teachers D.They give up everything
4-The word “Unfortunately” is nearest in meaning to ________
A.suddenly B.unluckily C.luckily D.surprisingly
5-Which of the following is NOT true for young people who start work ?
A.difficulty B.anxiety C.fear D.encouragement

Exercise 9
Telecommuting is some form of computer communication between employees’ homes and
offices. For employees whose job involve sitting at a terminal or word processor entering
data or typing reports, the location of the computer is of no consequence. If the machine
can communicate over telephone lines, when the work is completed, employees can dial
the office computer and transmit the material to their employers. A recent survey in USA
Today estimates that there are approximately 8,7 million telecommuters. But although the
numbers are rising annually, the trend does not appear to be as significant as predicted
when Business Week published “The Portable Executive” as its cover story a few years ago.
Why hasn’t telecommuting become more popular ?
Clearly, change simply takes time. But in addition, there has been active resistance on
the part of many managers. These executives claim that supervising the telecommuters in
a large work force scattered across the country would be too difficult, or, at least, systems
for managing them are not yet developed, thereby complicating the manager’s
It is also true that employees who are given the option of telecommuting are
reluctant to accept the opportunity. Most people feel that they need regular interaction
with a group, and many are concerned that they will not have the same consideration for
advancement if they are not more visible in the office setting. Some people feel that even
when a space in their homes is set aside as a work area, they never really get away from
the office.
1. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned ?
A. The advantages of telecommuting. B. A definition of telecommuting.
C. An overview of telecommuting. D. The failure of telecommuting.
2. How many Americans are involved in telecommuting ?
A. More than predicted in Business Week. B. More than 8 million.
C. Fewer than estimated in USA Today. D. Fewer than last year.
3. The phrase “of no consequence” means
A. of no use B. of no good C. unimportant D. irrelevant
4. The author mentions all of the following as concerns of telecommuting, EXCEPT
A. the opportunities for advancement. B. the different system of supervision.
C. the lack of interaction with a group. D. The work place is in the home.
5. The word “ executives “ in line 10 refers to
A. telecommuters B. managers C. employees D. most people
6. The word “ them” in line 11 refers to
A. systems B. telecommuters C. executives D. responsibilities
7. The reason why telecommuting has not become popular is that the employees
A. need regular interaction with their families.
B. are worried about the promotion if they are not seen at the office.
C. feel that a work area in their home is away from the office.
D. are ignorant of telecommuting.
8. It can be inferred from the passage that the author is
A. a telecommuter B. the manager C. a statistician D. a reporter
9. The word “reluctant” in line 13 can best be replaced by
A. opposite B. willing C. hesitate D. typical
10. When Business Week published “ The Portable Executive “, it implied that
A. systems for managing telecommuters were not effective.
B. there was resistance on the part of many managers about telecommuting.
C. the trend for telecommuting was optimistic.
D. most telecommuters were satisfied with their work.
Exercise 10
Choosing a career may be one of the hardest jobs you ever have, and it must
be done with care. View a career as an opportunity to do something you love, not
simply as a way to earn a living. Investing the time and effort to thoroughly explore
your options can mean the difference between finding a stimulating and rewarding
career and move from job to unsatisfying job in an attempt to find the right one.
Work influences virtually every aspect of your life, from your choice of friends to
where you live. Here are just a few of the factors to consider.
Deciding what matters most to you is essential to making the right decision.
You may want to begin by assessing your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses.
Think about the classes, hobbies, and surroundings that you find most appealing.
Ask yourself questions, such as “Would you like to travel ? Do you want to work with
children ? Are you more suited to solitary or cooperative work ?” There are no right
or wrong answers ; only you know what is important to you. Determine which job
features you require, which ones you would prefer, and which ones you cannot
accept. Then rank them in order of importance to you.
The setting of the job is one factor to take into account. You may not want to
sit at a desk all day. If not, there are diversity occupation – building inspector,
supervisor, real estate agent – that involve a great deal of time away from the
office. Geographical location may be a concern, and employment in some fields in
concentrated in certain regions. Advertising job can generally be found only in large
cities. On the other hand, many industries such as hospitality, law education, and
retail sales are found in all regions of the country.
If a high salary is important to you, do not judge a career by its starting
wages. Many jobs, such as insurance sales, offers relatively low starting salaries;
however, pay substantially increases along with your experience, additional training,
promotions and commission.
Don’t rule out any occupation without learning more about it. Some industries
evoke positive or negative associations. The traveling life of a flight attendant
appears glamorous, while that of a plumber does not. Remember that many jobs are
not what they appear to be at first, and may have merits or demerits that are less
obvious. Flight attendants must work long, grueling hours without sleeps, whereas
plumbers can be as highly paid as some doctors. Another point to consider is that as
you mature, you will likely develop new interests and skills that may point the way to
new opportunities. The choice you make today need not be your final one.
1. The author states that “There are no right or wrong answers” in order to ____
A. emphasize that each person’s answers will be different.
B. show that answering the questions is a long and difficult process.
C. indicate that the answers are not really important.
D. indicate that each person’s answers may change over time.
2. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to
A. questions B. answers C. features D. jobs
3. The word “assessing” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
A. discovering B. considering C. measuring D. disposing
4. According to paragraph 3, which of the following fields is NOT suitable for a
person who does not want to live in a big city ?
A. plumbing B. law C. retail sales D. advertising
5. The word “evoke” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. agree on B. bring to mind C. be related to D. differ from
6. The word “that” in paragraph 4 refers to
A. occupation B. the traveling life C. a flight attendant D. commission
7. It can be inferred from the paragraph 3 that
A. jobs in insurance sales are generally not well-paid.
B. insurance sales people can earn high salary later in their career.
C. people should constantly work toward the next promotion.
D. a starting salary should be an important consideration in choosing a career.
8. In paragraph 5, the author suggests that ______________.
A. you may want to change careers at some time in the future.
B. as you get older, your career will probably less fulfilling.
C. you will be at your job for a lifetime, so choose carefully.
D. you will probably jobless at some time in the future.
9. Why does the author mention “long, grueling hours without sleeps” in pa. 4?
A. To emphasize the difficulty of working as a plumber.
B. To contrast the reality of a flight attendant’s job with most people’s perception.
C. To show that people must work hard for the career they have chosen.
D. To discourage readers from choosing a career as a flight attendant.
10. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. To make a lot of money, you should not take a job with a low starting salary.
B. To make lots of money, you should rule out all factory jobs.
C. If you want an easy and glamorous lifestyle, you should consider becoming flight
D. Your initial view of certain careers may not be accurate.

1. A 11. B 21. A 31. A 41. A 51. D
2. B 12. D 22. B 32. A 42. A 52. C
3. C 13. A 23. C 33. D 43. B 53. B
4. A 14. B 24. C 34. D 44. C 54. D
5. C 15. C 25. D 35. D 45. C 55. B
6. D 16. C 26. D 36. C 46. C 56. B
7. B 17. D 27. A 37. B 47. B
8. C 18. D 28. B 38. C 48. A
9. C 19. D 29. C 39. D 49. D
10. D 20. D 30. A 40. D 50. C

1. C 5. D 9. D 13. B 17. B 21. C
2. A 6. B 10. D 14. A 18. D 22. D
3. B 7. C 11. B 15. C 19. D
4. D 8. D 12. A 16. D 20. B


1. was 6. has 11. are searching 16. has become
2. need 7. is 12. plays 17. is
3. is 8. comprises 13. has 18. like
4. are grazing 9. was 14. is 19. was
5. was 10. is 15. has 20. are

II. Choose the best answer.

1. B 11. A 21. A
2. B 12. C 22. C
3. A 13. B 23. A
4. C 14. A 24. B
5. D 15. C 25. A
6. C 16. C 26. D
7. C 17. B 27. D
8. C 18. D
9. B 19. C
10. C 20. D


I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. talking/to finish 11. to tell 21. trying

2. going/stay 12. saying 22. applying
3. to lock 13. meeting 23. to go
4. showing 14. to say 24. to iron/ironing (to be
5. mending/to be mended 15. to work ironed)
6. talking 16. to concentrate 25. smiling
7. throwing 17. to park 26. to get/ get
8. choose 18. eating 27. locking
9. to go 19. go 28. using
10. to come 20. to make

II. Complete the sentences, use the passive form:

1. being made 6. be looked

2. being punished 7. has been repaired
3. to be examined 8. is believed
4. to be published 9. can be solved
5. being deceived 10. passed

II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence:

1. C 11. C 21. A 31. D 41. B 52. A

2. B 12. A 22. D 32. B 42. D 53. B
3. A 13. B 23. C 33. C 43. C 54. B
4. B 14. C 24. C 34. B 44. C 55. A
5. B 15. D 25. B 35. D 45. C 56. C
6. C 16. C 26. D 36. A 46. A 57. C
7. C 17. A 27. B 37. C 47. B 58. A
8. C 18. D 28. C 38. D 48. A 59. A
9. D 19. A 29. B 39. B 49. D 60. B
10. B 20. C 30. D 40. D 50. A 61. B
51. A 62. B


I. Turn into the Reported Speech:
1. Ann said (that) she wanted to go to New York the next year.
2. The doctor told him he would have to rest for at least a week.
3. Tom said that Ann had bought a new car.
4. He said he was feeling ill.
5. She said that her parents were very well.
6. He said that he didn’t have many friends.
7. John said that he had passed his examination.
8. Jane said that she worked 14 hours a day.
9. He said that his father was in hospital.
10. She said that she was thinking of going to live in Canada.
11. She asked him if/whether he was hungry.
12. He asked her if she went to work that day.
13. I asked the boy if he was in that class.
14. They asked him if he had been invited to the party.
15. He asked her mother if she was at home then.
16. The police asked us where we were going.
17. Tom wanted to know what time the banks closed.
18. He asked me when Ann would arrive.
19. He asked me how old I was.
20. They asked me why I had applied for the job.
21. He told us to listen carefully.
22. The doctor told him to eat more fruit and vegetables.
23. He asked me to speak more slowly.
24. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
25. Ann asked Tom to open the door for her.
26. I told Jim not to shout.
27. Ann asked me not to tell anyone what (had) happened.
28. I told him not to come before 6 o’clock.
29. Ann said to him not to wait for her if she was late.
30. She asked them not to smoke in her room.


Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence, or that has the closest
meaning to the original one.

1. A 12. C 23. C
2. B 13. A 24. C
3. B 14. D 25. A
4. D 15. C 26. A
5. A 16. A 27. B
6. A 17. C 28. C
7. A 18. D 29. C
8. D 19. A 30. A
9. B 20. A 31. B
10. A 21. D 32. D
11. A 22. D 33. A


I. Use the correct tenses forms of the verbs in brackets in the passive:

1. are introduced 19. was shocked 36. was translated

2. will have been booked 20. were cleaned 37. was included
3.was left/ had been left 21. will be published 38. can’t be explained
4. be found 22. have been developed 39. is being used
5.Have the students been told 23. was stolen 40. had been offered
6. can be spoken 24. is usually delivered 41. were arrested
7. am not invited 25. is kept 42. are read
8. is being photographed 26. is usually cut 43. hasn’t been cleaned
9. was built 27. were produced 44. were sold
10. is being built 28. was written 45. has been made
11. has to be sent 29. were planted 46. can be used
12. ought to be painted 30. are shown 47. can be done
13. have been carried 31. were taken 48. will be spoken
14. were being painted 32. are caused 49. is being painted
15. is being taught 33. had been stolen 50. was written
16. will be restored 34. were taken
17. was robbed 35. was injured
18. was robbed

* EXERCISE II: Change into passive voice

1. A surprise party is going to be organized.
2. This broken window ought to be repaired.
3. Toothpaste can be bought at the drug store.
4. All the members have been invited to the party.
5. My mistake wasn’t noticed.
6. Where is windsurfing being played?
7. This road isn’t used very often.
8. All the flights were cancelled because of the fog.
9. The meeting had to be postponed because of illness.
10. She hasn’t been invited to the party.
11. He is said to have 22 children.
12.Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.
13. He is said to write poetry.
14. She is said to have won a special prize.
15. Is this letter going to be sent?
16. The bridge hadn’t been built when we first came here.
17. He was believed to have died of lung cancer.
18. He is believed to have driven through the town at 90 km an hour.
19. I was told to wait outside.
20. How can this book be opened?
21. I was paid a lot of money to do the job.
- A lot of money was paid for me to do the job.
22. The postcards were sent to his friends.
- His friends were sent the postcards.
23. A present was given to him when he retired.
- He was given a present when he retired.
24. The chairs are being carried into the house.
III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:

1. C. must be washed 11. D. She is said to have 21. D. be sent

2. A. to have invaded 12. A. is said 22. D. are manufactured
3. B. have been exported 13. C. to have escaped 23. B. being given
4. C. were mentioned 14. B. are woken up
5. A. are protected 15. B. we are being 24. D. is spent
6. C. be affected followed 25. B. was built
7. A. was established
8. D. was grown 16. A. were you born
26. C. is polluted
9. C. is covered 17. C . is supposed to
10. C. encouraged 18. C. is being served
19. C. being studied 27. C. was finished
20. B. was caught
28. C. is eaten
29. C. will be moved
30. C. had been painted

IV. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:

1. C D A C 21. A 26. B 31. C

2. B B C D 22. A 27. A 32. B
3. C D C B 23. A 28. B 33. B
4. A D A C 24. B 29. C 34. A
5. C C A C 25. A 30. A
I. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. had known / would have gone 21. would have gone
2. would have bought 22. had known / would have come
3. will buy 23. will/do
4. could have seen / had gone 24. would write
5. hadn’t been 25. were
6. isn’t 26. will let
7. returned 27. lived
8. doesn’t rain 28. arrived
9. didn't invite 29. were / would help
10. would / do, were 30. would have understood/had spoken
11. will buy 31. had listened/’d have performed
12. would be 32. have
13. had gone / would have met 33. would go
14. ask 34. weren’t/woud show
15. would have invited 35. had
16. had 36. doesn’t like
17. won’t let / come 37. will have
18. don’t go 38. were/would play
19. were 39. stopped/would be
20. won 40. were/ would live

II. Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence, or that has the closest
meaning to the original one.
41. D 50. D 59. C 68. D
42. B 51. B 60. B 69. A
43. C 52. A 61. A 70. D
44. B 53. B 62. B 71. D
45. C 54. A 63. B 72. B
46. B 55. D 64. B 73. A
47. D 56. A 65. C 74. C
48. B 57. D 66. B
49. B 58. D 67. A
75. C 80. B 85. D
76. D 81. B 86. C
77. D 82. D 87. B
78. D 83. D 88. C
79. A 84. C


I. Complete the sentences using relative pronouns.
1. who/that 11. which
2. whose 12. where
3. which/that 13. who/whom/that
4. when 14. which/that
5. why 15. who/whom/that
6. who/that 16. whom
7. who 17. who/whom/that
8. which 18. whose
9. who 19. which
10. where 20. which
II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. B 11. B 21. B
2. D 12. A 22. A
3. D 13. B 23. B
4. C 14. A 24. A
5. D 15. B 25. B
6. A 16. C 26. D
7. D 17. C 27. D
8. C 18. D 28. B
9. A 19. C 29. A
10. B 20. C
III. Choose the best option

1. A 6. C 11. A 17. C
2. A 7. C 12. C 18. D
3. C 8. C 13. A 19. A
4. B 9. B 14. D 20. D
5. D 10. A 15. A 21. D
16. C 22. A

1. the 11. the, Ø 21.Ø, the 31. the
2. an 12.the, Ø 22.Ø 32. the, the
3. Ø 13.the, Ø 23.Ø 33.Ø
4. the 14. an, the, the 24.the 34. a
5. a 15.Ø, the 25. a, the 35. the
6. Ø 16.Ø, a 26. the 36. the
7. Ø 17. a, a, the, the 27. the 37.Ø
8. Ø, Ø, Ø 18. an ,A, a, the, the 28. the 38.the
9. Ø, the, the 19. a, a, the, the 29.Ø
10. the, Ø 20. an, a, a, the, a 30. the 40.a, the, the


I. Choose the best option for each sentence:

1. A must 11. D. needn’t 20. C. may not 29. D

2. C. whould 12. C. must 21. A. Could 30. C
3. C. won’t 13. A. mustn’t 22. A. mustn’t 31. A
4. A. must 14. C. needn’t 23. D. needn’t 32. D
5. A. ought 15. A. must 24. B. may 33. B
6. D.won’t 16. D. had 25. D. will have 34. B
7. B. will 17. C. needn’t 26. D. can’t 35. A
8. C. will 18. B. may 27. A 36. D
9. A.could 19. B. mustn’t 28.B 37. B
10. B. may not 38. B


I. Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the adjectives/ adverbs in the
1. easier than 11. fast
2. more slowly 12. as (so) old
3. quieter 13. expensive as
4. cheaper 14. the worst
5. more important than 15. warmer/ better
6. larger 16. more/ higher
7. higher 17. better
8. the nicest 18. harder than
9. the best 19. further/ farther
10. the longest 20. less

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence:

1. A 6. A 11. B 16. A 21. D 26. B 31. A 36. B 41. A 46. D

2. C 7. A 12. C 17. C 22. D 27. D 32. A 37. C 42. B 47. D
3. B 8. B 13. C 18. D 23. C 28. A 33. C 38. B 43. C 48. A
4. D 9. A 14. A 19. B 24. A 29. A 34. A 39. C 44. D 49. D
5. A 10. B 15. C 20. B 25. B 30. D 35. A 40. A 45. A 50. C


I. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. are invited 11. arrives 21. goes
2. is spoken 12. were invited 22. is
3. are welcomed 13. was playing 23. were waiting
4. will be picked up 14. was received 24. was walking
5. had been taken 15.broke 25. got --- had gone
6. had been eaten 16. will be finished 26. had known
7. will be given 17. were you talking ` 27. met
8. be turned off 18. Arrive 28. will leave
9. had been sold 19. had been cleaning 29. had been / was
10. was being written 20. were preparing 30. will remind

II. Choose the best answer:

1. C 6. B 11. A 16. C 21. B 26. B 31. D 36. A 41. D 46. A
2. D 7. C 12. C 17. B 22. A 27. A 32. A 37. B 42. C 47. C
3. A 8. B 13. A 18. D 23. A 28. B 33. C 38. C 43. C 48. D
4. A 9. D 14. A 19. B 24. C 29. D 34. C 39. B 44. A 49. D
5. C 10. B 15. B 20. A 25. C 30. C 35. A 40. D 45. A 50. B

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. B 11. B 21. C 31. A
2. D 12. B 22. B 32. C
3. D 13. D 23. D 33. B
4. A 14. A 24. C 34. C
5. C 15. C 25. C 35. A
6. A 16. C 26. B 36. B
7. B 17. B 27. A 37. D
8. B 18. D 28. B 38. C
9. B 19. C 29. D 39. A
10. C 20. A 30. D 40. C

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following sentences.

1. B 6. B 11. C 16. C 21. A 26. A 31. C

2. A 7. B 12. D 17. D 22. C 27. D 32. C
3. D 8. C 13. A 18. D 23. B 28. C 33. B
4. C 9. C 14. B 19. A 24. B 29. B 34. C
5. B 10. D 15. A 20. A 25. D 30. D 35. C


I. Complete the following questions by adding the tag questions.

1. didn’t they 11. hasn’t she

2. hasn’t she 12. haven’t you
3. have you 13. doesn’t she
4. will you 14. won’t we / shan’t we
5. doesn’t he 15. are there
6. shall we 16. do you
7. should I 17. don’t they
8. will he 18. will you
9. don’t they 19. aren’t I
10. had he 20. did they

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following sentences.

21. A 25. D 29. B 33. B 37. C 41. C 45. B

22. C 26. A 30. C 34. D 38. B 42. A 46. B
23. B 27. D 31. A 35. C 39. A 43. B 47. B
24. D 28. B 32. A 36. C 40. B 44. C
Choose the most suitable form of the word

1. B 12. D 23. C 34. A 45. A 55. B 65. A 74. D

2. C 13. C 24. B 35. D 46. C 56. C 66. C 75. D
3. D 14. D 25. C 36. B 47. C 57. C 67. A 76. B
4. A 15. B 26. D 37. C 48. A 58. D 68. C 77. D
5. D 16. B 27. B 38. C 49. C 59. C 69. C 78. B
6. B 17. D 28. C 39. B 50. C 60. B 70. B 79. C
7. B 18. A 29. D 40. B 51. D 61. B 71. C 80. B
8. A 19. C 30. D 41. B 52. D 62. D 72. D 81. A
9. B 20. A 31. D 42. D 53. B 63. A 73. B 82. D
10. A 21. D 32. B 43. B 54. B 64. D
11. B 22. D 33. B 44. A


1. A (is) 20. A (being) 40. B (is taught)

2. B (too much) 21. D (to find) 41. B (bỏ be)
3. C (us to buy) 22. D (I) 42. B (was)
4. B (herself) 23. B (is) 43. B (have been finished)
5. C (we have) 24. D (had finished) 44. B (is being built)
6. D (hasn’t either) 25. A (play) 45. A (supported)
7. B (a new car in the 26. A (was) 46. D (was going)
morning) 27. A (was drinking) 47. A (blames)
8. D (other ones) 28. B (our friends in 48. D (challenging)
9. D (read) Boston yesterday) 49. B (destroying)
10. B (have been) 29. B (would) 50. A (reduce)
11. C (smells) 30. B (satisfactory) 51. B (to preserve)
12. A (had eaten) 31. D (so are we) 52. A (If)
13. A (finished) 32. B (our) 53. C (If)
14. C (themselves) 33. A (had) 54. D (swimming)
15. B (any more) 34. D (had) 55. B (was flooded)
16. A (taking) 35. C (driving) 56. D (easily)
17. A (your) 36. A (was) 57. B (have eaten)
18. D (hasn’t it) 37. C (had sold) 58. C (found)
19. D (so does John) 38. B (was celebrated) 59. C (is)
39. B (built)

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