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English collocations with the word BIG

Từ Big thường dùng với các sự kiện.
 a big accomplishment: một thành tựu lớn
 a big decision: một quyết định lớn
 a big disappointment: một sự thất vọng lớn
 a big failure: một thất bại lớn
 a big improvement: một cải tiến lớn
 a big mistake: một sai lầm lớn
 a big surprise: một bất ngờ lớn

English collocations with the word GREAT

Từ Great thường dùng với các collocation diễn tả cảm xúc hoặc tính chất, phẩm chất.
Great + feelings
 great admiration: ngưỡng mộ
 great anger: giận dữ
 great enjoyment: sự thích thú tuyệt vời
 great excitement: sự phấn khích lớn
 great fun: niềm vui lớn
 great happiness: hạnh phúc tuyệt vời
 great joy: niềm vui lớn

Great + qualities
 in great detail: rất chi tiết
 great power: năng lượng lớn
 great pride: niềm tự hào lớn
 great sensitivity: sự nhạy cảm tuyệt vời
 great skill: kỹ năng tuyệt vời
 great strength: sức mạnh lớn
 great understanding: hiểu biết tuyệt vời
 great wisdom: khôn ngoan tuyệt vời
 great wealth: của cải lớn

English collocations with the word LARGE

Từ Large thường dùng trong collocations liên quan tới số và các phép đo lường.
 a large amount: một số lượng lớn
 a large collection: một bộ sưu tập lớn
 a large number (of): một số lượng lớn (của)
 a large population: một dân số lớn
 a large proportion: một tỷ lệ lớn
 a large quantity: một số lượng lớn
 a large scale: quy mô lớn
English collocations with the word STRONG
Từ strong thường dùng trong collocations liên quan tới thực tế và ý kiến.
Strong + facts/opinions
 strong argument: luận điểm mạnh mẽ
 strong emphasis: sự nhấn mạnh
 a strong contrast: sự tương phản mạnh mẽ
 strong evidence: bằng chứng mạnh mẽ
 a strong commitment: một cam kết mạnh mẽ
 strong criticism: sự chỉ trích mạnh mẽ
 strong denial: sự phủ nhận mạnh mẽ
 a strong feeling: một cảm giác mạnh mẽ
 a strong opinion (about something): một ý kiến mạnh mẽ (về một cái gì đó)
 strong resistance: sự kháng cự mạnh

Strong + senses
 a strong smell: nặng mùi
 a strong taste: một hương vị mạnh mẽ

English collocations with the word DEEP

Từ deep thường dùng cho những cảm xúc sâu sắc.
 deep depression: trầm cảm sâu sắc
 in deep thought: trong suy nghĩ sâu sắc
 deep devotion: lòng sùng kính sâu sắc
 in deep trouble: dấn sâu vào rắc rối
 in a deep sleep (when the person won’t wake up easily): trong một giấc ngủ sâu (khi
người đó sẽ không dễ dàng thức dậy)

English collocations with the word HEAVY

Từ heavy thường dùng với thời tiết.
 heavy rain: mưa lớn
 heavy snow: tuyết nặng
 heavy fog: sương mù dày đặc

Từ heavy còn dùng với những người có thói quen xấu.

 a heavy drinker: người nghiện rượu nặng
 a heavy smoker: người nghiện thuốc lá nặng
 a heavy drug user: người nghiện ma tuý nặng

Từ heavy còn dùng trong collocations chỉ những thứ không dễ chịu như giao thông hay tô thuế.
 heavy traffic: giao thông nặng nề (hay ách tắc)
 heavy taxes: thuế nặng (đóng thuế nhiều)

Vì idioms là “cấm địa” đối với IELTS Writing task 2 (rất dễ sử dụng sai, không tự nhiên), nên
Collocation được xem là cứu cánh. Dưới đây là 20 Collocation hữu dụng và các ví dụ đi kèm:
1-To play/have a(n) important/key/vital/crucial role in (doing) sth: đóng vai trò quan trọng
trong việc...

§ Advancements in social networks have played a vital role in making people closer.

2-To make significant/substantial/valuable/ great/outstanding contribution to sth: góp phần

đáng kể vào...

§ International assistance has made a significant contribution to the implementation of the rights
of women in Africa.

3-To solve the problem: giải quyết vấn đề

§ We must solve this problem before it gets worse.

4-To be key factors influencing something: là nhân tố chủ chốt ảnh hưởng việc gì

§ The easy access of addictive drugs is the key factors influencing drug addiction.

5-To reap the benefits (of sth) – gain benefit from something/ make the most of
something: có được lợi ích từ...

§ During wartime, the US reaped the benefits of providing weapons for the belligerent countries.

6- To be a contributing factor: to be one of the main causes of sth: là yếu tố góp phần vào...
§ Poverty has been a contributing factor to the increasing child malnutrition in underdeveloped

7-To contribute to sth: góp phần vào...

§ Downgraded roads contribute to the flooded condition of several areas in Vietnam during rainy

8-To gain/derive benefit (from sth): có lợi từ...

§ University students derive a great deal of benefits from attending extracurricular activities.

9-To have a right to do sth = to be entitled to do sth: được quyền/ đủ tư cách

§ Employees who work overtime will be entitled to extra pay.

10-To benefit greatly/enormously/considerably … from sth: được lợi đáng kể

§ That company has benefited greatly from its innovative sales strategies.

11-To have/enjoy/achieve a huge/great success in doing sth: đạt được thành công to lớn trong

§ Walt Disney has achieved a great success in making cartoons and live-action movies.

12- To launch a full-scale investigation into sth: tiến hành điều tra toàn diện vào việc gì
§ The government launched a full-scale investigation into the financial records of ABC company
last month.

13- To meet the need of/demand: đáp ứng nhu cầu

§ In order to meet the increasing need of social welfare, British Parliament decided to raise the
tax rate.

14-To fulfill a role/duty/function/ an aim/a goal/an objective/dream/ambition/hope: hoàn

thành lời hứa/ vai trò/ nghĩa vụ/ mục tiêu/ hi vọng...

§ Having such a high-paid salary has fulfilled his lifelong dream.

15-To fulfill a requirement/condition/obligation: hoàn thành nghĩa vụ

§ All the Korean male citizens must fulfill their military obligation when they reach a certain

16-To fulfill a promise/pledge = to keep a promise: giữ lời/ hoàn thành lời hứa

§ He fulfilled his promise to get flying colors in the final exams.

17-To satisfy sb’s needs/demands/desires/requirements: thỏa mãn nhu cầu

§ Facebook constantly updates its app in order to satisfy public demands.

18-To have/gain knowledge/understanding of sth: đạt được kiến thức/ hiểu biết về...

§ She spent the whole weekend reading several books to gain knowledgeof women liberation in
the US.

19- To have/make common cause (with/against): đoàn kết/ chống lại

§ The rebel parties made common cause with one another to overthrow the regime.

20- To cause somebody to do something: khiến ai đó làm gì

§ The soft music caused us to fall asleep.

 Personality traits – đặc điểm tính cách
It’s hard to correctly define her personality traits.
 Have a good sense of humor – có khiếu hài hước
She has a good sense of humor. She always knows how to make you laugh.
 Bear a grudge – thù hằn sâu sắc, thù dai
She is the type of person who can’t ever bear a grudge.
 Highly intelligent – cực kì thông minh
Everyone called him a child prodigy because he was highly intelligent.
 Youthful appearance – diện mạo trẻ trung
I used to envy with her youthful appearance.
 Look young for one’s age – trông bề ngoài trẻ hơn tuổi thật
I notice that asian people always look younger for their age.
 A selfish streak – đôi khi tỏ ra ích kỉ
He is a nice guy to hang out with, nevertheless he tends to have a selfish streak
 To hide one’s light under a bushel – giấu diếm tài năng
She is a modest girl who would hide her light under a bushel.
 To get done up – ăn mặc lịch sự, trí thức
When she goes out meeting someone for the first time, she always gets done up.
 To keep one’s temper – giữ bình tĩnh
In general, he keeps his temper pretty well.
 To lose one’s temper – nóng giận, mất bình tĩnh
I rarely get angry but wine went to my head that night and I lost my temper.
 Painfully shy – cực kỳ nhát, hay xấu hổ
She used to be painfully shy before she took that communication skills course.
 Stand out in a crowd – nổi bật trong đám đông
He always stands out in a crowd with his 1.95-meter height.
 Stay calm – bình tĩnh, sáng suốt
My mother manages to stay calm in the most irritating situations.
 Keep one’s word – giữ lời hứa

1. technical problem: a problem involving the way a machine or system works
2. be a big deal: to be a thing considered important.
3. jealousy: the state or feeling of being jealous.
4. centre of attention: a person or thing that excites everyone’s interest or concern
5. flat broke: be completely out of money
6. throw a party: hold/ organise a party
7. give a farewell party: throw a party for someone who is leaving a job, city, etc
8. wolf something down: eat something very rapidly and in very large pieces
9. scrumptious: delicious
10. to come of age: to reach the age when you are legally considered to be an adult.
11. attach importance to: believe that something is important
12. take pride in: To take satisfaction in, be proud of, or highly value something one owns,
has done, or is renowned for
13. end up: to reach a particular place or achieve a situation after other activities
14. on second thoughts: Having reconsidered or revised one’s opinion of something
15. be taken by surprise: to be shocked or startled by someone or something
16. be taken aback: to be shocked or startled by someone or something
17. make one’s way to somewhere: walk or travel to somewhere
18. turn out: to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an
unexpected one
19. a sense of accomplishment: a proud feeling of having done something difficult and
20. for a while: for some time
21. fresh in one’s memory: remember clearly
22. pull all-nighters: to be awake all night long, especially to study or to complete something
23. on edge: nervous or worried
24. in hindsight: looking backward, reflecting on the past
25. To get the most out of something: to achieve the greatest output of work, effort,
production, etc., out of someone or something
26. While-collar workers: people who work in offices, doing work that needs mental rather
than physical effort
27. Adjacent to: next to or adjoining something else
28. To boil with rage: To express or feel an intensive anger
29. take up: start doing something
30. to be up to my ears in: extremely busy
31. have a crack at something: attempt to do something
32. sedentary lifestyle: spend a lot of time sitting down
33. get lean: have very little or no fat
34. Laze around: to spend a period of time being lazy
35. Catch up on: learn about something that one missed
36. Binge-watch: to watch several episodes of a television series or programme
37. Shut oneself off: isolate oneself from other people.
38. like the white on rice: close as anything can be
39. inseparable: very close
40. buried in work: very busy with work
41. confide in: to tell something secret or personal to someone who you trust
42. cross-eyed drunk: alcohol intoxicated.
43. to roam: to move about or travel, especially without a clear idea of what you are going to
44. in the middle of nowhere: in a place that is remote and isolated
45. shrill scream: a high pitched scream that can really hurt your ears if you’re too close
46. life-changing: having an effect that is strong enough to change someone’s life
47. real-estate agent: a person who sells and rents out buildings and land for clients
48. to make progress: to move forward in one’s work or activity
49. lucrative: producing a great deal of profit
50. arduous: involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
51. ground rule: a basic principle
52. retrospect: a survey or review of a past course of events or period of time
53. to make the right move: to have a right decision
54. role model: a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated
55. to look up to sb: to admire and respect someone
56. to take different paths: to make different decisions
57. to be highly capable: to perform or show potential for performing at significantly
advanced levels when compared with others
58. to be diametrical to sb/st: to be completely different to sth/sb
59. approachable: easy to talk with; friendly
60. further education: formal education beyond school other than at a university or
61. citywide: including or occurring in all parts of a city
62. bump into: to meet by chance
63. crack someone up: to make someone laugh
64. be in awe: fearful and respectful of someone or something
65. Genre: a particular style in arts
66. Hotspot: a popular and exciting place
67. Dance the night away: to spend the whole night dancing
68. Sing one’s heart out: To sing with great enthusiasm
69. Improvise a tune: to perform without preparation.
70. Vividly remember: remember something accurately
71. coincidental: happening by chance, not planned
72. go – to place: the best place to come
73. caught one’s eye: attract one’s attention
74. warm ambience: warm atmosphere
75. a hideaway: a place you can go to hide or to be alone
76. run away: escape from somebody/ a place
77. the hustle and bustle: noisy activity of a lot of people in one place
78. retain their clients: keep their customers
79. in the long run: a long period in the future
80. Adaptation: the transfer of a written work to a film
81. Hit the big screen: to be shown at the cinema
82. Exceeded my expectations: to be better that expected
83. Cry one’s eyes out: cry a lot.
84. be overwhelmed by something: to get so much of something that it becomes a problem
85. to live in solitude: to live all alone
86. much less: not to mention
87. heartfelt gratitude: sincere readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
88. back in the day: in the past
89. take one’s eyes off: to cease looking at something or someone
90. now and then: sometimes
91. make my dream come true: make a wish or a dream become a reality.
92. Dormitory: a building for college students to live in
93. A music festival: a community event oriented towards live performances of singing and
instrument playing
94. Swarming with: to be full of something
95. Stuffy atmosphere: an unpleasantly warm atmosphere without enough fresh air
96. Elaborate on the story: Explain in greater detail.
97. Burst into laughter: A spontaneous and sudden fit of laughter.
98. To be all the rage: to be very popular or fashionable.
99. To be caught up in all this hype: to be involved in a discussion on TV, radio, etc.
100. To show somebody the ropes: To show somebody how something is done.
101. Easier said than done: to be much more difficult to do than to talk about.
102. Misshapen beyond recognition: with a shape that cannot be recognized.
103. In retrospect: Thinking about a past situation
104. An expat: a person living outside their own country
105. A blackout: a period when there is no light as a result of an electrical power failure
106. The cultural differences: the differences between 2 cultures
107. The language barrier: the difficulties in communication experienced by people or groups
speaking different languages
108. Adore: love someone very much
109. Glorious time: A time of greatness and prosperity.
110. Legends and myths: Traditional stories, usually historical and unauthenticated (possibly
not true).
111. Cultural practice: an action committed by people of a particular culture, tradition or
112. To be tied up in something: to be occupied by something/too busy doing something
113. To pass the exam with flying colors: successfully pass the exam
114. Ease my mind: to relax
115. Well-trodden area: an area with a lot of people traveling
116. Budget friendly: affordable
117. Cost an arm and a leg: very expensive
118. Make a killing: make a lot of money quickly
119. suffer from: be badly affected by
120. excessive: greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate
121. tolerable: moderate, acceptable
122. in full blossom: with the flowers fully open
123. morning chorus: early morning bird songs
124. pilgrimage: a journey to a holy place for religious reasons
125. in the prime of: in the best, most successful, most productive stage
126. susceptible: very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected
127. dictate: decide, determine
128. hassle: irritating inconvenience
129. emphasize: give special importance to
130. voluntary: done willingly
131. turbulent: full of sudden change and confusion
132. dedicated to: working hard at
133. compassionate: feeling or showing sympathy for people who are suffering
134. be committed to: willing to work hard and give your time and energy to
135. senior citizen: the aged
136. nursing home: a public or private residential facility providing a high level of long-term
personal or nursing care for the elderly
137. rapport: a friendly relationship
138. achievement: a thing that somebody has done successfully
139. To compose: to write music
140. An expat: a person living outside their own country
141. To portray: to describe something or somebody
142. To be hooked: to enjoy something very much
143. To reflect on: to think carefully and deeply about something
144. To be irritated: to be annoyed
145. If my memory serves me right: If I remember correctly.
146. Tolerant: to be able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree with it
147. Calm my anger down: to make me become less angry and more relaxed
148. Charismatic: To have the powerful quality to attract and impress other people
149. Cool-headed: calm
150. To weigh up the pros and cons: to consider both advantages and disadvantages
151. To jump to a conclusion: to make a decision too quickly
152. In the trade: To be working in a particular business
153. To be taken aback: To be surprised by something
154. An embodiment of adventure and courage: A person or thing that represents adventure
and courage
155. The most unlikely places: Places that no one would want to visit
156. In awe of: To admire somebody
157. Idolize: Admire, revere, or love greatly or excessively.
158. Renowned: Known or talked about by many people; famous.
159. A great inspiration: Someone that people aspire to be and are motivated by.
160. Live a miserable life: to have a very unhappy and uncomfortable life
161. A forced marriage: a marriage where the husband and wife are forced to get married
162. Encounter difficulties and pains: to experience difficulties
163. To the best of my recollection: if I remember correctly
164. An influential person: a person who has a lot of influence on other people
165. A torrential rain: the rain falling in large amounts
166. The worst- case scenario: the most unpleasant that could happen in a situation
167. Be as wet as a drowned rat: to be very wet, especially because you have been in heavy
168. Rear-view mirror: a mirror in which a driver can see the traffic behind
169. Skeptical: having doubts that something will happen
170. Humanity: the quality of being kind to people
171. To chill out: to relax
172. Nerve-racking: making you feel very nervous and worried
173. High-end products: products that are expensive and of high quality
174. To relieve everyday stress: to reduce everyday stress
175. To ease my mind: to make myself less worried
176. metropolitan: connected with a large or capital city
177. settle down: start to have a quieter way of life
178. co-existence: the state of being together in the same place at the same time
179. shrine: a place where people come to worship
180. showcase: present
181. a short stroll from: not far from
182. flicker: keep going on and off as it shines or burns
183. hectic: full of activity
184. irresistible: cannot be stopped or resisted
185. since time immemorial: for a very long time
186. majestic: impressive
187. agriculture: the cultivation and breeding of animals and plants
188. mighty: very strong and powerful
189. discerning: able to judge the good quality of something
190. bucket list: a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or
accomplish during their lifetime
191. criss-cross: mark with intersecting lines
192. gem: a person, place or thing that is especially good
193. To take a stroll: to take a slow relaxed walk
194. To kick off: to start something
195. Mental wellness: the state of being mentally healthy
196. If my memory serves me right: if I remember correctly
197. To put my feet up: to sit down and relax
198. socialize: to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way
199. oasis: an area in the desert where there is water and where plants grow
200. roller coaster: a track at a fairground that goes up and down very steep slopes and that
people ride on in a small train for fun and excitement
201. eagerly: in a way that shows great interest and excitement
202. crumble: break something into very small pieces
203. abandon: leave somebody with no intention of returning
204. for ages: for a long time
205. terror: extreme fear
206. amidst: among
207. shabby: in poor condition
208. greenery: green leaves and plants
209. invisible: cannot be seen
210. pierce: go through
211. Stamina: the physical or mental strength that enables you to do something difficult for
long periods of time
212. To unwind: to relax
213. To be engrossed in reading: to give all your attention to reading
214. To be knee-high to a grasshopper: very young and small
215. An intriguing title: a very interesting title
216. To read it from cover to cover: To read everything in it
217. sentimental item: the object whose value derives from personal or emotional associations
rather than material worth
218. stuffed animal: a toy with an outer fabric sewn from a textile and then stuffed with a
flexible material
219. long for: want very much
220. identical: exactly the same
221. character: a person or an animal in a book, play or film/movie
222. creature: a living thing
223. characterize: be typical of
224. incredibly: in a way that is very difficult to believe
225. Technophile: very interested or obsessed with technology.
226. Multifunctional: does many different things.
227. Pocket-sized: small enough to fit in your pocket.
228. Over dependent: too dependent on something; cannot work or live without it.
229. Bestie: a best friend
230. To catch sight of: to suddenly notice
231. Gruesome: very unpleasant and filling you with horror, usually because it is connected
with death or injury
232. Torture: the act of causing somebody severe pain in order to punish them or make them
say or do something
233. Splitting headache: a very bad headache
234. Inhumanity: cruel behaviour or treatment
235. Sequel: a movie that continues the story of an earlier one
236. Commercial break: an interruption in a radio or television program for the broadcasting
of advertisements
237. Doodle: a line, shape, etc. that you have drawn when you are bored or thinking about
something else
238. Stain: a dirty mark on something, that is difficult to remove
239. Mischievous: enjoying playing tricks and annoying people
240. Brand awareness: the extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities
or image of a particular brand of goods or services.
241. Endeavor: an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult
242. Blissful: extreme happiness
243. Tender loving care: considerate and kindly care
244. Debut: The first public appearance of something
245. Give somebody a good laugh: Make someone laugh in excitement
246. A sea of knowledge: a lot of knowledge

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