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Name......................................................... School............................... Date ............................

English Worksheet at Waivicha

Grammar : Quantity of Nouns
Review Mapping

Countable Nouns
คำนามที่นับได some / any
a little / little Uncountable Nouns
much คำนามที่นับไมได
a lot of / lots of
Material Nouns
Singular Nouns รูปธรรม มีรูปราง
a / an
คำนามที่นับได 1
Abstract Nouns
นามธรรม ไมมีรูปราง
some / any Poral Nouns
a few / few คำนามทีนับได หลาย อยาง
a lot of / lots of
มี s, -es ตอทาย บางคำ
เปลี่ยนรูป หรือ บางคำคงรูป

A / An แปลวา มีอยูหนึ่ง สิ่งเดียว หรือ บอกวาคน/สัตว/สิ่งของนั้นเปนของทั่ว ๆ ไป ไมเฉพาะเจาะจง

1. ใช a นำหนา คำนามนับได (ที่เปนคำนามเอกพจน) ขึ้นตนดวยพยัญชนะ และมีความหมายทั่วไป หรือหมายถึงจำนวน
“หนึ่ง” (แตในภาษาไทยอาจไมจำเปนตองแปลวา “หนึ่ง” เสมอไป)
Example: a woman a dog a dentist a city a newspaper
a book a shop a monkey a banana a shopkeeper

He is reading a book. เขากำลังอานหนังสือ (หนังสือ 1 เลม)

My mother is a dentist. แมของฉันเปนหมอฟน
She has a banana for dinner หลอนทานกลวยเปนอาหารเย็น (กลวย 1 ลูก)
A newspaper is on the table หนังสือพิมพอยูบนโตะ (1 ฉบับ)
ยกเวน: คำนามเอกพจนบางคำที่ขึ้นตนดวย สระ ที่ไมออกเสียง อ แตออกเสียง ย
Example: a unit (หนวย) a European (ชาวยุโรป) a uniform (ชุดเครื่องแบบ)
a union (สหภาพ) a university (มหาวิทยาลัย) a useful thing (ของที่มีประโยชน)
a ewe (แกะตัวเมีย) a user name (ชื่อผูใชงาน) a eucalyptus (ตนยูคาลิบตัส)

2. ใช an นำหนา คำนามนับได (ที่เปนคำนามเอกพจน) ขึ้นตนดวยสระ a, e, i, o, u และมีความหมายทั่วไป

Example: an orange an artist an aunt an engineer an ugly duck
an eagle an airplane an ear an umbrella an English teacher

It's raining. You will need an umbrella. ฝนกำลังตก คุณจะตองมีรมกันฝน. (รม 1 คัน)
She eats an orange for her lunch. หลอนทานสมเปนอาหารกลางวัน (สม 1 ลูก)
Sayan is an important person. สายัญเปนคนสำคัญคนหนึ่ง (1 คน)
Somchai is an elder brother. สมชายเปนพี่ชายคนโต (1 คน)

ยกเวน: คำนามเอกพจนบางคำที่ขึ้นตนดวย พยัญชนะ แตออกเสียง อ

Example an hour (ชั่วโมง) an heir (ทายาท) an honor man (ชายผูซื่อสัตย)
อาว-เออะ แอร ออน-เนอร-แมน

Some / Any แปลวา มีบางจำนวน มีอยูบาง สักนิด (ไมระบุจำนวนแตมไี มมากนัก)

1. ใช some นำหนา ทั้งคำนามนับได (พหูพจน) และ คำนามนับไมได กับ ประโยคบอกเลา
Example: I have some pencils. ฉันพอจะมีปากกาอยูบาง
Kathy wants some water. เคธี่อยากไดน้ำ (อยูบาง)
There are some books on the table. มีปากกาบนโตะอยูบาง

ยกเวน: ใชสำหรับ ประโยคคำถาม ในกรณี ประโยคเชิญชวนหรือขอรอง โดยสังเกตคำขึ้นตนประโยค ไดแก

Can , Could, Would, Will

Example: Would you like some coffee? เธออยากไดกาแฟบางไหม

Could you pass me some sugar, please? รบกวนเธอสงน้ำตาลมาใหฉันบางไดไหม
Will you have some rice? เธอจะเอาขาวบางไหม
Can I have some soup, please? ฉันขอน้ำซุปหนอยบางไดไหม

2. ใช any นำหนา ทั้งคำนามนับได (พหูพจน) และคำนามนับไมได กับ ประโยคปฏิเสธ และ ประโยคคำถาม

Example: I don't have any pens. ฉันไมมีปากกาเลยสักดาม

Kathy doesn't want any water. เคธี่ไมตองการนํ้า (สักนิด) เลย
There aren't any pencils under the table. ไมมีดินสออยูใตโตะเลยสักแทง
There isn't any tea in the cup. ไมมีนํ้าชา (สักนิด) อยูในถวยเลย

Example: Do you have any pens? คุณมีปากกาบางไหม

Does John want any water? จอหนตองการนํ้าบางไหม
Are there any books in the schoolbag? มีหนังสืออยูในกระเปาเรียนบางไหม
Is there any coffee in the cup? มีกาแฟอยูในถวยบางไหม

A few / few และ A little / little แปลวา มีนอย มีนิดหนอย มีไมกอี่ ยาง หรือ 3-4 อยาง
1. ใช a few หรือ few นำหนา คำนามนับได (พหูพจน)

Example I have a few books in my schoolbag ฉันมีหนังสืออยูไมกี่เลมในกระเปานักเรียน

There are a few apples in the fridge. มีแอปเปลอยูไมกี่ลูกในตูเย็น
Few people are in the class yesterday. เมื่อวานนี้แทบจะไมมีใครอยูในหองเลย

2. ใช a little หรือ little นำหนา คำนามนับไมได

Example I have a little money left in my wallet. ฉันมีเงินเหลืออยูไมกี่บาทในกระเปาสตางค

There is little water in the desert. แทบจะไมมีน้ำเลยในทะเลทราย
She puts a little sugar in coffee. หลอนใสน้ำตาลนิดหนอยลงไปในกาแฟ

ขอสังเกต: a few / a little กับ few / little แมแปลวา เล็กนอย นิดหนอย เหมือนกันแตความหมายไมเหมือนกันใน
เชิงปริมาณ เพราะ a few/ a little ใหปริมาณมากกวา few / little กลาวคือ a few / a little ให
ความหมาย “มีเพียงเล็กนอยแตยังพอมีอยูบาง” สวน few / little จะความหมายวา “แทบจะไมมีเลย”

Example She has a few friends. หลอนมีเพื่อนไมกี่คน (3-4 คน)

She has few friends. หลอนแทบจะไมมีเพื่อนเลย (1-2 คน)
He has a little time to do homework. เขามีเวลาทำการบานนอย
He has little time to do homework. เขาแทบจะไมมเี วลาทำการบานเลย

สรุป ถามี a แปลวา พอมีอยูบาง

แตถาไมมี a แปลวา แทบจะไมมีเลย

Many / Much และ A lot of แปลวา มีจำนวนมาก มีจำนวนเยอะ กี่อยาง
หลักการใช (เรามักจะใช much และ many ใน ประโยคปฏิเสธ และ ประโยคคำถาม)
1. ใช many นำหนา คำนามนับไดที่เปนพหูพจน เทานั้น
Example There aren’t many students in the classroom. มีนักเรียนจำนวนไมเยอะในหองเรียน
How many teachers are there at the meeting? มีจำนวนคุณครูเทาไรในที่ประชุม (เยอะไหม)
They haven’t many crayons for painting พวกเขามีสีเทียนไมเยอะสำหรับระบายสี

2. ใช much นำหนา คำนามนับไมได เทานั้น

Example I don’t have much time left. ฉันมีเวลาเหลือไมมากแลว

How much money do you want? คุณตองการเงินเทาไหร (เยอะไหม)
Is there much petrol in the car? มีน้ำมันอยูในรถเทาไหร (เยอะไหม

1. so + much / many แปลวา มีจำนวนมาก ๆ เพื่อเนนย้ำ

Example I love you so much. ฉันรักเธอมาก ๆ นะ

She has so many friends. เธอมีเพื่อนเยอะมาก ๆ

2. too + much/many แปลวา จำนวนมากเกินไป

Example There are too many cars here. ที่นี่มีรถมากเกินไป

She drinks too much coffee a day. หลอนดื่มกาแฟมากเกินไปตอวัน

3. ใช a lot of / lots of นำหนา คำนามนับไดพหูพจนหรือคำนามนับไมได ซึ่งใชในประโยคบอกเลา

Example A lot of people go to the concert. มีคนจำนวนมากไปดูคอนเสิรต

I have a lot of cats at my house. ฉันมีแมวเยอะมากอยูที่บานของฉัน
There’re lots of trees around here. มีตนไมจำนวนมากรอบๆบริเวณนี้

Exercise 1: Choose a / an / some then fill in the blank.

1. ……………… hour 24. ……………… policeman 47. ……………… blood

2. ……………… hours 25. ……………… policemen 48. ……………… broom
3. ……………… horses 26. ……………… police 49. ……………… lice
4. ……………… house 27. ……………… paper 50. ……………… nice shirt
5. ……………… coke 28. ……………… newspaper 51. ……………… beer
6. ……………… cake 29. ……………… hamburger 52. ……………… deer
7. ……………… uniform 30. ……………… bread 53. ……………… heir
8. ……………… unites 31. ……………… tooth 54. ……………… hair
9. ……………… brother 32. ……………… toothbrushes 55. ……………… soup
10. ……………… sisters 33. ……………… eyebrow 56. ……………… group
11. ……………… child 34. ……………… eyes 57. ……………… oxen
12. ……………… children 35. ……………… ugly doll 58. ……………… oxygen
13. ……………… ink pot 36. ……………… doll 59. ……………… goose
14. ……………… ink 37. ……………… sand 60. ……………… good boy
15. ……………… meat 38. ……………… sandals 61. ……………… cheese
16. ……………… kilo of beef 39. ……………… sugar 62. ……………… sheet of paper
17. ……………… pork 40. ……………… sugarcane 63. ……………… pool
18. ……………… person 41. ……………… sofa 64. ……………… swimming
19. ……………… people 42. ……………… furniture 65. ……………… information
20. ……………… lemon 43. ……………… luggage 66. ……………… engineers
21. ……………… lemonade 44. ……………… schoolbag 67. ……………… actor
22. ……………… butter 45. ……………… honor man 68. ……………… eucalyptus
23. ……………… butterflies 46. ……………… helmet 69. ……………… European

Exercise 2: Fill “some” or “any” in the blank correctly.
1. Ann has __________________ money.

2. Nadech gives me __________________ a present.

3. I don't want __________________ presents for my birthday.

4. There is __________________ milk in the fridge.

5. Have you got __________________ brothers or sisters?

6. My brother can't speak __________________ Chinese.

7. Andy shouldn't smoke __________________ cigarettes.

8. There isn't __________________ beer.

9. Peter should eat __________________ fresh fruit.

10. There aren’t __________________ boys in my family.

11. Could I have __________________ sandwiches, please?

12. Sue doesn’t do __________________ homework tonight.

13. There aren’t __________________ apples left in the basket.

14. Here is __________________ food for the cat.

15. Did they have __________________ news for you?

16. Jane doesn't have __________________ friends in the new school.

17. We need __________________ bananas for lunch.

18. You can't buy __________________ pencils in this shop.

19. Peter are buying __________________ new books.

20. We haven't got __________________ oranges in the basket.

21. She always takes __________________ sugar with her coffee.

22. Is there __________________ paper in the box?

23. I write__________________ nice postcards back to my friends.

24. There aren't __________________ folders in my bag.

25. I have __________________ magazines for you.

26. Pam does not have __________________ pencils on her desk.

27. Did you buy __________________ rice? No, we don't need

28. I'm going to buy __________________ eggs at the market.

29. Can I have __________________ fish sauce in my soup, please?

30. They didn't make __________________ mistakes.

31. There aren't __________________ shops in this part of the town.

32. George and Alice haven't got __________________ children.

33. There are __________________ beautiful flowers in the garden.

34. Are there __________________ letters for me?

35. I haven't got __________________ stamps but Ann has got

36. Do you know __________________ good hotels in London?

37. Would you like __________________ tea?

38. We haven't got__________________ bread. I'm going out to buy __________________.

39. I went out to buy ______________ milk, but they didn't have_______________ in the shop.

40. I can't pay. I haven't got __________________ money.

41. During our holidays we visited __________________ very interesting places.

42. I'm thirsty. Can I have __________________ water, please?

43. I want to wash my hair. Is there __________________ shampoo?

44. I'm going to the post office to get __________________ envelop.

45. Can you speak __________________ foreign language?

46. I left my camera at home. I can't take __________________ photos.

47. Sorry, we're late. We had __________________ problem with the car.

48. It's hot in the office. I'm going out for __________________ fresh air.

49. Why isn't the radio working? Are there __________________ batteries in it?

50. Would you like __________________ hamburgers?

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with a / an / some / any.

1) Is there __________________ tea in this kitchen?

2) Is there __________________ tea pot in the kitchen?

3) Are there __________________ teaspoons in the kitchen?

4) The Browns haven’t got __________________ children.

5) John has __________________ older brother and a younger sister.

6) He has got __________________ dog and __________________ mice.

7) I haven’t got __________________ books to read.

8) They have got __________________ exercise book to do.

9) I am reading __________________ interesting cartoon book.

10) There are__________________ good magazines in the library.

11) There isn’t __________________ eucalyptus tree around here.

12) Are there __________________ lamps in the house?

13) You need __________________ glue and __________________ pair of scissors.

14) Is there __________________ chocolate in this greengrocery?

15) There isn’t __________________ bar of chocolate in this 7-11.

16) There is __________________ jar of jam on the table.

17) Has Peter got __________________ coffee?

18) Would you like __________________ soft drink?

19) There is __________________ liquid in the bottle.

20) If _______________ water gets cool, it will be _______________ ice.

21) Would you like __________________ ice-cream?

22) Mrs. Paula is drinking __________________ carton of milk.

23) A tree gives us __________________ wood.

24) There is __________________ wooded table in the park.

25) __________________ paper made of__________________ wood

26) Have you got __________________ paper clips?

27) Is there __________________ newspaper on the table?

28) Is there __________________ news about the plane crash?

29) Can I have __________________ bread, please?

30) Mr. Smith is having __________________ piece of toast.

31) I had __________________ hamburgers for breakfast.

32) She has __________________ omelet for dinner.

33) They have _______________ soup and __________________ bowl of noodle in the canteen.

34) There is __________________ police in front of our school.

35) Have you got __________________ seat for me? (ที่นั่ง)

36) Do you need__________________ luggage for travel?

37) There was __________________ accident on the road last night.

38) Is there __________________ office near here?

39) There isn't __________________ university near my house.

40) My brother has got __________________ new sneakers.

41) If you can’t answer this question, the teacher will give you __________________ advice.

42) Are there __________________ pupils in the classroom?” “No, there aren´t __________________

43) Can I ask you __________________ information about your family?

44) Are there __________________ armchairs in your house?

45) My house has got __________________ furniture.

46) If there isn't __________________ toothpaste, I won’t brush my teeth

47) I am going to get __________________ money from the Bank.

48) We should take __________________ bath twice __________________ day.

49) Is there __________________ ketchup in the kitchen?” “Yes, there is__________________ .”

50) If you feel tired, you should take__________________ rest.

Exercise 4 : Decide which the sentences are correct or incorrect. Write T (True) or F (Fouls).
……………….…… 1. There are any pictures on the wall.

……………….…… 2. There is a cat near the wall.

……………….…… 3. Are there some books in the shelves?

……………….…… 4. There isn’t any dog in the garden.

……………….…… 5. There are some mistakes in your essay.

……………….…… 6. Is there some boy in the living room?

……………….…… 7. There are some apples in the kitchen.

……………….…… 8. Would you like any pizza?

……………….…… 9. I didn’t have some money for buy food yesterday.

……………….…… 10. I can bring some brick to the third floor.

……………….…… 11. There are a student in the classroom.

……………….…… 12. My mother drinks some glasses of water every morning.

……………….…… 13. Mr. Pat is a poor man. He doesn’t have any money.

……………….…… 14. There is a chicken in the refrigerator.

……………….…… 15. Could you pass me some sugar, please?

……………….…… 16. Do you have some friends in your new class?

……………….…… 17. I can’t get to the museum in an hour.

……………….…… 18. Pam doesn’t have a pencils on her desk.

……………….…… 19. Here is some food for the cat.

……………….…… 20. I haven't got any stamps but Ann has got some.

Exercise 5: Rewrite the sentence. Change the bold words to plural and other necessary changes.

Example: I have an apple for lunch. ฉันกินไป 1 ลูก ตอนเที่ยง

Some : I have some apples for lunch. กินมากกวา 1 ลูก (ไมระบุจำนวน)

Any : I haven’t got any apples for lunch. ไมไดกินเลยสักลูก

1) She has a book on her desk. เขามีหนังสือ 1 เลม บนโตะของเขา

Some : She has _________ books on her desk. มีมากกวา 1 (ไมระบุจำนวน)

Any : She hasn’t got _________ books on her desk. ไมมีเลย

2) There is _________ goose near the river. มีหาน 1 ตัวอยูใกลแมน้ำ

Some : There are _________ _________ near the river. มีมากกวา 1 (ไมระบุจำนวน)
Any : There aren’t _________ _________ near the river. ไมมีเลย

3) He has _________ ox and _________ cow. เขามีพอวัว 1 ตัว และ แมวัว 1 ตัว

Some : He has _________ _________ and ________ ________. มีมากกวา 1 (ไมระบุจำนวน)

Any : He _______ _______ _______ and ________ _________. ไมมีเลย

4) There is a child in the playground. มีเด็ก 1 คนอยูที่สนามเด็กเลน

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

5) My mother has a knife in the kitchen. แมของฉันมีมีด 1 เลมอยูที่ในครัว

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

6) There is a policeman at the bus stop.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

7) My cat has a fish on the table.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

8) I have a photo on my Facebook.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

9) There is a mouse and a louse in the house.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

10) My mother has an orange and a mango in the basket.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

11) Her grandmother has a sheep and a deer in farm.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

12) There is a tomato and a potato in the fridge.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

13) My father has a monkey in his cage.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

14) There is a boy and a baby in this house.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

15) There is a thief in this police station.

Some : ________________________________________________________________________

Any : ________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 6: Fill “a few” or “a little ”in front of the word.
1) ……………….…… apples 26) ……………….…… luggage
2) ……………….…… rice 27) ……………….…… suitcases
3) ……………….…… bicycles 28) ……………….…… information
4) ……………….…… trees 29) ……………….…… toast
5) ……………….…… boys 30) ……………….…… sandwiches
6) ……………….…… money 31) ……………….…… housework
7) ……………….…… dogs 32) ……………….…… fruits
8) ……………….…… time 33) ……………….…… news
9) ……………….…… times 34) ……………….…… hair
10) ……………….…… sugar 35) ……………….…… hair dryer
11) ……………….…… cups 36) ……………….…… furniture
12) ……………….…… bread 37) ……………….…… stations
13) ……………….…… beer 38) ……………….…… fridges
14) ……………….…… water 39) ……………….…… fish
15) ……………….…… luck 40) ……………….…… fish sauce
16) ……………….…… cousins 41) ……………….…… tomatoes
17) ……………….…… chairs 42) ……………….…… ketchup
18) ……………….…… coffee 43) ……………….…… holidays
19) ……………….…… children 44) ……………….…… chimpanzees
20) ……………….…… homework 45) ……………….…… electricity
21) ……………….…… postmen 46) ……………….…… coal
22) ……………….…… petrol (น้ำมันเติมรถ) 47) ……………….…… liquid (ของเหลว)
23) ……………….…… wood 48) ……………….…… scarves
24) ……………….…… food 49) ……………….…… pepper
25) ……………….…… blood 50) ……………….…… cheese

Exercise 7: Put “a few” or “a little” in the correct sentences .
1) There are _______________ leaves on the ground.
2) She has got _______________ milk.
3) He drinks _______________ green tea.
4) I’m not lonely because I have _______________ good friends.
5) We saw _______________ people at the restaurant.
6) Noon has _______________ flowers on Valentine’s day.
7) She can speak _______________ Chinese.
8) They saw _______________ thieves inside the shop.
9) Kate watches _______________ news on TV because he always plays game on mobile.
10) They carry _______________ luggage on aboard.
11) She usually eats _______________ cereal in the morning.
12) James writes _______________ letters for me, will you?
13) Chief puts_______________ oil in the pan.
14) There is _______________ food and _______________ fruits in the refrigerator.
15) His car uses _______________ petrol.
16) This mountain was found _______________ stone of lava.
17) She would like to ask you _______________ questions?
18) Tom wants to eat _______________ honey toast.
19) You must do _______________ work before playing game.
20) The cat has _______________ fish left in the plate.
21) I will invite _______________ cousins for my birthday party.
22) My sister need _______________ glue and _______________ scissors to make a card.
23) Can I have _______________ hamburgers, please?
24) Can you give me _______________ help?
25) Have you got _______________ textbooks at home?

26) There is _______________ rice left in the cooker.
27) We cycled _______________ kilometers along the beach last weekend.
28) Look! There are _______________ mice on the roof.
29) There is _______________ pizza in the box for you.
30) We have _______________ ketchup and _______________ sausages left in the fridge.
31) Have you got _______________ minutes? I need to talk to you.
32) I have _______________ headache.
33) There will be _______________ rain this week.
34) I would like to eat _______________ biscuits.
35) We were _______________ snow in last winter.
36) _______________ policemen are at the traffic light.
37) They have got _______________ bacon in Barbeque Restaurant.
38) There are _______________ buffaloes in the field.
39) She has _______________ relatives.
40) Anders plays table tennis _______________ times each week.
41) There are _______________ mushrooms in my soup.
42) We have _______________ meat and a _______________ eggs for cooking.
43) I'm sorry, I can't pay for your lunch. I have _______________ money.
44) There is _______________ oxygen in this area.
45) My have _______________ furniture because I have just bought it last month.
46) I was lost because I have _______________ scores.
47) Please take _______________ coal on the fire if you want to eat BBQ.
48) _______________ sheep are eating grass in the farm.
49) I put _______________ cream to the coffee.
50) There are _______________ passengers left on the BTS.

Exercise 8: Put “much” or “many” in front of these words.

1. ……………….…… butter 26. ……………….…… money

2. ……………….…… women 27. ……………….…… detergent
3. ……………….…… grapes 28. ……………….…… perfume
4. ……………….…… grape juice 29. ……………….…… seats
5. ……………….…… good news 30. ……………….…… meat
6. ……………….…… children 31. ……………….…… evenings
7. ……………….…… cement 32. ……………….…… websites
8. ……………….…… bricks 33. ……………….…… sugar
9. ……………….…… walking 34. ……………….…… flour
10. ……………….…… voice 35. ……………….…… cheese
11. ……………….…… noise 36. ……………….…… children
12. ……………….…… money 37. ……………….…… crime
13. ……………….…… honey 38. ……………….…… lice
14. ……………….…… curry 39. ……………….…… boots
15. ……………….…… ray 40. ……………….…… scissors
16. ……………….…… stingray 41. ……………….…… problems
17. ……………….…… music 42. ……………….…… watches
18. ……………….…… music boxes 43. ……………….…… deer
19. ……………….…… hurt 44. ……………….…… tear
20. ……………….…… nurses 45. ……………….…… beer
21. ……………….…… pancake 46. ……………….…… Japanese people
22. ……………….…… raincoats 47. ……………….…… basketball
23. ……………….…… photos 48. ……………….…… geese
24. ……………….…… milk 49. ……………….…… rock
25. ……………….…… doughnut 50. ……………….…… rockets

Exercise 9: Fill in the blanks with “many” or “much”.
1. I know__________________ people in your class.
2. There isn’t __________________ salt in this bottle.
3. Don’t eat__________________ pizza.
4. We haven’t seen Jane for__________________ years.
5. She doesn’t have__________________ friends in this school.
6. There aren’t__________________ bridges in this town.
7. Have you got any beer? Not__________________.
8. Does your father drink__________________ coffee?
9. There was__________________ snow yesterday.
10. Do you see__________________ children in the canal.
11. We should eat__________________ fruits and vegetables.
12. There are__________________ old temples in Chiang Mai.
13. There isn’t__________________ ice-cube.
14. There is not__________________ flour in the cupboard.
15. There are too__________________ cars in Bangkok.
16. Did you buy__________________ mangoes yesterday?
17. My mother doesn’t put__________________ pepper in her soup.
18. That girl invites__________________ friends to her house.
19. Jane hasn't got __________________ time.
20. Do you know __________________ words in English?
21. There isn't __________________ butter in the fridge.
22. Yaya has as __________________ money as Kimberry.
23. There was too __________________ noise in the streets.

24. I cannot see __________________ stars in the sky tonight.
25. Do you have __________________ classmates in your school?
26. There is __________________ bubble in the bath tub.
27. I don't receive __________________ emails nowadays.
28. I put too __________________ salt in the soup.
29. It doesn't make __________________ sense.
30. There wasn't __________________ traffic on the motorway.
31. My grandfather does not have __________________ hair.
32. She has so __________________ companies!
33. Hurry up. I don't have so __________________ time.
34. I had never seen so __________________ castles before.
35. There are so __________________ poor people in the world.
36. There are too __________________ children in the house.
37. My father doesn't drink __________________ coffee.
38. Tim knows __________________ history of Ayutthaya.
39. I have __________________ dresses. I can't help it, I'm always buying them.
40. There wasn’t __________________ traffic on the motorway.
41. I have __________________ cash if you need it.
42. I visited __________________ European cities.
43. My sister eats __________________ sweets so she always has got a toothache.
44. . There isn´t __________________ noise in forest.
45. There are __________________ empty boxes on the floor.

Exercise 10: Put “How much” or “How many” in front of the sentences.

1. ______________________ furniture do they have?

2. ______________________ cigarettes do you smoke a day?

3. ______________________ brothers and sisters do you have?

4. ______________________ money do you want?

5. ______________________ times a day do you brush your teeth?

6. ______________________ cups of coffee do you drink?

7. ______________________ sugar have we got?

8. ______________________ years is this wine old?

9. ______________________ fruits do you buy at the market?

10. ______________________ chairs are there in his house?

11. ______________________ coffee did he drink?

12. ______________________ bottles of wine are there on the table?

13. ______________________ umbrellas does she have?

14. ______________________ apples do you eat every week?

15. ______________________ oil is there on this shelf?

16. ______________________ students passes the exam?

17. ______________________ flour do you use to make cake?

18. ______________________ lessons are there in this book?

19. ______________________ did your skirt cost?

20. ______________________ milk do you drink a day?

Exercise 11: Put “a lot of ” replaces “many / much” for Affirmative sentences.

1) There isn’t much milk in the jug.

There is a lot of milk in the jug.

2) There aren’t many people at BTS Station.

3) There aren’t many students in this school.

4) There isn’t much ink in the bottle.

5) There isn’t much paper in the drawer.


6) There aren’t many buffaloes in the fields.


7) There isn’t much money in his pocket.


8) There aren’t many mangoes at the market.


9) There isn’t much tea in the shop.

10) There aren’t many children under the trees.


Exercise 12: Put “many / much” replaces “a lot of ” in the following sentences.

1) There are a lot of snakes in the bushes.

Are there many snakes in the bushes ?

2) There is a lot of meat on the table.
3) There is a lot of bread for breakfast.

4) There are a lot of pencils in the box.

5) There are a lot of pictures in this book.
6) There is a lot of homework today.

7) There are a lot of cars on the road.


8) There is a lot of rice in the pot.

9) There is a lot of sugar in the kitchen.
10) There are a lot of houses on that street.


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