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*Abraham Maslow- Hierarchy of Needs, Motivation Theory *Edward Lee Thorndike- Law of Effect, Behavior Modification,

Operant Condtioning
*Albert Bandura- Social Cognitive Theory, Social Learning

Theory, Self-efficacy *Edward Torrance- Creative Thinking Test

*Anita Harrow- Taxonomy of Psychomotor Domain *Elizabeth Simpson- Taxonomy of Psychomotor Domain

*Auguste Comte- Father of Sociology *Elliot Turriel- Social Domain Theory

*Benjamin Bloom- Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy *Erik Erikson- Psychosocial Development

*Burrhus Frederic Skinner- Operant Conditioning *Herbart Spencer- Moral Development

*Carlos Linnaeus- Father of Modern Taxonomy *Howard Gardner- Multiple Intelligence

*Charles Darwin- Evolutionary Psychology *Ivan Pavlov-Classical Conditioning

*Daniel Goleman- Emotional Intelligence *Jean Piaget- Cognitive Development, Information

Processing, Dynamic Interrelation
*David Froebel- Father of Kindergarten
*Jerome Bruner- Constructivist, Spiral Curriculum,
*David Krathwohl- Affective Domain
*Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi- Symmetrical and Harmonious
*Desiderius Erasmus- Social Humanism
Development of Child
*Edgar Dale- Cone of Experience
*John Watson- Behavioral Theory

*John Amos Comencius- Father of Modern Education

*John Dewey- Learning by Doing *Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis, Psychosexual

*John Flavel- Metacognition *Wilhelm Woundt- Founder of Modern Psychology

*John Jacques Rosseau- Nature of Child *William James- Founder of Functional Psychology

*John Locke- Tabularasa, Empiricism *Lorin Anderson- Revised Blooms Taxonomy

*Lao Tzu- Taoism

*Lawrence Kohlberg- Moral Development

*Lev Vygotsky- Socio-Cultural Theory of Cognitive

Development, Linguistic Theory, Scaffolding

*Maria Montessori- Transfer of Learning, Kindergarten

Preparation of Children

*Mencius- Idealistic wing of Confucianism

*Noam Chomsky- Father of Modern Lingustics, Language

Acquisition Theory

*Robert Gagne- Conditions of Learning

*Robert Havighurst- Development Theory

*Robert Sternberg- Triarchic Theory of Intelligence,

Triangular Theory of Love

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