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Programme: BAG (2019-20)
Course Code: BEGLA-135
Title : English in Daily Life
Assignment Questions

English in daily life
Disclaimer/Special Note: These are just the sample of the Answers/Solutions to some of
the Questions given in the Assignments. These Sample Answers/Solutions are prepared by
Private Teacher/Tutors/Authors for the help and guidance of the student to get an idea of
how he/she can answer the Questions given the Assignments. We do not claim 100%
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ये असाइनमेंट में दिए गए कु छ प्रश्नों के उत्तर / समाधान का नमूना
मात्र हैं। ये नमूना उत्तर / समाधान छात्र की सहायता और मागगिर्गन
के लिए लनजी लर्क्षक / ट्यूटर / िेखक द्वारा तैयार दकए जाते हैं तादक
यह पता िगाया जा सके दक वह असाइनमेंट दिए गए प्रश्नों का उत्तर
कै से िे सकते हैं। हम इन नमूना उत्तरों की 100% सटीकता का िावा
नहीं करते हैं क्योंदक ये लनजी लर्क्षक / लर्क्षक के ज्ञान और क्षमता
पर आधाररत हैं। असाइनमेंट में दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तरों को तैयार
करने के लिए संिर्ग के लिए गाइड / सहायता के रूप में नमूना उत्तरों
को िेखा जा सकता है। चूंदक ये समाधान और उत्तर लनजी लर्क्षक /
ट्यूटर द्वारा तैयार दकए जाते हैं, इसलिए त्रुरट या गिती की संर्ावना
से इनकार नहीं दकया जा सकता है। दकसी र्ी प्रलवलि या त्रुरट को
बहुत पछतावा होता है, हािांदक ये नमूना उत्तर / समाधान तैयार
करते समय हर सावधानी बरती गई है। इससे पहिे दक आप एक
लवर्ेष उत्तर और अद्यलतत और सटीक जानकारी, डेटा और समाधान
तैयार करने से पहिे अपने स्वयं के लर्क्षक / लर्क्षक से परामर्ग करें ।
छात्र को लवश्वलवद्यािय द्वारा प्रिान की जाने वािी आलधकाररक
अध्ययन सामग्री को पढ़ना और संिर्भर्त करना चालहए
1a) According to the writer, what have past experiences of New Year
resolutions taught us?
Answer- Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond
attainment. If we remain deep- rooted liars, it is only because we have so often
experienced the frustration that results from failure
1b) Why, according to the writer, do most of us fail in our efforts for self-
improvement? 2
Answer- Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are
too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out. We also make the
fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody so that we look even
more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways.
1c) Why did the writer not carry out his resolutions on New Year’s day? 2
Answer- An all-night party on New Year's Eve provided writer with a good excuse for
not carrying out either of these new resolutions on the first day of the year, but on the
second, the writer applied himself assiduously to the task.
1d) The writer eventually failed to implement his New Year’s Resolutions
because: 1
a) his family disturbed him.
b) his resolutions were too ambitious
c) he was looking for some convincing excuse to forget them. Answer- b ) his
resolutions were too ambitious

1e) Give a suitable little to the passage. 1 Answer- New Year Resolutions
1f) In a few lines write your own experience of New Year Resolutions. 2
Answer- The New Year is a great time to reflect on the changes we want to or need
to make. I limited myself to two modest ambitions; to do physical exercise every
morning and to read more every evening
2 Find words from the passage which convey a meaning similar to the
following words/phrases 10
(i) firm decisions (para 1)
Answer- Resolutions
(ii) put together (para 1)
Answer- compile
(iii) overwhelming (para 1)
Answer- Formidable
(iv) unchanging (para 1)
Answer- monotonous
(v) stumbling-block (para 2)
Answer- ambitious
(vi) restricted (para 2)
Answer- limited
(vii) with great zeal (para 2)
Answer- assiduously
(viii) very tired (para 3)
Answer- exhausted
(ix) give me away (para 3)
Answer- betrayed
(x) ward off (para 3)

Answer- fend off

2A Fill in the blanks with one of the past tenses: simple past, past
continuous, present perfect (continuous), or past perfect (continuous). In
some cases, more than one answer is possible. The first one is done for you.
A: What happened (happen) to your car?
A: How it happened (it/happen)?

B: I had (have) an accident yesterday.

C: I was driving (drive) to work when a dog came (come) in front of my car.
I stopped (stop) my car suddenly, and the car behind me hit (hit) my car
because the driver was following (follow) me too closely. A: Did you get
(you get) a ticket?
B: No, but the driver who hit me did. A: Who will pay to have your car fixed?
B: The other driver. When he hit (hit) me, he got (get) out of his car and
gave me his insurance car.

2B . Fill in the blanks with the appropriate clause. One is done for you as an
example. 10 If I pass this course, I might take a computer course next
(i) If I work hard, i will get success .
(ii) If I save a lot of money, i can purchase a plot next year .
(iii) If I drink a lot of coffee tonight, I will be able to work till morning .
(iv) If I eat a lot of sugar, i will be suffering from diabetes .
(v) If I don’t get enough sleep, I will not be able to work throughout
the day .
(vi) If I had done exercise regularly , I would be fit.
(vii) If I attended the workshop regularly , I would be better at my job.
(viii) if I got the arrears , I would buy a big house for myself and my
(ix) I have done the mistake , I shall be punished.
(x) If I drink liquor , I will be scolded by my father.
3. More and more young people leading stressful lives are unable to cope
with their situations. Write a dialogue between a counselor and a stressed
young person. You must indicate what is causing the young person anxiety.
Write in about 250 words. 20

Answer- In the under mentioned dialogue Ramu is the stressed young person and
Dr. Sekhar is presented as counselor

Dr. Sekhar: Mr Ramu how are you? Ramu: Fine sir.

Dr. Sekhar: What do you do?
Ramu: Sir I am studying Polytechnic and working in MGR company partime. Dr.
Sekhar: Ramu, Tell me frankly why you seems so stressed?
Ramu: Sir I am unable to take proper sleep at night and in day time my schedule is so
busy. Dr. Sekhar: why, you can't sleep at night properly?
Ramu: Sir I am in extreme stress as i could not get success in government job exams.
And in stress I used to smoke too much.
Dr. Sekhar: Do you smoke also? Ramu: Yes sir
Dr. Sekhar: You should skip smoking and should work hard in the field you are
working. Ramu: Sir I tried to quit smoking but I failed.
Dr. Sekhar: You must take a resolution to quit smoking. Ramu: yes sir I will.
Dr. Sekhar: You must take proper sleep in night and avoid bad habits. Ramu: Okay sir
4 Write a biographical sketch in about 250 words of a great social worker
who impacted society positively. Write about his/her contributions and the
cause(s) that were espoused. 20

Answer- Jyotirao Govindrao Phule (11 April 1827 – 28 November 1890), also known
as Jotiba Phule was an Indian social activist, thinker, anti-caste social reformer and
writer from Maharashtra.

Born - 11 April 1827 Katagun, khatav, satara District, Maharashtra, India

Died - 28 November 1890 (aged 63) Pune, British India (present-day Maharashtra,
India) Other names - Mahatma Phule / Jyotiba Phule/ Jotiba Phule / Jotirao Phule
Spouse(s) Savitribai Phule Era - 19th century
Main interests - Ethics, humanism, Education, Social Reformation. Influences -
Thomas Paine
Jyotirao ‘Jyotiba’ Govindrao Phule was a prominent social reformer and thinker of the
nineteenth century India. He led the movement against the prevailing caste-
restrictions in India. He revolted against the domination of the Brahmins and struggled
for the rights of peasants and other low-caste people. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule was also
a pioneer for women education in India and fought for education of girls throughout
his life. He is believed to be the first Hindu to start an orphanage for the unfortunate
Childhood & Early Life

Jyotirao Govindrao Phule was born in Satara district of Maharastra in 1827. His father,
Govindrao was a vegetable-vendor at Poona. Jyotirao's family belonged to 'mali' caste
and their original title was ‘Gorhay’. Malis were considered as an inferior caste by the
Brahmins and were shunned socially. Jyotirao's father and uncles served as florists, so
the family came to be known as `Phule'. Jyotirao's mother passed away when he was
just nine months old.
Jyotirao was an intelligent boy but due to the poor financial condition at home, he had
to stop his studies at an early age. He started helping his father by working on the
family's farm. Recognising the talent of the child prodigy, a neighbour persuaded his
father to send him to school. In 1841, Jyotirao got admission in the Scottish
Mission's High School, Poona, and completed his education in 1847. There, he met
Sadashiv Ballal Govande, a Brahmin, who remained his close friend throughout his life.
At the age of just thirteen years, Jyotirao was married to Savitribai.

In 1848, an incident sparked off Jyotiba’s quest against the social injustice of caste
discrimination and incited a social revolution in the Indian society. Jyotirao was invited
to attend the wedding of one of his friends who belonged to an upper cast Brahmin
family. But at the wedding the relatives of the bridegroom insulted and abused Jyotiba
when they came to know about his origins. Jyotirao left the ceremony and made up
his mind to challenge the prevailing caste-system and social restrictions. He made it
his life’s work to hammer away tirelessly at the helms of social majoritarian domination
and aimed at emancipation of all human beings that were subjected to this social
deprivation. After reading Thomas Paine's famous book 'The Rights of Man', Jyotirao
was greatly influenced by his ideas. He believed that enlightenment of the women and
lower caste people was the only solution to combat the social evils Jyotiba’s quest for
providing women and girls with right to education was supported by his wife Savitribai
Phule. One of the few literate women of the time, Savitribai was taught to read and
write by her husband Jyotirao. In 1851, Jyotiba established a girls' school and asked
his wife to teach the girls in the school. Later, he opened two more schools for the
girls and an indigenous school for the lower castes, especially for the Mahars and
Mangs. Jyotiba realised the pathetic conditions of widows and established an ashram
for young widows and eventually became advocate of the idea of Widow Remarriage.
Around his time, society was a patriarchal and the position of women was especially
abysmal. Female infanticide was a common occurrence and so was child marriage,
with children sometimes being married to men much older. These women often
became widows before they even hit puberty and were left without any family support.
Jyotiba was pained by their plight and established an orphanage in 1854 to shelter
these unfortunate souls from perishing at the society’s cruel hands.
5 There is an ancient historical monument in your area which is slowly
crumbling and needs to be revived. Write to your local leader suggesting
ways in which this monument may be saved. Also say why it is important to
do so. Write in 250 words. 20



Subject - Damage to historical monuments due to negligence

Dear Sir,
I write to you to express my concern over the flagrant damage being done to precious
and invaluable historical monuments. What shocks the most is the negligence and
apathy of the civic authorities to the maintenance and conservation of these
monuments. These monuments are not only the invaluable symbols of our past
civilization, but also a very rich source of earnings for the local as well as national
economy. The benefits of these monuments support the lives of many local people.
These historic buildings help create vibrant, cultural downtowns that engender
tourism, art, festivals, and other activities which in turn draw investment, revenue,
and economic growth. These historical buildings provide thousands of job
opportunities for thousands of people. I know your good self must be aware of the
consequences if foreign and local tourists stop visiting these ramshackle monuments!
I appeal to you to look into the gravity of the situation. The damaged parts of these
buildings must be renovated and restored. Such provisions must be made as keep the
tourists from physically coming very close to these monuments. There must be fencing
around delicate parts of these buildings so that tourists can just watch them from a
safe distance. Installation of CCTV cameras, putting guards on duty, cleanliness, and
providing some facilities for the tourists also must be looked into. I hope you will look
into the matter and do your level best to maintain these symbols and treasures of our
cultural heritage.

Yours truly,


Full name

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