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Sports and games

to be fond of sports and games любити спорт та ігри

outdoor games ігри на свіжому повітрі
indoor games ігри у приміщенні
to go in for sports займатися спортом
to indulge in boxing (wrestling, athletics) захоплюватися (займатися) боксом
(боротьбою, атлетикою)
archery стрільба з лука
artistic gymnastics художня гімнастика
calisthenics ритмічна гімнастика
track and fields events (athletics) легка атлетика (атлетика)
cycling їзда на велосипеді
diving стрибки у воду
fencing фехтування
figure-skating фігурне катання
gliding планерний спорт
mountaineering альпінізм
rowing and canoeing веслування
skating катання на ковзанах
ski-jumping стрибки на лижах
sky diving (parachuting) стрибки з парашутом
swimming плавання
weight-lifting піднімання штанги
wrestling боротьба
yachting вітрильний спорт
discus (hammer, javelin) throwing метання диска (молота, списа)
high (long, triple) jump стрибки у висоту (у довжину, потрійні)
hurdle races перегони з перешкодами
car racing авто гонки
motorcycle racing мотогонки
pole vault (vaulting) стрибки з жердиною
marathon марафонський біг
race (run) біг
steeplechase біг з перешкодами
hunting полювання
shooting стрільба
tobogganing санний спорт
to play chess (draughts) грати шахмати (шашки)
sportsman спортсмен
sportswoman спортсменка
official (umpire, referee, judge) суддя, арбітр
opponent (rival) супротивник (суперник)
fan уболівальник
to take part in competitions брати участь у змаганнях
athletic training тренування з атлетики
to kick the ball вдарити м’яча
to score a goal забити гол
to keep the score утримувати рахунок
to end a game in a draw закінчити гру внічию
to win a prize (a cup, a victory) виграти приз (кубок), здобути перемогу
to win the championship виграти чемпіонат
to win by 2 (3 etc.) goals (points) виграти на 2 (3) голи (очки)
to set up a record встановити рекорд
to break a record побити рекорд
What team do you fan for? За яку команду ви вболіваєте?
The team won the game. Команда виграла.
The team lost the game. Команда програла.
The match ended in a draw. Матч закінчився внічию.
I’m a sports fan. Я запеклий уболівальник.
What was the final score? З яким рахунком закінчився матч?
Who is in first place Хто посів перше місце?
Who is the coach of your team? Хто тренер вашої команди?
Who is the captain of your team? Хто капітан вашої команди?

Sports in Ukraine
Since ancient times Ukrainians were skillful archers, horsemen and wrestlers. At
the end of the 19th century European sports and games were introduced here; football
and wrestling became the most popular. The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is
recognized all over the world.
Its representatives – Irina Deriuhina, Oleksandra Timoshenko have won World
championships. Larysa Latynina has the longest history of records in the Olympics: 9
gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze medals.
The «Spartak» handball team from Kyiv has won 13 European Champion’s cups.
Oleg Blokhin was named the best football player.
Valery Borzov, the famous sprinter, won 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals at
the 20 and 21st Olympic Games.

Serhiy Bubka, eight times world champion and Olympic champion in the pole
vault holds 35 world records. He has been named World’s Best Athlete.
Having just proclaimed its independence, Ukraine sent the national team to the
1992 Olympic Games, where the young figure skater Oksana Baiul won the first gold
medal for independent Ukraine.
At the 26th Olympic Games in Atlanta Ukrainian athletes won 9 gold medals, plus
a score of silver and bronze ones. The names of the winners are: all-around Olympic
champion in gymnastics Lilia Podkopaieva; Olympic champion in track-and-field
athletics Inesa Kravets; Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Viacheslav
Oliynyk; Olympic champion in weight-lifting Tymur Taimazov; champions in boxing
Volodymyr and Vitaliy Klichko; champion in swimming Yana Klochkova and others.
1. Read the text and complete the following chart.
name Sports Result Competitions
L.Latynina … gold
… silver Olympic Games
3 bronze
Spartak … …… The 20th, 21st Olympic Games
…… Sprint …… The 20th, 21st Olympic Games
…… Pole vault … world records World … and … Games
Oksana Baiul …… … 199… Olympic Games
L. Podkopaieva … …
I.Kravets … …
Viacheslav … Greco-Roman … gold The 26th Olympic Games
… Taimazov …… gold
Klichko … gold
… Klochkova … gold

2. Answer the questions:

1. When were European sports and games introduced in Ukraine?
2. How many gold, silver and bronze medals did Larysa Latynina win?
3. Who was named the best football player?
4. Who is the famous sprinter and how many medals did he win?
5. How many world records does Serhiy Bubka hold?
6. Has Serhiy Bubka been named World’s Best Athlete?
7. When did Oksana Baiul win the first gold medal for independent Ukraine?
8. How many medals did Ukrainian athletes win at the 26 th Olympic Games in
9. Who are the winners of the 26th Olympic Games in Atlanta?

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