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Saint Mary’s University


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
S.Y. 2017-2018

Accountancy and Business Management Central Council

Constitution and By Laws


We, the Members and Officers of the Accountancy and Business Management or ABM
Central Council, imploring the aid of Almighty God, Adhering the basic moral Principles
of our Society and Our Right of Self Organization with the aim of Promoting the
Intellectual, Physical, Moral, Spiritual, and Social well being of our members and of
upholding the efforts designed to fulfill the Objectives set forth by Saint Mary’s
University for better Filipino Society, do ordain and Promulgate this Constitution and by

Article I

Official Name

Section 1: This Organization shall be known as Accountancy and Business

Management or ABM Central Council of Academic Track-Accountancy and Business
Management Strand of Saint Mary’s University Senior High School, Bayombong, Nueva
Vizcaya, Philippines.

Article II

Role, Function, and Scope

Section 1: The role of Accountancy and Business Management Central Council is:
 To organize activities and Policies for the Accountancy and Business
Management Strand students.
 To help the advisers and coordinators in developing students’ talents and
abilities. To assist the former and latter in implementing activities by the
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA) and the School of
Accountancy and Business (SAB) in the college department.
 To decide the election of the council.
 To embody and help implement the core values of Saint Mary’s University.

Section 2: All the activities and/or the policies set-up by the Accountancy and Business
Management Central Council must function in fulfillment of the objectives of Saint
Mary’s University.

Section 3: Accountancy and Business Management Central Council shall serve as the
umbrella organization of all the extra-curricular organizations in Accountancy and
Business Management Strand of the Senior High School Department.

Article III


Section 1: The Young Business Ambassadors is the official representative of the

student body of Accountancy, Business and Management Strand of Saint Mary’s
University Senior High School. It shall be composed of the elected officers of The
Young Business Ambassadors and all the students enrolled in the Accountancy,
Business and Management Strand.

Article IV

Officers of the Accountancy and Business Management Central Council

Section 1: The officers of the Accountancy and Business Management Central Council


Qualifications and Term of Office

Section 1: Candidates for any elective office must be a bonafide student of Saint
Mary’s University Senior High School department specifically in Accountancy, Business
and Management Strand: of good moral character and of good academic standing
(Grades must be 85% and above)

Section 2: Specific Qualifications

 Candidates for the President, Vice-President in Academic, Vice-
President in Sports, Vice-President in Religious Affairs, Vice-
President in Community Extension, Vice-President in Talents,
Secretary and Treasurer must be a Grade-12 student and the rest
are open for Grade-11.
 The elected officers should only have one extra-curricular
organization. If any, one must not hold any major position in the
other organization (President to Press Information Officer)
Section 3: Elected officers will hold the office for one academic year.


Election of Officers

Section 1: Incoming grade 12 Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) students

who had passed and been qualified through the qualifications discussed in Article V
could file their candidacy to the existing set of officers of the ABM Central Council.

Section 2: The election of the new set of officers from President, five (5) Vice
Presidents (VP for Academics, VP for Religious Affairs, VP for Community Extension,
VP for Sports, and VP for Talents), until the position for General Secretary shall be
facilitated by the current set of officers before the present academic year ends.

Section 3: The positions mentioned in section 3 will only be applicable to incoming

grade 12 ABM students because there will be no grade 11 ABM students by the time of
the election and to give chance for them, another election shall be conducted on the
next academic year.

Section 4: Election for the other positions remaining such as the Treasurer, Assistant
Treasurer, Auditor, two (2) Public Information Officers (P.I.O), four (4) Business
Managers, and four (4) Logistics will be available and applicable for both grade 11 and
grade 12 ABM students who will pass the qualifications and be able to file their
candidacy to the newly elected officers from President, five (5) Vice Presidents, and
General Secretary.

Section 5: Election for the other outstanding positions will be conducted during the new
academic year which will be then facilitated by the newly elected officers.

Article VII

Duties of Officers

Section 1: The functions of the President are as follows:

 To serve as the official Head and Representative of the Club.

 To supervise the officers in their duties

 To preside Over-all meetings; and

 To perform other task as need may arise.

Section 3: The Vice Presidents

I. Vice President for Academics

1. Shall be concerned with the academic activities of the council.

2. Shall assist the president in the performance of his/her duties in latter.

3. Shall president the meeting in case when the president is absent.

4. Shall perform such other functions as the council may direct.

II. Vice President for Religious Affairs

1. Shall supervise the religious affairs and activities of the council.
2. Shall preside the meeting whenever the President and Vice President for
Academics is absent.
3. Shall perform other functions as the council may direct.

III. Vice President for Community Extensions

1. Shall supervise the community extensions and outreach programs of the

2. Shall preside the meeting whenever the President and Vice President for
Academics, and Religious affairs is absent.

IV. Vice President for Talents

1. Shall supervise the performances and talent presentations such as

singing, dancing, acting, etc. of the council.
2. Shall preside the meeting whenever the President and Vice President for
Academics, Community Extensions, and Religious affairs is absent.

V. Vice President for Sports

1. Shall supervise the council in activities and programs regarding sports.

2. Shall preside the meeting whenever his/her co-vice presidents are absent.

Section 4: The Secretary:

1. Shall give notice to the members of all meetings of the organization.

2. Shall keep full accurate minutes of the meeting and attendance.

3. Shall perform such other functions as the council may direct.

Section 4.1: The Assistant Secretary:

1. Shall assist the secretary in making minutes of the meeting and other functions of
the latter.

Section 5: The Treasurer:

1. Shall be the custodian of the funds and properties of the organization

2. Shall give Financial Statement as required.

3. Shall take charge of the release of funds duly approved by the president.

4. Shall keep an orderly file of all disbursements and expenditures of the council.

5. Shall perform such other functions as the council may direct.

Section 5.1: The Assistant Treasurer:

1. Shall assist the treasurer in managing cash in-flow and out-flow of money in the

2. Shall perform other functions as the council may direct.

Section 6: The Auditor:

1. Shall audit all records of the treasurer as often as required.

Section 7: The Public Relation Officer or Press Information Officer:

1. Shall serve as the over-all liaison officer and shall take the initiative of projecting
a good image of the organization.

2. Shall pose announcements, updates and other necessary reports about the

3. Shall perform such other functions as the council may direct.

Section 8: The Business Managers:

1. Shall serve as the Chairman of the program coordinating committee.

2. Shall help the Public Relation Officer in the dissemination of Information.

Section 9: The Logistic Officers:

1. Shall supervise the organization, maintenance, and implementation of the

equipments and facilities needed for activities directed by the council.

2. Shall be responsible with the use of materials needed for activities.

3. Shall perform other functions as the council may direct.

Article VIII


Section 1: The meetings of the Council will be convened through its representative
body, the Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) Central Council.

Section 2: Notification for meetings must be posted one week before the date of the
meeting. This notification must include the time, place and agenda of the meeting and
must be given to the officers of the ABM central council and extended to the
representatives of each ABM class.

Section 3: The council shall have at least one General meeting every Month.

Section 4: Meetings of urgent importance must be the prospective of the President of

the council.

Section 5: In all meetings, 100% of the number of officers should be present. If an

officer failed to attend the said meeting, a 20 pesos sanction will be imposed.

Section 6: If an officer failed to attend the meeting at the said time, a 15 pesos sanction
shall be imposed.

Article IX

(Advisers and co-advisers)

Article X

Suspension, Expulsion and Succession

Section 1: Officers of the ABM Central Council of Students may be impeached from
office by a 2/3 vote of all the members of the Central Council Officers.
Section 2: Officers of the ABM Central Council may be impeached on the following
 Grave culpable violation of any provision of the ABM Central Council Constitution
or any regulation given out by the Administration.
 Scandalous and immoral conduct unworthy of the integrity of an officer.
 For such their offenses which are deemed derogatory to the integrity of the
Council and the University.
 If an officer of the council is proven liable of using the name of the organization
for personal use.
Section 3: The Impeachment process shall take place on a special meeting attended
by the council presided by the Accountancy and Business Management Strand
Coordinator, the adviser, if any, called for such purpose.
 If an officer wasn’t able to commit his presence to half the number of the official
meetings without reasonable excuses.
 However if the reason is proven valid the Officer must secure his/her excuse
letter addressed to the adviser and president of ABM Central Council.
 If an officer was reported doing a misconduct in accordance to both the rules of
the council and the University.
Section 4: The presiding officer shall decide on the issue after the careful deliberation
done during the meeting.
Section 5: Once an officer is impeached, the vacant office shall be occupied by another
officer coming from the same school duly elected by its officers of the council.
 Should have the qualifications on how to be an officer.
 Votation of the officers (only applicable if there are many applicants for a certain

Article XI

Fees and Dues

Section 1: No fees and dues shall be collected from the members without the approval
of the school authority.

Section 2: In the disbursement of funds, a resolution must be made by the council and
approved by the school authority.

Section 3: All money collection and disbursements shall be published by the auditor to
discuss it in general meetings for the information of class representatives and other

Article XII

Amendments and Revisions

Section 1: Proposed amendments or Revisions of this Constitution and by Laws shall

refer first to the officers.

Section 2: Upon the study of proposal amendments, it shall be referred to the adviser
for Evaluation.
Section 3: Amendments to this constitution shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the
members present at two consecutive meetings at which the amendment has been read.

Section 4: The Constitution and By-Laws shall be revised every triennium.

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