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NO IC : 990613065487
ANGKA GILIRAN : 20018122340078


NO IC : 991129-02-5349
ANGKA GILIRAN : 20018122340079


NO IC : 981015035435
ANGKA GILIRAN : 20018122340075
Good morning to our lecturer Mdm Ang and to my classmate. Today my team will talk and
discuss about the quality of a good Malaysia. The issue that i want to highlight here is the
relationship between the good quality of Malaysians and rebuild the new nation.

With an upcoming General Election that is expected to be the most hotly contested one ever
since independence and the formation of our relatively young nation, Malaysia is at a crossroad.
Perhaps for the first time the prospect of a change in government is realistic and both coalitions
sense it.

Hearing the empty rhetorics of some leaders of the current coalition, one can only come to the
conclusion that they are bankrupt. Certainly not of material wealth but of ideas.

What if there is a change in government and we have a chance to rebuild and reshape this
nation? What kind of a nation would we want to build? What are the qualities of malaysian that
we want to rebuild the great nation in the world?

Without wasting anytime, I will introduce our panel. On my right Professor Madya Munif Sirul
Qalbi, the best lecturer in University Of Malaya and on my Left Dr Fakhri Che Lah, Assistant
Director Of Community Communication And Development Services, Malaysia Imformation
Department. So the first question for Prof Munif, what kind of quality that we want from
malaysian to rebuild the great nation?
Patriotism can be referred to as the love that a citizen has for his or her country. As simple as
the definition is, there are as many understandings of that word as there are people. For
instance, some believe they are patriotic just because they have the flag of the country flying on
the yard, others feel they can only be considered patriotic if they enlist to the army, while others
think the word is not only disgusting but also racist.
But in its purest form, patriotism should be looked as the passion and love that one has for their
country. It is the passion that makes you want to support, defend, serve, and even change
where necessary as way of showing a great love for country and fellow countrymen. One can
argue that almost everyone can be patriotic. Even though this patriotism is seldom seen on a
day to day basis, it quickly jumps to the surface whenever there is a serious tragedy. Case in
point is the September 11 terrorist attack in America. Americans were seen standing in long
queues to donate their blood to help the victims that were in dire need. Others displayed their
patriotism by enlisting, wearing the colors of the American flag, among many other ways

There are civil society groups that often do campaigns aimed at encouraging people to be
patriotic. You can easily notice them from the billboards they erect, the rallies they plan as well
as the television adverts. Even though this helps to inspire some patriotism in the general
public, true patriotism is intrinsic and does not need the coercion of someone else to come to
the surface. True patriots just rise to the occasion when need arises and they are always more
than happy to perform their patriotic duty.

One of the greatest misconceptions about patriotism is that when you love your country, you
have to hate the others because your country is the best. Anyone that hates foreigners is not
patriotic. The same is true to anyone that thinks that their country is always better than other
countries for no good reason.

Not everyone is pro patriotism though. There are many that subscribe to the school of thought
that patriotism is the government’s way of manipulating her citizens. It is argued that patriotic
citizens easily take whatever the government says and this makes it easy to be lied to by the
powers that be. But this is neither here nor there. A patriot does not rebel against the
constitution of his country – he works to uphold the laws of the land by respecting the authorities
and laws of the land. However, this doesn’t mean that patriots should take whatever is shoved
down their throat. It is their responsibility to fight any attempt by the political class to undermine
the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Those that stand up for the truth, even when it is very
unpopular to do so, are the real patriots.
Thanks for the explanation. How about you Dr, what kind of quality that we want to reshape our

Thank you, moderator for the question delivered to me. First of all, I want to greet all of you
because have spent some time with us today. I hope, from this forum discussion, all of you can
get enough motivation, knowledge to be a good and loyal Malaysian. Back to the question, from
my point of view, the most important quality in being a good Malaysian is being law-abiding
citizens. An ideal citizen must be respect for the law of the land in which he lives. We all knew
that our country had plenty of laws which are used to control society in a peaceful and manner
way. Democracy that everyone one us have harp it from a long time ago until today is based on
the rule of laws. How can we harness democracy to this day? It only can be maintained as there
is a vast majority of law-abiding citizens. A good Malaysian is a law-abiding citizen. We as a
Malaysian obey the law to fulfill the command, order or instruction from Government law to our
own personal surroundings and safety.

To become the law-abiding citizen, one needs to have certain criteria that make them a good
society. Among these criteria is, respectful, responsible, disciplined and loyal. From these
criteria, someone will be used to obey law because they are disciplined in everyday life and
indirectly with this discipline everywhere, the rules will always be adhered. When one knows his
responsibility as a citizen who needs to obey the National Principles, he must trust in carrying
out his responsibility as a citizen who is

For the conclusion, from being law-abiding citizens is important quality which every Malaysians
should have in their pride and self-esteem. Thank you.

Thanks Dr for the great explanation. So now we will move to the next round. Prof, in my opinion
hardworking is a important quality to rebuild our great nation. What your opinion?
I believe that hard work is the key to success. To succeed in life one must endure the
challenges life presents and work to overcome these challenges to be the best possible person
that one can be. We must not only use hard work to impress those around us but also to
achieve goals that we set for ourselves. If we as individuals do not work hard to succeed, then
we do not receive the same satisfaction as we would if we put in hour upon hour or even year
upon year of work to achieve our goals. I believe for one to be successful, he must be willing to
work hard to succeed in any aspect of life.
Hours of hard work and training are the key to success. Michael Phelps, known as the greatest
Olympian of all time is the epitome of hard work. Phelps started swimming at the age of seven.
Every time Phelps competes his times drop and new world records are set. This is not just a
coincidence but a result of hours of hard work and dedication. Phelps trains 365 days a year
with two sessions on over forty percent of those days. When all other swimmers are in bed or
packing up to go home, Phelps is still in the pool mastering the art of swimming. This kind of
dedication and training is why Michael Phelps is not only the greatest swimmer but also the
greatest Olympian of all time.

I can also testify to the idea of hard work leading to success in my own life. As a junior I was
named a starter on my high school football team. After a coaching change I came out of spring
practice as a second team linebacker. I spent my whole summer training harder than everyone
else. I had my old coach train me twice a week; while everyone else was still asleep I was up
conditioning and lifting weights. I dedicated my summer to becoming the best football player I
could be, training twice a day six days a week. In the last preseason game against Byrnes High
School, I got my starting position back. This was an amazing accomplishment for me and taught
me that if I work hard I will be rewarded.

No doubt, success is the reward for hard work. Every successful person in history has worked
hard to gain fame or fortune, however we must, also work hard to be successful in our own
eyes. We must learn to work hard to satisfy our conscience whether our goals are starting on
our high school sports team or being the owner of our own business. No matter what our goals
are, we must be willing to sacrifice our time, body, and mind to work as hard as we can to be the
best that we can be. I believe with all my heart and through my personal experiences that hard
work is the key to success.

How about you dr, of course you have a lot of ideas about it?

Thank you again moderator for the question. In my opinion, being tolerant is one of the most
important quality in being a good Malaysian. Tolerant is very important aspect quality in society
which have variety of races and religions in order to create a peace and harmony society.
Without this quality, how can a society with different skin color, different culture and ideology
can even understand each other. In dictionary, tolerant is defines as willing to accept behaviour
and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of
'Tolerance' is a subjective word. The level depends upon different situations a man could
possibly face. As for me being tolerant is a very good thing, a good thing which can help you get
past the bad time in your life. But being over tolerant could prove to be nightmare. People can
take advantage of your patience and test your abilities to the limits and in the end you will find
yourself nowhere. So tolerance is a good thing until you are in a position where in the end you
will be hurt. Whatever it is, a good Malaysian have tolerant quality in themselves.

Malaysians have been tolerant with each other for the past 61 years. The peace that has been
achieved today is the result of the tolerance of Malaysians to one another. Even though
Malaysia is a country that has various of races and religions, their society still can manage to
cooperate and respect each other and act like brotherhood relationship within them. Malaysians
are different from origin, skin color, culture even ideology. These differences do not prevent us
from intimately tolerating each other because each one of us has a good quality as a Malaysian
citizen that is being tolerant. Thank you.

Honestly, I would go for all the point which have discuss together today which is being patriotic,
law-abiding, hardworking and tolerant because I confident with myself that all Malaysian citizens
have these qualities in themselves. These four qupalities are the creator of the good citizens in
any countries. Otherwise, if I had to choose the most important quality in being a good
Malaysian, I would choose being patriotic and being tolerant as my answer. Thank you

Thanks for the idea dr. As a conclusion, for me peaceful integration and mutual respect must be
the “big picture”. Petty and negative considerations, such as payback, must not be allowed
define the future democratic growth of our young nation. Such sentiments deserve to be
consigned to the dustbins of history.

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