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a. Identify the different Hand Signals Underwater.

b. Appreciate the importance of hand signals underwater.

c. Perform the different hand signals underwater


A. Topic: Hand Signals Underwater

B. Materials: pictures, powerpoint, module

C. Reference: Health Optimizing Physical Education 4, Common Hand Signals for

Recreational Scuba Diving


A. Pre-Activity

1. Review

 What is Snorkeling

 What are the Different Parts of A Snorkel Mask

2. Motivation:

 Show A picture of the scenery underwater

 Ask the students the following questions:
1. What can you say about the picture?
2. What are the different marine creatures can you find?

3. Presentation:

 Today we are going to tackle the different hand signals underwater

B. Developmental activities:

1. Activity

 Group the students into 4

 Each group will choose a leader

 Label the different hand signals underwater

 The leader will report the work of their group

2. Analysis

 The Teacher will discuss the 24 common hand signals underwater.

3. Abstraction

 What are the 24 common hand signals underwater?

 What is the importance of the different hand signals underwater?

 Why do we need to know the different hand signals underwater?

4. Application:

 Group the students into 4

 Let the student choose their leader
 Perform the different hand signals underwater
1. Stop, Going up, Going Down, Turn Around, level off, slow
2. Where to go, I don’t know, look, ok, something is not right,
cannot equalize
3. Give me an air, Out of air, Emergency aid, Pick me up,
Cramp, Danger
4. I am cold, hook up cut, air left, time up, I”m on reserve
 Present and report it in front


 The teacher will perform different hand signals and the student will
put their answer in a ¼ sheet of pad paper.
1. Where to go
2. Im ok
3. Something is not right
4. Going up
5. Level off
6. I don’t know
7. Look


 What are the different recreation outdoor activities in land?

Prepared by: YONELO M. ABANCIO JR.

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