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June 10, 2019

Content: Properties of Useful and Harmful Materials
Content Standard: Properties of materials to determine whether they are useful or harmful.
Performance Standard: Uses local, recyclable solid and or liquid materials in making useful product(s).
Learning Competency: Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful.
Code: S5MT – Ia-b - 1

I. Objective: Identify the different properties of liquid materials.

II. Subject Matter: Properties of Liquids

A. Science Concept/Ideas
Liquid has definite volume but has no definite shape. It follows the shape of the container.
Viscous materials are thick and sticky materials that flow slowly.
Viscosity is the property of liquids to resist flowing.
Temperature is the measure of hotness and coldness of the material.
B. Materials:
Video clip, cooking oil, shampoo, lotion, honey, dish washing liquid, conditioner, catsup,
fish sauce (patis), condensed milk, water.
C. Reference:
Elementary Science Explorer pp. 121-125
D. Process Skills:
Observing, experimenting, communicating, inferring, measuring, recording, classifying,
comparing, predicting, experimenting, concept mapping, and hypothesizing.
E. Values:
Cooperation, working harmoniously with others
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. Preliminary Activities
2. Review
Have the children solve the puzzle.

It is the property of material to be drawn into
fine wires without breaking.
2. It is the property of matter to be hammered or shaped into thin sheets.
3. What do we call the materials that can be hammered or shaped into thin sheets?
4. What do you call the material that can be drawn into fine wires without breaking?

3. Motivation
Video clip.
Have the children tell something about the video that they have watched.

B. Exploration:
a. What to do
1. Show different liquids (which will be used in the activity) to the class. Have them
describe each material shown. Through these materials have them ask questions.
Write their questions on the board.
2. Have them prepare for the activity to test their hypotheses.
3. Set standard to be followed while performing the activity.

b. Activity Proper
1. The class will be grouped into five small groups. They will be given two minutes to
perform their activity and another two minutes to discuss their observation with their
2. Please see LM activity 5, Viscosity.
3. Teacher supervision.

C. Explanation:
1. Presentation of output
a. Ask the pupils to present the output of their activity.

2. Finding out
Which liquid flowed in the least time? Why?
Which liquid flowed in the most time? Why?
Why do liquids have different rates of flowing?
What property of matter has the quality to resist from flowing?

D. Elaboration:
1. Deepening
Situational Analysis
What will you do to make the honey syrup for your pan cakes to be more viscous?

2. Generalization
What property of liquid shows its resistance to flow?
What affects the viscosity of the liquid?

3. Application:
Game: Group the class into two, boys vs. girls. Have them give the correct sequence
of the liquid based on the perceived viscosity of the liquid.

4. Valuing
Your family is trying stretch its budget. They are trying to make all supplies at home
last longer. For you to help them, especially in using shampoo, what should you do?

E. Evaluation:
Directions: Identify if the property of the following liquids. Write V if the material is viscous
and NV if it is not.
1. Conditioner
2. Sweat
3. Baby oil
4. Water
5. Condensed milk
6. Lotion
7. Rain
8. Perfume
9. Gel
10. Juice

IV. Assignment:
Identify five viscous materials your mother used in cooking. Then arrange them according to
perceived viscosity of the liquid.

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