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Lesson Plan in Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

I. Objectives:
a. Identify the primary cause of global warming and climate change
b. Make a presentation on how global warming and climate change affect the lives of people
c. Write a reflection paper on what one can do to save the planet

II. Subject Matter:

   Topic: Man Made Problems
Learning Competency:describe how human societies adapt to new challenges in the physical,social,and
cultural environment
   Materials:manila paper,pentel pen
   III. Procedure:
A. Activity(Group activity)
a. The teacher will group the students into four.
b. Students will be given questions and they will do the brainstorming.
c. Students will be given a manila paper to write their answers.
d. The group will select a leader and a reporter to share their answers in class.
1. What do you notice as far as our climate is concerned?
2. What do you think is the primary cause of climate change?

B. Analysis
Based on the activity the students will present a role playing on how climate change and global warming
affects the lives of people.
C. Abstraction
a. The leader in each group will share their generalization based on the presentation.
b. After the presentation the teacher will deepen students’ understanding about the topic.

D. Application
Write a reflection paper on what one can do to save the planet.

IV. Evaluation

The most visually striking evidence of global warming is:

A.) highly varying temperature fluctuations felt during rainy season

B.) the increased precipitation along the gulf coast states
C.) rapid melting of glacial ice on nearly every continent
D.) all of the above

V.            Assignment/Agreement

What to do? Research on how the following institutions/government address the issue of climate change:
(United Nations,USA,Germany,Japan and Philippine)
Where to write? short bond paper
When to submit? June 14,2016


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