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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Content Knowledge

Subject Science

Grade Level Kindergarten

Learning K.2 The student will investigate and understand that humans have senses that
Objective allow them to seek, find, take in, and react or respond to information in order to
learn about their surroundings. Key concepts include
a) the five senses and corresponding sensing organs; and b) sensory descriptors
used to describe common objects and phenomena.
Pedagogy Planning

Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this activity, my students are going to use Storyboard that to create a story about their
senses and what they do .

For example: In this activity, my students are going to use Edublogger to create a blog from the view of
Abraham Lincoln.

1. For this activity students will demonstrate understanding of the
previous lesson on their senses. The students will create a slide show of
the human senses using storyboardthat. Storyboardthat is a web
application that allows students to create a storyboard. Storyboard
slides are limited to three slides for free additionally, therefore the
students will be limited to creating three storyboard slides for this
2. The students will be encouraged to have senses that are relatable to
each other on their slides, such as seeing and touching. Each slide

Web 2.0

Teachers and students can use this site to create lessons and show understanding
of lessons taught.
Link to the
product storyboard/my-senses

1. Comic & Meme Creator, Google Play, it is free but does have in app purchases and can basically do the same
Mobile App things that they built for storyboard that with more options.

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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