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Pair/Group Members:

WILF – Content Marks

1. Questions answered in FULL sentences (not dot points) /18
2. Neat, legible writing /2
3. Accurate and consistent use of punctuation (eg full stops, capital letters) /5
4. Accurate use of grammar (eg use of nouns, verbs) /5
5. Answering to the instruction of the question /2
6. Asking at least two (2) questions to further investigate before concluding your /2
investigation into King Tut’s death Bonus Mark for
a 3rd question
7. Researching and recording answers to the question you asked /2 OR /3
8. Explanation of ALL the theories explored /3
9. Drawing (writing) your own conclusion on the cause of King Tut’s death with /3
supporting evidence and analysis
10. Presenting and explaining your conclusion/theory to the class with supporting /3
evidence and analysis
WILF – Presentation (present conclusion of investigation)
1. Maintain contact /1
2. Speak clearly using a loud voice and even pace /2
3. All members speak equally /1
4. Presentation must not exceed 1-2 minutes /1
Individual participation will also be graded and then separately added onto individual
Total Marks: /50
Or With Bonus Marks – Total Marks: /52

Further comments: Group grade/mark:

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