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: 03
DATE : 11/09/19
TITLE : Analysis of Aspirin Tablets
AIM : To determine the percentage of 2-ethanolhydroxybenzoic acid in aspirin
MATERIALS : One pipette filler
One 25cm3 pipette
One 50cm3 burette
One funnel
Two 25cm3 conical flask
One stand and clamp
Two 150cm3 beakers
One 250cm3 standard flask
Bunsen Burner Kit
Digital Scale
Lab Coat
CHEMICALS : 1. M sodium hydroxide
0.1 M hydrochloric acid
Phenolphthalein indicator
Aspirin tablets
Distilled water
Soap solution
Total Amount of moles of NaOH
1 The approximate 1.0 M NaOH used for the hydrolysis
a. Using a pipette filler, 25cm3 of 1.0 M NaOH was pipetted into a 250 cm3 standard
volumetric flask and was fill to the mark with distilled water.
b. Two-three drops of phenolphthalein indicator was dropped into 25cm3 solution
pipette from diluted NaOH in a conical flask. It was titrated against 0.10M HCl acid.
c. One rough titration and two accurate titrations were carried out, these results were
d. The HCl was poured from burette where endpoint was met, after observations were
e. For the accurate ones, some HCl was poured from burette into the conical flask where
there was a difference of 5- 6 cm. Then endpoint was poured drop wise.
f. The solution was discard when the titration was finished.
The Aspirin was Hydrolyze
a. The aspirin tablets were weighed accurately between 1.3g - 1.7g in a dry clean conical
b. Twenty-five cm3 was pipette on to the tablets .
c. The mixture was gently simmered and held over the heat with a typing sheet holder.
d. Flame touched the bottom of the solution.
e. The mixture was cooled over faucet and transferred to a standard flask and mixed with
distilled water.
The Unused NaOH was found
a. The hydrolyzed solution was pipetted and 25cm3 was moved to standard flask to
conical flask.
b. This was titrated against 0.10 M HCl using indicator 2 – 3 drops were placed into the
c. This was repeated 3 times until two consecutive readings were obtained.
Description Initial Reading Final Reading Volume of HCl
(CM3) (CM3) (CM3)
Rough 0 24 24
First Titration 0 22.3 22.3
Second Titration 0 22.2 22.2
Third Titration 0 22.3 22.3
Average 0 22.3 22.3


Description Initial Reading Final Reading Volume of HCl

(cm3) (cm3) (cm3)
Rough 0 9.5 9.5
First Titration 9.5 19.1 9.6
Second Titration 19.1 28.6 9.5
Third Titration 28.6 38.1 9.5
Average 14.2 23.9 9.5

HCl + NaOH NaCl + H20
NaOH= 25cm3
HCl= 22.3cm3, 0.1 M
Mole of HCl = [] x V
= 0.1 x 22.3/1000
= 0.1 x 0.0223
= 0.00223 mol HCl
Ratio: 1 : 1
NaOH : HCl
X= 0.00223/0.025 mol NaOH
X= 0.0892 mol NaOH (250 cm3)


Mole NaOH =MXV

= 0.892 x 0.025
= 0.0223 mol NaOH
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H20
Mole HCl =MXV
= 0.1 X 0.0095
= 0.0095( in 25cm3)
= 0.00095 X 10
= 0.0095(in 250cm3)
NaOH that was used= left – excess
= 0.0223 - 0.0095
= 0.0128mol NaOH used

2 : 1
NaOH : Aspirin Acid
= 0.0128/2
= 0.0064mol aspirin acid
Mass = mole x molar mass
= 0.0064 x 180
= 1.152/4
= 0.288g per tablet
1.5/4= 0.395g per tablet
0.288/ 0.395 x 100

%error = 0.325 – 0.288/ 0.325 x 100

= 11.38% error

In this experiment the analysis of aspirin tablets as to determine the percent of acetylsalicylic
acid. The mixture is simmered gently and carefully during hydrolysis due to safety reasons. As
the aspirin heats up it may start to throw off very hot bits of the substance. This also is why it
isn’t boiled extreme. The washing should be transferred carefully as there are many impurities
that may contaminated your solution if not careful. Titration is a quantitative chemical analysis.
The titrant contains a known concertation of a chemical which reacts with the substance
determined. Now aspirin is an ester which is very easily hydrolyzed. So, during normal titration
with NaOH the alkaline conditions break it down and lead to errors. To overcome this problem,
aspirin is hydrolyzed with salicylic acid and acetic acid with excess NaOH. Then it is then
titrated with HCl to calculate the amount used in the reaction. The amount of acid in an aspirin
tablet is 325mg or 2 g. For my result I had less mass per tablet. The other components of aspirin
are corn starch, cellulose, titanium dioxide. Aspirin is used as a temporary way to relief pain.
Limitation : The type of pill used for the experiment.
Source of Error : The burette was clogged to and extent.
Assumption : The amount of Apsirin was too little to discover true percentage.
Conclusion : This experiment determined what percentage of acetylsalicylic acid was in
m aspirin tablets.

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