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Day and Learning

Time Area Learning Competency Learning Task Mode of Delivery

7:00 - 8:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat break fast and get ready for an awsome day!
8:00 - 8:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.
1st day

Consider the following Sets:  

8:30 - 9:00 M.O.L.  
 ODL = you may attach it
to the activity that will be
posted in google

MP = it will be pass to the

next schedule of retrieval
9:00 - 9:30 Answer the Pre Test and Activity 1 on pages 3-4 of you module of outputs to the kiosks
9:30 - 12:00 Read/ Discuss Lecture P 5-14  
Perform Mise’ en Place and
12:00 - 1:00 Prepare a range of appetizers Lunch Break  
  ODL = you may attach it
to the activity that will be
posted in google

MP = it will be pass to the

next schedule of retrieval
1:00 - 2:00  Answer activity 3 at page 16 of your module of outputs to the kiosks
  ODL = you may attach it
to the activity that will be
posted in google
2:00 - 3:00 Answer post Test at post Test pages 17-18 of your module Classroom
MP = it will be pass to the
next schedule of retrieval
of outputs to the kiosks
Appetizers can be more appreciated if presented attractively like
the saying goes “the eyes eats first”. Plate presentation is the
process of offering the appetizer to guests in a stylish and
pleasing manner. It requires skills, style and creativity.
Activity 1. Create and Post
Using Oslo paper, coloring materials, pencil, pentel pen and ruler,
draw your ideal plating of your appetizer.


5x5 Creatively and neatly done showing

much relevance to the given topic

4x4 Creatively done and neat enough with

relevance to the given topic

3x3 Creatively done and neat but no

relevance to the given topic   ODL = you may attached
it to the activity that will
2x2 Simply done and neat enough but not be posted in google
so relevance to the given topic Classroom

1x1 Poorly done with erasures and irrelevant MP = it will be pass to the
to the given topic next schedule of retrieval
  of outputs to the kiosks
2nd day
8:00 - 8:30        
8:30 - 9:30 Cookery Present a range of appetizers M.O.L.  
and Store appetizers
9:30 - 10:30 Read/ Discuss Lecture P 4-7  
ODL = you may attached
it to the activity that will
be posted in google

MP = pass a pictorial and

narrative report about
the performance and pass
to the next schedule of
Perform the activity 2 of page 8 of your module following the retrieval of outputs to the
10:30–12:00 rubrics found in page 9 kiosks

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Break  

1:00 - 2:00  
Continue Activity 2

2:00-3:00 Perform the activity 3 on page 10 of your module following the    ODL = you may attached
criteria included. it to the activity that will
be posted in google

MP = took some photo

and post it any site that
the teacher can see it
   ODL = you may attached
it to the activity that will
be posted in google
Answer the Post Test
MP = it will be pass to the
next schedule of retrieval
of outputs to the kiosks

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