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Name :

 Dhea Rizki Audina – 18301085 as nurse

 Emmi Lestari – 18301087 as patient
 Nakita Pangestika – 18301097 as nurse
 Rismawati – 18301104 as emmi’s family
Class : 3C
Courses : English I


At night at 7 pm in the Jasmine room of the Eka Hospital, treated by a patient named Mrs.
Emmi with appendicitis. Mrs. Emmi has been treated for 24 hours after surgery to remove the
appendix. Nurse Dhea, who was assigned that night, came to check on Mrs. Emmi condition.
Nurse Dhea : Good evening Mrs. Emmi, my name is Dhea who is on duty today in your
room. Here I am to check your condition. How are you feeling today Mrs. Emmi?
Mrs. Emmi : Better than yesterday, but sometimes itchy around the stitch marks. Also
I’am feel a bit weak and nausea. Why do i feel throwing up?
Nurse Dhea : You feel like that because you still under anesthesia.
Mrs. Emmi : Oh I see.
Nurse Dhea : Okay Mrs. Emmi let is check your condition. The result is blood pressure
110/70 mmHg, temperature 38°C, respiratory rate 20x/minute. From the result, you have a bit
fever but you don’t have a worry. It’s normal to have a slight fever after surgery like yours.
So I’ll inject the medicine into your infution.
Mrs. Risma : Nurse may I ask you, when can my child come home?
Nurse Dhea : I’m not sure, I will ask doctor about it.
Mrs. Risma : Oh okay, thank you.
Nurse Dhea : Your welcome, now you need take a rest. Okay then, I need to go now. I’ll
inform the doctor right away.

The next day in the morning at 8 am, Nurse Nakita visit Emmi’s room to do routine checks
and provide information about when the patient will return.
Nurse Nakita : Good morning Mrs. Emmi, my name is Nakita who is on duty today in your
room. Here I am to do routine check your condition. Are you feeling better now Mrs. Emmi?
Mrs. Emmi : Feeling better today, because I’ve rest enough.
Nurse Nakita : Oh okay I’ll check your condition right now. The result is blood pressure
110/80 mmHg, temperature 36,7°C, respiratory rate 22x/minute. All examination result are
normal and your body temperature returns to normal.
Mrs. Emmi : Oh okay.
Nurse Nakita : Oh ya I want to inform you about when you back to home. Doctor said you
can go home when your condition get better. If you want back to home this afternoon, you
can filled back to home procedure sheet.
Mrs. Risma : Where I can filled back to home procedure sheet?
Nurse Nakita : At administration room, Mrs Risma.
Mrs. Risma : Okay, thank you for your information.
Nurse Nakita : Your welcome. If you need anything, I’m in the nurse station.
Mrs. Risma : Oh okay.

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