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Research Methodology

Topic: Human Psychological Aspects affected by


Dr. Prakash Alalageri
Anusha S G
Kavana P
Sanju B
Manjunath C
Shantha G G

MARCH 07, 2020

Bapuji Education Association
Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Davanagere
Human Psychological Aspects affected by
The COVID-19 disease has now achieved pandemic status. The World Health
Organization has issued guidelines for managing the problem from both biomedical and
psychological points of view. While preventive and medical action is the most important at this
stage, emergency psychological crisis interventions for people affected by COVID-19 are also
critical. This includes direct interventions for patients, and indirect for relatives, caregivers, and
health care professionals.


 Due to the lockdown many changes has been

occurred in our surroundings. According to our
survey , about 87.3% peoples are feeling
difference with their past and lockdown days, 5%
of people are not feeling any difference and 7.3%
people answered may be.

 In this Lockdown 44.4% of people are feeling

29.6% people are Happy about the lockdown
and 25.9% people are feeling stressed due to
this lockdown.
 Lockdown is essential to break the chain of
COVID19 , but still it creating many problems in
the life of people. Among 32.7% peoples are
feeling mental stress , 50.9% people are not
feeling any mental stress and 16.4% people are
in dilemma.

 Lockdown is to avoid spreading of COVID19,

by maintaining social distance. In order to this
67.3% people are stay in home only, 27.3%
people sometimes go outside when it is
necessary and Only 5.6 % peoples are
irresponsible and freely reaming whenever
they want.

 The reason for the stress that the people are

feeling in lockdown is 55.7% people by
missing Friends and happy time with them,
25% people due to their work at home and
17.3% people by their favorite missing outside
 To come out of the stress that they are
feeling , 27.3% people spending time
with their lovely family, and few use to
stay connected with people through
social media and watching TV, and
most of that is 67.3% people are doing
all of the three.

 In order to heal the mental stress people

preference is
46.3% prefer keeping themselves busy in
some sort of works, 31.5% prefer to do
yoga and 22.2% prefer exercise.

 64.2% people are feeling themselves

becoming lazy, 17% people are felling
stress,2% people are depressed an 17%
people are suffering from other problems
that are faced by the people mentally due
to this lockdown.
 About 63% of people are not finding
themselves excessively checking for
symptoms, in them self or others, 14.8%
are finding themselves excessively
checking for symptoms and 22.2% are in

 The constant in stream of social media

updates and corona virus is causing
26.4% of people to feel worried and
depressed 52.8% of people a little bit ,
18.9% are not feeling any worry and
depression and 3% are highly worried
and depressed.

We conducted a survey on Human Psychological Aspects

affected by lockdown, for this we have selected Davanagere as a
In this survey we have asked some questions to the respondent
and by their response we get to know that most of the people
feeling difference with lockdown days and past days as lots of
changes that has been occurred in our surroundings like no outside
food, no shopping, on_campus class-online classes, work from
Half of the respondents responded that, due to the lockdown
they are feeling mental stress. But still they are staying in home
and contributing to break the chain of COVID-19 which is rapidly
spreading all over the world, by following the rules framed by the
government. The reasons for many people to feeling stress is due
to missing friends circle, some people are missing outside foods
and few by their work.
To pan out of this stress people watches television, stay
connected with outside people through social media by avoiding
physical contact with individuals and spending quality time with
their family and Some responded specified that to heal their mental
stress they involving themself in some short of work and some
peoples by doing yoga and exercise to increase their physical and
mental health. By this lockdown majority of the peoples feeling
themself becoming a lazy bunch.
As there are less number of corona cases in Davanagere, the
people are not much worried about the small symptoms, but social
media updates and news reports about the COVID-19, they are
little bit worried and depressed.

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