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Integumentary system Dermis

-consists of the skin and accessory -composed of dense collagenous

structures, such as hair, glands, and nails. connective tissue containing fibroblasts,
-sa skin Makita if dehydrated or pale ang adipocytes, and macrophages.
tao -located between epidermis and
subcutaneous layer
Functions: -Provides nutrients to the epidermis
 Protects underlying tissues and -cells are scattered around
organs -vascular meaning there is blood vessel
 Excretes salts, water, and organic -has extracellular membrane which
wastes (glands) composed of collagen and elastic fibers
 Maintains body temperature Collagen Fibers- responsible for
(insulation and evaporation) structural strength
 Production of melanin Cleavage lines- more resistant to stretch
 Production of keratin Dermal Papillae- upper projection,
 Synthesizes vitamin D nagform ng fingerprints and footprints
 Stores lipids 2 components:
 Detects touch, pressure, pain, and  outer papillary layer- consists of
temperature areolar tissue
 deep reticular layer- consists of
dense irregular connective tissue
-made up of two major tissue layers: the Subcutaneous layer- has few capillaries
epidermis and the dermis. and no vital organs
-is the site of subcutaneous injections
EPIDERMIS using hypodermic needles
-epi means “upon” above the dermis and -made up of adipose tissue
made of stratified squamous epithelial
- avascular means there is no blood vessels
- protects us from UV rays and harmful
and the cells are jumpacked
- superficial layer of skin.
-Factors that determine skin color
include pigments in the skin, blood
circulating through the skin, and the
Keratinocytes- contain large amounts of
thickness of the stratum corneum.
Melanin- group of pigments primarily
-the most abundant cells in the epidermis
responsible for skin, hair, and eye color.
Merkel cells (found in stratum basale)
-the more melanin we have the darker
-found in hairless skin
we are
-respond to touch (trigger nervous system)
Carotene- yellow pigment found in
Melanocytes- pigment that affords the skin
plants such as squash and carrots.
some protection against ultraviolet
Exposure to ultraviolet light—for
-responsible for the color of the skin
example, in sunlight— stimulates
Langerhans cells- active in immune
melanocytes to increase
response. Found in stratum spinosum
melanin production. The result is a

Dimple Lexiry R. Gloria, RN, MD (huhu puhon Lord)

Eccrine sweat glands- are simple, coiled, Although many genes are responsible for
tubular glands and release sweat by skin color, a single mutation can prevent
merocrine secretion. the production of melanin and cause
- widely distributed on body albinism.
surface especially on palms and
soles Carotene- lipid-soluble; when consumed, it
- function for thermal regulation accumulates in the lipids of the stratum
- If large amounts of carotene are
consumed, the skin can become
quite yellowish.
-“germinative layer” cell division & growth
The color of blood in the dermis contributes
to skin color.
- an integument contains rapidly dividing
A decrease in blood flow, as occurs in
-is attached to basement membrane by
shock, can make the skin appear pale.
-deepest layer of the skin
A decrease in the blood O2 content
- Forms epidermal ridges that extend down
produces a bluish color of the skin, called
towards the dermis (cause of fingerprints)
Hemidesmosomes- protein connector that
connects the cells of epithelial tissue
Basement membrane- naghihiwalay sa
epidermis Subcutaneous tissue
Dermal papillae- increase the surface area of -store lipids such as glycerides
the basal membrane -function as padding and insulation
Fingerprints- came from the epidermal ridges -It is loose connective tissue, including
Thick skin- are found in the palms of our adipose tissue that contains about half the
hands, and the soles of our feet body’s stored lipids.

2. STRATUM SPINOSUM- “spiny layer” Hair

- Cells are alive in this layer A hair has a hard cortex, which surrounds a
- Contain Langerhans cells, active in immune softer center, the medulla.
response -produced in the hair bulb
Hair follicle- found in the dermis
3. STRATUM GRANULOSUM- “grainy layer” - Hair shaft- protrudes above the surface of
-- promotes dehydration of skin the skin
Keratin- a tough fibrous protein that makes up Eyelashes- grow for 30 days and rest for
hair, nails, skin. (protein that fills the 105 days
outermost dead cells of the epidermis) Hair- grows 3 years and rest for 2 years
Keratohyalin- dense granules that promote Arrector Pili Muscles- goosebumps
dehydration of cells. stimulated when we are scared
Sebaceous Gland- connected by a duct
4. STRATUM LUCIDUM- found only in the Secrete sebum
thick skin such as in the palm of the hands and SEBUM-Contains lipids and other
soles of the foot. ingredients (nagka oily hair)
Lubricates and protects the epidermis
5. STRATUM CORNEUM- Consist of 25-30 of Inhibits bacteria
dead cells completely filled with keratin.
- most superficial layer of the integument
Dimple Lexiry R. Gloria, RN, MD (huhu puhon Lord)
SKELETAL SYSTEM 2. Mature red blood cells- carry oxygen to
- provides support, and protection the cells and tissues
- 20%- s206 separate bones plus 3. Platelets- help control bleeding
associated cartilages, tendons, and following injury
ligaments Pluripotent hematopoietic/PHSC- have the
- Supports the body and maintains its ability to either divide and create other PHSC
shape - Commit to one of the several
- 80% of the body is made up of soft differentiation/specialization pathways
tissues, organs, and muscles which eventually result in the
- Provides points of attachment either production of a specific type of blood
directly or indirectly for the body’s cells
organs and most skeletal muscles
- Provides necessary framework that Note: the body need more 100 billion new
allows humans to stand up right blood cells everyday

Vertebral column- protects the spinal cord  In the event of severe blood loss, the
Ribcage- provides protection to the heart and body can actually convert some of the
lungs yellow bone marrow back to red
Pelvis- protects the digestive system and marrow to increase blood cell
reproductive organs production.
Cranial- protects the brain Skeletal Muscles- provide storage of essential
minerals like phosphorus and calcium
FUNCTION OF SKELETAL SYSTEM: - Contains more calcium than any organs
1. Blood cell reproduction- bone marrow Endocrine System- releases hormones that
(network of soft connective material initiated the process of taking calcium from
that fills cavities within bones. Plays an bone and releasing it into the blood stream
specially critical role in this process Osteoporosis- a serious condition characterize
- At birth, all bone marrow is red. But as by low bone mass and deterioration of bone
we age, about the half of the body’s tissue leading to bone fragility and increase
bone marrow turns to yellow marrow susceptibility to fractures
which composed of fat cells.
- The fat cells contain in the yellow bone STRUCTURE OF BONE
marrow function as the last source of Bone- ultimate bio material, light, strong,
chemical energy that can be consumed capable of adapting to diverse functional
by the body in the event of extreme demands
hunger. Spongy bone- provides resiliency, while the
Bone marrow- produces blood cells a process minerals that surrounded including calcium and
known HEMATOPOIESIS phosphorus provides strength
Hematopoieses- begins with the most basic Cortical bone- found primarily in the shaft of
blood cell which is the stem cell or pluripotent long bones like the femur or tibia
hematopoietic or PHSC - Consist of closely packed osteons which
- Describe the entire process of blood cell are the fundamental function units of
development from PHSC to most compact bones
differentiation to a mature blood cell Osteons- roughly cylindrical structures typically
several meters long
3 M PRODUCTS OF THIS PROCESS: - Referred to haversion systems
1. Mature white blood cells- provide the
body with protection against infection

Dimple Lexiry R. Gloria, RN, MD (huhu puhon Lord)

Osteonic canal- layer of connective tissue called are long; examples are the bones of the wrist
endosteum which contains nerve fibers and and
blood vessels ankle.
Volkmann’s canal- connect the blood supply Flat bones have a relatively thin, flattened
and nerves to PERIOSTEUM which covers the shape; examples are bones of the skull and
surface of bone sternum.
Lacunae- mature bone cells called OSTEOCYTES Irregular bones include the vertebrae and facial
Canaliculi- joined together by narrow canal in bones, which have shapes that do not fit readily
order to facilitate distribution of nutrients and into the other three categories.
the elimination of wastes
Lamellae- surrounding the haversion canal Skeletal Muscles- abundant muscle tissue
- Known as bone matrix, a combination comprising about 40 of the body’s weight
of calcified intercellular ingredients
- These ingredients include organic
matter which is collagen fibers. And
inorganic matter which is
hydroxyapatite which consist of crystals
of calcium phosphate
Trabecular Bone- cancellous or spongy bone
- Does not contain osteons


1. Osteoclasts- large cells that dissolved
bone by hollowing out a channel in the
bone a process called RESORPTION
2. Osteoblasts- layers of bone forming
cells laying down new bone along the
sides of the channel
3. Osteocytes- came from osteoblasts,
sends pressures or cracks on the bone
and to help direct where osteoblasts
will carry out the process of resorption.

Ossification- process of laying down new bone

Intramembranous Ossification- initiated by
mesenchymal stem cells which are cells that
have yet to be differentiated into a particular
cell type


1. Calcitonin
2. Parathyroid hormone- play a great role
in calcium homeostasis

Long bones are longer than they are wide;

examples are upper and lower limb bones.
Short bones are approximately as wide as they

Dimple Lexiry R. Gloria, RN, MD (huhu puhon Lord)

Dimple Lexiry R. Gloria, RN, MD (huhu puhon Lord)

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