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Scientific Method ■ Element: one type of

● Process atom (gold)

● Body of techniques ■ Compounds: mixture
● Acquiring knowledge of 2 or more elements
(H2O, CO2)
Epistemology ● Mixtures
➔ Truth, knowledge ○ Variable compositions
■ Homogenous:
Simulation Hypothesis uniformed
appearance and
Cogito Ergo Sum composition
■ Heterogeneous: non-
Uniformitarianism uniform appearance
and composition
➔ Use of sense - object ● Solute - substance that is dissolved
● Solvent -
1. Observation
2. Asking question - Why? Aquaeus Solution (aq) - H2O
3. Making Hypothesis (Educated
Guess) Saturated Solution - no more solute
4. Testing Hypothesis dissolves
(Experimentation) Unsaturated Solution - more solute
5. Recording (Analysis) dissolves
6. Conclusion (Generalization)
Solubility - the amount of solute that will
December 12, 2017 dissolve in a specified volume or mass of
3500, Egyptians, Mesopotamians ➔ Heat increases solubility
➔ Solubility of gases increases with
1774 - Antoine Lavoisier pressure
➔ Solubility of gases decreases with
Physical Chemistry increasing temperature
Analytical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Occurrence of Elements
Inorganic Chemistry
Biochemistry Human body

Elements - 88 naturally occurring elements

● Pure substances
○ Fixed compositions

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