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 to commit a crime = to commit an offence = to break the law = to perform illegal
acts: vi phạm pháp luật
 to obey to the law = to follow the law = to abide by the law = to comply with the law:
tuân thủ pháp luật
 criminals = lawbreakers = wrongdoers = offenders = people who commit crimes =
delinquents = law-violators: tội phạm
 criminal/delinquent/illegal/unlawful/law-breaking/law-violating/law-offending
activities: hành động tội ác, trái pháp luật
 law-abiding citizens: công dân tuân thủ pháp luật
 juvenile delinquents = young criminals = criminals at a young age: tội phạm vị thành
 juvenile delinquency = juvenile defending = teenage crimes = youth crimes =
juvenile crimes = crimes among young adults: tội phạm do người vị thành niên gây ra
 engage in criminal activities = take part in unlawful acts: tham gia vào các hoạt động
trái pháp luật
 to pose a threat to society = to threaten the safety of society = to put society in
danger: gây nguy hiểm cho xã hội
 minor crimes/offences = misdemeanor = lesser crimes = petty crimes (such as pick
pocketing): tội nhỏ (ví dụ như móc túi)
 Serious crimes/major offences (such as drug trafficking): tội lớn, tội nghiêm trọng (ví
dụ như buôn lậu thuốc phiện
 felony: hành vi vi phạm nghiêm trọng
 to send sb to prison = to put criminals in prison = to imprison sb = to put sb in jail =
to sentence sb to prison = lock up criminals in confined spaces: tống giam tù nhân
 to be put in prison = to be put behind bars = to be sent to jail = to be sent to prison =
to be imprisoned = to go to jail = to serve a prison sentence: bị bỏ tù, đi tù
 to receive capital punishment = to receive the death pealty: nhận án tử hình
 life imprisonment = life sentence: án chung thân
 community service = community order: lao động công ích

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 to enact = to enforce = to issue a law/regulation: thi hành/ban hành luật

 to impose harsh punishments for .... = to make law stricter = to take strong
measures: áp dụng những biện pháp trừng trị mạnh tay
 to be tough on crime: cứng rắn với tội phạm >< to be soft on crime: nhẹ tay với tội
 to apply the letter of the law: làm đúng theo quy định của luật
 to take into consideration the situation = take into account the motivation behind the
crime: cân nhắc động cơ đằng sau tội ác
 to make criminals pay off their price = to make criminals repay for their
wrongdoings: khiến tội phạm trả giá cho tội ác của mình
 a miscarriage of justice: trường hợp người vô tội bị xử sai
 to deter people from committing crime = to discourage people to commit crime: ngăn
cản mọi người khỏi việc vi phạm pháp luật
 to act/serve as a deterrent to would-be criminals: đóng vai trò như một sự ngăn chặn
tới những tội phạm tiềm năng
 send a strong message to threaten would-be criminals: đưa ra một thông điệp cứng rắn
tới những tội phạm tiềm năng
 to bring justice back to society: mang lại công lý cho xã hội
 reoffend = commit crimes again = continue to commit crime after being punished =
recidivism: tái phạm tội
 Re-offenders = repeat offenders = ex-convicts = ex-offenders = former prisoners =
previous offenders = habitual criminals = formerly incarcerated people = criminals
who re-offend/commit crimes repeatedly: những người tái phạm tội
 to be beyond redemption: không thể cải tạo
 to be released from prison: được thả/ra tù
 to reintegrate back into society/ community = have a chance of rehabilitation = give
prisoners a chance to rehabilitate = make a fresh start = to release back to society =
to embark on a new life = to lead a new life: cải tạo để trở lại với cộng đồng/ có cơ hội
làm lại cuộc đời
 job training = vocational training = occupational skill training programs: giáo dục
hướng nghiệp
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 heavy exposure to violence on television: việc tiếp xúc quá nhiều với bạo lực trên truyền

Essay 1
Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and job
training are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree?
- send criminals to prison = put criminals in prison = lock up criminals in confined spaces
- be put in prison = be put behind bars = be sent to jail = be sent to prison = be imprisoned
= go to jail = serve prison sentences
- criminals = lawbreakers = wrongdoers = prisoners = offenders >< law-abiding citizens
- commit a crime = commit an offence = break the law
- job training = occupational skill training programs
- represent justice and fairness in society (when a person commits an unlawful act, there
should be punishments or else the society would fall into chaos  a prison sentence acts
as a reminder of the consequences of violating the law)
- guarantee safety for society (criminals have to lose freedom and spend years of their lives
in prison  protect law-abiding citizens and prevent future life losses)
- some serious criminals such as drug traffickers and arms dealers are beyond redemption
and should serve the maximum sentences, including capital punishment
- act as a deterrent against crimes (losing freedom and living a miserable life in a cell makes
those having the intention of committing illegalities reconsider before going down the
- the cost of running and managing prisons is often costly as governments needs to invest
in facilities and security  imprisonment should only apply for those who commit major

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- Criminals have to lose freedom  become resentful  prevent prisoners from being a
good citizen after being released
EDUCATION AND JOB TRAINING – enhance a person’s awareness and employability

- education could change offenders’ attitudes in a positive way (criminals would be able to
distinguish between right and wrong, and realize the consequences of their unlawful
- job training helps criminals get a job after completing their sentence (earn a living when
coming back to society  dispel any ideas of committing crimes  lower the chance of
future recidivism)

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Essay 2:
It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime can be attributed to violence in the
Do you agree that this is the main cause of juvenile crime?
What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation?
- The increase in crime = The rise in crime = the escalating rate of crime
- To ascribe the rise in juvenile crime to violent content in the mass media
- Youth crimes = juvenile crimes = teenager crimes = juvenile delinquency = crime rate
among young adults
- violence = aggression
- the media = the mass media
- is attributable to = is caused by = is rooted in
- imitate = copy = mimic
- deal with = address = solve = remedy
The media is a cause of juvenile crime
- Teenagers are at vulnerable ages  they are susceptible to inappropriate contents in the
- Provoking contents such as atrocities and brutalities are shared indiscriminately on social
networking sites  the young’s behaviors become more hostile/ aggressive  mimic
such brutal behaviors without thoroughly thinking of the consequences
Other causes:
- Family breakdown (adverse childhood experiences such a domestic violence in
dysfunctional families makes the young channel their negative energy into crime at early
- Without the supervision of parents (children in dual-income households often receive
little parental guidance  those neglected teenagers are unable to draw the line between
right or and wrong, positive acts and criminal activities
- children befriend antisocial peers  be tempted into a life of crime

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- the government should censor sensitive contents in media channels

- the government should broadcast educational programs which direct children towards
healthy knowledge and attitudes
- Parents should reach a balance between work and parenting  teenagers can be equipped
with positive thinking, social skills and healthy attitudes
- The police should be in close contact with schools to monitor disruptive students and
- Schools/ parents should educate the youth about the consequences of their actions
- Schools should provide counselling and therapy for troubled children and teenagers
Further reading:

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Essay 3:
Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this
happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?
- Criminals = lawbreakers = wrongdoers = offenders = people who commit crimes
- Re-offenders = ex-convicts = ex-offenders = former prisoners = previous offenders =
formerly incarcerated people
- Commit more crimes after serving the first punishment = reoffend = commit crimes again
= continue to commit crimes after being punished = commit crimes after serving their
prison term
- Be released back to the society
- Recidivism = re-offense
- Being sent to jail, criminals would exchange information about unlawful actions they
have committed or they may plan crimes with other inmates
- Most offenders do not have other means of earning money (they are poor, uneducated and
lack skills needed for a good job  ex-offenders and their families may not be able to
afford basic necessities  the vicious cycle of reoffending continues)
- A criminal record makes it difficult to find a job (some employers are unwilling to hire
people with criminal background for many reasons such as the risk of legal liability if a
previous offender harms a customers or coworkers)
- Social stigma to ex-offenders (criminals face fear and distrust of people living surround–
find difficulties in integrating back to the society)
- Governments should focus on rehabilitation of criminals rather than punishment (provide
education and vocational training which equip inmates with practical skills such as car
maintenance or graphic design to prepare for life outside the prison)
- Community service (become useful to their local community and would eliminate the
prejudice and discrimination against them)

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- Organizations should organize more activities to provide both the public and ex-offenders
opportunities to interact (activities such as visits to halfway houses or community service
projects encourage bonds and trust, which ideally change the perspective of the public
towards criminals and therefore reduce the extent of discrimination)
- Employers can offer ex-convicts transitional jobs as probationers to accumulate relevant
working experience  enhance the public confidence in former prisoners and provide
them with a job to earn a living

Further reading:


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Essay 4:
Prison is the common way in most countries to solve the problem of crime. However, a
more effective solution is to provide people a better education. Do you agree or disagree?
- Prison = prison sentences = imprisonment
- Send criminals to prison = put criminals in prison = lock up criminals in confined spaces
- Be put in prison = be put behind bars = be sent to jail = be sent to prison = be imprisoned
= go to jail
- Common – be commonly thought to be
- Solve = address = deal with = combat = control
- Crimes = illegalities
- represent justice and fairness in society (when a person commits an unlawful act, there
should be punishments or else the society would fall into chaos  prison sentence acts as
a reminder of the consequences of violating the law)
- guarantee safety for society (criminals have to lose freedom and spend years of their lives
in prison  protect law-abiding citizens and prevent future life losses)
- some serious criminals such as drug traffickers and arms dealers are beyond redemption
and should serve the maximum sentences, including capital punishment
- act as a deterrent against crimes (losing freedom and living a miserable life in a cell makes
those having the intention of committing illegalities reconsider before going down the
Education and job training – enhance a person’s awareness and employability
- education could change offenders’ attitudes in a positive way (criminals would be able to
distinguish between right and wrong, and realize the consequences of their unlawful
- job training helps criminals get a job after completing their sentence (earn a living when
coming back to society  dispel any ideas of committing crimes  lower the chance of
future recidivism)

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