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 Legislation (n): Pháp luật

 Justice (n): Công lý
 Crime = offense = law-breaking: Phạm tội
 Criminal = Offender = Law-breaker = Wrong-doer: Tội phạm
 Delinquency: phạm pháp
 Juvenile delinquent: Tội phạm vị thành niên
 Juvenile delinquency: Vụ phạm tội vị thanh niên
 Jury (n): Bồi thẩm đoàn
 Witness (n): Nhân chứng
 Defendant (n): Bị cáo
 Suspect (n): Nghi phạm
 Victim (n): Nạn nhân
 Guilty (adj): Có tội
 Punish (v): Trừng phạt
 Convict (v): Kết án
 Life imprisonment: Tù chung thân
 Wrongdoing: Việc làm sai trái
 Fine (v): Đóng phạt, tiền phạt
 Imprisonment (n): Sự tống giam
 Community service: Phục vụ cộng đồng
 Rehabilitation programmes: Những chương trình cải tạo
 Probation (n): Chế độ án treo
 Rehabilitate (v): Tái hòa nhập cộng đồng
 Innocent people: Những người vô tội
 Minor crime = lesser crime = petty crime: Tội nhẹ, không nghiêm trọng
 Major crime = serious crime: Tội nặng, nghiêm trọng
 Compensation (n): Khoản bồi thường
 Mandate (v): Thi hành


 The crime rate: tỷ lệ phạm pháp

 Commit a crime = to commit an offence = break the law: thực hiện hành vi phạm tội
 Take part in unlawful activities = Get involved in illegal activities = engage in criminal
activities: tham gia vào các hoạt động phạm pháp
 To reoffend = To commit crimes again: tái phạm
 Get dirty hands: nhúng chàm
 Violent criminal: tội phạm nguy hiểm
 Potential criminals: những người có khả năng cao trở thành tội phạm
 A criminal record: tiền án tiền sự
 Motive for crime: mục đích phạm tội
 To resort to crime: cùng đường nên phạm tội
 Caught red-handed: bắt quả tang
 Be brought to justice: bị đưa ra xét xử
 Face trial: hầu tòa
 To receive capital punishment = To receive the death penalty: nhận án tử hình
 Be put on probation: được xử án treo
 Miscarriages of justice: xử án oan
 Trumped-up charges: lời buộc tội vô căn cứ
 Send sb to prison = Put sb under arrest: bắt ai bỏ tù
 To be imprisoned: bị đưa vào tù
 Escape punishment: chạy tội
 Perfect alibi: bằng chứng ngoại phạm hoàn hảo
 To cover your tracks = to hide or destroy the things that show where you have been or
what you have been doing: Che giấu những vết tích hay các việc mình đã làm
 To be behind bars = to be in prison: Ngồi tù
 To catch somebody red handed = to discover someone while they are doing
something bad or illegal: Bắt quả tang
 Take part in unlawful activities = Get involved in illegal activities = engage in criminal
activities: Tham gia vào các hoạt động phạm pháp
 To reoffend = To commit crimes again: Tái phạm
 To receive capital punishment = To receive the death penalty: Nhận án tử hình
 Send sb to prison = Put sb under arrest: Bắt bỏ tù ai đó
 To keep your nose clean = to avoid getting into trouble: Giữ cho mình khỏi gặp rắc rối
 To do something by the book = to do something exactly as the rules tell you: Đúng luật
 To come clean = to tell the truth about something that you have been keeping
secret: Lời thú tội
 To turn somebody in = to take a criminal to the police, or to go to them yourself to
admit a crime: Giao nộp ai đó cho cảnh sát
 To get away with murder = to be allowed to do things that other people would be
punished or criticized for: Làm điều sai nhưng không bị trừng phạt
 To turn a blind eye = to ignore something that you know is wrong: Nhắm mắt làm ngơ
 To bail someone out = to help a person or organization that is in difficulty, usually by
giving or lending them money: Bảo lãnh


 Topic 1: Some countries are struggling with an increase in crime rates. Many people think
that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?
 Topic 2: In many countries the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more
violent. Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?
 Topic 3: In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers.
Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?
 Topic 4: Some people believe that young people who commit serious crimes should be
punished in the same way as adults . Do you agree or disagree?
 Topic 5: Crime is a big problem in the world; many believe that nothing can be done to
prevent it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion. 
 Topic 6: Crime is a problem all over the world and there is nothing that can be done to
prevent it. Agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant
examples from your own knowledge or experience.
 Topic 7: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this
happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?
 Topic 8: The government should control the amount of violence in films and televisions in
order to decrease the violent crimes in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
 Topic 9: Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often
argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a
crime.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
 Topic 10: In many countries the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more
violent. Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?
 Topic 11: Some people believe that providing education opportunities and job training
should replace prison sentences in combating crime. Personally I think this is a one-sided
point of view and therefore disagree with it.
 Topic 12: Young people who commit serious crimes, such as robbery or violent attacks
should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some countries are struggling with an increase in crime rates. Many people think
that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opion.

It is thought by many people that having more police patrols is the sole measure to
reduce crime rates. Personally, I partially disagree with this idea and believe that in
addition to regular presence of police force, there are many other approaches which can
be taken to address the issue of high crime rates.

Clearly, the highly frequent patrols of law enforcement officers on the streets would act
as a deterrent, thereby reducing the rates of criminal offences. To be more specific, if
criminals or those with malicious intents witness police force patrolling in public places
days and nights, they are more likely to be deterred from committing crimes due to the
fear of immediate police arrest or incapacitation. As a result, rates of crimes would drop
significantly. This crime-fighting solution works best to prevent offences which normally
occur in the public, such as theft, car theft, vandalism, robbery, or burglary. 

On the other hand, I believe that crime prevention can be promoted in different ways
that are not related to increasing police numbers. First, broadcasting criminal trials of
law courts via television for the public could discourage intentions of crime committing.
By watching televised court trials, viewers would be more aware of the strict
punishments resulting from their illegal actions. Consequently, people with malicious
intents would give up what illegal they intend to do. Second, increasing the use of video
cameras in public places is also a positive measure to deter criminals and prevent
crime. The reason is that offenders are less likely to take actions in places where they
know they are being watched. Also, if crimes are committed, the police can use video
evidence to catch and prosecute offenders. 

In conclusion, while having more police force patrolling on the streets can help to
reduce crime levels, I believe that other crime-fighting measures should also be
introduced, including televising criminal trials and more video surveillance in public

Some people believe that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished
in the same way as adults . Do you agree or disagree?

In the light of the inexorable increase crime rate, juvenile delinquent has emerged as a
topic of broad interest. A school of thought holds the idea that the slip-ups of young
offenders should not be as severe as the mature, others asserts that both young and
mature lawbreakers must be equally. Both viewpoints are justifiable, but i personally
lean towards the former.

On the one hand, it is understandable why some people endorse to the view that the
conviction for crime commitment among youngsters should be on par with the mature.
First, it is unequivocal that juvenile delinquency is on the rise with starling pace right
now. If the stiff penalties is not being mandated, it will wrecked havoc on the
understanding of crime commitment among youngsters, make them not fully awared of
the adverse bearings of unlawful behavious. Therefore, makes junveniles verge on re

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