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Writing Enrichment Answer Key

Primary 3, Term 4 Week 9, Lesson 45

Teacher’s Guide and Answer Key

Formative Lesson

Comprehension Passage Teacher’s Guide

• Please go through difficult vocabulary with students to expand their
• Make sure they take notes and highlight the words in their passage.
• ALWAYS use the words that you have taught in speech and encourage
them to use them in their writing.
• Frequent usage of words learnt will reinforce acquired words, thus making
the words a part of the students’ natural vocabulary.
Vocabulary List
• Ask students to write down the meanings and examples of words that you
have provided or those they have given.
• Please ask students to put down meanings on their worksheets.
• Accept reasonable and good answers.
• Use the answers to teach good expressions and writing skills.
• Always make sure what you teach is meaningful and link it back to
application, e.g. writing.

Objectives Duration
1. Word Quiz: Revise Vocabulary from Term 4 Week 8 10 min
• Fill-in-the-blank exercise

2. Comprehension 45 min
• Read and critically respond to Comprehension Passage (10 min)
to enhance language and thinking skills
• Analyse Comprehension Passage to help tackle (20 min)
Comprehension Questions
• Go through answers (15 min)

3. Vocabulary in Context 10 min

• Practise using new vocabulary learnt from the
Comprehension Passage in a fill-in-the-blank exercise

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4. Writing Workshop: Five-Phrase Summaries and 30 min
• Learn about five-phrase summaries and storyboards (10 min)
• Practise writing a five-phrase summary of the topic ‘An (10 min)
Amazing Adventure’
• Practise storyboarding a plot on the same topic (10 min)

5. Write it Right: Application of Skills, Strategies and 20 min

• Write the orientation / rising action / climax of ‘An
Amazing Adventure’ using details from the five-phrase
summary and storyboard
6. Wrap up Lesson 5 min
• Teachers to revise the key parts of five-phrase
summaries and storyboards before transitioning students
to leave the classroom

Word Quiz
1. Please read last lesson’s Word List to students in alphabetical order (listed
2. Students to write words on the bottom of the page as prompts if required.
3. Give students time to fill in the blanks after they have noted down the words.
4. Check answers with students.

Answers: Alphabetical order:

1. suppressed 1. accept
2. obliviously 2. befuddled
3. hurtling 3. droned
4. droned 4. furious
5. Stunned 5. hurtling
6. furious 6. obliviously
7. befuddled 7. sniggered
8. sniggered 8. spherical
9. accept 9. stunned
10. spherical 10. suppressed

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Word Quiz
1. Jacob suppressed the urge to laugh when his grandfather strode out of the

bathroom with soap suds in his hair.

2. My grandmother was reading obliviously in the living room while my brother and

I sneaked into the kitchen to get some snacks.

3. Marius and his friends raced to retrieve their football, which was hurtling away

down the slope.

4. As my friend droned on and on about her keychain collection, my eyelids

drooped with boredom.

5. Stunned by the sight of the beggar’s glass eye, Emily stood rooted to the spot.

6. “How many times have I told you to put your toys away?!” my furious father

raved when he saw the Lego on the floor.

7. When my teacher saw the befuddled expression on my classmate’s face, he

provided a simpler explanation of the lengthy word.

8. Kelly and her friends sniggered when the new student smiled at them, for she

had a piece of cheese stuck in her teeth.

9. Knowing that I should not have played video games all day, I decided to accept

my punishment without complaint.

10. “Did you know that all the planets in the Solar System are spherical in shape?”

my science teacher asked.

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Comprehension: An Unidentified Flying Object

“There have been sightings reported of a burning object

plummeting down from the sky towards the town of Hadersley,” Did Erik believe
that life forms from
the newscaster droned over the radio. Within the confines of his other planets
dingy camper van, Erik woke up from his afternoon nap with a Yes / No
start. Immediately he thought to himself, ‘Perhaps I can finally 5
prove the existence of extra-terrestrial life!’
Jumping into his patrol vehicle, Erik, a senior police officer,
raced towards the countryside. He had been cataloguing all the
areas where possible signs of alien life forms had been recorded.
The last he checked, the flaming object had landed close to a 10
valley towards the northwest.
Highlight some
As he drove through the Danish town, he spotted nothing, precise adjectives
burial cloth in this paragraph.
the night a black shroud over the land. Then, when he was about
ten kilometres north of the town, Erik’s car was bathed in a
very strange
powerful bluish light. It was truly bizarre, particularly since the 15
pitch-black road was only being illuminated by his car’s
At that moment, his roaring car engine went silent and all
four wheels came to a complete stop. Erik was mystified. Quickly,
he attempted to contact the police station with his car radio, but 20
the line was dead. It was as if all the power and electricity had
disappeared from his car. Had Erik
hit repeatedly experienced this
Frozen in his seat, Erik’s heart pummelled his rib cage as kind of situation
loudly as a drum. Though he was also a member of a group of Yes / No
supernatural Highlight the word
paranormal investigators, his current experience was new to him. 25
cautiously that tells you so.
Exiting the vehicle warily, Erik glanced up and saw that the
Which object most
bluish light seemed to be dimming. The light surrounded a flying closely resembles
the shape of the
machine of an elliptical shape. It was reflective and metallic, with flying machine?
roughly A football /
a diameter of approximately ten metres, and the light seemed to A rugby ball /
be coming from within the oval-shaped body. 30 A frisbee

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With a Fujica camera in his car, Erik quickly attempted to
ran lightly and hurriedly
take some pictures of the strange object before it skittered away.
To his disappointment, the magnificent sighting he
witnessed did not translate well onto film. The developed
photographs the next day showed nothing more than a gentle 35
beam of light.
Some of Erik’s colleagues laughed like hysterical hyenas What does ‘keep
mum’ mean?
at his reported sightings. With no evidence to support his peculiar a) not say anything
b) tell his mum not
experience, he had no choice but to keep mum or risk being to say anything
ridiculed. 40 c) keep calm

Did You Know:

Area 51, a facility used by the United States Air Force and located in south Nevada,
is rumoured to house aliens. Although no one can prove this claim, the place is
featured in many films and books about aliens and time travel.

Optional Video: “Unidentified: Stunning Reports of Triangle Shaped UFOs

(Season 2) | History”
Duration: 0:00-0:22, and 3:55-5:00
Students will watch sightings of UFOs, including a triangular-shaped one in particular.

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Comprehension Questions

1. What was Erik’s job?


Erik was a senior police officer.

2. How did the mysterious flying object affect the following equipment? Fill in the table
with information from the passage.

Equipment How it was affected

The car engine went silent and the four wheels

came to a complete stop.

Car radio The line was dead.

3. Write 1, 2 and 3 in the blanks below according to the order in which the events
occurred in the passage.

1 Erik drove through Hadersley.

2 Erik got out of the car.

3 Erik took photographs of the object.

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4. State whether each statement below is ‘True’ or ‘False’. Give a reason for your answer.

True/False Reason

Erik captured the The magnificent sighting he

spectacular sight on False witnessed did not translate well onto
camera. film.

With his reported

sightings Erik
Erik’s colleagues laughed like
managed to convince
False hysterical hyenas at his reported
everyone of the
existence of alien life

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Vocabulary in Context
The following words are words that appear in this week’s Comprehension Passage. Fill
in the blanks with the appropriate words. If you do not understand the word, try looking
at the Comprehension Passage to see how the word is used.

approximately cataloguing mystified pummelled skittered

bizarre dingy paranormal shroud warily

1. Gloomy and drab, Carissa’s dingy apartment was a turn-off to potential buyers.

2. The mortician respectfully covered the corpse with a shroud.

3. The bully pummelled his defenceless victim without mercy.

4. There are approximately six million people in Singapore.

5. This documentary is about people who claim to have paranormal abilities such as

6. Lucas looked up warily, unsure why the muscular stranger with the unfriendly stare
was approaching him.

7. The bizarre television show was so odd that we were left speechless after watching

8. Shellie’s sudden disappearance without leaving any clues mystified the police.

9. A deer skittered into the woods, moving quickly to seek out food.

10. Marie was assigned the task of cataloguing the library and organising the new

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Writing Workshop: Five-Phrase Summaries and Storyboards

In Term 1, we learnt to plan a three-part story with an Orientation, Climax and Resolution.

Did you know that a story can be planned in five parts as well? The table below shows
the names and functions of each of the five parts.

Name Function
1. Orientation Introduction of main characters and setting
2. Rising Action Events that contribute to rising tension in the story
3. Climax The point of greatest tension in the story /
The point when the characters face a problem
4. Falling Action Events that lead to decreasing tension in the story /
Events that provide a solution to the problem
5. Resolution Where the story ends and readers gain some closure

When planning a story in five parts, a five-phrase summary will help you come up with a
focused and interesting plot.

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Below is an example of how the plot of the movie Frozen can be summarised simply in
a five-phrase summary. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

Five-Phrase Summary of the Plot of Frozen

In the kingdom of Arendelle (setting), a young Princess

Elsa (character) accidentally hits her sister Anna
1 Orientation
(character) with ice and vows to hide her powers as a

Unable to take the stress of running a kingdom, an adult

2 Rising Action Queen Elsa loses control of her powers (rising tension)
and flees to an isolated mountain.

When Anna tries to convince Elsa to return to their

kingdom, Elsa unintentionally shoots ice into Anna’s
3 Climax
heart, which causes her to start freezing to death
(greatest tension / problem).

Back in their kingdom, Anna sacrifices herself to save

Elsa, turning to ice in the process. This act of true love
4 Falling Action
brings Anna back to life, and Elsa learns how to unfreeze
their kingdom (decreasing tension / the solution).

The sisters are happily reunited and live peacefully in

5 Resolution
Arendelle (closure).

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A storyboard is a way of organising and visualising ideas. It can be as detailed or as
vague as the storyteller needs it to be. Storytellers sometimes use storyboards to
visualise sequences and scenes which they then put into words.

For example, an artist used the five-phrase summary of Frozen on the previous page to
come up with the following five-picture storyboard:

1 2

3 4

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Now you try!
Write a five-phrase summary for the writing topic and picture below.

Topic: An Amazing Adventure

Note to GDs:
Answers not required.

Note to Teachers:
Amazing: Causing great surprise or
Adventure: An unusual and exciting

The five-phrase summary below is a

suggestion. Stronger students can be
encouraged to come up with their own
five-phrase summaries, but they must
craft it around the features of each part.
Five-Phrase Summary:

Orientation While flying above Planet Earth in my spaceship to

1 (setting + conduct research for NASA, I spotted a bizarre
character(s)) spacecraft.

Rising Action I gasped in amazement when I realised that it must be

(rising tension) an alien spaceship!

Climax The alien spaceship turned, and five weapons were

3 (greatest tension/ pointed at my own spaceship! This was not the
problem) adventure I had hoped for!

The aliens sent me a video message, explaining that

Falling Action
they came in peace and that the weapons were just a
4 (decreasing
precaution. They began sharing amazing stories of their
tension / solution)
own planet.

After that exciting, remarkable adventure, I could not

5 wait to return to Earth. I was now the first human who
had met aliens!

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Now, without writing down any words, draw a storyboard of five pictures based on
the five-phrase summary you have just written. Remember to match the pictures to
the orientation, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution!

1 2

3 4

5 Note to Teachers:
If the class used the suggested summary,
challenge students to think of what was so
amazing about the aliens’ home planet,
draw that out in box 4, and see whether
their friends can interpret the picture.

Please remind students to do rough

sketches and not extremely detailed
drawings. Otherwise, too much time will be
used up at the planning stage of

Show your storyboard to your friends. Can they guess what your story is about
based on the pictures alone?

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In future, try combining both a five-phrase summary and a storyboard to plan your
composition. For example, after you plan the five-phrase summary, feel free to draw
pictures for each part so that you can imagine the scene and characters.

Write It Right! Application of Skills, Strategies and Techniques

Let’s try writing a paragraph based on your five-phrase summary and storyboard of the
topic An Amazing Adventure. Which part would you like to write out? Circle your choice

Orientation Rising Action Climax

Once you have made your choice, look at the corresponding picture again. Think of
some precise descriptions for that picture and add words and phrases into the word
web below.

Note to GDs:
Answers not required.

Note to Teachers:
Encourage students to think of different types of precise descriptions:
- emotions (show not tell)
- precise verbs
- sensory descriptions
- similes

quivered, unable to
suppress my
growing fear

not the adventure I long space

had hoped for cannons

felt as vulnerable
as a jellyfish
stranded on the

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Now, write out your paragraph below.
Note to GDs:
Answers not required.

While I was still bubbling with amazement over spying an actual alien
spaceship, something alarming happened. The weirdly-shaped spacecraft began
turning towards me, and I shrieked in alarm. I had spotted not one but two
monstrous weapons! I quivered, unable to suppress the growing fear in my heart.
The foreign spaceship continued rotating. To my great distress, three additional
weapons revealed themselves in a matter of seconds. The long space cannons
attached to the front of the other spaceship were now aimed straight at my own
spaceship! I felt as vulnerable as a jellyfish stranded on the beach. This was not
the adventure I had hoped for when I became an astronaut! The black shroud of
the galaxy suddenly seemed to spell my destruction, and my fingers fumbled over
the controls. Time to fly away!

Note to Teachers:
Mark for precise descriptions and whether the student’s writing reflects the picture

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