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Oil Mining

General Manager : Hansel Adetya Rianto (16)

Manager 1 : Rafi Putra Ramadhan (23)

Manager 2 : Alfin Bahtiar Zuhri (03)

HRD : Haidar Ali Mahmudi (15)

Secretary : Aafi Khairunnisa Qotrunnada (01)



General Manager : “Hello everyone, how are you today Rafi?”

Manager 1 : “I’m fine Sir.”

General Manager :“How about your family?”

Manager 1 : “My family are fine too.”

General Manager : “And how about you Alfin? How about your children?”

Manager 2 : “He good, this year he is entering elementary school”

General Manager : “Wow he was already old. Which elementary school?”

Manager 2 : “Just near my house”

General Manager : “Ohh thats good, your wife can stand over him. How about your new
work Haidar? Can you handle it?”

HRD : “I love this work. There is no problem with this work, i can handle it,
dont worry sir.”

General Manager : “Oke i trust u brother. And the last Aafi. How is your mom, is she fine? I
heard your mom has sick yesterday.”

Secretary : “She is fine. This morning she could jogging with my brother. ”
General Manager : “im glad to hear that. Okay enough. Let start our meeting, before that let
pray together.”

General Manager : “done!”


General Manager : “Our agenda today is meeting about staff problem. I heard from Aafi,
some of our staff is not disciplines. Aafi can you tell us, who’s this staff?”

Secretary : “So we have 10 staff that have problems. There are Joni, Andi, Budi,
Bima, Diana, Billy, Elly, Justin, Hesley, and Alucard.”

Manager 1 : “Are you sure Justin has a problem. What’s his problem?”

Secretary : “He late for 5 times. He look depressing this morning, i think he got a
problem at home. Maybe Mr. Haidar can talk to him.”

HRD : “Okay i can do it. He is a best staff in this Company, maybe he had a
problem with his family”

General Manager : “How about Billy?”

Secretary : “He got absent for 5 day, no news from his.”

Manager 2 : “Okay this is a seriously problem, since when is he like this?”

Secretary : “Since last Friday.”

Manager 1 : “He has to be warned.”

Manager 2 : “How you cope this Mr. Hansel?”

General Manager : “Yeah i agree with Mr. Rafi, He has to be warned. Miss Aafi can you
make warning letters for all employees who is got problem?”

Secretary : “Of course sir i can make that.”

HRD : “I think all employees who got absent for 3 day, they need to be warn.”

Manager 1 : “Of course, i agree. They must be discipline. Our company need
professional workers, so this company can be evolve.”

General Manager : “I really agree with this, our company has suffered a downturn because
this guys are not discipline. Maybe there is another planning to fix our
employee’s problem?”
Manager 2 : “I think about motivational training, maybe from this training our
employees can be motivated and eager to work.”

Manager 1 : “I disagree with this plan, training just spend our money. They dont hear
this training, they just care with them phone.”

HRD : “No, i agree with this plan. We just need to make rules for this training,
for one thing “DONT BRING PHONE”.”

General Manager : “How about you Miss Aafi. Do you agree with Mr Alfin or Mr Rafi?”

Secretary : “I agree with Mr. Alfin Sir.”

General Manager : “Why?”

Secretary : “This training can be motivated our employees, and by the way i know
the professional trainer in this town.”

Manager 1 : “Okay okay i give up. I follow you Mr. Hansel, whatever your choice.”

General Manager : “Yeah i am agree to held this training. And then when this training will
be held?”

Manager 2 : “Next month maybe?”

HRD : “That is so long.”

Secretary : “How about 2 weeks again.”

Manager 1 : “Did you forgot? 2 weeks again we need to go to Jakarta. We need to

meet with investor.”

Secretary : “Sorry sir i forgot it.”

General Manager : “It is okay, i choose the first choice. We will held this training next
month. Miss Aafi please make information and share to all employees.”

Secretary : “I can handle it sir, it is easy for me.”

HRD : “Sir. I have any plan for this problem employees.”

General Manager : “What is that Mr. Haidar?”

HDR : “I think we need vacation to Bali.”

Manager 1 : “Absolutely agree with this idea.”

Manager 2 : “I don’t agree with the destination, how about Malaysia?

Manager 1 : “I really agree with this, Bali is so bore, isn’t it?”

Manager 2 : “Yeah, i have 10 time vacation to Bali, so it’s so boredom.”

Secretary : “How about Korea Sir, i want to meet BTS.”

General Manager : “Okay okay calm down, i agree with this vacation. But for the
destination, i need more times to decide that.”

HRD : “We need to list the destination.”

General Manager : “Yeah, just do it, and give me in the next meeting.


General Manager: “Unfortunately, we are running short of time. We must to end our
meeting today.”

Manager 1 : “Can we fix the next meeting, please?”

General Manager : “Good idea, maybe next Monday. Is that okay for everyone?”

Manager 2 : “Okay sir.”

HRD : “It is okay for me.”

Secretary : “I will inform everyone in here with Whatsapp Messenger.”

General Manager : “Okay before we close this meeting lets pray together.”

General Manager : “Okay everyone, see you next meeting.”

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