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Melinda S Meliala (43119010389)

Annisa Sumaiya (43119010394)

Dialog Tugas besar

Melinda : Hello good morning, my name is Melinda

Annisa : Good Morning, nice to meet you, Ms. Melinda.

Melinda : Are you ready for the interview?

Annisa : Yes, I am ready to follow suit well

Melinda : Okay, please introduce yourself briefly?

Annisa : My name is Annisa Sumaiya, I live in Jl. Cempedak. I studied at Mercubuana University, S1
Management Study Program FEB. I am currently in semester 4.

Melinda : During your study at Mercu Buana, did you join UKM on your campus?

Annisa : Yes, I followed it. I joined the HIMA organization on my campus in semester 3.

Melinda : Why are you interested in applying for an internship at our company?

Annisa : I understand the financial part and am already active. Become a part of PT. The sun is what I
want. I think this company is the right place for me to use my skills and develop my potential.

Melinda : Do you have any previous work experience?

Annisa : Yes, I worked part-time as a salesperson.

Melinda : Give a reason why we have to accept you?

Annisa : I have experience in this field, I will give the best performance for this company, I can adapt to
other employees, and I am a disciplined person.

Melinda : Can you enter full-time or not?

Annisa : I can full-time but only on Thursday-Saturday. This is because I am still in college from morning
to evening.

Melinda : When can you start your internship?

Annisa : Immediately, starting next week it will be difficult for me to be ready to be called to work.

Melinda : Okay, great. I think that is all for now. We will contact you soon

Annisa : Thank you for your time

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