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3: Take notes (Vocab)

Unit 10: Relationships: friends forever

 Love at first sight: yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên
 Fall head over heels in love: yêu một cách say đắm và điên khùng
 Only has eyes for: chỉ bị thu hút bởi
 Infatuated with: mê đắm
 Besotted with: làm đần độn
 Platonic relationship: mối quan hệ chủ yếu dựa trên tình bạn (platonic)
 Hit it off: như những lần gặp mặt khác
 Soulmate: tri kỉ
 A man after my own heart: có một người đàn ông trong trái tim tôi
 Woman after your own heart: có một người phụ nữ riêng trong trái tim tôi
 Get on like a house on fire: có mối quan hệ rất tốt, thân thiết
 Bosom friends/buddies/pals: bạn thân tốt
 Inseparable: không thể chia tách
 Bond: sự ràng buộc
 Kindred spirits: tính tình giống nhau
 Well-matched: phù hợp
 Family ties: quan hệ gia đình
 Mutual acquaintance: người quen
 Hold her in high regard: tôn trọng cô ấy
 Thick as thieves: vô cùng thân thiết
 Adoring: trìu mến
 Adoration: sự trìu mến
 Affectionate: biểu lộ sự trìu mến
 Affection: sự yêu mến
 Amiable: nhã nhặn
 Amiability: sự nhã nhặn
 Considerate: cân nhắc
 Consideration: sự cân nhắc
 Faithful: trung thành
 Faithfulness: sự trung thành
 Fond: yêu mến
 Fondness: sự yêu mến
 Loyal: trung thành
 Loyalty: sự trung thành
Unit 11: Relationships: ups and downs
 Casual acquaintance: người quen bình thường
 True friend: bạn thật sự
 Behind their backs: nói xấu sau lưng
 Colleague: đồng nghiệp
 Allies: đồng minh
 Partner: cộng sự
 Disloyal: bất trung
 Disloyalty: sự bất trung
 Supportive: thông cảm
 Unsupportive: không cảm thông
 Critical: phê phán, chỉ trích
 Honest: trung thực
 Truthful: đáng tin
 Dishonest: dối trá
 Untruthful: không đáng tin
 Respectful: lễ phép
 Respect: sự kính trọng
 Disrespectful: vô phép
 Disrespect: sự vô phép
 Two-faced toward: giả dối, không chân tình, hai mặt
 Business partners: đối tác kinh doanh
 Bitter/arch rival: đối thủ truyền kiếp
 Sworn enemy: kẻ thù không đội trời chung
 Disloyal to: bất trung với
 Dishonest with: không trung thực với
 Distant toward: không thân thiết, lạnh nhạt
 Scrupulously honest: trung thực cẩn thận
 Complete and unswerving loyalty: trung thành trọn vẹn và không thay đổi
 Staunchest ally: đồng minh trung thành nhất
 Deeply critical of: phê phán sâu sắc
 Break down: đổ vỡ
 Rift: mối bất đồng
 Discord: sự bất hòa
 Don’t see eye to eye: ý kiến trái chiều
 Be on bad terms: có mối quan hệ tồi
 Turned sour: trở nên tệ hơn
 Split up: chia tay
 Has had its ups and downs: mối quan hệ thăng trầm
 Bumpy relationship: mối quan hệ gập ghềnh
 Broken home: gia đình tan vỡ
 Family feud: mối thù gia đình
 Genuine misunderstanding: hiểu lầm hoàn toàn
Ex. 4: Take notes (Olympic):
1. Sacred: thiêng liêng
2. Thesis: luận đề
3. Trustworthy: đáng tin cậy
4. Feasible: khả thi
5. Abaft: ở phía sau
6. Gaga: già nua, lẩm cẩm
7. Gag: cái bịt miệng, lời nói giỡn
8. Gage: đồ cầm, sự thách đấu
9. Oast: lò sấy mạch nha
10. Oarsman: người chèo thuyền
11. Oaten: bằng bột yến mạch
12. Scherzo: khúc kéc zô
13. Incredulous: hoài nghi
14. Squander: lãng phí
15. Latter: sau cùng
Ex. 5: Make sentences:
1. Temporary workers are considerably younger than the generality of workers.
2. At 3:00 pm on the dot, Sam arrived at the door for her interview.
3. There were simultaneous demonstrations at the American embassies in Paris and Zurich.
4. The medicine will give you temporary relief.
5. He has a short concentration span during courses at school.
6. Sulla's dictatorship was the form taken by a provisional government.
7. The rate at which technology becomes obsolete continues to increase dramatically.
8. I was under the impression that people who rented council houses would have to pay the
new council tax in addition to their rents.
9. If you are pleased enough about your victory, you will grant me leave to show you.
10. His term of office expires at the end of June.
11. I’ve got some business to attend to with the other Immortals.
12. Death was almost instantaneous, you know.
13. She wanted to impress her mother-in-law with a nice dinner.
14. Alex, do you think you will ever look forward to having a baby in the house?
15. Dell is a multinational company that is best known for selling home computers and
16. She even had me on speakerphone with a head office financial consultant.
17. I used to drink coffee every morning but now I drink tea.
18. It was a complete failure, and for a time his prospects were overclouded.
19. In Germany, moreover, the military service is designed not only to make the recruit a
good soldier, but also to give him a healthy physical, moral and mental training.
20. Traffic on the interstate was so bad that the snowstorm that blew through actually ended
up snowing many of cars under, causing even more traffic problems as a result.
21.We'll wind down our practice with some gentle stretches.
22. It was discouraging to learn that our budget had been cut, but we pressed on in the hopes
of recovering our investment costs.
23. I'm still waiting for the next full-fledged sequel to come out, but this TV miniseries will
tide me over for now.
24. If you make up hours, you work some extra hours because you have previously taken
some time off work.
25. Thanks to that traffic jam, I ended up being late to the meeting.
26. Don't just while the summer away—set a goal for yourself and do something
27. If you want to get a passing grade this semester, you'll really need to knuckle down and
study hard.
28. I know you don't think anyone notices when you come in late, but if you don't knock it
off, you're going to find yourself on the unemployment line.
29. I brought you some lemonade, since you've been beavering away planting flowers in the
back yard all day!
30. Yes, we're still trying to hammer away the details of this contract.
31. I know Janet's been plodding away at her company's tax returns all weekend.
32. I slave away over a hot stove all afternoon, and you can't even be bothered to finish
what's on your plate?
33. Our whole team has been working away to get the project finished in time.

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