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Chapter 4: Mixtures, solutions and

4.1 Mixtures
Lesson objectives
Within this session, students should be able to:
• describe what mixture is and its examples;
• distinguish the properties of a mixture;
What is a mixture?
A mixture consists of two or more
different substances that are mixed but
not chemically combined.
The substances that make up a mixture
may be elements, compounds or both
elements and compounds.
Examples of mixtures
Air is a mixture of elements, such as nitrogen,
oxygen and argon, and compounds such as
carbon dioxide and water vapour.
Milk is a mixture of compounds such
as proteins, sugar and fats. Milk also
contains ions, such as calcium and
Atom, molecule, ion
• Atom: smallest particle
which carry the
properties of the
element. Ex. Na, O, Br.
• Molecule : group of
atoms bonded
together. Ex. O2, Br2, H2O
• Ion : atom or group of
atoms with electrical
charge. Ex. Na+,Br-, OH-
Properties of Mixtures

Properties of mixtures How air obey these properties

1. When a mixture is Air is formed by simply mixing its
formed, no chemical component gases – nitrogen,
reaction occurs. oxygen, carbon dioxide, noble gases
and water vapour. No reaction
occurs between the components.
2. A mixture has the Air has the properties of its
properties of its components – nitrogen, oxygen,
constituent substances. carbon dioxide, noble gases and
water vapour. Air supports
combustion because the oxygen gas
in it supports combustion.
Properties of Mixtures (2)
Properties of How air obey these properties
3. A mixture can be Air can be separated into its
separated easily by components by fractional
physical methods (i.e. distillation.
without involving
chemical reaction).
4. The components in The proportions of the constituent
mixtures can be mixed in gases in air may vary with place
any fixed proportion. and time. For example, we can find
a higher amount of carbon dioxide
in the city than the seaside.
Separation methods
• Simple and fractional distillation, for substances which
have different boiling point.
• Filtration, for insoluble solid- liquid mixture.
• Crystallization, for dissolved substance that soluble at
high temperature, but less at low temperature
• Chromatography, for substances with different
solubility in a solvent.
• Use of magnet, for metals that can be
attractive magnets.
• Sublimation, for subtances that can undergo
Practice questions
Answer these questions on your notebook.
1. What are the properties of mixtures?
2. Seawater is a mixture. Show seawater follow the
properties of mixtures.
Types of Mixtures
• Solid-solid mixtures
• Alloys are mixtures of a metal element with other
metals or non-metals.
• An example is duraluminium which is a mixture of
aluminium and copper.
• It is strong and durable and often used in building
ships and aircraft engines.
Types of Mixtures

• Solid-solid mixtures
• Concrete is a mixture of cement and gravel.
• It is used in pavements, architectural structures,
bridges, etc.
Types of Mixtures
• Solid-liquid mixtures
• Calamine lotion is used for treating skin rashes.
• It is made up of solid zinc oxide, solid calcium
hydroxide, liquid glycerine and water.
Types of Mixtures
• Solid-liquid mixtures
• Cendol is one of the many types of drinks that
contain both solids and liquids.
Types of Mixtures
• Liquid-liquid mixtures
• Alcoholic drinks consist of ethanol and other
flavourings dissolved in water.
• Vinegar is made up of a solution of ethanoic acid
and water.
Types of Mixtures
• Liquid-gas mixtures
• Most forms of foam that you see (e.g. in a cup of
cappucino or from a bubble bath ) are made up of air
bubbles in a liquid.
Types of Mixtures
• Liquid- gas mixtures
• Soda drinks contain carbon dioxide dissolved in a
flavoured drink.
Types of Mixtures
• Gas-gas mixtures
• The air around us is also a mixture of gases.
• The properties of air show some common properties
of mixtures.
Practice questions
Answer the questions on your notebook
1. Andy mixed powdered milk, sugar, and water.
Based on the states of matter, what type of
mixture is it?
2. Give an example of a mixture and determine
the type of mixture.

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