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Respect was shown to me when… I think discrimination was evident when…

I showed respect to others. As I act the way I’m the persons I am hanging out with,
with other people or anyone who’s with me I underestimated others with the other person’s
always strive to do better and admit my physical appearances and personalities.
mistakes so that is how respect was shown to
me. I showed respect and with exchange,
respect was shown to me.


Processing Questions; Answers:

1. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they’re different
from you or you don’t agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of
trust, safety, and wellbeing. Respect doesn’t have to come naturally – it is something
you learn. On the other hand, discrimination happens when an individual
doesn't respect themselves and it goes to show they discriminate others with the
persons identities.

2. Respect is shown when…

 one acknowledges another person’s personal opinion and beliefs, and not making a
judgment out of them.
 everyone in the room is treated fairly regardless of their status and religion.
 a certain group welcomes a person who does not share the same race as them.
 people are empowered more than criticized or condemned.
 individuality is considered to be a vital factor in establishing a society.

3. Yes, it is possible to replace discrimination with respect. For example, before, I see
others negatively with their personalities, behaviors, physical appearances and in that
way I showed discrimination to them. As the time goes by, I used to see their doings and
everything about them and as I get matured I realize that I really do need to accept
them as who they are and I shouldn’t discriminate them because I believe that If you
show respect then you will be shown respect as exchange.


I respect others when…
1. I give my full attention when someone is speaking.
2. I seek understanding.
3. I appreciate differences towards others.
4. I am reliable and accountable to others.
5. I am mindful of how I communicate to them.

I may be discriminating others when…

1. I check the brand of the clothes they are wearing.
2. I underestimate other person’s skills and behaviors.
3. I am treating someone differently based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, age, or
4. I attack others with hurtful words and attacking them repeatedly.
5. I don’t respect their opinions and beliefs.


1. I notice that respecting and discriminating other brings huge impact to the people in
our surroundings. We need to respect and not to discriminate for us to be shown
respect in exchange.

2. Confidence is the manner that I deal with people because somehow, I also want them
to be confident about themselves and so to tend to be leaders more so than those who
lack a sense of confidence and are insecure. In fact, bold posture, tone and positive
mind will indicate poise and power.


 By embracing acceptance.

 Letting go of pent up and negativity.

 Prioritizing honest communication.

 Shunning ego.

 Being really present with authentic and sincere interest.

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