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Andrez-Dizon Building, Pioneer Avenue,

General Santos City, 9500
Tel No.(083) 554-6323/5524051

SY: 2021-2022


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the underlying

principles in the installation of electrical lighting systems, auxiliary outlets and lighting

Performance Standard: The learner independently prepares electric and hydraulic

tools for the task.

Learning Competency: Install Electrical Systems, Auxiliary Outlets and Lighting

Fixtures (TLE_IAEL9EL-IIaIVj-2)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Select appropriate electrical tools, equipment and materials for specific

b. Draw the diagram of one bulb controlled by surface or flush type single
pole switch
c. Demonstrate the actual wiring of one bulb controlled by single pole switch

II. Learning Content:


Reference: To 12 TLE Industrial Arts – Electrical Installation and
Maintenance Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 9 of 17
Materials: Visual aids, receptacle, single pole switch, duplex wire, electrical
tape, bulb and junction box
III. Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activity
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Checking of Assignment
 Reminders
 Review
B. Presentation of the Lesson


Title: ‘’Name the tools and materials’’

 The students name the tools and materials, based on presented by the teacher.
C. Development of the lesson

a. Activity

Title: ‘’Draw’’

Direction: Draw the diagram of one bulb controlled by single pole switch

 Analysis
The teacher asked a question about the activity
 What type of diagram did you draw?
 Can the diagram be used to facilitate your work?
 Do you have an idea what is our topic today?
 Abstraction

What is single pole wiring?

Single pole wiring is referred into electrical circuit that consist a one bulb
controlled by single pole switch.

What are the materials and tools needed in installing the one bulb controlled by
single pole switch?

Materials need:

 What is Single Pole Switch?

The single-pole switch is the general-purpose work horse
of switches .It is used to control a light, receptacle, or other device from
a single location
 What is Bulb?
It is refers to an electric lamp which consists of a translucent or
transparent glass housing. It is also known as a light bulb.
 What is Receptacle?
A lamp holder is the device for holding a light bulb or lamp.
 What is Duplex wire?
A cable containing two wires, each with separate insulation, so as
to be virtually two cables, laid and secured parallel and side by side.

 What is Junction box?

PVC Electrical junction boxes are one type of approved enclosure

used to protect wire and cable connections.

Tools needed:

 What is Combination plier?

Combination pliers are called such because they can perform
a combination of jobs. They are most typically used for gripping,
compressing, bending, twisting, extracting and cutting various materials.
 What is Long nose plier?

It is used to grip small objects, reach awkward places, holding

wires, bend loops, and attach wires. Work involving smaller gauge wire.

 What is Electrician knife?

Electrician’s knife is designed to cut electrical insulation, cables,

insulation, and more. Not only for electricians, is this pocket knife a great
tool for anyone for quick, easy cutting.

 What is Multi-tester?

 A multi-tester, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is an

electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement
functions in one unit

 Application:

Direction: Demonstrate and perform the actual wiring of one bulb controlled
by single pole switch, using the schematic diagram. See the Scoring rubric at
the back.

IV. Evaluation:

Direction: Test 1. Give at least 5 tools and materials needed on installing

one bulb controlled by single pole switch. (2points each)

Test II. Draw the Schematic Diagram of One bulb controlled by single pole
switch. (10 points)

V. Assignment:
Draw the schematic diagram of two (2) bulbs controlled by three way switches

Prepared by:

Thanly R. Estillore
Practice Student
Checked by:
Jamaica May V. Fuentes
Cooperating teacher

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