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Lillian Waddick

Professor Erin Cook

Interpersonal Communications
19 January 2021
Diversity Day Assignment
The Office: Diversity Day Episode Watch S1E2 of “The Office” called “Diversity Day.” From watching this
episode, find examples of the cultural norms listed below. Identify the character, their action, and an
explanation as to why this demonstrates the specific cultural norm. Additionally, identify and write down four
(4) examples of cultural stereotypes from the episode.
High Power Distance -
Micheal was not accepting when corporations came in and had more power than him. High power distance is
when power is distributed unequally and people in society accept it. Michael does not want to accept the high
power distance.
Uncertainty Avoidance -
Michael shows uncertainty avoidance when Mr. Brown comes in to teach about diversity. He tries to teach the
office instead. He does not like how uncertain the situation is because he does not know what to expect.
Individualism -
Michael has a high level of individualism because he wants to do the meeting on his own. He is self-confident
and wants to do things on his own terms, which shows a high level of individualism.
High Context -
Mr. Brown shows high context in society because he is aware of how the people in the office are acting in
response to him. High context societies have people who are aware of others and how they communicate. Mr.
Brown tries to be patient due to how Michael reacts.
Low Context -
Dwight shows low context in society when shredding papers in front of Jim while he’s on the phone. A
low-context society is when people cannot pick up on non-verbal social cues easily. Jim is on the phone and
giving Dwight weird looks, but Dwight continues to do it anyway.
Achievement -
Jim has made a lot of success in sales this year, and wants to continue his business journey. This is a high
achievement in the office, and it represents a successful culture.
Cultural Stereotypes -
Since Stanley is a person of color, Michael points him out to say that “they don’t discriminate based on color,”
even though it is disrespectful.
Dwight says that many cultures are intolerant of gay people, which is a cultural stereotype.
Michael makes a voice while imitating Chris Rock, which is culturally insensitive.
Toby says “sit in a circle Indian style,” which is a cultural stereotype.
Michael says to “treat people like the race on their forehead.”
Michael makes fun of Mindy for being Indian, by pretending she works at a convenience store.

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