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Exercise 1

The map show part of the town of Poulton in 1900 and 1935.
The map depicts the modifications made to the layout of the town of Poulton in
1900 and 1935. Overall, the areas were renovated extensively, seeing fundamental
changes to its recreational facilities, road layout and its residential accommodation were
developed. It is also clear that tThe most notable changes took place to the north.
In 1930, the town had a hybrid of commercial, residential and industrial features,
but by 1935, but by 1935, the plants had been replaced with apartments. To the south of
the town, the railway line ran horizontally (east-west) through the neighborhood in 1900,
but it had been removed by 30 years later. Besides, the terraced house on the left-hand
side of the town which occupied a large area in 1900, had been transformed into block of
flats by 1930, and the wasteland had been removed as well.
From 1900 to 1935, this town had witnessed the development of commertial
commercial and recreational features. To the south, the children’s playground and Bayley
Street Park had beenwere constructed, taking up the space where there were the
wasteland and the railway workers’cottages. Thinking commerciallyOn the commercial
side, to the southwest of the town, many shops was were built along with the new road
named New Lane in 1930 map, replacing the small shop on the Bayley Street of 1900,
and the café and laundry had been relocated .

Writing Marking Sheet

Task Coherence & Lexical Grammatical
Achievement Cohesion Resource Range &

7 7 7 7-

   
Band Feedbac

overview và liên kết từ vự ng phù ngữ phá p phù

details đượ c tương đố i hợ p hợ p, nhưng cầ n

covered phù hợ p phù hợ p cẩ n thậ n hơn.

Exercise 2
The maps below show the changes that have taken place at
the waterfont area of a town calles Darwin between 2009 and

The maps depict modification made to the layout of the waterfront area of a town
calles called Darwin from 2009 to 2014. Overall, the area was renovated extensively,
seeing fundamental changes to its industrial zones, green areas and residentalresidential
facilities were developed. It is also clear that The the most notable changes took place to
the centre.
In 2009, the map had a hyprid of industrial, academic, residential and recreational
features but by 2014, the industrial features had been removed completely in 2014 map. It
is readily apparent that to the south and center of this area, many trees were grown, taking
the spacious space where there were once a wide range of factories. By 2014, a new
harbour had been constructed to the end of the new footpath which cut through the
forests. In the center, the blocks of residential buildings had been extended and located in
the spacious green area.
During the 5 5-years period, as can be seen that the educational feature remained
unchanged while there was a slight development in recreational feature. A new
swimming pool had been constructed by 2014, replacing the industrial area next to the
lake. The school, convention center, fishing area and two swimming pools around the
lake still remained stable unchanged.

Writing Marking Sheet

Task Coherence & Lexical Grammatical
Achievement Cohesion Resource Range &

7 7 7 7-

   
Band Feedbac

overview và liên kết từ vự ng phù ngữ phá p phù

details đượ c tương đố i hợ p hợ p, nhưng cầ n

covered phù hợ p phù hợ p cẩ n thậ n hơn.


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