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NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Nursing Therapeutics I: Intro to Nursing & the Client

Course Information
NURS 110
Section A
Fall 2018
11 Credits – 30 Theory Hours/160 Lab Hours

Instructor Information
Shannon Wilner, MN, RN Gail McLean, MN, RN
LBH 371 LBH 369
Ph: 425-388-9975 Ph: 425-388-9550

Office Hours Fall 2018

Shannon Wilner MN RN Gail McLean, MN RN

Week One 9/26 – 0900-1000 & 1400-1600 9/25 0800-1300

9/27 – 1500-1700
Week Two 10/3 – 1500-1700 10/5 0800-1300
10/4 – 1500-1800
Week Three 10/8 - 1300-1700 10/9 0800-1300
10/9- 1600-1700
Week Four 10/15 - 1200-1700 10/7 0800-1200
10/19 1200-1300
Week Five 10/22- 1300-1700 10/22 1200-1600
10/24 – 1600-1700 10/25 1500-1600
Week Six 10/30 – 1500-1600 10/29 1100-1600
10/31 – 0800-1200
Week Seven 11/6- 1600-1700 11/6 0800-1300, Advising 0800-1200
11/8– 0900-1300
Week Eight 11/14 – 1600-1800 11/15 1100-1600
11/15 – 1400-1700
Week Nine By appointment By appointment

Week Ten By appointment 11/26 0800-1300

Week Eleven 12/3 – 0900-1000 11/24 0800-1300, Advising 0800-1200

12/4 – 1300-1700
Week Twelve 12/10 – 1200-1700 By appointment

NURS/PHIL 114: Ethics & Policy in Healthcare I
Students are required to pass all co-requisite courses in order to progress in the Nursing Program.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Course Description
Introduces caring as a framework underlying nursing as a science and a profession. Four concepts are
examined: client, nursing, health, and environment. Themes of nursing process, problem solving,
communication, teaching, learning ethics, and legal aspects are introduced. Models of health care
delivery are explored. Additionally, altered health states of protective and healing mechanisms are
introduced to provide a foundation for studying diseases and disorders of human functioning. Topics
include cellular injury, inflammation, wound healing, ineffective thermoregulation, infection, immune
response, stress, and activity intolerance. During lab, students develop the concept of health promotion
as a basis for assessing and intervening to maintain wellness. Holistic dimensions of client assessment
are presented along with techniques used in communication, interviewing, history taking, diagnostic
reasoning, and health promotion. The student will apply techniques of physical assessment through
practice on well adults. Documentation techniques are incorporated throughout the course. Specific
health related issues focus on the middle and older aged adult. Basic skills of nursing are included in this

Objectives and Outcomes

 Participate with the patient, family, significant others, and members of the healthcare team to
utilize the nursing process in the provision of patient-centered care.
 Demonstrate critical thinking skills in the delivery of patient-centered care to well and ill patients.
 Employ effective communication with patients, families, significant others, and other professionals
within the context of the healthcare environment.
 Demonstrate behaviors consistent with the legal and ethical framework of nursing.
 Create an environment that promotes caring and professionalism with consideration for the
patient’s cultural/societal beliefs and practices.
 Utilize scientific and evidence-based knowledge, regarding alterations in health, to guide actions
which promote and maintain patient-centered care.
 Demonstrate commitment, accountability, integrity, and discretionary judgment in their nursing
 Recognize their role in shaping healthcare delivery.

Student Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:
1. Identify and describe the elements of nursing process.
2. Demonstrate a beginning proficiency in collecting, assessing and utilizing patient data to develop
a patient-centered plan of care using the nursing process.
3. Demonstrate a comprehensive holistic patient assessment.
4. Demonstrate basic nursing care skills.
5. Appropriately utilize technology in a long term care setting.
6. Identify and utilize principles of critical thinking to develop holistic nursing interventions.
7. Identify and utilize the elements of therapeutic communication with patients and the health
care team.
8. Identify legal and ethical codes and standards of professional practice.
9. Discuss beliefs and practices of diverse populations.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Core Values and Student Competencies

The following EvCC Core Learning Outcomes are also introduced or assessed in this course:
Core Learning Outcome

CLO #1: Engage and take responsibility as active learners

CLO #2: Think critically

CLO #3: Communicate effectively

CLO #4: Participate in diverse environments

CLO #5: Utilize information literacy skills

CLO #6: Demonstrate computer and technology proficiency

Topical Outline
Introduction to concepts of caring, clinical judgment, therapeutic communication, nursing
process, teaching and learning as frameworks for nursing.
Clinical Portion of Syllabus
 Identification of the clinical and lab learning experiences
Labs provide teaching, learning, practice, and demonstration opportunities for health promotion,
patient assessment, documentation, ethical and legal practice, and fundamental nursing skills.
 Type of patient units and other clinical based learning experiences
N110 students select a community member who volunteers to participate in a nursing
student/patient dyad in which students perform and document patient physical assessment,
functional assessment and nursing process. Clinical sites are long term care facilities in the

Books and Materials

Doenges, M., Moorhouse, M., & Murr, A. (2016). Nursing care plans: Planning, Individualizing, and
Documenting Client Care (5thed.). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis Company.
Jarvis, C. (2010). Physical examination and health assessment (7th ed). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
Kozier, B. (2015). Fundamentals of nursing: Concepts, process, and practice (10th ed). New Jersey:
Prentice Hall Inc.

Requirements and Expectations

Nursing 110 students are expected to:
 read the course syllabus and to understand the course requirements. It is understood that a student
will meet with the course instructor to discuss any requirements that are not clear.
 exhibit classroom behavior which is appropriate for a positive learning environment. Interrupting,
inappropriate talking or whispering during lecture, disrespect, insensitivity to fellow students and
instructors, and angry outbursts are unacceptable.
 be on time for class or to notify the course instructor if they expect to be late or absent.
 be present for mandatory experiences including case studies, tests, skills demonstrations and check
offs and all clinical experiences. Absences of required activities occurring during class, lab, or clinical
will require make-up work.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

 fully participate in class discussion and small group work since such work is essential to achieving
the outcomes and objectives of this course.
 engage in critical listening, critical reading, and critical thinking. Strategies which will assist students
in this regard are:
o Completing readings and class preparation prior to class time.
o The instructor asking for and expecting contributions to class topics (randomly and without
o Asking students to critique their own and one another’s thinking.
o Expecting students to help one another to achieve the outcomes and objectives of the
course with the understanding that each student has areas of strength and weakness that
add to the group’s learning and contribute to an understanding of diversity.
 successfully complete both the theory and clinical sections of this course (at the same time, in the
same quarter) in order to progress to the next level of the Nursing Program. Note: this course is a
required nursing course in sequence in the Nursing Program and the lecture and lab portions of this
course are complementary and not stand-alone course sections. Attendance in all sections of the
course is mandatory: classroom, skills labs, Simulation labs, and clinical practicums.
 successfully pass skills check off including skills competency “grab bag” at a satisfactory level in order
to progress to Nursing 110 clinicals and the next level of the Nursing Program.
 Use of tape recorders and/or cellular phones is not allowed during class or clinical practicum without
instructor permission.
 Cellular phones are to be stored in personal bags or on your person in “off” or “ silent mode.” They
must not be visible on the desk. Please notify your instructor if you need to have your phone available
for family emergencies.
 Laptop computers may be used during class lecture only when information displayed on screens relate
to lecture PowerPoint slides ONLY.

Students who have special needs are responsible for discussion with the instructor prior to class or
clinical practicum.

Teaching Methods
N110 teaching methods include lecture, recorded videos, high and low fidelity simulation, class
discussion, role play, group work, demonstration of nursing skills with explication of rationales, staffed
nursing laboratory, clinical practicum at selected clinical sites.

Attendance and Participation

Attendance in all sections of the course is mandatory: classroom, skills labs, Simulation labs, and clinical

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Coursework is divided into Theory and Clinical components. Below are the assignments in each:

THEORY: Exams and Assignments Points Percentage of Final Grade

Exams 200-275 53.29%
Nursing Process Group Work Peer Grade 20
Critical Thinking Paper 28
TOTAL 248-323

CLINICAL: Labs, Assessments, Practicum Points Percentage of Final Grade

Client Visit Paper 100 46.70%
ATI™ Skills Videos Post-Tests 72
Skills Competencies Evaluation 15
Clinical Care Plan#1 44
Clinical Care Plan #2 44
Head to Toe Assessment 25
Head To Toe Assessment Narrative 5

Evaluation and Grading

Grading scale
94-100% = A 83-86% = B 73-76% = C 63-66% = D
90-93% = A- 80-82% = B- 70-72% = C- Below 62% = F
87-89% = B+ 77-79% = C+ 67-69% = D+
No “rounding” will occur when calculating grades.

Minimum passing grade in N110 requires:

 80% average on the exams as a whole.
 80% in the entire course.
 Satisfactory clinical performance as reflected on the clinical evaluation tool.
o Criteria marked with ** indicate knowledge, skills, or attitudes expected to be
satisfactorily demonstrated at all times.
In the event any of the above three criteria are not met, a C- or lower will be submitted for your course
grade to reflect non-passing of the course, even though overall course work may be above 80%.
To calculate your Theory grade:
o Divide your earned points by the total possible (i.e. 425/500 = 85%)
o Clinical grading is Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
Validation of learning will include written examinations, online quizzes, clinical performance evaluations
in skills lab, simulation lab, and clinical practicum.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Late Work
Late assignments will be awarded no points, but are required to be completed to receive credit for the
course. Extenuating circumstances must be communicated to the instructor prior to the due date to
arrange for exceptions to this policy

Academic Integrity
Nursing 110 students are expected to:
 submit assignments on time without exception.
 take the paper and pencil exams at the scheduled time. By exception and with prior agreement,
students may take an exam late for reasonable cause. When such exception has been granted
students may be held to a higher grading standard.
 complete their own work. With the exception of group assignments, which will be clearly identified,
all assignments will be solely the work of each individual. No referencing of prior student papers will
be allowed. It is understood that academic dishonesty will result in failure of this course and
removal from the Nursing Program.
 take the paper and pencil exams at the scheduled time. By exception and with prior agreement,
students may take an exam late for reasonable cause. When such exception has been granted
students may be held to a higher grading standard.
 complete their own work. With the exception of group assignments, which will be clearly identified,
all assignments will be solely the work of each individual. No referencing of prior student papers will
be allowed. It is understood that academic dishonesty will result in failure of this course and
removal from the Nursing Program.
 successfully complete both the theory and clinical sections of this course (at the same time, in the
same quarter) in order to progress to the next level of the Nursing Program. Note: this course is a
required nursing course in sequence in the Nursing Program and the lecture and lab portions of this
course are complementary and not stand-alone course sections.
Attendance in all sections of the course is mandatory: classroom, skills labs, Simulation labs, and
clinical practicum

Support for Students

Diversity and Accessibility
Everett Community College is committed to the full inclusion of all students, and I welcome people of
all backgrounds, identities, and abilities in this class. My goal is to create an environment in which
everyone can participate and learn. Because of the diversity of beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences
all of us bring to this class, I expect you to interact with your peers in a spirit of generosity, mutual
respect, and understanding.

If there are aspects of this course that prevent you from learning or that exclude you, please speak
with me as soon as possible. Together we can develop strategies to meet both your needs and the
requirements of this course. I’m happy to talk confidentially after class or during my office hours.

You also have the right to request accommodation for a verified disability. For information and
assistance, contact the Center for Disability Services (located in Parks 267) for help documenting
specific needs you may have and determining appropriate accommodations.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Tutoring: The Tutoring Center is a safe, creative space where we help students become more successful
by employing a variety of tools such as, demonstrating processes, relating ideas, providing resources,
encouraging group work and welcoming questions.
Tutoring Center - Rainier 119
Monday - Wednesday 8:00am - 6:50pm
Thursday 8:00am - 4:50pm
eTutoring - Click Login then select Western eTutoring Consortium

Writing Center: You can schedule an appointment with a writing assistant for a 25 or 50 minute session.
(You may make up to two appointments per week.) To schedule an appointment, stop by the Writing
Center (Gray Wolf Hall 150) during our hours of operation or call 425-388-9406.

You can submit a draft of your paper for feedback, ask specific questions, and receive a response usually
within 24 to 48 hours. To submit your writing for feedback, go online to the eTutoring Consortium
and follow the directions for logging in to eTutoring.

Library: Librarians are your friend. Call the Everett Community College Library at 425-388-9354 and
talk directly with our reference librarians during regular library hours. Or Online chat is available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, including quarter breaks. For help finding research online through the EvCC
library try this LibGuide link.

eLearning: For technical and online learning concerns EvCC has an eLearning Center located at Gray
Wolf Hall 231B. You can call the eLearning Center at 1-866-575-9027 (or x9027 if on campus). Or

Nondiscrimination Statement
Everett Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious belief, sex, marital
status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, disability, genetic
information, veteran status, or age in its programs, activities, or employment.

The Chief Diversity and Equity Officer has been designated to handle inquiries regarding
nondiscrimination policies and can be reached at 2000 Tower Street, Everett, WA 98201, or by phone at

Changes to the Syllabus

We have attempted to make this syllabus as comprehensive and accurate as possible, but we may
occasionally need to make small adjustments during the quarter. We will announce any changes in class
or notify you in writing.

Course Calendar
Course calendar will be posted on canvas, with any changes announced via canvas or in class. Clinical
calendar will also be posted to canvas once finalized. Contact information for your clinical instructor will
be included.

Inclement Weather
Should there be weather conditions severe enough to cancel classes, students will be notified via Canvas
e-mail. Please register for emergency notifications at

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Grade Appeal Process

Academic grievance procedures are found in the Everett Community College Student Rights and
Responsibilities at:

Everett Community College Important Dates To Remember:

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Care Management: Laboratory and Clinical Practicum

Care Management Description

Students not achieving 80% for course or exam work in N110 a will not be allowed to continue
on to the Long Term Care Clinical rotation experience: mastery of subject material is necessary
for care and safety of clients. This portion of the course presents basic skills of nursing
including activities of daily living. Emphasizes cognitive, interpersonal and technical activities
related to the content areas presented in Nursing 110. Provides opportunity for application of
basic skills, physical assessment, and communication skills with the well and chronically ill
elderly adult.

Care Management Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this portion of the course the student will be able to:

1. Use a variety of assessment tools to complete a holistic assessment of a well, elderly

2. Demonstrate therapeutic communication skills in working with middle and older aged
3. Develop and implement a plan of care for health promotion for the middle or older aged
4. Complete a health history and integrated physical examination of a well adult, including
interviewing and history taking; and an abbreviated physical examination with a
chronically ill older adult in the long term care setting.
5. Utilize the nursing process to assess clients, develop nursing diagnoses, establish goals
and expected outcomes, interventions with rationales, and evaluate interventions.
6. Document assessment data in an organized way
7. Demonstrate fundamental skills of nursing.
8. Develop professional behaviors and practices appropriate for beginning student nursing

Nursing Role Performance

In order to pass the Care Management section of NURS 110 the student must earn a rating of
“Satisfactory” in all critical (Bolded) criterion on the NURS 110 Clinical Evaluation Tool. If an
“Unsatisfactory” score is received in any one of the criterion the student will not pass the Care
Management section of the course.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Care Management Expectations

Required Items
All students are expected to have on their person at all times during Care Management: EvCC
name tag, gait belt, stethoscope, and black pen. In addition, NURS 110 students find the
following items useful: penlight, small calculator, and small bandage scissors.


NURS 110 students are required to attend all Care Management activities as noted on the
course calendar. All lecture/discussions and other section experiences are required.
Extenuating circumstances that prevent a student's attendance must be communicated to the
appropriate instructor prior to the absence. Loss of credit for the experience and/or course
failure will result if the student fails to notify an instructor of an absence. Absence from clinical
experiences will require make-up experiences. (Make-up experiences are not available or
provided to students who are not successfully passing the course at the end of the quarter.)
When make-up experiences are required, they may or may not be available within the time
frame of the quarter. If such experiences are not available during a quarter, students will
receive an Incomplete for the quarter and may be required to remunerate the instructor for
clinical time. No more than two clinical days can be made up. Absences beyond this limit
require a withdrawal from the course.

When a student’s absence is related to an illness which, in the professional judgment of the
nursing instructor, could potentially jeopardize patient safety, the instructor may require that
the student not be allowed to return to the clinical area until provided with a physician’s
statement that the student’s health condition has been resolved.

Preparation for Care Management Learning Experiences

NURS 110 students are expected to be prepared for each Care Management experience.
Students are required to come to class and clinical experiences prepared to discuss and/or offer
care related to specific clients or case studies. Written materials (case studies, clinical prep
work, journals) will be turned in to the instructors as indicated.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

Therapeutic Nursing Skills

NURS 110 students should seek out and be prepared to complete the following skills during
their Care Management experience. Always check with your instructor prior to carrying out any
skill to determine if you can complete the skill independently or under the observation of your

PROFESSIONAL  Critical Thinking

IDENTITY  Professionalism
 Nursing Process
 Therapeutic Communication
PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT Comprehensive Physical Exam
● Health History/General Survey
● Skin, hair, and nails
● Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat
● Neurological
● Respiratory, Thoracic
● Cardiac
● Peripheral vascular
● Gastrointestinal
● Genitourinary
● Musculoskeletal
● Integumentary

Abbreviated Physical Exam in the Long Term Care Setting

 Environmental
 Functional
 Sleep/Rest
 Cultural
 Spiritual
VITAL SIGNS  Temperature
 Respiration rate
 Peripheral Pulses
 Blood pressure, Orthostatic Blood pressures
 Pulse Oximetry
 Doppler
BASIC CARE, SAFETY,  Bedmaking (Occupied, Unoocupied)
COMFORT  Bedbath, (Adult)
 Perineal care
 Oral, Hair care
 Assisting with Nutrition (Adult)

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

MOBILITY  Assistive Devices

 Application of Compression Stockings
 Joint Range of Motion
 Transfers
 Ambulation
 Positioning in Bed
CONTROL  Universal Precautions
 Isolation Precautions
SENSORY / NEUROLOGIC  Glasgow Coma Scale
 Catheter insertion and removal
 Enemas
 Occult blood testing
 Urine dipstick testing
 Suprapubic catheter care
COMMUNICATION  Therapeutic Communication
 Documentation
 Symbols and Abbreviations
 Narrative charting
MANAGEMENT OF CARE  Perform an abbreviated physical examination in Long
Term Care setting
 Construct two basic care plans using Nursing Process

Student Responsibilities

1. Professionalism
A. Attitude
1. Student will receive constructive feedback positively.
2. Student will demonstrate assertiveness in the clinical area by using appropriate
methods of conflict resolution and appropriate communication channels.
B. Timeliness
1. Student will submit their clinical prep sheets and reflective assignments to Canvas by
the due dates and times.
2. Student will attend report at the beginning of each shift, unless otherwise stated.
3. Student will complete all nursing duties (client care, therapeutic interventions
including medication administration, reporting to Licensed Nurse (LN), and
termination of client relation) at the time designated by the clinical instructor each
clinical day.
4. Student will be present for post-conference at the time designated by the clinical
instructor each clinical day.
5. Student may take scheduled breaks at appropriate times, with notification and
agreement of LN and instructor.
NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

C. Constructive Use of Time

1. Student will assist LN with other duties only when assigned client care is completed.
2. Student will actively seek out learning experiences.
D. Reporting to Licensed Nurse
1. Student will report all abnormal or questionable data to LN and instructor
2. Student will report absences from the care unit to the LN and instructor.
3. Student will give a synopsis of client status and client care activities to LN upon any
absence from the care unit, and will report off at the end of the clinical day.
E. Confidentiality
1. Student will review and comply with the EvCC Student Handbook Confidentiality
2. Under no circumstances will the student photograph, photocopy, print, or remove
from the care unit any part of the client care record.
3. Student will not access the clinical site at unauthorized times (non-assigned, non-
clinical, non-prep time).
4. Student will wear appropriate identification and a complete uniform when present
in the clinical facility.
F. Notification of Absence/Lateness
1. Student will notify the appropriate instructor and facility unit (if it is their policy)
prior to late arrival or absence from required activities.
2. Student will not leave the assigned unit without the express permission of the

2. Immunization Changes/CPR Certification

A. Student will not be allowed to attend clinical until immunizations and AHA BLS for
Healthcare Providers CPR records are current.
B. Student’s Hepatitis B series must be completed with 3 injections plus a titer performed
prior to first day of clinical.

3. Badges and Name Tags

A. Student is not allowed access to client information without an identification badge or
EvCC Nursing Student name badge.

4. Personal Hygiene and Dress Requirements

A. No smoking is allowed on the clinical facility grounds at any time.
B. Student’s clothing, hair, fingers, and breath must be completely free of the scent of
smoke at all times.
C. Student will wear no perfume or jewelry, and will follow guidelines for nail length and
color as stated in the EvCC Nursing Student Handbook.
D. Student will follow uniform guidelines as stated in the EvCC Nursing Student Handbook.
E. Student is not allowed to have artificial nails, visible tattoos, or facial piercings.

5. Choosing Clients

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

A. The clinical instructor will choose student client assignments unless otherwise stated.

6. Preparation
A. Students will complete required clinical paperwork and submit to instructor on time.

7. Attendance
A. Attendance is mandatory at all activities and experiences related to Care Management.
The calendar notes which experiences are part of this requirement.
B. Extenuating circumstances, which prevent a student’s attendance, must be
communicated to the appropriate instructor prior to the experience.
C. Failure to notify the appropriate instructor will result in loss of credit for the experience
and/or course failure.

8. Client Care
A. All care (ADL) is to be completed by the designated time during the clinical shift.
B. If the student’s client is discharged or unavailable for care (transferred, off the unit for a
diagnostic or therapeutic treatment) the student is to contact the instructor to
determine the best use of their time. If the student’s client is unavailable for an
extended period of time, the student may be assigned another client. Student will
confer with the instructor on the client’s care, working to gather data while performing
the care.
C. Student is responsible for all treatments on each client they are caring for. Supervision
will be provided by the instructor as needed, and as requested by the student.
D. Assessments
1. Student is expected to complete one client assessment with instructor present at a
time convenient for the client, and document findings in a narrative note. If client
declines or is unable to participate then the instructor will arrange an alternative
client for the assessment and documentation during the clinical dates.
2. Clinical paperwork (care plans, daily clinical reflections, and professional thread
reflections are to be submitted to clinical instructor at the designated time.
E. Communication
1. Student will communicate with the attending LN and instructor throughout the
clinical time, bringing attention to any change in status, difficulty with cooperation,
or general challenge that the student discovers.
2. Student will communicate any absence from direct patient care or from the assigned
unit to the instructor and to the attending LN. It is assumed that students will
remain on the unit to which they are assigned for the entire clinical period, except as
specifically agreed to by the instructor.

9. Universal Precautions
A. Students are expected to understand and carry out appropriate handling and disposal of
biomedical wastes.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018

B. Students may carry goggles on their person on all clinical days, and may use as
C. Students are expected to wear gloves for all patient care which involves potential or real
exposure to body fluids.

10. Communication regarding changes in scheduled clinical times/hours

A. Schedule changes will be communicated via Canvas. Students are advised to check
Canvas regularly to keep informed of notifications, schedule changes, assignments, and
announcements. Students are responsible to remain aware of changes in schedules.

11. Failure to meet responsibilities

A. Failure to meet any of the above responsibilities will result in immediate instructor
withdrawal and/or a failing grade regardless of grade earned up to the time of
withdrawal or amount of time which has elapsed in the quarter.

NURS 110 Everett Community College Fall 2018


Please place your initials next to each item and sign below. Submit to N110 Instructor.
______I have read the course syllabus, and understand the course requirements. The
instructor has answered my questions about what is required to be successful in this
______I understand that appropriate classroom behavior is important for a positive learning
experience. Interrupting, inappropriate talking/whispering during lecture, disrespect,
insensitivity to fellow students and instructors, and angry outbursts are unacceptable.
______I will handle myself in a professional manner in the clinical sites and course experiences.
By participating in these experiences I understand that I am representing Everett
Community College and the profession of nursing.
______I will be on time for class and clinical.
______I understand that all clinical/lab dates and times, including case study experiences, are
______In preparation for this quarter, I have read and reviewed the policies in the Nursing
Student Handbook – Essential Qualification of the Nursing Student, Confidentiality
Statement, Policy for Handling Body Substances, Attendance Policy, Grading Policy,
Progressions in the Nursing Program, Readmission Policy and Ineligibility Statement. I
understand these policies and agree to abide by them.

Printed Name ________________________________________


Date ________________________________________________


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