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Nama : Arham Muhammad Ramdhan

Kelas : TI C 2019
NIM : 20190810136

Higher education students facing covid-19 pandemic

Currently the corona virus has spread widely throughout the world including Indonesia.
The spread of the covid-19 virus is very fast and is the highest cause of death in various countries
of the world today. Many victims have died. Even many medical personnel who were victims
then died. This has become a problem that must be faced by the world today, to carry out a
variety of policies including in Indonesia itself. Indonesia also feels the impact of the spread of
this virus. More and more quickly spread to a number of regions in Indonesia.

Day by day people who are infected with this virus are increasing, which causes
educational institutions in Indonesia to be disrupted learning activities. The government issued a
circular so that people implement social distancing, so that all educational institutions move
using online learning systems including tertiary institutions. In the process of adaptation in using
an online learning system it turns out that it does not immediately run smoothly, so teaching and
learning activities cannot be done optimally in the early weeks of online lectures. Not all students
feel comfortable with conditions like this. Many students complained that lectures conducted
online made many students less able to understand the material provided. Quite a lot of lecturers
only give material using Power Points and then give assignments to students. So students
demand the role of lecturers more than just that. With online learning there are also many
students who have to spend more money to buy internet quota. Not all students have internet
access and WiFi at home. Students also have limitations in finding free WiFi because of these
situations and conditions the community must implement physical distancing.

But higher education students are not the time to just continue to receive material but also
find out for themselves. As a student not only demands to be given continuous material, but also
develops the material provided. Many ways to develop the material provided. Whether it's by
reading, and finding out from various sources. Being a higher education students is a challenge
and pride. That is why students are called agents of national change. Higher education students
are always faced with various problems and challenges. How higher education students deal with
situations like this will also be highlighted. The Corona virus pandemic that occurred requires us
to fight together and understand more, not just make the atmosphere worse.

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