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Author Name NEHA

Title NEHA
Submission/Paper ID 362373
Submission Date 18-Aug-2021 05:21:24
Total Pages 5
Total Words 2000

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Similarity 15 %
Unique 85 %
Internet Sources 15 %
Journal/Publication Sources 18 %
Similarity content under 'Quotes' 6%

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Sources: Less than 14 Words Similarity Excluded
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A-Satisfactory (0-10%)
B-Upgrade (11-40%)

15 32 B C-Poor (41-60%)
D-Unacceptable (61-100%)


1. 31 Internet 1

2. 75 Publication 1

3. 83 Internet 1

4. 5 Internet 1

5. 6 Publication <1

6. 14 Publication
Centralised or decentralised banking supervision <1
Evidence from European banks by Avignone-2021

7. 18 Internet <1

8. 9 Publication.
Field practice supervision of social work students a <1
psychodynamic view on the by Karpetis-2010

9. 16 Publication
Lecture Notes in Computer Science New Horizons in <1
Web Based Learnin, by Cao, Yiwei Vljata- 2014

10. 7 Publication <1
11. 26 Publication <1

12. 11 Publication
Amplified Voices, Intersecting Identities Volume 2 <1
(First-Gen PhDs Navigating I

13. 10 Internet <1

14. 19 Publication <1

15. 25 Internet <1

16. 36 Internet <1

17. 15 Publication
The Adventures of Jo Schmo Dinos Are Forever, and <1
The Adventures of Jo Schmo by Hulick-2012

18. 12 Publication
Content analysis of neurodegenerative and mental <1
diseases social grou, by Martinez-Perez, B.- 2015

19. 28 Publication
A Proposal for Improving Development Training by <1

20. 22 Internet <1

21. 13 Publication <1

22. 86 Internet <1

23. 27 Internet <1
24. 24 Internet <1

25. 20 Publication <1

26. 17 Internet <1

27. 23 Publication <1

28. 21 Publication <1

29. 84 Internet <1

30. 82 Internet <1

31. 32 Internet <1

32. 29 Publication
A dynamic approach to brand portfolio audit and brand <1
architecture strategy by Brando-2020


1. Internet <1

2. Internet 1

3. Publication 10

4. Internet <1

5. Internet 4
Case Study on In Depth Communication (NTCC)
Neha Rose Toppo
Date: 30-July 2021


The internship opportunity I had with In-depth Communication was a great chance for
learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky
individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for
having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though this
internship period.

Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and
special thanks to the MD of In-depth Communication who in spite of being extraordinarily
busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and
allowing me to carry out my project at their esteemed organization and extending during the
training. I express my deepest thanks to Mr. Nitin or taking part in useful decision & giving
necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to make life easier. I choose this
moment to acknowledge her contribution gratefully. It is my radiant sentiment to place on
record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Mr. Nitin, editor of In-depth
Communication for their careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for
my study both theoretically and practically. I would also like to thank my mentor, Mrs.
Malvika and my HOD Ms. Gurmeet mam for or value valuable guidance have been the
helpful in completing this project and make it a full professional success. Last but not the
least would like to thank senior management and staff of Passion Connect for giving me the
opportunity to work as an intern and for the wonderful experience.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with
all of you in the future.


In-Depth Communication is based in the national capital, New Delhi and so far conducted
successful academic training, workshop, conferences in various reputed institutions of India.
In-Depth Communication is a independent media house operating from New Delhi, India.
Our main work involves in media training and education, media production, communication
research, media awareness, communication consultancy, social media marketing, news
production, publication and production. In-Depth Communication managers portals like,, and also having independent
photography training and workshop firm - PhotoSensor.
About In-depth Communication

In-depth Communication is a growing media firm which aims to provide 360-degree media
solutions and imparting quality in media academic content. They are actively involved in
video production, photography, media marketing, academic research, and publication. Their
motto is to fill the gap between academia and media industrial world where both parties can
rely on.

My Work Profile

I had three options in mind while applying for internship. My most focused area of interest
was “Content writing” and “PR Marketing”. So while I was searching for internships, I found
In-depth communication the best to apply. I never had a formal interview but I had spoken to
Mr. Nitin and answered all the questions asked. He liked my answers so he hired me and
therefore provided me with few topics.

The next day I began to collect information. I framed my script and questions according to
the background information they sent. Then I conducted the interview on the given time and
with the assigned person who I was assigned to. My work as a content writer was to write
articles on various topics given by the editors. I interviewed few teachers and Melissa
Srivastava for my article I asked them questions about their struggles and challenges they are
facing in this pandemic situation. Then I collected all the answers and then I arranged them in
pointers. Afterwards, create a word document and send out via email to the editor. The
articles went into process of editing and then they were published on several online
platforms. I did a lot of research work for my articles which includes taking interviews,
reading blogs and etc.

Articles Assigned

To begin with I was assigned with the topic “How online education affects learning in covid
19” which had me interviewing several teachers and aspiring teachers. I enquired them about
their challenges and difficulties in this pandemic situation. Generally, without the studying
atmosphere and the lack of one-to-one interaction, leaves the teachers as well as students in
doubt. In addition to that, a classroom and interaction with peers are very important in the
school years. It provides student with a neutral environment for social interactions that aids in
developing skills like setting boundaries, learning cooperation, and empathy. I interviewed
few of the home tutors. They were the most affected as they were completely unemployed.
Families did not allow students post lockdown as it was risky. They tried to take online
tutoring but were unsuccessful as they were new to this online education and some faced
difficulty with the network issues. The main struggle seen was the loss of motivation and a
sense of discipline. Few school teachers said “Sometimes we are able to communicate with
students well enough however I believe explaining & interacting physically with students
develop a better impact on their learning”. She told me Active students are most likely to
participate by questioning and answering during class went down when studying online. I
jotted down all the notes and then wrote them down together.

Furthermore, the next topic assigned to write on “Social media and hobby development”, the
major concerned area for this article to know “how do people cherish their hobbies on social
media in pandemic”. So, I chose- music, as it is most likely to be seen. I had the greatest
opportunity to talk to Melissa Srivastava, she’s an online sensation and is well known in
youngsters. She is really nice and answered all the questions very kindly. Most of the
Instagram influencers have turned out to be musicians and now creating their own kind of
contents. Melissa, just like everyone, began to upload videos of her singing and playing
guitar. Little did she knew that one day she would go viral. Some musicians like Shilpa Rao,
Badshah have started to make music on Instagram. They do live sessions and engage with
their fans, which feels so nice to just listen to them. Social media lets us enjoy the person
heart-to-heart is what they say. Due to pandemic, many people fell short of money as well as
some became jobless. However, social media became their path to success.

In conclusion, I was assigned with the topic of “Fake news and Covid-19”. I had to do a
research work on the top fake news that went viral in covid 19. Therefore, I surfed on Google
and found a lot of fake news that led to many deaths in the whole world. Many fraudsters did
not stop making money in such difficult times too. People were fooled by many fake
pharmaceutical companies. Some religious practitioners also fooled their worshippers who
were vulnerable and gave them advices like “Drink warm water, it will go down to the
stomach” or “Hold your breath for 10 seconds to check if your lungs are healthy”. WHO had
given certain guidelines to follow but due to government’s failure, people did not get the
authentic news. Misinformation spreads the fastest here and everyone had their perspective of
it..Coronavirus could have been prevented quicker but it was the mostly the intelligence

Learnings and Challenges

My learning experience was different than anything I usually do in my day-to-day life. When
I interviewed teachers for my first assignment, to see their struggles was another kind of
experience. But having to talk to them about it, made them feel better. It made me realize that
they needed to be heard. I learnt a lot about their life and interests. For my next assignment, I
got to talk to Melissa Srivastava was the best experience for me. I admire her so much and
love her music. Having to know that she has seen my content was extremely overwhelming.
As two individuals, liking to make music and coming together to talk about it felt really great.
She also taught me a few chords and songs that I liked. Also, for the last assignment, I had a
20 21
great experience mainly for the research work and acknowledging the fact that fake news
spreads faster than the virus for some really great insights to have. Addressing people’s
problems, struggles and difficulties in my content, as a writer was the best opportunity, this
also gave me exposure and broader outlook of the world that how to work in professional
sectors and following an interest and passion. These skills will definitely be very beneficial
for me for the rest of my life as well as for my future as now I'm having some experience in
working in corporate and professional areas this journey was so much exciting and interesting
for me and learning new abilities and going across the borders of my life and imagination to
make myself better. But I learnt to deal with the challenges too. As we all live across states
and the only medium connecting us is through social media. One to One interaction would
make me understand things better and I could be empathetically helpful to them while
addressing their problems. I would really love to meet these amazing people in real life but
due to the covid-19 situations as we are all stuck at our homes so I was not able to meet them
face to face and it might have created a communication barrier at some points. Network
connections were the main struggle talking online. It would ruin the flow in between or
bandwidth issues just made it difficult to interview them. Practical experience is always great
and increase your knowledge and horizon. The opportunity given to us by our university is a
lifetime experience for beginners like us and I am sure in future also will get similar kind of
opportunities and partial experience.


In-depth Communication is the best place to apply for people who are beginning to learn
content writing. It is a great platform to showcase your writing skills and achieve good
learnings. It was an incredible first-time experience as the mentors and editors were
extremely kind and humble, they were always available whenever I seeked help. The date of
submission was given way earlier so that I have time to prep up and begin with my research.
Topics allotted to me were very known so that I had no difficulty while writing about them.
Such opportunity gave me the experience of not only writing, but also conducting interviews
and talking to influencers. I am so grateful for all my mentors and seniors for helping me
throughout. I met many people and learnt many things from them, and from their profession
and from their lifestyle and things of life journey how they overcome their struggles and
challenges and finally pursued their passion and how they successfully came to be known by
the world. Apart from that it will give me experience for my future and the rest of my life.
Now I know how with the use of minimum resources and sitting in my home I interacted with
multiple personalities and manage to create an interactive session. I have found out what my
strengths and weaknesses are; I gained new knowledge and skills and virtually met many new
people. I achieved many of my learning goals, however, for some conditions it was all a
virtual experience but I liked my work at In-depth communication. I would love to have more
opportunities like this in future. This internship has been an excellent and rewarding
experience. Needless to say, the technical aspects of the internship work I have done are not
flawless and could be improved provided enough time.

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