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PYP Planner

Class/grade 班级:Year 5 五年级 Age group 年龄:10-11
School 学校:CGS 广东碧桂园学校 School code 学校代码:1339
Title 单元题目: Space exploration 探索太空

Date 日期:Sep. 6-Oct.23 2015 2015 年 9 月 6 日-10 月 23 日
Proposed duration 建议所需时 number of hours 18 小时 over number of weeks 8

Planning the inquiry 备课阶段

1. What is our purpose? 我们的目的是什么?
To inquire into the following 就以下方面展开探究
transdisciplinary theme 超学科主题:
How The World Works: An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction
between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use
their understandings of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological
advances on society and on the environment.


central idea 中心思想:

The exploration and technology of space influence how we understand the world.


Summative assessment task(s) 总结性评估作业:

What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the central idea?
What evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we look for? 有哪些方法可以用来评

1. Hold a promotion conference for space travel companies. Students cooperate to work
out plans for their company's operation.


For space tourism company, students planning company operating scheme of

2. Set up a space agency. (Departments include: R&D centre for space clothes, R&D
centre for space technology, R&D centre for food and beverage, R&D centre for aircraft)
组建宇航局(饮食研发部 太空服装研发部 太空技术研发部 飞行器研发部等)

3. A debate on whether the research on space technology will benefit people's life.


2. What do we want to learn? 我们的教学内容是什么?

What are the key concepts to be emphasized within this inquiry? 本探究单元要强调的重要
Form 形式 What it is like?它是什么样的? √
Function 功能 How does it work?它如何工作的?
Causation 因果 Why is it like it is? 它为什么成为今天这个样子?
Change 变化 How is it changing? 它如何变化的? √
Connection 联系 How is it connected to other things?它如何与其他事物相联系的? √
Perspective 观点 What are the points of view?有什么看法?
Responsibility 责任 What is our responsibility?我们有什么责任?
Reflection 反思 How we know what we know 如何知道我们知道了什么

What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea? 哪些探究线索
The Planetary system in the solar system 太阳系中的行星体系

The history of human's exploration of space 人类对太空探索的历史

The Influence of space technology on our lives 太空技术对我们生活的影响

What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries?老师将以哪些问题或启发来

Questions 问题:

Do you believe there are aliens? 你相信有外星人存在吗?

What is in the space? 太空里面有些什么?

Do you think there will be another planet for human to live on?


What space technologies have been applied in our daily lives?


Do you want to travel to the space? 你想过到太空去旅游吗?

Provocations 启发:

Put planet models and posters about the space in the classroom. Let the students deepen
their understanding about the space.


3. How might we know what we have learned? 我们如何评估教学的效果?

What are the possible ways of assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills? What evidence
will we look for? 有哪些可能的方法来评估学生已经掌握的知识与技能?将考察哪些证据?

Students brainstorm: what do you know about the space? Finish the mind map and share
with others. “关于太空,你了解些什么?”学生进行头脑风暴,完成思维导图并分享。

Read literal materials about the space, watch the video and finish the CSIW form.阅读有关
太空的文字资料,观看视频,完成 CSIW 表格。

What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines of inquiry?
What evidence will we look for? 有哪些可能的方法来评估学生根据探究线索所开展的学习?我

Watch movies and documentaries about the space. Read related books and materials. Let
the students share their feelings. 观看有关太空电影《地心引力》,纪录片《宇宙与人》、

Recommend articles about the space for the students to read. Finish the reading
feedback. 给学生推荐关于太空的文章阅读:

Recommend books about the space for the students to read. 给学生推荐阅读关于太空的

Recommend APPs to the students and learn about the planets in the solar system. 给学生
推荐 APP 软件,重点了解太阳系的行星。

Collect data and make the solar system model. 搜集资料,制作太阳系模型。

Analyze the materials and make the time line about space history.整理资料,制作太空探究

Visit the Guangdong Science Museum. Fill in the record and share with others.实地参观广
Making conclusion: How space technology influence human life

4. How best might we learn?我们如何最有效地开展教学?

What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to encourage the
students to engage with the inquiries and address the driving questions? 教师/或学生建议进

Tuning in 前期评估

Watch movies and documentaries about space. Read related books and materials. Let the
students share their knowledge about the space and brainstorm to finish the mind map


Finding out and sorting out 搜集资料、分析资料:

Let the students search for materials about the space. For example: recommend some
articles about the space for students to read, guide the students to collect video or literal
data and save them in the Baidu Cloud. Use different Apps to collect materials for the eight

并指导孩子适时地保存到班级云盘。 充分利用 APP 软件,搜集太阳系八大行星资料。

Let the students read the materials they have collected. Analyze and pick up important
information. Make information cards and physical model diagrams of the solar system.
Compare and analyze the information, write an essay "Why we live on the Earth". Make
posters and little handbooks about planets and solar systems and share in the groups.


Going further 深入探究

Do experiments and take records: Sunshine duration and measure of the altitude angle of
the sun. Study about the revolution and rotation of the Earth through the experiments.

Through the experiment to understand the revolution and rotation of the earth.

Read "The history of space exploration". Group the students according to their interests
and make time line about the space exploration.


Visit the observatory. Use the astronomical telescope to observe the Sun and the Moon.
Understand the cause of solar eclipse and unar eclipse.


Make water rocket and study about the method of how rocket launches.


Do a experiment of how a egg hit the Earth. Think about how to protect the egg and
experience how the re-entry capsule land on the Earth.


6. Visit the Guangdong Science Museum and learn about space technology and the
history of manned space flight.


Reflect 积极反思

Each group will do a feedback after each line of inquiry.


The initiative of inquiry is in each inquiry class. Every student has some things to do. In
each step of the inquiry circle, the students will not depend on others. Some are
responsible for collecting information; some are responsible for making PPT; some are
responsible for making posters; some are responsible for writing script; some are
responsible for recording films; some are responsible for making keynote or iMovie… The
preparation of each group is in order and the students all learn to cooperate and
communicate with others.

有的人负责编剧本,有的人负责搜资料,有的人负责 ppt,有的人负责制作海报、有的负责
写剧本、有的负责制作道具、有的则负责录制视频、制作 keynote、创作 iMovie……每个组

Taking actions 采取行动

Act a short play about the space.

Write a science fiction: "I am on the _____ planet" or "Built a new space city"

科幻想象作文:我来到 星,创建新型太空城

Mini exhibition: Plan for a space travel company and do a presentation.


What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for the
development of the attributes of the learner profile? 可以设计哪些活动培养学生的超学科

Transdisciplinary skills 超学科技能:

Research skills 研究技能 ——

Collecting data and information 收集数据资料

Analyzing data and information 解读数据资料

Thinking skills 思考技能 ——

Analyzing 分析

Being able to find out the features of different planets. Make poster and time line.


Integrating 综合

Being able to cooperate and make the model of solar system.


10 learner profiles 学习者培养目标:

Inquirers 积极探究 ——

Make and present the model of the solar system.


Knowledgeable 知识渊博

Read and watch books or videos about the space.


Thinkers 勤于思考

Study about which planets are not suitable for us to live and why.

5. What resources need to be gathered? 我们需要收集哪些教学资源?
What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software,
etc, will be available? 哪些有关人、地点、音像资料、相关的图书资料、音乐作品、美术作品、
Observatory, classroom, computer room, library, models of planets/ solar system, movies ,
books, card paper, colored pen etc.

科技馆,天文台,教室,iPad,图书馆,星球模型,电影,书籍, 卡纸,彩色笔等

How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to
facilitate the inquiry? 如何利用课堂环境、当地环境和/或社区来促进探究?
School library, school observatory and school lab.


Reflecting on the inquiry 反思阶段

6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose? 我们的教学目标达到了什么程度?
Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students’ understanding of the
central idea. The reflections of all teachers involved in the planning and teaching of the inquiry
should be included. 通过学生对中心思想的理解来评估探究的成效。所有参与制定探究计划和
1. Students watch the posters. Find clues and make the space time line. Study about the
history of space exploration. Have a deeper understanding of the launch of satellites and
the development of the space.


2. Before the inquiry starts, the Chinese teaching group revised the "Comprehensive
textbook for language A" and provide many articles related to space for the students to
read. Students like to read them very much. APPs like "Exploring the space", "Star map"
and "Solar walk" provide not only literal information, but also instruments to observe the
sky. These all benefit a lot In the students learning process.

探究前,语文教研组编订的《语言 A 综合读本》,为学生提供了大量与“太空”有关的文章,
学生特别喜欢阅读,在阅读的同时,拓展了许多知识。苹果 APP 软件《探索太空的奥秘》、
《星图》、以及《Solar Walk》,不但给同学们提供了大量的文字信息是数学信息,还提供了

3. The final mini exhibition shows the students understanding of the planets and the usage
of space technology. Students also show their understanding of the central Idea.


How you could improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would have a more accurate
picture of each student’s understanding of the central idea. 可以如何改进评估作业/任务,以便

Some products, plants or food produced by the space technology help to make our lives
more convenient. If the students can see or touch or feel them, they can understand the
central idea better.


What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the
transdisciplinary theme?有哪些证据显示出中心思想与超学科主题之间的联系?

1. Through the exploration of the solar system, the students learn about the rules of the


2. Through the exploration of space technology's influence on human life, students can
understand not only how human use science theories, but also understand how science and
technology influence the society and environment.


7. To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP? 我们在什么程度上包括了小学

项目的 5 大要素?

What were the learning experiences that enabled students to 有哪些学习体验使学生能够:

●develop an understanding of the concepts identified in “What do we want to learn?” 发展
●demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary skills? 显示对具
●develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes? 培养学生者培养目标
In each case, explain your selection. 请分别进行举例阐述:

What were the learning experiences that enabled students to:

develop an understanding of the concepts identified in “What do we want to learn?”


Key concepts 重要概念

Form: Students study about the planet system by watching movie, collecting information,
analyzing the planets and making the solar system model. 形式:学生通过看电影、查阅资

Connection: Students study about the planet system by watching movie, collecting
information, analyzing the planets and making the solar system model. 联系:在探究第三

Change: Through watching the poster ad making the time line of the history of . 变化:通

demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary skills? 我们


Thinking skills:

Analyzing: Students can find the difference between planets.

Comprehension: Cooperate in groups to make solar system model. Understand the scale
and operation of planets. Plan for a space travel company, and think about the accuracy
and importance of providing data.




Research skills:

Collecting data: Collect information from the Internet or book. Learn knowledge about the
planet system.

Analyzing data: Analyze the data and think about why human can live on the Earth. Why is
the Mars not suitable for us to live on?


develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes? 我们是怎样培养


态度 Attitudes:

Curiosity: Students are willing to learn more about the space. 好奇:根据学生的再次提问,

Independence: When planning for the space travel company, the students will actively
think and do something. All the designs are creative. 独立:在策划太空旅游公司时,发现

Creativity: Being able to present the research results creatively. 创意:能有创意地展示小


8.What student-initiated inquiries arose from the learning? 在学习过程中出现了哪些学生


Record a range of student-initiated inquiries and student questions and highlight any
that were incorporated into the teaching and learning.
Read books and watch videos about the space. 阅读/观看各种与太空有关的书籍和视频。

student questions 学生提出的问题:

What is in the universe? 宇宙里有什么?

Is the universe boundless? 宇宙真的无边吗?

Can the black hole inhale everything? Will everything in the universe be inhaled by a huge
black hole one day? 黑洞真能把所有东西吸进去吗?有没有一天宇宙里面所以物体都被一

Is there an alien? 真的有外星人存在吗?

What is the difference between the black hole and the worm hole? Which one is bigger?

When did human start to explore the space? 人类是何时开始探索太空的?

What will our life be like without satellites? 如果没有卫星,我们的生活会变成怎样?

(At this point teachers should go back to box 2 “What do we want to learn?” and highlight the
teacher questions/provocations that were most effective in driving the inquiries. 这时,建议教
师回顾栏目 2“我们的教学内容是什么”,并标注出最能推动探究的教师问题和启发)
student-initiated inquiries 学生自发采取的探究活动:

What student-initiated actions arose from the learning? 学生在探究过程中有哪些自发的

Record student-initiated actions taken by individuals or groups showing their ability to reflect,
to choose and to act. 请记录学生个人或小组自发开展的行动,显示他们反思、选择和采取行动

Use different ways to present the solar system 用各种形式展示太阳系

Create PPT, iBook, iMovies and scripts about the space. 自创各种与太空有关的 PPT、

Cooperate and make a water rocket. 合作制作水火箭

9. Teacher notes 教师评注

Further reflections and connections to other central ideas, transdisciplinary themes or
single-subject areas should be included where appropriate.如果合适,应包括对其他中心思想、

Highlights 亮点:

The students are very interested in this theme. As they learn more knowledge, they are
able to ask more questions.


Before the inquiry starts, the Chinese teaching group revised the "Comprehensive
textbook for language A" and provide many articles related to space for the students to
read. Students like to read them very much. APPs like "Exploring the space", "Star map"
and "Solar walk" provide not only literal information, but also instruments to observe the
sky. These all benefit the students learning process.

探究前,语文教研组编订的《语言 A 综合读本》,为学生提供了大量与“太空”有关的文章,
学生特别喜欢阅读,在阅读的同时,拓展了许多知识。苹果 APP 软件《探索太空的奥秘》、
《星图》、以及《Solar Walk》,不但给同学们提供了大量的文字信息和数学信息,还提供了
During the inquiry process, the students not only collect but also analyze their materials.
They use their Chinese reading skills to find clues for their deeper inquiry. They use their
maths skills to compare and analyze and draw the conclusion.



Emphasize on developing the students' ability of practice. They will make solar system
model and water rocket.

注重培养同学们的动手实践能力,DIY 太阳系模型,水火箭研制和改装等。

The students are interested in the space travel company. They are active to do the
research and combine their knowledge with their practical lives.


Weakness 不足:

The time for the inquiry is not enough. There are many good videos, but they don't have
the time to watch them. However, some inquiries are still superficial.


Some students don’t know much about the space. So they don’t know how to start their
inquiry. And since some students are not interested in this topic, their inquiry is very


We have designed many activities, but we don't have enough tutors. So we cannot take
every student’s interest into consideration.


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