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Ch 3 Cell Practice Test

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Substances outside the cell membrane are called 

A. intracellular material.
B. extracellular material.
C. intercellular material.
D. Both extracellular material and intercellular material are correct names.
E. All of these are correct names.

2. Phospholipid molecules 
A. have a phosphate-containing end that is nonpolar.
B. have a fatty acid end that is polar.
C. are arranged in a double layer in the cell membrane.
D. are not found in the cell membrane.
E. have all of these characteristics.

3. A cell that was producing large amounts of lipoproteins (proteins combined with lipids) for secretion from the
cell would have large numbers of 
A. lysosomes.
B. Golgi apparatus.
C. centrioles.
D. membrane transporters.
E. all of these structures.

4. Which of the following cell organelles is NOT correctly matched with its function? 
A. nucleus — contains genes that determine the structure and function of each cell
B. lysosome — contains digestive enzymes
C. mitochondria — site of protein synthesis
D. Golgi apparatus — packages proteins in secretory vesicles
E. smooth ER — site of lipid synthesis

5. White blood cells that take up bacteria through phagocytosis would be expected to have large numbers of 
A. mitochondria.
B. microtubules.
C. nucleoli.
D. lysosomes.
E. cilia.

6. Which of these cells would most likely have the largest number of mitochondria? 
A. bone cells
B. muscle cells
C. fat cells
D. blood cells
E. skin cells

7. Which of these structures are NOT correctly matched with their description? 
A. microvilli — extensions of the cell membrane that increase surface area for absorption
B. cilia and flagella — constructed from microtubules
C. cilia — projections from the cell surface that move materials embedded in mucus
D. microtubules — hollow tubules composed of protein; support the cytoplasm
E. flagella — short projections from cell surface; many per cell

8. Substances transported across the plasma membrane by carrier molecules 

A. are said to be transported by carrier-mediated processes.
B. include glucose and amino acid molecules.
C. are each transported by a specific type of carrier molecule.
D. include larger molecules that are not lipid-soluble.
E. All of these are correct.

9. The process called diffusion 
A. is the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
B. is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules, and ions in a solution.
C. always produces net movement of materials against the concentration gradient for that material.
D. is both the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration and is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules, and ions in a solution are
E. is both the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration and always produces net movement of materials against the concentration gradient for that

10. Salt was added to a beaker of distilled water (it was not stirred). A sample taken from the bottom of the
beaker was found to be 20 percent salt. At the same time, a sample taken from the top of the beaker was found
to be 2 percent salt. What do you predict will happen if the beaker is left alone for 24 hours? I predict that the 
A. difference in percent salt between the top and bottom samples would be even greater.
B. percent salt in top and bottom samples would be approximately equal to each other.
C. percent salt in the top sample would be much greater than the percent salt in the bottom sample.
D. samples would still be 2 percent and 20 percent, respectively.

11. Osmosis 
A. involves the diffusion of solute particles.
B. can cause a cell to shrink when placed in a hypotonic solution.
C. occurs through a selectively permeable membrane.
D. can cause a cell to rupture when placed in a hypertonic solution.
E. can cause a cell to shrink when placed in a hypotonic solution and can cause a cell to rupture when placed in
a hypertonic solution.

12. If sugar solution A, which is twice as concentrated as solution B, is separated from solution B by a
selectively permeable membrane, 
A. there would be a net movement of water from A to B.
B. there would be a net movement of water from B to A.
C. there would be no net movement of water.
D. there would be a net movement of solutes from A to B
E. there would be a net movement of solutes from B to A

13. A red blood cell placed in distilled water would be expected to 
A. swell and lyse.
B. shrink and lyse.
C. swell and crenate.
D. shrink and crenate.

14. Active transport 
A. can move substances against their concentration gradient.
B. requires metabolic energy (ATPs).
C. may exchange one substance for another.
D. involves carrier molecules.
E. All of these are characteristics of active transport.

15. Movement through small holes in a partition in response to a pressure difference is called 

A. lysis.
B. facilitated transport.
C. filtration.
D. crenation.
E. Both filtration and crenation are correct names.

16. Which of the following statements concerning facilitated diffusion is correct? 

A. Facilitated diffusion involves the use of ATP.
B. Facilitated diffusion involves carrier molecules in the plasma membrane.
C. Facilitated diffusion is used to exchange one substance for another.
D. Facilitated diffusion is one specific type of endocytosis.
E. Facilitated diffusion occurs during filtration.

17. Endocytosis 
A. involves the formation of a vesicle by invagination of the cell membrane.
B. involves the movement of materials to the outside of the cell.
C. is the opposite of phagocytosis.
D. is a kind of active transport.
E. involves the movement of materials to the outside of the cell and is the opposite of phagocytosis.

18.  Translation  
A.  requires two types of DNA.
B.  requires the pairing of codons on tRNA with anticodons on mRNA.
C.  involves copying RNA from DNA molecules.
D.  involves formation of peptide bonds between adjacent amino acids.
E.  All of these are true of translation.

19.  Transcription  
A.  takes place in the nucleus of the cell.
B.  occurs when double strands of DNA separate, and RNA nucleotides pair with DNA nucleotides.
C.  produces mRNA.
D.  determines the sequence of codons on a particular mRNA molecule.
E.  All of these are true of transcription.

20. Given these events:

1) DNA transcribes mRNA.
2) tRNA pairs with mRNA.
3) mRNA passes from nucleus into cytoplasm.
4) Peptide bonds are formed.
The most correct sequence for the occurrence of these events in protein synthesis is 
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,3,2,4
C. 1,2,4,2
D. 1,4,3,2
E. 4,3,1,2

Ch 3 Cell Practice Test Key

1. Substances outside the cell membrane are called 

a. intracellular material.
b. extracellular material.
c. intercellular material.
D. Both extracellular material and intercellular material are correct names.
e. All of these are correct names.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 003 Cell... #1
Type: Knowledge

2. Phospholipid molecules 
a. have a phosphate-containing end that is nonpolar.
b. have a fatty acid end that is polar.
C. are arranged in a double layer in the cell membrane.
d. are not found in the cell membrane.
e. have all of these characteristics.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 003 Cell... #3
Type: Knowledge

3. A cell that was producing large amounts of lipoproteins (proteins combined with lipids) for secretion from the
cell would have large numbers of 
a. lysosomes.
B. Golgi apparatus.
c. centrioles.
d. membrane transporters.
e. all of these structures.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 003 Cell... #6
Type: Comprehension
4. Which of the following cell organelles is NOT correctly matched with its function? 
a. nucleus — contains genes that determine the structure and function of each cell
b. lysosome — contains digestive enzymes
C. mitochondria — site of protein synthesis
d. Golgi apparatus — packages proteins in secretory vesicles
e. smooth ER — site of lipid synthesis

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #7
Type: Knowledge

5. White blood cells that take up bacteria through phagocytosis would be expected to have large numbers of 
a. mitochondria.
b. microtubules.
c. nucleoli.
D. lysosomes.
e. cilia.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #9
Type: Comprehension

6. Which of these cells would most likely have the largest number of mitochondria? 
a. bone cells
B. muscle cells
c. fat cells
d. blood cells
e. skin cells

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #10
Type: Comprehension

7. Which of these structures are NOT correctly matched with their description? 
a. microvilli — extensions of the cell membrane that increase surface area for absorption
b. cilia and flagella — constructed from microtubules
c. cilia — projections from the cell surface that move materials embedded in mucus
d. microtubules — hollow tubules composed of protein; support the cytoplasm
E. flagella — short projections from cell surface; many per cell

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #12
Type: Knowledge

8. Substances transported across the plasma membrane by carrier molecules 

a. are said to be transported by carrier-mediated processes.
b. include glucose and amino acid molecules.
c. are each transported by a specific type of carrier molecule.
d. include larger molecules that are not lipid-soluble.
E. All of these are correct.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #15
Type: Knowledge

9. The process called diffusion 

a. is the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
b. is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules, and ions in a solution.
c. always produces net movement of materials against the concentration gradient for that material.
D. is both the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration and is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules, and ions in a solution are
e. is both the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration and always produces net movement of materials against the concentration gradient for that

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #16
Type: Knowledge

10. Salt was added to a beaker of distilled water (it was not stirred). A sample taken from the bottom of the
beaker was found to be 20 percent salt. At the same time, a sample taken from the top of the beaker was found
to be 2 percent salt. What do you predict will happen if the beaker is left alone for 24 hours? I predict that the 
a. difference in percent salt between the top and bottom samples would be even greater.
B. percent salt in top and bottom samples would be approximately equal to each other.
c. percent salt in the top sample would be much greater than the percent salt in the bottom sample.
d. samples would still be 2 percent and 20 percent, respectively.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #18
Type: Application
11. Osmosis 
a. involves the diffusion of solute particles.
b. can cause a cell to shrink when placed in a hypotonic solution.
C. occurs through a selectively permeable membrane.
d. can cause a cell to rupture when placed in a hypertonic solution.
e. can cause a cell to shrink when placed in a hypotonic solution and can cause a cell to rupture when placed in
a hypertonic solution.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 003 Cell... #19
Type: Knowledge

12. If sugar solution A, which is twice as concentrated as solution B, is separated from solution B by a
selectively permeable membrane, 
a. there would be a net movement of water from A to B.
B. there would be a net movement of water from B to A.
c. there would be no net movement of water.
d. there would be a net movement of solutes from A to B
e. there would be a net movement of solutes from B to A

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #21
Type: Application

13. A red blood cell placed in distilled water would be expected to 
A. swell and lyse.
b. shrink and lyse.
c. swell and crenate.
d. shrink and crenate.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #22
Type: Comprehension
14. Active transport 
a. can move substances against their concentration gradient.
b. requires metabolic energy (ATPs).
c. may exchange one substance for another.
d. involves carrier molecules.
E. All of these are characteristics of active transport.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #25
Type: Knowledge

15. Movement through small holes in a partition in response to a pressure difference is called 

a. lysis.
b. facilitated transport.
C. filtration.
d. crenation.
e. Both filtration and crenation are correct names.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 003 Cell... #24
Type: Knowledge

16. Which of the following statements concerning facilitated diffusion is correct? 

a. Facilitated diffusion involves the use of ATP.
B. Facilitated diffusion involves carrier molecules in the plasma membrane.
c. Facilitated diffusion is used to exchange one substance for another.
d. Facilitated diffusion is one specific type of endocytosis.
e. Facilitated diffusion occurs during filtration.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 003 Cell... #26
Type: Knowledge
17. Endocytosis 
A. involves the formation of a vesicle by invagination of the cell membrane.
b. involves the movement of materials to the outside of the cell.
c. is the opposite of phagocytosis.
d. is a kind of active transport.
e. involves the movement of materials to the outside of the cell and is the opposite of phagocytosis.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 003 Cell... #27
Type: Knowledge

18.  Translation  
a.  requires two types of DNA.
b.  requires the pairing of codons on tRNA with anticodons on mRNA.
c.  involves copying RNA from DNA molecules.
D.  involves formation of peptide bonds between adjacent amino acids.
e.  All of these are true of translation.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #28
Type: Knowledge

19.  Transcription  
a.  takes place in the nucleus of the cell.
b.  occurs when double strands of DNA separate, and RNA nucleotides pair with DNA nucleotides.
c.  produces mRNA.
d.  determines the sequence of codons on a particular mRNA molecule.
E.  All of these are true of transcription.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 003 Cell... #29
Type: Knowledge
20. Given these events:
1) DNA transcribes mRNA.
2) tRNA pairs with mRNA.
3) mRNA passes from nucleus into cytoplasm.
4) Peptide bonds are formed.
The most correct sequence for the occurrence of these events in protein synthesis is 
a. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,3,2,4
c. 1,2,4,2
d. 1,4,3,2
e. 4,3,1,2

Difficulty: Hard
Seeley - 003 Cell... #30
Type: Comprehension
Category #  of  Questions
Difficulty: Easy 7
Difficulty: Hard 1
Difficulty: Moderate 12
Seeley - 003 Cell... 20
Type: Application 2
Type: Comprehension 5
Type: Knowledge 13

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