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English work

(Past of verb To Be)

Belonging to: Alexandra Hernández

Teacher: Nancy Sierra

Grade: 7°C

College Relief

Malambo - Atlantic


Practica #1: Redacta 2 oraciones en forma negativa y 2 oraciones en forma

interrogativa usando el verbo TO BE en pasado.

Negative Interrogativa
I was not at the park Was he reading?
We were not best friends Was she cooking a cake?

Práctica #2: Escribe 3 oraciones usando el verbo TO BE en presente y pasado:

Presente Pasado
I am at my friend’s house I was at my friend’s house
You are eating chicken You were eating chicken
He is angry.   He was angry

Practica #3: Ahora realiza 5 oraciones en cada forma por cada pronombre

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogativa form

I am in Europe. You are not in Europe Is he in Europe?
she was in Europe They were not in Europe Were we in Europe?
It pen was red It is not a pen Were you eating?

Etapa de formación continuada

Actividad #1

1. Piensa en qué forma es correcta en cada espacio. Tienes que escoger una
de las dos opciones posibles del verbo to be en pasado:

a. Was
b. Were
c. Were
d. Was
2. Transforma las siguientes oraciones del presente al pasado y tradúcelas.

a. Those trousers was expensive.
b. My boyfriend and I were mathematicians.
c. My uncle’s dog was so loyal.
d. I was tired today.
a. Esos pantalones son caros.
b. Mi novio y yo éramos matemáticos
c. El perro de mi tío era muy leal
d. Estaba cansado hoy.

Actividad #2
Las siguientes frases están en presente. Escríbelas en pasado

1. I was not a teacher.

2. they were having a party
3. We were delighted to see him.
4. He was still sleeping.
5. She was a bit scared.
6. You was not on the list.
7. This was not a cat.
8. you were all at school
Actividad #3
Completa estas frases con las palabras necesarias para que estén en pasado

1. Were
2. was
3. Were
4. Was
5. Were
6. Was
7. Was
8. Was

Actividad #4
Ahora viene una parte importante: Piensa en algún momento de tu pasado,
quizás tu niñez, y describe cómo eras en aquel momento. Utiliza otros verbos
aparte de «to be» si lo necesitas, pero mantenlo todo en pasado. Tienes un
ejemplo aquí. ¡Adelante!
As a child, I was very shy. I did not like to play with other children and I was
always alone. My parents were worried about me, but I think I was happy that
way, with my pictures and my imagination. I was always making up stories and
drawing them. Maybe that was why I became an illustrator later. I was not
interested in school at all, but I managed to get good marks, and all my teachers
were very impressed and said I was exceptionally smart. I don’t know if they
were right, but I did very well in high school and university later on.
When I was a girl I won an award for being the best skater in the skating competition,
before the competition I practiced and I fell I got hit a lot but my parents told me not to
give up and that I could get up alone, my friends and I We were nervous when they
were going to announce the winner and when I knew I was going to win I was happy
and I thanked God for the achievement.
My mother was ill My friends were happy

They were angry The pizza was delicious

You were bored The dog was hungry

He was very tall The coffe was too hot

l the weather was cold You were tired

The children were excited It was very rainy

We were late The cat was scared

My parents were proud I was sleepy

Am was

Is was

are were
are were

Is was

are were

Is was

are were

am was

are were
are were

are were

are were

are were

is was

is was

are were
criterios me evaluó 1.0-3.9 4.0-6.9 7.0-7.9 8.0-8.9 9.0-10.0
muy bajo bajo básico alto superior
Participación y Realicé todas las actividades
autonomía y compromisos de mis guías

Actitud Realicé todas las actividades
con buen:
 Entusiasmo
 Motivación 10.0,
 Respuesta a los porque con
comunicados entusiasmo
somos más
Cumplimiento. He sido responsable y
Responsabilidad puntual en la entrega de mis
Puntualidad. compromisos y guías.
9.0, por
de luz
Apropiación de los He comprendido el tema y
temas tratados sé aplicarlo.

practico se
me hace
más fácil
Presentación de  Yo mismo realicé
los trabajos, guías, mis guías.
actividades y  He entregado mis
compromisos trabajos y/o guías 10.0 sin
organizados y ayuda, yo
claros. sola, no
 Utilicé el corta y utilice el
pega en mis guías corta y
 Lo hice yo pega, cosas
que no
las buscaba
Respeto por las He usado bien las normas y
normas y buen reglas de la Educación
comportamiento virtual / distancia
en los espacios 10.0, la
virtuales. obediencia
ante todo.

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