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Determine the (1) range, (2) mean absolute deviation, (3) sample and population

variance, (4) sample and population standard deviation (5) coefficient of variation, (6)

quartile deviation and (7) percentile range.

1. The following were the final grades of the top five students: 93, 91, 92, 89, 99.

a. Range = Highest Observation – Lowest Observation

Range = 99 – 89

Range = 10

b. MAD = (Σ|x- x̄ |)/N

X̄ = 92.8

0.2 + 1.8 + 0.8 + 3.8 + 6.2 = 12.8

MAD= 12.8/5

MAD = 2.56

c. Population Variance = [Σ (x- µ) ^2]/N

0.2^2 + 1.8^2 + 0.8 ^2 + 3.8 ^2 + 6.2 ^2 =

0.04 + 3.24 + 0.64 + 14.44 + 38.44 = 56.8

Population Variance = (56.8)/5

Population Variance = 11.36

Sample Variance = [Σ (x- Mn) ^2]/N-1

Sample Variance = (56.8)/4

Sample Variance = 14.2

d. Population standard deviation = √Population Variance

Population standard deviation = √11.36

Population standard deviation = 3.37

Sample standard deviation = √Sample Variance

Sample standard deviation = √14.2

Sample standard deviation = 3.77

e. Coefficient of Variation = (SD/µ) (100%)

CV= (3.77/92.8) (100%) = 4.06%

f. Quartile division = (Q3-Q1)/2

Q3 = (3)(5)/4 = 3.75 = 4th item = 93

Q1 = 5/4 = 1.25 = 2nd item = 91

QD = (93-91)/2

QD= 1

g. Percentile Range = P90-P10

P90 = (90)(5)/100 = 4.5 = 5th item = 99

P10 = (10)(5)/100 = 0.5 = 1st item = 89

PR = 99-89

PR = 10

2. A sample of chicken meat from 7 supermarkets produced the following data on their prices:

56, 47, 68, 55, 71, 52, 62.

a. Range = Highest Observation – Lowest Observation

Range = 71 – 47

Range = 24

b. MAD = (Σ|x- x̄ |)/N

x̄ = 58.71

2.71 + 11.71 + 9.29 + 3.71 + 12.29 + 6.71 + 3.29 = 49.71

MAD = 49.71/7

MAD = 7.10

c. Population Variance = [Σ (x- µ) ^2]/N

2.71^2 + 11.71^2 + 9.29^2 + 3.71^2 + 12.29^2 + 6.71^2 + 3.29^2 =

7.34 + 147.12 + 86.30 + 13.76 + 151.04 + 45.02 + 10.82 = 461.4

Population Variance = (461.4)/7

Population Variance = 65.91

Sample Variance = [Σ (x- Mn) ^2]/N-1

Sample Variance = (461.4)/6

Sample Variance = 76.9

d. Population standard deviation = √Population Variance

Population standard deviation = √65.91

Population standard deviation = 8.12

Sample standard deviation = √Sample Variance

Sample standard deviation = √76.9

Sample standard deviation = 8.77

e. Coefficient of Variation = (SD/µ) (100%)

CV = (8.77/58.71) (100%) =14.94%

f. Quartile division = (Q3-Q1)/2

Q3 = (3)(7)/4 = 5.25 = 5th item = 62

Q1 = 7/4 = 1.75 = 2nd item = 52

QD = (62-52)/2

QD = 5

g. Percentile Range = P90-P10

P90 = (90)(7)/100 = 6.3 = 7th item = 71

P10 = (10)(7)/100 = 0.7 = 1st item = 47

PR = 71-47

PR= 24

3. The following table lists the prices of 5 different brands of oven toaster.

Brand Price (in pesos)

Sharp 405
National 375
Samsung 325
Philips 370
G.E. 400
a. Range = Highest Observation – Lowest Observation

Range = 405-325

Range = 80

b. MAD = (Σ|x- x̄ |)/N

X̄ = 375

50 + 5 + 25 + 30 = 110

MAD = 110/5
MAD = 22

c. Population Variance = [Σ (x- µ) ^2]/N

50^2 + 5^2 + 25^2 + 30^2 = 4050

Population Variance = 4050/5

Population Variance = 810

Sample Variance = [Σ (x- Mn) ^2]/N-1

Sample Variance = 4050/4

Sample Variance = 1012.5

d. Population standard deviation = √Population Variance

Population standard deviation = √810

Population standard deviation = 28.46

Sample standard deviation = √Sample Variance

Sample standard deviation = √1012.5

Sample standard deviation = 31.82

e. Coefficient of Variation = (SD/µ) (100%)

Coefficient of Variation = (31.82/375) (100%)

Coefficient of Variation = 8.49%

f. Quartile division = (Q3-Q1)/2

Q3 = (3)(5)/4 = 3.75 = 4th item = 400

Q1 = 5/4 = 1.25 = 2nd item = 370

QD = (400-470)/2

QD = 15

g. Percentile Range = P90-P10

P90 = (90)(5)/100 = 4.5 = 5th item = 405

P10 = (10)(5)/100 = 0.5 = 1st item = 325

PR= 405-325

PR= 80

4. The following data give the number of cars that stopped at a service station during

each of the 10 hours observed: 29, 35, 42, 31, 24, 18, 16, 27, 39, 34
a. Range = Highest Observation – Lowest Observation

Range = 42-16

Range = 26

b. MAD = (Σ|x- x̄ |)/N

X̄ = 29.5

13.5 + 11.5 + 5.5 +2.5 + 0.5 + 1.5 + 4.5 + 5.5 + 9.5 + 12.5 = 67

MAD = 67/10

MAD = 6.7

c. Population Variance = [Σ (x- µ) ^2]/N

13.5^2 + 11.5^2 + 5.5^2 +2.5^2 + 0.5^2 + 1.5^2 + 4.5^2 + 5.5^2 + 9.5^2 + 12.5^2 =

182.25 + 132.25 + 30.25 + 6.25 + 0.25 + 2.25 + 20.25 + 30.25 + 90.25 + 156.25 = 650.5

Population Variance = 650.5/10

Population Variance = 65.05

Sample Variance = [Σ (x- Mn) ^2]/N-1

Sample Variance = 650.5/4

Sample Variance = 72.28

d. Population standard deviation = √Population Variance

Population standard deviation = √65.05

Population standard deviation = 8.07

Sample standard deviation = √Sample Variance

Sample standard deviation = √72.28

Sample standard deviation = 8.50

e. Coefficient of Variation = (SD/µ) (100%)

Coefficient of Variation = (8.50/29.5) (100%)

Coefficient of Variation = 28.81%

f. Quartile division = (Q3-Q1)/2

Q3 = (3)(10)/4 = 7.5 = 8th item = 35

Q1 = 10/4 = 2.5 = 3rd item = 24

QD = (35-24)/2
QD = 5.5

g. Percentile Range = P90-P10

P90 = (90)(10)/100 = 9 = 9th item = 39

P10 = (10)10)/100 = 1 = 1st item = 16

PR= 39-16

PR= 23

5. The following data give the number of new cars sold at a dealership during a 12-day

Period. 13, 5, 9, 6, 8, 11, 9, 15, 4, 11, 7, 5

a. Range = Highest Observation – Lowest Observation

Range = 15-4

Range = 11

h. MAD = (Σ|x- x̄ |)/N

X̄ = 8.58

4.58 + 3.58 + 2.58 + 1.59 + 0.58 + 0.58 + 0.42 + 0.42 + 2.42 + 2.42 + 4.42 + 6.42 = 30.01

MAD = 30.01/12

MAD = 2.5

i. Population Variance = [Σ (x- µ) ^2]/N

4.58^2 + 3.58^2 + 3.58^2 + 2.58^2 + 1.59^2 + 0.58^2 + 0.42^2 + 0.42^2+ 2.42^2 + 2.42^2 + 4.42^2 +
6.42^2 =

20.98 + 12.82 + 12.82+ 6.66 + 2.53 + 0.34 + 0.18 + 0.18 + 5.86 + 5.86 + 19.54 + 41.22 = 128.99

Population Variance = 128.99/12

Population Variance = 10.75

Sample Variance = [Σ (x- Mn) ^2]/N-1

Sample Variance = 128.99/11

Sample Variance = 11.73

j. Population standard deviation = √Population Variance

Population standard deviation = √10.75

Population standard deviation = 3.28

Sample standard deviation = √Sample Variance

Sample standard deviation = √11.73

Sample standard deviation = 3.42

k. Coefficient of Variation = (SD/µ) (100%)

Coefficient of Variation = (3.42/8.58) (100%)

Coefficient of Variation = 39.86%

l. Quartile division = (Q3-Q1)/2

Q3 = (3)(12)/4 = 9 = 9th item = 13

Q1 = 12/4 = 3 = 3rd item = 5

QD = (13-5)/2

QD = 4

m. Percentile Range = P90-P10

P90 = (90)(12)/100 = 10.8 = 11th item = 13

P10 = (10)(12)/100 = 1.2 = 2nd item = 5

PR= 13-5

PR= 8

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